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    TIA STANDARD Project 25 Land Mobile Radio Transceiver Recommendations, Project 25 - Digital Radio Technology, C4FM/CQPSK Modulation TIA-102.CAAB-B (Revision of TIA/EIA-102.CAAB-A) JULY 2004 TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Representing the telecommunications industry in association with the Electronic Industries Alliance ANSI/TIA-102.CAAB-B-2004 Approved: July 8, 2004 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- NOTICE TIA Engineering Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for their particular need. The existence of such Standards and Publications shall not in any respect preclude any member or non-member of TIA from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such Standards and Publications. Neither shall the existence of such Standards and Publications preclude their voluntary use by Non-TIA members, either domestically or internationally. Standards and Publications are adopted by TIA in accordance with the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) patent policy. By such action, TIA does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the Standard or Publication. This Standard does not purport to address all safety problems associated with its use or all applicable regulatory requirements. It is the responsibility of the user of this Standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations before its use. (From Standards Proposal No. 3-4613-RV2, formulated under the cognizance of the TIA TR-8.6 Subcommittee on Transceiver Performance Recommendations.) Published by ©TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 2004 Standards and Technology Department 2500 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22201 U.S.A. PRICE: Please refer to current Catalog of TIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION STANDARDS AND ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS or call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179) International (303-397-7956) or search online at http:/www.tiaonline.org/standards/search_n_order.cfm All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- PLEASE! DON'T VIOLATE THE LAW! This document is copyrighted by the TIA and may not be reproduced without permission. Organizations may obtain permission to reproduce a limited number of copies through entering into a license agreement. For information, contact: Global Engineering Documents 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, CO 80112-5704 U.S.A. or call U.S.A. and Canada 1-800-854-7179, International (303) 397-7956 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- NOTICE OF DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The document to which this Notice is affixed has been prepared by one or more Engineering Committees of the Telecommunications Industry Association (“TIA”). TIA is not the author of the document contents, but publishes and claims copyright to the document pursuant to licenses and permission granted by the authors of the contents. TIA Engineering Committees are expected to conduct their affairs in accordance with the TIA Engineering Manual (“Manual”), the current and predecessor versions of which are available at http:/www.tiaonline.org/standards/sfg/engineering_manual.cfm. TIAs function is to administer the process, but not the content, of document preparation in accordance with the Manual and, when appropriate, the policies and procedures of the American National Standards Institute (“ANSI”). THE USE OR PRACTICE OF CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY INVOLVE THE USE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (“IPR”), INCLUDING PENDING OR ISSUED PATENTS, OR COPYRIGHTS, OWNED BY ONE OR MORE PARTIES. TIA MAKES NO SEARCH OR INVESTIGATION FOR IPR. WHEN IPR CONSISTING OF PATENTS AND PUBLISHED PATENT APPLICATIONS ARE CLAIMED AND CALLED TO TIAS ATTENTION, A STATEMENT FROM THE HOLDER THEREOF IS REQUESTED, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUAL. 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TIA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO ANY USE OF THE CONTENTS CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF PROFITS, LITIGATION, OR THE LIKE), WHETHER BASED UPON BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING NEGATION OF DAMAGES IS A FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENT OF THE USE OF THE CONTENTS HEREOF, AND THESE CONTENTS WOULD NOT BE PUBLISHED BY TIA WITHOUT SUCH LIMITATIONS. Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA-102.CAAB-B i Table of Contents 1 Introduction1 1.1 Scope.1 1.2 Object.1 1.3 Standard Definitions .1 1.4 Standard Test Conditions .1 1.5 Characteristics of Test Equipment1 1.6 Reference Documents (Normative) 2 1.7 Revision History2 2 Methods of Measurements2 3 Standards for all equipment .2 3.1 Receiver Section.3 3.1.1 Radiated Spurious Field Strength3 3.1.2 Conducted Spurious Output Power4 3.1.3 Power Line Conducted Spurious Output Voltage.4 3.1.4 Reference Sensitivity.4 3.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity5 3.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability5 3.1.7 Adjacent Channel Rejection.5 3.1.8 Co-Channel Rejection6 3.1.9 Spurious Response Rejection6 3.1.10 Intermodulation Rejection6 3.1.11 Signal Displacement Bandwidth.6 3.1.12 Audio Output Distortion6 3.1.13 Residual Audio Noise Ratio.7 3.1.14 Average Radiation Sensitivity 7 3.1.15 Acoustic Audio Output.7 3.1.16 Bit Error Rate Floor8 3.1.17 Late Entry Unsquelch Delay 8 3.1.18 Receiver Throughput Delay.8 3.2 Transmitter Section 8 3.2.1 RF Output Power.8 3.2.2 Operating Frequency Accuracy .9 3.2.3 Electrical Audio Performance.9 3.2.4 Acoustic Audio Performance .10 3.2.5 Modulation Emission Spectrum .10 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA-102.CAAB-B ii 3.2.6 Unwanted Emissions: Radiated Spurious11 3.2.7 Unwanted Emissions: Conducted Spurious.11 3.2.8 Unwanted Emissions: Non-Spurious Adjacent Channel Power Ratio.12 3.2.9 Intermodulation Attenuation.14 3.2.10 Radiated Power Output .14 3.2.11 Conducted Spurious Emissions into VSWR.14 3.2.12 Transmitter Power and Encoder Attack Time 15 3.2.13 Transmitter Power and Encoder Attack Time with Busy/Idle Operation.15 3.2.14 Transmitter Throughput Delay.15 3.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM15 3.2.16 Modulation Fidelity.16 3.2.17 Symbol Rate Accuracy 16 3.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior.17 3.2.19 RFSS Throughput Delay19 3.2.20 RFSS Idle to Busy Transition Time19 3.3 Trunked System Timing Characteristics .19 3.3.1 Trunking Control Channel Slot Times19 3.3.2 Trunking Request Time.19 3.3.3 Trunking Voice Channel Access Time.20 3.3.4 Time to Grant 20 3.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel .20 3.4 Unit Characteristics.21 3.4.1 Power Supply Voltage Range21 3.4.2 Temperature Range 23 3.4.3 High Humidity24 3.4.4 Vibration Stability.25 3.4.5 Shock Stability.25 3.4.6 DC Supply Noise Susceptibility26 3.4.7 Battery Life26 3.4.8 Dimensions27 3.4.9 Weight.27 3.4.10 Other Environmental27 ANNEX A Measurement Uncertainty (Informative) 31 A.1 Introduction.31 A.2 Definitions.31 A.2.1 Accuracy31 A.2.2 Measurand.31 A.2.3 Error 31 A.2.4 Bias and Systematic Error .31 A.2.5 Random Error32 A.2.6 RSS Errors 32 A.2.7 Precision32 A.2.8 Uncertainty 32 A.2.9 Confidence Limits32 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA-102.CAAB-B iii A.3 Principles for Calculating Measurement Uncertainties32 A.3.1 General32 A.3.2 Types of Errors32 A.3.3 Propagation of Errors 35 A.3.4 Converting Power Errors Expressed in dB to Percentage36 A.3.5 Mismatch Uncertainty and Mismatch Loss.36 A.3.6 Sensitivity of Transmitter Output to Load.37 A.3.7 Correcting rms Measurements for the Effects of rms Residuals38 A.3.8 Correcting Peak Measurements for the Effects of Residuals.39 ANNEX B Example Calculations (Informative).40 B.1 Example Calculations for Receiver Measurements.40 B.1.1 Radiated Spurious Emission40 B.1.2 Conducted Spurious Emission.40 B.1.3 Power Line Conducted Spurious Emission40 B.1.4 Reference Sensitivity.41 B.1.5 Faded Reference Sensitivity41 B.1.6 Signal Delay Spread Capability41 B.1.7 Adjacent Channel Rejection.42 B.1.8 Co-channel Rejection 42 B.1.9 Spurious Response Rejection42 B.1.10 Intermodulation Rejection43 B.1.11 Signal Displacement Bandwidth.43 B.1.12 Audio Output Distortion43 B.1.13 Residual Audio Noise Ratio.43 B.1.14 Average Radiation Sensitivity 44 B.1.15 Acoustic Audio Output.44 B.1.16 Bit Error Rate Floor44 B.1.17 Late Entry Unsquelch Delay 44 B.1.18 Receiver Throughput Delay.44 B.2 Example Calculations for Transmitter Measurements.46 B.2.1 RF Output Power.46 B.2.2 Operating Frequency Accuracy .46 B.2.3 Electrical Audio Performance.47 B.2.4 Acoustic Audio Performance .47 B.2.5 Modulation Emission Spectrum .47 B.2.6 Radiated Spurious Emissions47 B.2.7 Conducted Spurious Emissions.48 B.2.8 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio48 B.2.9 Intermodulation Attenuation.49 B.2.10 Average Radiated Power Output .50 B.2.11 Conducted Spurious Emissions into VSWR.50 B.2.12 Transmitter Power and Encoder Attack Time 50 B.2.13 Transmitter Power and Encoder Attack Time with Busy/Idle Operation.50 B.2.14 Transmitter Throughput Delay.51 B.2.15 Frequency Deviation for C4FM51 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA-102.CAAB-B iv B.2.16 Modulation Fidelity.51 B.2.17 Symbol Rate Accuracy 52 B.2.18 Transient Frequency Behavior.52 B.2.19 RFSS Throughput Delay52 B.2.20 RFSS Idle to Busy Transition Time52 B.3 Trunking System Measurements53 B.3.1 Trunking Control Channel Slot Times53 B.3.2 Trunking Request Time.53 B.3.3 Trunking Voice Access Time.53 B.3.4 Time to Grant 53 B.3.5 Transmitter Time to Key on a Traffic Channel .53 Copyright Telecommunications Industry Association Provided by IHS under license with EIALicensee=IHS Employees/1111111001, User=Wing, Bernie Not for Resale, 03/29/2007 01:01:37 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- TIA-102.CAAB-B v FOREWORD (This foreword is not part of this Standard) This Standard was developed and will be maintained by the TR-8.6 Equipment Performance Recommendations Subcommittee of the TR-8 Land Mobile Services Committee. Participating in its development were radio equipment and measuring instrument manufacturers as well as representatives of public safety user groups from the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, International (APCO), the National Association of State Telecommunications Directors (NASTD), and numerous federal government agencies. These user groups and agencies worked together under APCO Project 25, and several subcommittees and working groups at the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) worked together with them to formulate a family of Standards and Bulletins. This Standard was approved for balloting during the January 2004 meeting of Subcommittee TR 8.6. When published it cancels and replaces predecessor document ANSI/TIA102.CAAB-A (2002). Telecommunications Systems Bulletin TIA TSB-102-A, Project 25 System and Standards Definition, provides an overview of Project 25, outlines the user group requirements, and lists the family of more than 30 TIA documents developed under Project 25 which was intended to provide interoperable digitally modulated radio equipment for public safety users. As part of Project 25 the National Telecommunications and Information Agency (NTIA) was seeking to improve spectrum efficiency for federal government radio users by changing to 12.5 kHz channel spacing from 25 kHz channel spacing for new systems installations commencing the beginning of the year 1995, and migrating to 6.25 kHz channel spacing commencing no later than the year 2004.


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