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    FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION Subject 1191 July 8, 2005 SUMMARY OF TOPICS The following topic is being recirculated: 1. UL 1191 - Indicator Window Material (PR 604) - Submitted by Dan McCormick superseded by Jeff Lantz, USCG For your convenience in review, proposed additions to the previously proposed requirements are shown underlined and proposed deletions are shown lined-out. 1. Indicator Window Material (PR 604) Comment Matrix Responses to comments regarding the original proposal have been posted within the Proposal Review Work Area in CSDS. For your convenience in review, the comments and their associated responses are provided together in the following table. Responsibility for developing responses to comments was assigned to the proposal submitter. Comment NumberCommenterCommentResponse 1.Chris James (UL)Rationale: Editorial clarifi cation to Table 31.2 Suggested Changes: 1. For the EXPOSURE requirements in Tensile Test Breaking Strength and Elongation Test in Table 31.2 add the following: 2. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2 nm)340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering.2. In Table 31.2 for the EXPOSURE requirements in Visual Clarity Test add the following: 2. Abrasion Resistance 3. In Table 31.2 for the TEST METHOD requirements in Visual Clarity Test add the following: 2. See 31.8.2 1. ACCEPT - The proposal has been revised to include the suggested change. 2. ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE - The proposal has been revised to specify Abrasion conditioning. 3. ACCEPT - The proposal has been revised to include the suggested changes. Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION Table Continued Comment NumberCommenterCommentResponse 2.Jeff Lantz (USCG)Rationale: 1. In paragraph 31.8.3, the reference to 31.1 should be to Table 31.1. 2. The proposed Table 31.1 should be noted as a revision to the existing Table 31.1 rather than a new table. 3. In Table 31.2 and in the Tensile breaking strength and elongation row, under Exposure the two conditionings should be shown as two separate paragraphs for clarity. 4. In Table 31.2 and in the Visual clarity row, under Exposure the two conditionings should be shown as “1. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2 nm) 340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering. and 2. Abrasion conditioning, in two separate paragraphs for clarity. 5. In Table 31.2 and in the Visual clarity row, Under Test method there are two items that should be shown as two separate paragraphs corresponding to the two exposures, for clarity “1. See weathering specifi cations in Table 2.2” and “2. Method 5304 of FTMS 191A. See 31.8.2” 1. ACCEPT. The proposal will be revised accordingly. 2. ACCEPT. The changes to Table 31.1 will be indicated by underlining.3.ACCEPT. The proposal has been revised accordingly. 4.ACCEPT. The proposal has been revised accordingly. 5.ACCEPT - The proposal has been revised to include the suggested changes. RATIONALE Through a U.S. Coast Guard funded grant we have approved two polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and fi ve vinyl window materials for use on hybrid infl atable PFDs and fully infl atable PFDs. The thickness of these approved materials ranges from 0.012 to 0.180 inches. Five of these materials have been tested and approved for being sewn to cover fabric material. While seven specifi c materials provide a range of approved components, it would be inappropriate not to have a test procedure available for other manufacturers to use to gain like approval. This proposal was based on U.S. Coast Guard guidelines and if approved will establish new requirements that will allow other window materials to be tested and accepted for use on hybrid and infl atable PFDs. As the result of comments received on the balloting of the Indicator Window Material proposal (PR 604) several revisions have been made to the proposal. Please see comments and responses in the table above. Paragraph 31.8.3 has been revised to reference Table 31.1 instead of paragraph 31.1. Table 31.1 has been revised to underline the changes balloted. Several requirements have been added to the exposure and test method specifi cations in Table 31.2. JULY 8, 2005SUBJECT 1191-2- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION (PROPOSAL) (NEW SECTION) 31.8 Window material 31.8.1 Flexible fi lm window material, suitable for either welding or sewing or both, used as a non-load bearing component for viewing a CO2 cylinder and/or the infl ation indicator(s) of an infl ation system, shall comply with the requirements of 31.8.2 and 31.8.3 and Tables 31.1 and 31.2. 31.8.2 Window material samples shall be abrasion conditioned with 250 double rubs (continuous cycle) of a No. “0” sand paper under a tension of 9 N (2 pounds) and under a load of 9 N (2 pounds) in accordance with Method 5304 of FTMS 191A. The tension of the samples shall be maintained throughout conditioning. 31.8.3 The visual clarity tests, in accordance with, shall be used to determine if infl ation system indicators are correctly distinguishable over the viewing range described in Table 31.1 when viewed through the window material after Xenon weathering and abrasion conditioning, 31.8.4 For the visual clarity tests in 31.2, a minimum of two samples for each direction lengthwise and widthwise, shall be cut to 230 by 48 mm (9 by 1-7/8 inch). 31.8.5 The compliance with the visual clarity of the window material shall be determined by a qualifi ed observer capable of correctly distinguishing the red/green indicators prior to the mounting of the window material. 31.8.6 The viewing apparatus for the visual clarity test shall consist of two representative infl ation mechanisms, one indicating red and the other indicating green, mounted in a fl at panel. The infl ation mechanism shall be mounted so that its outside is fl ush with the outside of the panel. The window material samples shall be mounted directly over the infl ation mechanism with the conditioned surface area directly over the indicator. The viewing apparatus shall be placed at a distance of 2 meters (6.5 feet) from the observers eyes and the infl ation mechanism indicator at a height equal to the observers eyes when seated. The apparatus shall be capable of movement through the full viewing range as specifi ed in 31.1. The light source shall be a 40 watt incandescent daylight bulb placed at a height of 1 meter (3.25 feet) directly over the observers head. The test shall be performed in a dark non-refl ective environment (no visible light when the 40 watt incandescent daylight bulb is not lit). JULY 8, 2005SUBJECT 1191-3- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- FOR INTERNAL UL OR CSDS USE ONLY NOT FOR OUTSIDE DISTRIBUTION Table 31.1 Indicator visibility Red indicatorGreen indicator Minimum Viewing Distance2 meters ( 6 6.5 feet)2 meters ( 6 6.5 feet) Horizontal (side-to-side) Viewing Range90 degree including head-on90 degree including head-on Vertical (top-to-bottom) Viewing Range90 degree including head-on90 degree including head-on Table 31.2 Window material TestExposureTest methodNumber of samplesCompliance criteria Tensile breaking strength and elongation 1. Standard Conditioning. 2. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2· nm) 340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering 2. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2 nm) 340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering. ASTM D5034, method G-E 20 (5 samples in each direction for each exposure) Following exposure 1, the minimum average strength shall be 62 N (14 pounds force) and the minimum elongation shall be 10% for each sample. Following exposure 2 the minimum strength shall be 53 N (12 pounds force). Cold crack/fl exibilityminus 8 ±1°C (0 ±2°F) for 1 hour See 26.3.1 and 26.3.210No more than two (2) samples shall break. Visual clarity1. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2· nm) 340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering 1. Weathering 500 KJ/ (m2 nm) 340 nm of accelerated Xenon weathering. See weathering specifi cations in Table 2.2 . Method 5304 of FTMS 191A. See 31.8.2 1. See weathering specifi cations in Table 2.2. 4 (1 sample in each direction for each exposure) Following each exposure, the colors red and green shall be correctly distinguishable for each sample. 2. Abrasion Conditioning 2. Method 5304 of FTMS 191A. See 31.8.2. Copyright © 2005 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. JULY 8, 2005SUBJECT 1191-4- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Subjects 1123 (1175, 1177, 1180, 1191, 1197, 1517) (In reply, refer to Subject 1123) 12 Laboratory Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 January 17, 2005 TO:Standards Technical Panel for PFDs (STP 1123): Subscribers to ULs Standards Service for Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123; Buoyant Cushions, UL 1175; Buoyant Vests, UL 1177; Fully Infl atable Recreational Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1180; Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191; Immersion Suits, UL 1197; and Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1517. SUBJECT:Comments and Substantive Changes on Proposed Requirements for the Sixth Edition of the Standard for Safety for Marine Buoyant Devices, UL 1123; the Second Edition of the Standard for Safety for Buoyant Vests UL 1177; the First Edition of the Standard for Safety for Fully Infl atable Recreational Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1180; and the Third Edition of the Standard for Safety for Components for Personal Flotation Devices, UL 1191. Summary of Topics This bulletin includes the following topics: ULs response to comments received regarding the following proposals balloted in ULs January 14, 2004 STP 1123 Meeting Report: 1. UL 1123 Excess Body Strap; 2. UL 1123 Water Entry Test Specifi cations; 3. UL 1123 Shifting / Bunching of Internal Material; 4. UL 1180 Design Infl ation Range; 5. UL 1191 Delete General Color Requirements; 6. UL 1191 Measuring Initial Thickness of Foam in the Compression Defl ection Test; and 7. UL 1177 Water Entry Test Specifi cations.Please note that UL 1177 is not an ANSI approved standard. Consequently, this proposal was not balloted. Proposals from ULs January 14, 2004 STP 1123 Meeting Report that have been revised in light of the comments received and subsequent action per disposition of the comments: UL 1123 Excess Body Strap Length Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- UL 1123 Shifting/Bunching of Internal Material Test UL 1191 General Color Requirements UL 1191 Measuring Initial Thickness of Foam in the Compression Defl ection Test COMMENTS DUE: February 18, 2005 The attached comment matrix in Appendix A contains all the comments that were received with the January 14, 2004 ballots of the proposals addressed in this bulletin. The disposition/actions that were determined by the submitter of the proposal after collaboration with the commentors are also included in the comment matrix. The ballots were due to the Project Manager on February 16, 2004. UL has determined that consensus has been achieved regarding the ANSI approval of the following proposals with the initial consensus count: PROPOSALYESNOABSTAIN UL 1123 Excess Body Strap1911 UL 1123 Water Entry Test Specifi cations1911 UL 1123 Shifting/Bunching of Internal Material Test1721 UL 1180 Design Infl ation Range1911 UL 1191 General Color Requirements1911 UL 1191 Measuring Initial Thickness of Foam in the Compression Defl ection Test 1812 If the STP concurs with the disposition/actions, then consensus will be maintained and UL will adopt the amended proposals in Appendix B and Appendix C and revise UL 1123 and UL 1191 accordingly. If you wish to change your vote in light of the dispositions/actions or the proposed changes, please respond to us in writing or via E-mail to Betty.C.McKayus.ul.com by February 18, 2005. If we do not hear from you by the proposed date, your original vote will be maintained. Anyone who has submitted an objection has the right to appeal this action on a procedural basis through ULs Appeals Process. If you wish to appeal, please respond by February 18, 2005. Please note that only appeals based on a procedural basis will be heard, technical issues should be resolved at the consensus body level. Guidelines on how to register an appeal can be obtained on http:/ ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com or by contacting the STP Project Manager. The effective dates are the same as stated in the January 14, 2004 STP Meeting Report. Attached as Appendix A are the tables with comments for proposals that were included in the January 14, 2004 STP Meeting Report. For the proposals addressed in this bulletin, the tables include all of the comments that were received and disposition of the comments. The dispositions of the comments were determined by the submitters of the proposals after collaborating with the commentors. Attached as Appendix B are amended proposals for UL 1123 that were proposed in the 1/14/04 PFD STP bulletin and have been amended in light of comments received. Attached as Appendix C are amended proposals for UL 1191 that were proposed in the 1/14/04 PFD STP bulletin and have been amended in light of comments received and the disposition stated in the comment matrix. Questions regarding interpretation of requirements should be directed to the responsible UL Staff. JANUARY 17, 2005SUBJECT 1123-2- Copyright Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Provided by IHS under license with ULLicensee=North Carolina State University/5618801100 Not for Resale, 10/16/2006 02:22:25 MDTNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS -,-,- Please note that proposed requirements are of a tentative and early nature and are for review and comment only. Current requirements are to be used to judge a product until these requirements are published in fi nal form. UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. BETTY C.


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