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    Subject 588 1285 Walt Whitman Road Melville, L.I., NY 11747 November 13, 2003 TO: Standards Technical Panel (STP) for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, Subscribers to UL?s Standards Service for STP 588 Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products SUBJECT: Comments and Substantive Changes received on the ANSI Canvass of Proposed Requirements for the Eighteenth Edition of the Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, UL 588; SUMMARY OF TOPICS This bulletin proposes the following changes in requirements: Clarification of flammability requirements for lighting strings that employ non-replaceable lamps COMMENTS DUE: December II, 2003 The attached comment matrix provides the comment dispositions from the canvass of the proposal bulletin dated April 22, 2003. The ballots were due to the Secretary by June 23, 2003. The matrix contains all of the comments that were received. The effective dates are the same as stated in the proposal bulletin dated April 22, 2003 unless noted otherwise. If you wish to change your vote in light of the dispositions/actions or the proposed changes, please respond to us in writing by December 11, 2003. If we do not hear from you by this date, your original vote will be maintained. UL has determined that consensus has been achieved regarding the ANSI approval of the proposed revisions to UL 588. If the STP concurs with the dispositions/actions, UL plans to adopt the revised version of UL 588 as an ANSI standard. You have the right to appeal this action on a procedural basis through UL?s Appeals Process. If you wish to appeal, please respond by December 11, 2003. Guidelines on how to register an appeal can be obtained on http:/ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com or by contacting the STP Secretary. UL appreciates the time and effort you have put forth to review this standard, and look forward to your continued participation in this UL/ANSI standard activity. SUBJECT 588 -2- NOVEMBER 13,2003 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. KEVIN G. MULLAHY (Ext. 23254) Secretary for STP 588 Senior Project Engineer Standards Department Melville Office Phone: (631) 271-6200 Fax: (631) 439-6021 E-mail: Kevin.G.Mullahyus.ul.com http:/ulstandardsinfonet.ul.com Copyright O 2003 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. CAA 03ST572-UL588.18 REVIEWED BY: MARIO A. XERRI (Ext. 22941) Chair for STP 588 Conformity Assessment Services 301 3CMEL -,-,- SUBJECT 588 -Al- NOVEMBER 13,2003 APPENDIX A COMMENTS MATRIX The Table below provides the comment dispositions from the Ballot of BSWUL 588, proposal bulletin dated April 22, 2003. The Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products. STP Secretary: Kevin Mullahy, Phone: (631) 271-6200, Ext. 23254, Fax: (631) 439-6021, E-mail: Kevin.G.Mullahyus.uI.com STP Chair: Mario Xerri, Phone: (631) 271-6200, Ext. 22941, Fax: (631) 271-8259, E-mail: Mario.A.Xerrius.ul.com The columns in the comment resolution matrix can be defined as follows: Comment Submitter Name of person who submitted comment Para. # / Text Ref. Indicates the specific reference for the comment Comment Action This comment matrix presents a summary of the comment and the suggested wording of proposals. The action, such as accepted or disagree, and the justification for the action, if needed. Disposition The disposition such as resolved or unresolved. Subject or Topic: Clarification of flammability requirements for lighting strings that employ non-replaceable lamps Comment Submitter S. Altamura Paragraph I Text Reference 22.2.1 . I Comment or Comment Summary ActionlDisposition I I am not sure that the revision to of the subject UL 588 bulletin does what you want. I read it now that both push-in and non- replaceable constructions are exempt as the midget and miniature sizes do not encompass the push-in lampholder or non-replaceable. Can you please clarify how this deletion of “push-in“ requires both the push-in and non- replaceable lampholders to comply with the requirements to be molded from QMT02 plastic (¡.e 1694 type material with a 300 mm distance to the cotton)? UL intends to modify the proposal as discussed at the STP 588 meeting held on September 15 and 16, 2003 and outlined in UL Subject 588 Bulletin, dated October 29, 2003, to clarify the intent of the requirement. -,-,- SUBJECT 588 -BI- NOVEMBER 13,2003 APPENDIX B PROPOSED REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EIGHTEENTH EDITION OF THE STANDARD FOR SEASONAL AND HOLIDAY DECORATIVE PRODUCTS, UL 588, AS REFERENCED IN COMMENT MATRIX CHART. For your convenience in review, proposed additions to the previously proposed requirements are shown underlined and proposed deletions are shown lined-out. Proposed new requirements are identified by (NEW). In the case of extensively revised paragraphs, the original text is identified by (CURRENT) and is lined-out, followed by the proposed text identified by (PROPOSED). A paragraph that is proposed to be deleted is identified by (DELETED) and is shown lined-out. CLARIFICATION OF FLAMMABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR LIGHTING STRINGS THAT EMPLOY NON-REPLACEABLE LAMPS PROPOSAL The body of a Istt4k-tft lampholder which is less than 0.15 inch3 (2500 mm3) shall be molded of a material that has a flammability rating of SC-O or SC-1 in accordance with the Standard for Tests for Flammability of Small Polymeric Component Materials, UL 1694 when testing is performed on standardized flame bars of 55 (10.5) x 13.0 (10.5) mm at a thickness of 0.8 (IO.l) mm or less. In addition, the lampholder must comply with the Flammability Test for Small Components specified in UL 1694, except that the bottom of the lampholder shall be located 11.8 10.39 inch (300 I10 mm) above the cotton indicator and the flame application time shall be 10 seconds. Total consumption of the component or specimen or ignition of the cotton indicator by flaming particles or drops shall not be allowed. i-ÛÏ a p- , Thespacing between parts of opposite polarity and between live lamoholder The push-in lamp shall be provided with an adapter which secures the lamp into the lampholder by push-in friction fit, or by a latching mechanism which snap-fits the lamp in place. The adapter shall be constructed of the same material as the lampholder. and dead metal parts shall not be less than 1/32 inch (0.8 mm) for a DUS h-in or non-redaceab ie #we+wti x i be e x - -parts in a series-connected Istt4k-n; ÛÏ mtdgekw lampholder shall not be exDosed before, during, or after insertion of a lamp of the size for which the lampholder is intended. Accessibility of live parts is to be determined by contact with the probe illustrated in Figure 9.1. The probe is to be inserted into any opening in the lampholder or lamp, or the lampholder and lamp assembly. . . Exception: A lampholder located in a Class 2 circuit need not comply with this requirement. -,-,- Subjects 588 (2388) (in reply, refer to Subject 588) 1285 Walt Whitman Road Melville, L.I., NY 11747 October 29, 2003 TO: Standards Technical Panel (STP) for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, Subscribers to ULs Standards Services for STP 588 Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, UL 588 Flexible Lighting Products, UL 2388 Other Interested Parties SUBJECT: Report of the Meeting of the Standards Technical Panel of UL for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, STP 588; PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATES The following topics were discussed at the meeting: SUMMARY OF TOPICS UL 2388 I ) Revision of scope of UL 2388 2) Revision of flammability rating in paragraph 7.2 (STP member proposal) 3) Revision of temperature rating of polymeric materials in paragraph 7.9 (STP member proposal) 4) Clarification of A WG requirements for stranded conductors 5) Addition of fusing requirements to Table 14.1 6) Revision to clarify requirements in paragraph 23. I (STP member proposal) 7) Clarification of the Normal Temperature Test, Section 23 8) Clarification of test procedures in the Abnormal Temperature Test, Section 24 9) Proposed revisions to the test for Permanence of Cord Tag, Section 36 IO) Proposed deletion of dielectric test requirements from the Rain Test, Section 35 -,-,- SUBJECT 588 -2- OCTOBER 29,2003 I I ) Addition of requirements for gaskets 12) Miscellaneous revisions 13) Clarification of the Insulation Resistance Test, Section 25 14) Clarification of requirements for polymeric materials employed as an enclosure of a flexible lighting product 15) Discussion regarding the polymer industry and comparison of UL 2388 with CSA requirements 16) Discussion of requirements for non-extendable flexible lighting products 17) Discussion of requirements permitting field modification of Class 2 flexible lighting products 18) Flexible lighting products that employ a Class 2 transformer or Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) UL 588 19) Lighting string constructions employing single CXTW wire and integral parallel construction 20) Revisions to the rain test 21) Clarification of load fitting requirements for decorative ouffits employing medium- base lampholders 22) Clarification of the trip current in the dielectric voltage-withstand test 23) Revisions to requirements for Ratings, Section 113 24) Comment resolution for Item # I of UL Subject 588 Bulletin (Revision of paragraph 22.2.1. I), dated April 22, 2003 25) Proposed requirements for motorized ornaments 26) Update on fiber-optic products 27) Discussion of Patent Issues 28) Miscellaneous revisions 29) Proposal to eliminate portable lamps with seasonal decorations from UL 588 (STP member proposal) 30) Addition of strain relief requirements for ornaments 31) Revision of requirements for ornaments (STP member proposal) 32) Addition of requirements for tree stands SUBJECT 588 -3- OCTOBER 29,2003 33) Discussion of new requirements to address the use of rrscrew-on“ connectors presently used in UL 2388 products used as a means to connect UL 588 lighting strings 34) New requirements for multifunctional electrical lampholder contacts 35) Revisions to the scope to eliminate nightlights and flexible lighting products 36) Additional packaging warnings (STP member proposal) A meeting of the Standards Technical Panel of UL for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, STP 588 was held on September 15 and 16, 2003 at the Intercontinental Grand Stanford Hotel in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss various concerns and proposals with regard to products covered by the Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products, UL 588, and the Standard for Flexible Lighting Products, UL 2388. INSTRUCTIONS STP Members: If you are a voting member of the STP, complete the attached ballot with your vote on the proposals for UL 588. Please note that all negative ballots must be accompanied by supporting written reasons and, where possible, proposals for a solution to the problem raised. Please note that the attached STP ballot applies only to the proposals for UL 588. As UL 2388 is not an American National Standard Institute (ANSI) standard, all proposals relating to UL 2388 are not subject to STP ballot and are presented for comment only. Impact statements and effective dates information are not subject to letter ballot. Therefore, comments regarding impact statements and effective dates may be made and should be sent to the STP Secretary separate from the letter ballot. Subscribers and other interested parties: If you are a subscriber or other interested party, you are requested to send comments on the proposed requirements, impact statements, and proposed effective dates to the STP Secretary. The STP member ballot should not be used to submit your comments. Comments should be made in writing and may be sent by fax to (631) 439-6021 or by mail to the attention of Kevin Mullahy at UL's Melville office. Comments may also be sent via E-mail to Kevin.G.Mullahyus.uI.com. Please reference all correspondence to Subject 588. Note all comments received are public and may be circulated to others. If you respond by fax or E-mail, please include your full name and company name and address to ensure a reply. STP BALLOTS AND ALL COMMENTS DUE: December 29,2003 Attached as Appendixes A and B for your review and comment are proposed requirements for UL 2388 and UL 588, respectively. Attached as Appendix C for your review and comment are the impact statements and proposed effective dates. Attached as Appendix D is the STP membership roster. Attached as Appendix E is the STP ballot for UL 588. Attached as Appendix F is a list of those who attended the meeting. Questions regarding interpretation of requirements should be directed to the responsible UL Staff. Please see Appendix G of this bulletin regarding designated responsibility for the subject product categories. -,-,- SUBJECT 588 -4- OCTOBER 29,2003 Please note that proposed requirements are of a tentative and early nature and are for review and comment only. Current requirements are to be used to judge a product until these requirements are published in final form. * * * * * * The following report is not intended to be a verbatim transcript of the discussion at the meeting, but is intended to record the significant features of those discussions. 1. REVISION OF SCOPE OF UL 2388 DISCUSSION A STP member submitted a proposal to differentiate between the scopes of UL 2388, the Standard for Flexible Lighting Products, and UL 588, the Standard for Seasonal and Holiday Decorative Products in order to clarify and reduce the risk of confusion of the products covered under each standard. A STP member indicated that the clarification is not readily apparent as the proposed revision to the scope only adds the term “temporary-use“. The member also stated that if the scope of UL 2388 is revised to clarify that UL 588 products are not covered under the standard, then a similar revision should be proposed to UL 588 to indicate that UL 2388 products are not covered under that standard. After a short discussion, the STP decided to maintain the revision to the scope of UL 2388 as proposed, and in addition in an effort to maintain consistency, propose a revision to the scope of UL 588 that the standard does not cover flexible lighting products. Proposals relating to this item are located in Appendix A, item 1 and Appendix B, item 35. 2. REVISION OF FLAMMABILITY RATING IN PARAGRAPH 7.2 (STP MEMBER PROPOSAL) DISCUSSION There was a discussion of a proposal initiated by a STP member that would revise the minimum flammability rating of the polymeric material used to enclose or provide structural support to the flexible lighting product from V-I to V-O and the HAI (high-current arc resistance to ignition) PLC from 2 to 3. The STP member who submitted the proposal indicated that flexible lighting products covered under UL 2388 are permanent and not intended for temporary-use therefore


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