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    人教新目标高中英语课件:Integrating skills language study.ppt

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    人教新目标高中英语课件:Integrating skills language study.ppt

    Language study,Language points,1. but I dont think I know you. 我想我不认识你。 think, believe, imagine, suppose等动词后接宾语从句并含有否定词not时,常将否定词not置于主句,构成否定前移。 我认为你不对。 I dont think you are right. 我相信她不会来。 I dont believe she will come. 我想八点以前我回不来。 I dont suppose I shall be back until 8 oclock.,2. Years of hard work, very little food, only a small cold room to live in and never, never a moments rest. 多年劳累,食不果腹,斗室寒舍,从无休息。 当不定式做定语时,如果动词是不及物动词,别漏掉介词。 没有什么可担忧的。 Theres nothing to worry about. 请给我一把椅子坐坐好吗? Will you give me a chair to sit on?,3. Wed been invited to a ball at the palace, so I needed to borrow some jewellery.我们被邀请参加一个宫廷舞会,所以我需要借一点珠宝首饰 1) invite sb. to邀请某人 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。 She invited us to her party. 我想邀请你参加我的婚礼。 Id like to invited you to go to my wedding. 2) jewellery “珠宝”, “首饰”的总称; jewel具体的“首饰” 珠宝商店有大量珠宝饰物。 There is plenty of jewellery in the jewellers shop. 宝石饰物被存放在保险箱里。 The jewels were kept in the safe.,4. After all, this ball is very important. after all 毕竟,终究,到底 为什么不让他呆在这儿呢? (要知道)这毕竟是他的家。 Why is he not allowed to stay here? After all, its his home. 他们虽然碰到了困难,但我听说他们终究还是成功了。 Although they met with difficulties, I hear that theyve succeeded after all.,5. She married a man with a lot of money. 她女儿嫁给了一个英俊的小伙子。 Her daughter married a handsome man. 约翰要娶海伦。 John is going to marry Helen. marry(vi), be/get married 他们互相爱慕,但人未结婚。 They love each other, but still dont marry. 杰克结婚了吗? Is Jack married? 他去年结婚了。 He got married last year.,6. So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery. 于是我去看望你,问你可不可以借给我一些首饰。 call on/upon: 访问,看望,拜访 昨晚我拜访了布莱克先生,并同他做了长时间的交谈。 Last night I called on Mr Black and had a long talk with him. call on 也表示请求,要求某人某事物,号召 eg. I called on him to keep his promise. The Party call on us to study hard for our country.,7. You brought out all your jewellery and you told me I could take anything I liked. 1) bring out:拿出来,生产,发言鼓励 把孩子们带出去,我要写一篇重要报告。 Bring the children out, for Ill have an important report to write. 爱丽丝很怕羞,要设法鼓励她说话。 Alice is very shy. Try to bring her out.,8. You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you. 1) try on:试穿、试戴 ( on 是副词) 鞋子要先试再买。 Never buy shoes without trying them on first. 裁缝要那个小女孩试一下新衣服。 2) on (介词)表示“穿在身上” 她头上戴着帽子。 She has a hat on her head.,9. During the next ten years we both worked day and night to pay for it. Well, after al these years weve at last paid off all our debts. pay for付款, pay off ones debts还清债务, pay back偿还 他按时把债还请了。 He paid off all the debts on time. 他买这支笔付了元。 He paid 10 yuan for the pen. 我们明天一定还你钱。 We must pay the money back to you tomorrow.,10. Thats why I now look so old. why (the reason why), what, when, where都可以引导名词性从句在句中作表语。 这就是他所想要知道的事情。 Thats what he wants to know. 那是我岁时候的事。 That was when I was thirteen. 这就是我们不用与别人的地方。 Thats where we are different from others.,11. It was worth five hundred francs at most. 1) be worth + sth(值钱)/doing(值得) 这件首饰值美元。 This piece of jewellery is worth 500 US dollars. 他的建议非常值得考虑。 His suggestion is well worth considering/ consideration. worthy (adj.) The book is worthy of being read. The book is worthy to be visited. worthwhile It is worthwhile to read the book. It is worthwhile reading the book.,Exercise:,1. She _ A Frenchman. She has _ him for about three years. A. married with; married with B. married; married C. married; been married to D. married to; been married 2. She made the mistake _ she hadnt thought it over. A. when B. though C. because of D. because,C,D,3. I called _ his house, but he wasnt in. then I called _ him, but I couldnt get through, either. A. at; on B. on; on C. at; up D. on; at 4. After three years of hard work, they had at last paid _ all the money they had borrowed. A. for B. out C. in D. back 5. The problem he put forth at the meeting was _. Which one of the following is wrong? A. worth thinking over B. worthy to consider C. worthy of being thought over D. worthy of consideration,C,D,B,6. Though he is not rich enough, his wife often asks him for _. A. jewels B. jewelries C. a jewelry D. jewel 7. As he was too fat, he tried several trousers _ but _ fitted him. A. on; some B. in; none C. on; none D. in; some 8.You can _ the book for a week _. A. borrow, by most B. borrow; at least C. keep; at most D. keep; by least 9. I said nothing about it,_ his wifes being there. A. because B. because of C. because of that D. because that,A,C,C,B,Grammar must 表推测时仅用于肯定句 must + V 原形 这电脑肯定出了故障。 There must be something wrong with the computer. 我经常在这条街上遇见他,他肯定就住在附近。 I often meet him in this street. He must live near here.,must be v+ing 现在8点了,学生们肯定在上课。 It is now 8:00. The students must be having classes. 她肯定还在校门口等。 She must be waiting at the school gate. must have done 灯已灭了,他肯定已经睡下了。 The light was out. He must have gone to bed. Her eyes were red. She must have cried just now. can 和 could,could 也可用于请求,语气更委婉,用于疑问句,不用于肯定句,答语应用can. -Could I come to see you tomorrow? - Yes, you can. can 可以表惊异,怀疑,不相信,用于否定,疑问和 惊叹句中。 他究竟什么意思? What can he mean? 你竟然会如此粗心! How can you be so careless!,他怎么会呢?他还是个孩子呀。 How can he? He is only a child. 这消息难道会是真的? Can this news be true? can, could 表推测,用于否定句和疑问句。 这么晚了,Tom还在看书吗? It is so late. Can Tom be reading? 这不可能是mary, 她生病了。 It cant be Mary. She has fallen ill. 她不可能在说谎吧。She couldnt be telling lies.,can/could have done表推测用于否定和疑问句中。 他那时不可能很有名的,因为当初他还年轻呢。 He cant have been famous at that time, he was so young then. 他会说谎吗?Can he have told a lie? 门是关着的,他不可能在家的。 The door was locked. She couldnt have been at home. Mike不可能找到车了,他乘车来的。 Mike cant have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning.,can 用于肯定句中的可能是指理论上的可能,不能表示某事会发生。 在这样的雨天事故很会发生。 Accidents can happen on such rainy days. It can be dangerous if you smoke in the garage. 若要表示要发生的实际可能时常用may 或might. We may go camping this weekend.,can/could have done用于肯定句中,表示对过去发生的事情作出判断,表“本可以,本来可能已经” 你本可以做的更好,但你太粗心了。 You could have done better, but you were too careless. Linda没赶上火车,若她快点她本可以赶上的。 Linda didnt catch the train, she could have caught it if she hurried up.,may, might表推测用于陈述句,表对现在或将来发生的动作把握不大。 They may come here tomorrow. She may still be waiting for us. may/might have done 表示对过去动作的推测。 在那些日子,我也许是很美。 I may have been pretty in those days. 他昨天也许跟她说过了。 He might have spoken to her yesterday.,


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