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    外研山东版高中英语《The Great Sports Personality》精品课件.ppt

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    外研山东版高中英语《The Great Sports Personality》精品课件.ppt

    .,instructor/ trainer/ coach,referee,competitor,competitor,.,champion / gold medal,The spirit of sports,basketball,The spirit of sports,swimming,The spirit of sports,athletics,.,badminton,hurdle,tennis,The spirit of sports,table tennis,diving,shooting,gymnastics,fencing,Step into Sports Life,Jiaozhou No.1 High School Zhao Li,Reporter,Preparation,Language,example,Practice,Li Ning is known to us all Chinese as the prince of gymnasts. He created a world legend for the history of gymnastics. He has won 106 gold medals in major _ (比赛) across the world. Much to our glory, he won three gold medals _ (还有) two silver and a bronze at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. In 1988, he _(退役) with a regret that he didnt _ (表现) well in Seoul Olympics.,competitions,together with/ as well as,retired,perform,Test Your Memory,It was _(挫败感) that made him _(决心) to succeed in his new life. In 1989, he _(创办) a new brand of sportswear named after his own name-Li Ning. He decided to _ (和-竞争) global giants like Nike and Adidas. Li Nings products _ (有一个主要的优势) over his competitors in design and price. For instance, the price of a similar trainer of Nike will cost _ (高达5倍) that of Li Ning.,the sense of failure,determined,launched,compete with,have a major advantage,up to five times as much as,Test Your Memory,In just a few years, Li Ning won a great success. If you hang out on the street, _ (很可能) you will see half of the students wearing Li Ning tracksuits. But Li Nings dream is far from making money. His dream was to _ (开办一所学校) for gymnasts. He has helped many young people to _(实现他们的抱负) Thus, if you have a dream, do hold onto it, for anything is possible ,as Linings advertising _ (标语) says.,chances are that,open a school,achieve their ambitions,slogan,Test Your Memory,_the world is full of suffering, it is full of also the way to overcome it. Painful _patience is , its fruit is sweet. Keep a positive attitude _ much you lose. _ you think you can or think you cant - you are right. Victory wont come to me _ I go to it. A man is not old _ he is seeking something.,Grammar,though,although,while,as long as,whether,as,unless,however,Although/ while/ though the world is full of suffering, it is full of also the ways to overcome it. . Painful as patience is , its fruit is sweet. Keep a positive attitude however much you lose. Whether you think you can or think you cant - you are right. Victory wont come to me until I go to it. A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.,What Spirits?,ambitious,positive,confident,active,patient,optimistic,legend,NBA,basketball,A Slam Dunk(扣篮) in 1988 MVP Rings,main idea ?,achievement,Paraphrase ?,set apart ?,learn from?,Translate,即使失败 也要尝试。,have a goal and achieve,inspiration,doubt succeed,Never giving up,describe a person,The Sports Personality in my Heart,1,2,Create a motto in English to encourage yourself,Write a composition with the title My Favorite _Star,I hope to share with all of you as an encouragement.,Thank you for being with us.,


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