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    外研版初二英语八年级上册Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1课件.ppt

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    外研版初二英语八年级上册Module 1 How to learn English Unit 1课件.ppt

    Module 1,Module 1,How to learn English,Unit 1,Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,How to learn English well?,Listening,Speaking,Reading,Writing,letter,vocabulary,sentence,grammar,pronunciation,spelling,grammar n. 语法,pronunciation n. 发的音,Words and expressions,word n. 单词;字,sentence n. 句子,meaning n. 意义;意思,letter n. 字母,spelling n. 拼写,dictionary n. 词典;字典,radio n. 电台;广播,pair n. 两个人,一对儿,The newly married couple are really a happy pair. 那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的一对。,notebook n. 笔记本,agree with sb. 同意某人,I really agree with you. 我非常赞同你的观点。,mistake n. 错误;过错,Sorry, I make a mistake. 对不起,我错了。,But some mistakes are hard to correct. 但有些错误很难纠正。,correct v. 改正;纠正,look up 查; 查找,You can look up this word in the dictionary. 你可以在字典里查这个词。,Your answer to the question is correct. 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。,correct adj. 正确的;对的,Lauren practises the piano every day. 劳伦每天练习钢琴。,practise v. 练习,I dont understand what you are talking about. 我不明白你在说什么。,understand-understood v. 理解;明白,advice n. 意见;建议,You should give it a try. 你应该试一试。,should v. aux. 应该,Is it possible to fix my computer? 我的电脑能修好吗?,I will never forget it. 我将永远不会忘记。,possible adj. 可能的,forget-forgot v. 忘;忘记,He practises reading aloud every morning. 他每天早晨练习朗读。,The key factor to success is hard work. 成功的关键因素是努力工作。,aloud adv. 大声地;出声地,key adj. 关键性的,非常重要的,We can sum up the main point of the lesson in three sentences. 我们可以用三句话来概括本课要点。,She is an excellent teacher. 她是一位出色的教师。,main adj. 主要的;最大的,excellent adj. 极好的;优秀的,Listening and vocabulary,Read the instructions and check() the ones you understand. 1. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 2. Correct the spelling. 3. Listen and check the words you hear. 4. Practise saying the words. 5. Match the words with their meanings. 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,Listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions in the box.,dictionary grammar letter look up make a mistake understand,1. Which word did Daming not understand?,He didnt understand the word “spring”.,2. What mistake did Lingling make? 3. How does Daming usually check the spelling of a word? 4. Why was it difficult for Daming to check the spelling of cinema?,She made a grammar mistake. She said “go” instead of “went”.,He looks it up in the dictionary.,Because he didnt know the first letter.,Listen and read,We should always speak English in class. Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?,Dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.,Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.,How about listening to the radio or reading English stories?,Why dont we try to find some English pen friends? We can write to them.,How to learn English well? 1. We should always speak English in class. 2. Lets try to speak English as much as possible. 3. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?,4. Dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. 5. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 6. How about listening to the radio? 7. What about reading English stories? 8. Why dont we try to find some English pen friends?,_ _,Listening: listen to the radio. Speaking: Reading:,always speak English in class/try to speak English as much as possible; listen to the radio.,Now write notes about learning English.,just need to understand key words and main ideas; read English stories.,_,try to find some English pen friends and write to them. spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.,Learning new words:,Writing:,Heres my (1) advice / notebook on learning English. Speak English (2) always / as much as possible in class, and listen to English (3) in the newspaper / on the radio.,Underline the correct words and expressions.,I (4) agree / forget it is a good idea to look up new worlds in the ( 5) notebook / dictionary. You can find the (6) correct / excellent pronunciation and learn the meaning,Everyday English,Ready? Thats a good idea. What else? Thanks a lot. Excellent!,Pronunciation and speaking,1. We should always speak English in class. 2. Lets try to speak English as much as possible. 3. Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 4. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud. 5. How about listening to the radio? Now listen again and repeat.,Listen and mark the intonation.,Talk about problems in learning English and give advice. Problems Advice I cant How / What about ? I dont know Why dont you / not? I cant speak English well. What should I do? Why dont you try talk to our classmates in English?,Work in pairs.,Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 何不在笔记本上把我们的错误记下来? Why not ? 用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。 e.g. _ take a walk in the park? 何不在公园里散散步?,Language points,Why not,我们还可以用下面的表达方式来提建议: _ we drive to the country? 我们何不开车去乡下? _ going to Europe for a holiday? 去欧洲度假怎么样? write down 或者put down 表示“记下,写下”。,Why dont,What / How about,e.g. Ill _ the prices _ on the back of this book. 我会把价钱记在这本书的背面的。 _ your ideas in your notebook? 何不把你的想法记在笔记本上?,write down,Why not put down,2. And dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. What else? 但是不要忘记把正确答案写在错误答案的旁边。还有吗? else 通常用在疑问词后面,可以表示“另外的,别的”。例如:,We have said were sorry. _ can we say? 我们已经道过歉了。还能说些什么呢? If I cant trust you, _ can I trust?如果不能相信你,我还能相信谁呢? The book isnt here. _ should I took? 那本书不在这里。我应该再去哪里找呢?,who else,Where else,What else,Exercises,一、翻译下列短语: 1.犯错 2.写下 3.同意某人 4.给某人一些建议 5.为何不做某事 6.让我们一起做某事,make a mistake write down agree with sb. give sb. some advice why not do sth. lets do sth.,7.好主意 8.不要忘记去做某事 9.正确的答案 10.别的什么事 11.好主意去做某事,Thats a good idea dont forget to do sth. the correct answers What else Its a good idea to do,12.听收音机 13.最好不要去做 某事 14.不必去做某事 15.一样重要 16.彼此写信,listen to the radio Its better not to do sth. dont need to do sth. as important as write to each other,二、完成句子: 1. 我将给你们一些学英语的建议。 Im going to _ about studying English. 2. 课堂上你应该总是说英语。 You _ English in class. 3. 我和我的笔友互相发电子邮件。 My pen friend and I _ each other.,give you some advice should always speak send e-mails to,4. 不要忘记每天检查你的词汇本。 _ your vocabulary notebook every day. 5. 尽量不要逐字翻译。 _ every word. 6. 为什么不把你的正确拼写写在错误旁边呢? _ the correct spelling next to the mistakes?,Dont forget to check Try not to translate Why not write down,7. 你还想知道别的什么事? _ do you want to know? 8. 我完全同意你的意见。 I quite _ you. 9. 我认为写与读一样重要。 I think writing is _ reading.,What else agree with as important as,中考链接, How about going camping in the mountain? _ . A. Me, too B. Good idea C. It doesnt matter D. Help yourself 2. When you dont know a word, you can _ in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up,3.Why couldn't you_ the correct spelling of the word? Err. . . I hadn't got a Chinese- English dictionary at hand. A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at,4. Why not get your husband a CD player for his birthday? _. Thats too expensive. A. Good idea! B. I agree with you. C. No way! D. Not at all. 5. Where is Grace? She _ in the yard. A. reads B. read C. is reading D. was reading,6. I often_ my homework after supper. But yesterday evening, I_ TV. A. do; watch B. did; watched C. did; watch D. do; watched 7. Remember _ your personal information to strangers. It's dangerous. A. to tell B. not to tell C. not tell,8. It's going to rain. Remember _ an umbrella when you go to school. All right, Mom. Ataking Bbringing Cto take Dto bring,Write a letter to your friend and tell him / her about problems in learning English.,Thank you!,


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