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    E-commerce in China 计算机英语论文.doc

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    E-commerce in China 计算机英语论文.doc

    E-commerce in ChinaComputer English09计科1班 Electronic CommerceElectronic Commerce, referres to as the EC. E-commerce is a wide range of commercial trade activities in the the Internet around the world,based on browser / server application mode, both buyers and sellers are not met to develop various business activities, consumers online shopping, business to business model for online transactions between households and online electronic payments, as well as a variety of business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related service activities. Some people find it useful to Categorize electronic commerce by the types of entities particpating in the transactions or business processes. The e-commerce model refers to using the Internet to carry out operations achieved operating income; The traditional view is that enterprise e-business models, summarized as: B2C (Business to Consumer), B2B (Business to Business), C2B (Consumer to Business), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), BMC (Business Medium Consumer), ABC (Agents Business Consumer) seven kind of business model.The three categories that are most connonly used are:Consumer shopping on the Web,often called business-to-consumer(or B2C)Transactions conducted between businesses on the Web,often called business-to- business(or B2B)Transactions and business processes that companies,governments,and other organizations undertake on the Internet to support selling and purchasing activitiesWith the rapid development of the domestic Internet, the numbers of users increase, the use of the Internet for online shopping and consumer bank card payment gradually come to our life, the market share is also growing rapidly, e-commerce sites are endless. From the classification of a new point of view to analyze. From the traditional differences in point of view of the type of the body of the e-commerce activities of the e-commerce activities classify, To develop enterprises e-commerce activities to a certain extent lacks of significance, because enterprises can be easier to know are the four e-commerce model, but can not own the revelation of how to conduct business activities derive. And the "B" side here on behalf of the enterprise may be wondering whatever type people. What will be different, so the problem complicated by the People will not only ask four types of e-commerce model differences between different types of "B", also ask the four modes of e-commerce activities.In fact, the e-commerce model that businesses or individuals make money through the network mode. When research it to make money, the behavior by whom is not important, the important thing is whether it is who will carry out e-commerce to make money from the network, he will take the inevitable pattern of behavior. These patterns of behavior is our the real goal of studying.Profitting model of e-commerce project can be attributed to the following three points:The first is the use of existing resources. For example: a garment enterprise sells their products through the network, a marketing consultancy firm provides consultancy services through the network , portal uses the huge traffic to sell advertising space.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, provides customers with good products, find the right sales channels and the necessary promotion on the line.Second, the use of accumulated some resources. For example, the massive music, music website known online, on the site of the Listening massive English audio lectures online massive video lectures.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, as long as the accumulated wealth of resources need to build a good platform and you can increase the intensity of promotional success, paid membership.Third, taking advantages of the convergence of two visitors resources. For example, Taobao and Alibaba brings together buyers and sellers of commodities resources, the task of Chinese website brings together buyers and sellers of labor resources, Regarding as soft paper advertising alliance brings together buyers and sellers of advertising spaces soft paper resources, Zhaopin network brings together job seekersand recruiters information resources, online games, where are many games.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, the need to build a good platform, and two kinds of visitors are attracted by a strong promotional platform-oriented, usually the starting stage are at the same time to take the free strategy with two visitors.To date, the most charm of the e-commerce, is to be freed from the rent costs of the traditional market, warehousing costs, staff time, distance, and other hardware conditions. That will be able to share the business opportunities around the world for a second time, the supply-side and demand-side information docke. And saving time costs and communication costs to find each other in order to complete the transaction within the shortest possible time. Improving the efficiency, profitability is to increase the speed and profitability. But the most critical mention to operate the e-commerce, we can not see the immediate benefits, while ignore the long-term gains. So we want to be innovatived, mobile e-commerce, not only to provide electronic shopping environment, but also provide a new sales and distribution channels.Therefore, the development of e-commerce marketing of Chinese enterprises own industry characteristics, the behavioral characteristics of the target market of consumers, the economic strength of the enterprise, marketing the state of the environment, and other factors to the development of the corporate marketing objectives, select the products for Internet transactions, use network toolsmarketing to plan, select the appropriate marketing of financial intermediaries to conduct online transactions and online tools for data statistics and evaluation, timely adjustment of the strategy to win market dominance. At this stage, the combination of conditions, tracke technology, promoting development, while protecting market resources and national culture, the path of sustainable development, which is fundamental to development.References:1The Present Situation of Chellona's E-commerce and Its Future Development).Journal of Yantai University( Phellolosophy and Social Science Edition) 2The Actuality and Expectation of Electronic Business Payment in Chellona .Journal of Chongqing RTV University3Present Situation and Development of Electronic Commerce .Lin Jianxia4"Chinese enterprise e-commerce development strategy”, Peking University Press, 20015 Vision of affairs on the growth in China's e-commerce.


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