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    On the Appropriate Application of Computer Games to Learning English 英语本科生毕业论文-.doc

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    On the Appropriate Application of Computer Games to Learning English 英语本科生毕业论文-.doc

    On the Appropriate Application of Computer Games to Learning EnglishChapter One IntroductionComputer science has already played a significant role in human beings daily lives. Most of us use computers to work, gain knowledge, and even to entertain ourselves. Meanwhile, more and more enterprises and companies have recognized the likelihood to make profits from producing new software. As a result, more and more computer games have been invented and their styles have become variously colorful.Computer games are not only a kind of thing for entertaining ourselves, but also a new way to get further study and gain more knowledge. However, computer games are often regarded as “drugs” as nowadays many students or even adults are addicted to computer games. They get lost in the virtual world and cannot pay due attention to the real world. A few of them even break the laws because of lacking of money to play in the net bar. Given this, many people, especially parents whose children are attacked by the computer games, hate computer games very much. As a matter of fact, computer games are like a double-edged sword. In other words, if we can spare our time on computer games reasonably and make full use of the essence of the games when playing them, it is possible that computer games may help us a lot in terms of learning new knowledge. Computer games can be classified into many types. Some are invented to help people relax themselves, and practice mental and physical ability. Others can be regarded as historical or image books, or tools to help students with their school study. For smart players, the question is not whether computer games are evil or not, but whether they are able to figure out the types of computer games they can benefit from. Why should we pay our attention to computer games? As computer and internet develop very fast, we have to learn to take advantage of the new science to improve ourselves. In fact, computer games have close relationship with studying, especially English learning. Although traditional ways of reading books and taking exercises are still necessary, computer games now create a new stage for people to increase their interests in English learning. Computer games can be historical books, combining pictures and sound with words. Thus, we may imagine us as the main characters of one part of history, and only knowing this part of history well can we win the game at the end. Computer games can also tell us the cultures of different places and ages. With the help of this type of games, we will learn the ancient and modern thoughts of foreigners. Computer games can help us to experience life ahead of time, in the virtual life, we can learn to live; at the same time, as English learners, we could study a lot of words used in daily lives. Computer games can become a virtual teacher of English learners. A new type of computer games are more and more interactive players talk with computers and have the chance to practice their oral English with computers instead of partners. As a whole, as computer games become more and more popular, and have the tread not just for entertainment, but for helping people in different aspects, we study them and try to separate the good games from the harmful ones.It is exciting to note that as computer games develop very fast, some people from China and those from foreign countries have already begun to study the positive aspects of computer games. Epand is an expert consultant for computer memory, PC supplies, and computer games. He wrote the article “Learning English from Computer Games” (2008) to show that computer games are a great addition to the childrens learning utilities. He listed some games which really do good to childrens learning process. For example, Plural Girls is a great game for the beginning child to learn the plural forms of words. There are 4 levels to play. The easiest level is "Fill in the Blank", then comes "Tough Fill in the Blank". The harder levels include two games, "Multiple Choice" and "Tough Multiple Choice". After finishing a round of each, the game will score the child with a "Clever" if the child has just answered half of the questions correctly. Another example mentioned by Epand is Grammar Girls, which is based on articles about speech. For the beginners the game has nouns and verbs programs. In this game the computer will give the child a sentence with two words in a bright color. One of the words is a noun and the other is a verb. It will ask the child to click on the verb. If the child picks the right choice, a score will be added to the correct side. With the advanced level of this game the child will have to make a choice from pronouns, nouns, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives and adverbs. There is another research about computer games broadcasted by BBC. Researchers found that games had significant educational value and suggested that games should be put into school curriculum. This UK study concluded that simulation and adventure games such as Sim City and RollerCoaster Tycoon, where players create societies or build theme parks developed children's strategic thinking and planning skills. Parents and teachers also thought their children's mathematics, reading and spelling improved. The research from the group Teachers Evaluating Educational Multimedia (TEEM) is being carried out by the Department for Education. The director of TEEM, Professor Angela McFarlane, said there was much to learn from the games industry in terms of developing scenarios that really challenged and engaged children, rather than reproducing text books on the screen. "Adventure, quest and simulation type games have a lot of benefit they're quite complex and create a context in which children can develop important skills," said Professor McFarlane (BBC, 2002). In China, professors used to think that computer games have more negative effects than positive ones. However, several professors have found that if we use computer games properly, we could learn a lot from computer games. Professor Wang and Xu (2008) wrote an article to discuss the relationship between computer games and learning. According to them, first of all, computer games provide new views and environment for learning. Take historical games for example, if we want to win the game, we should think of the problems in different aspects: military affairs, politics, culture and economy. Moreover, we should gain the knowledge about different countries. Secondly, computer games apply a user-defined environment, which helps students to improve their creativities. Thirdly, computer games break the old traditional principals. Though the traditional way learning in the class still plays the main role in students study, sometimes it cannot not raise the interests of students fully. On the contrary, computer games depend on their colorful contents and are able to raise the students learning interests. Finally, computer games provide a new way to improve the spirit of teamwork and corporation. Thus, computer games can be regarded as a new method to improve students ability. Zhang and Li (2008) believe that interest is the most important element in learning and only when we are able to increase students interest can they love studying and work hard voluntarily. So, computer games are good tools to arouse or increase students interest.As a whole, nowadays people have begun to pay attention to the positive aspect of computer games. Some professors have made several researches to support their theories. However, to my limited knowledge, there is no study on whether computer games can do good to college students so far as English learning is concerned.This thesis is intended as an objective and impartial attempt to study whether computer games can stimulate or facilitate English study. First, 30 English majors from Southeast University were invited to play 3 computer games: Titan Quest (related to history and culture), The Sim (related to English daily expressions) and Talkman (related to oral English learning).After that, 40 non-English-majors from the same university and these English majors were asked to answer the questions in the questionnaire I designed to see their attitude towards computer games. The questionnaire had two parts, participants personal information including major and sex, and 7 questions (See Appendix). All together 65 students returned the answer sheets.There are altogether three chapters in this thesis. Chapter one shows the background and purpose of the study, previous research, and organization of the whole thesis. Chapter two, the most important part of the thesis, is both a description and an analysis of the results from the questionnaire. Background information about three computer games is used here to make the analysis. Chapter three makes conclusions of the thesis. Chapter Two Students View on Computer Games and Their Relation to English Learning2.1 Results from Questionnaire Male students were more likely supporting my ideas as I think most of them born to be a computer gamer. 60% even try to read books or other information about the western history or culture as they are fond of the game and want to learn more about it. However, for female students, 75% never play large-scare games, there are also many problems exist in the aspect of how to control the game. Therefore, only 20% support the view that computer games can raise learning interests. Otherwise, they will choose to read books or watch TV to broad their knowledge.Then for the students of English major, about 80% will choose the original game to practice their English skills, for not only their standard pronunciations, but also some idiomatic functions of words and phrase. Students of other majors 75% will choose the translation ones, though they will not learn much about English or other foreign language, they could know the culture of foreign countries. In that case, they are still learning when they enjoying computer games.Whether computer games will help students, all the students answers are positive. In other words, they have already accepted the high-tech invention. They all believe that computer games are no longer just a kind of entertain tools, they will help us in different aspects, such as relaxing, gaining knowledge, practicing spoken language and so on. Certainly, they put forward some advices as well: much more close to the real so that computer games may replace the boring historical books one day; desire some easy computer games for girls, let them feel the combination of joy and learning; more games like Talkman are looked forward to inventing as this kind of game may be very useful. To sum up, computer games have already built a firm bridge for university students. Everyday most of us will take some time on playing computer games. It is a good way to relax after a whole days hard-working, a good way to expand our knowledge to handle various problems under any situation as well. 2.2 Discussion 1: Learning English History and Culture through Titan QuestUseful games often have specific goals to attract their players. Most of them are the reflection of colorful culture and history.With Titan Quest we can experience a lot of ancient stories and watch different wonderful buildings. First, we will reach the ancient Egypt in the visual world. Certainly, we could see the symbol of Egypt pyramids. Furthermore, we could learn the history of Egypt and the construction of pyramids if we complete the tasks. Then we arrive in the great historical place China. In china, we will see the most powerful and ancient building of China: the Great Wall. Whats more, one of the quests is based on the ancient love story: Meng Jiangnus Bitter Weeping. In this game, we should help her to find her husband who constructs the Great Wall. After finding the dead body of her husband, she burst into tears and the Great Wall is moved and collapsed. In that case, only when we experience the legend story can we pass the quest in China. Meanwhile, we will see a great many dragons in this place. Finally, we get to one of the Seven Wonders of the World: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, perhaps built by King Nebuchadnezzar II about 600 B.C, were a mountain with series of planted terraces. Ancient historians report that Babylon at that time was dazzling in the splendor of its palace and temple buildings, fortification walls, and paved processional ways. The Hanging Gardens consisted of several tiers of platform terraces built upon arches and extending to a great height. Accounts of their height range from about 24 m (80 ft) to a less reliable estimate of more than 90 m (300 ft). Trees and colorful plants and flowers grew on the terraces, irrigated with water brought up from the Euphrates River.During playing the game Titan Quest, we will have opportunities to learn a lot of ancient stories and fairy tales. It is just like an alive book. As an English learner, to learn history and culture from reading a book may become very boring as there are a lot of new words hiding in the texts. If we want to know the story clearly, we should ask the dictionary for help and it will take plenty of time. However, if we play Titan Quest, of course, we can relax and enjoy ourselves, moreover, we could read the stories of ancient Rome and Greek and China. In other words, we could learn foreign culture from playing computer games.2.3 Discussion 2: Learning English Daily Expressions through The SimsIf we are fed up of living as a students, and want to experience adult lives, the top 10 computer game The Sims will help our dreams come true. Not only can we build our and decorate our own houses, but also we can learn the art of communicating with others. Instead of objectives, the player is encouraged to make choices and engage fully in an interactive environment. This has helped the game successfully attract casual gamers. The only real objective of the game is to organize the Sims' time to help them reach personal goals. Sims are directed on the basis of instructing them to interact with objects, such as a television set, a piece of furniture or another Sims. Sims may receive house guests, which are actually based on the Sims of other game files. The player cannot control "visiting" Sims, although it is important for Sims to interact with one another in order to develop a healthy social life and gain popularity. The player must make decisions about time spent in personal development, such as exercise, reading, creativity, and logic, by adding activities to the daily agenda of the Sims. Daily need fulfillment must also be scheduled, such as personal hygiene, eating, and sleeping. If the simulated humans do not perform need fulfillment, they suffer consequences. Financial health is simulated by the need to send the Sims to find jobs, go to work


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