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    The construction of university computer practice teaching platform_计算机专业英语论文.doc

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    The construction of university computer practice teaching platform_计算机专业英语论文.doc

    The construction of university computer practice teaching platformAbstract: in view of the existing practice teaching at present application-oriented university computer problems, discusses the necessity and feasibility of the platform construction. In-depth study and discussion from three aspects of teaching system, construction, diversified teaching resources platform to improve the software and hardware resources, forming a new concept of practice teaching needs of social development, to provide guarantee for the social culture of computer professional practical talents.keyword: application oriented university, teaching, practice teaching1, the introductionAt present, there are many problems in the teaching practice of Applied Type University: one is: the existence of organization and management issues. Student levels not neat, but also to the more difficult management teaching. The teacher tired, students have nothing to do, the teaching effect is poor. Existing problems of task set. Two: target implementation problems. Due to various factors, the establishment of the teaching goal is difficult to achieve. Students' skill not to greatly improve the teachers ability, also not reflect, the final against each other. The long-term running of schools has also caused some negative impact. Three: there is the evaluation problems. The current evaluation method on the exam, final exam, etc. Only pay attention to the evaluation of learning outcomes, and ignores the evaluation of learning process. The lack of evaluation on the thinking process, will cause the students only heavy conclusion, ignoring the process, may not encourage students to pay attention to the process of scientific inquiry, is not conducive to the formation of thinking quality, limit its flexibility in problem solving and creative.In order to improve the course of other similar course practice teaching environment, 08 years of human resources management and the installation of 70 computer and by Nanjing world grid software simulation software. The software is based on cases, the scene simulation as a means of teaching tools, can let the students major in human resource management has the opportunity to exercise various theoretical knowledge they learned in the simulation of the real environment complex, fully experience the human resource planning, acquisition and allocation, staff development, employee protection and maintenance of all process, familiar with the content of the daily work, human resources management tools and techniques. For example: students recruitment by analog candidates, computer simulation of the interview the examiner. Students start from preparation, evaluation and interview results, fully experience all the process of interview, and will face more different candidates, using the scene and skills, many beyond books theory, more close to reality. The system chosen according to different students make, pointed out that students are in the process of the interview questions and how to avoid these problems. At present, the group has completed the "human resources management" course simulation practice test syllabus design, and software in teaching the use of.The target of training applied type university is to train professional knowledge, technology and skills of practical talents for the socialist economic construction. The implementation of the national "action plan and quality engineering" the revitalization of education, pointed out the direction for the reform of teaching, provided the basic guarantee for improving the quality of higher education, university education is to improve the professional quality education, strengthening professional skills, enhance the educational mode transformation innovation consciousness. Therefore, the applied university computer practice teaching content needs to be reformed and improved, set up a practice teaching platform in twenty-first Century the imminent demand of society.According to the training objectives and requirements, application oriented university computer practice teaching platform by the base class, comprehensive, innovative three modules. The actual foundation class training students to operate the computer skilled manipulative ability, arouse students' interest in computer. Synthesis is to cultivate students' ability to use computer professional theoretical knowledge to solve the practical problems as the goal. Innovation is the comprehensive use of computer network, database, assessment of students and other professional knowledge and technology innovation thinking, solving other professional data processing problems, and grasp the rules of the process of project development. The practice teaching content is comprehensive, strong features, types of diversity, it must carry on deep research and discussion to the practice teaching architecture, construction, diversified network platform to improve the hardware and software environment and other factors.Firstly, the general and special laboratory environment in accordance with the practice platform system requirements. This part of the lab relatively easy transformation, will all computer laboratory examination and is equipped with various professional required hardware facilities, at the same time, mid-range selection laboratory extending configuration professional required hardware environment; in the construction of reform at the same time, completes the unified specification corresponding experiments of test requirements.Secondly, establish professional design lab. In this stage, to advance the construction of hardware, hardware requirements are relatively high. We should be based on the sufficient research, structure of social needs, to ensure the successful completion of the construction of the students professional design and practice of advanced environment, to ensure that students can through professional design and practice of comprehensive training, improve their comprehensive skills.Finally, set up a comprehensive development and innovation laboratory. According to the specialty characteristics, test whether the students have a comprehensive application ability, directly reflects the quality ability is qualified applied talents. We shall complete the basic teaching requirements of the premise in ensuring the construction, comprehensive and innovative open laboratory - namely the development and debugging in the lab. Through the establishment of the laboratory, encourage students to use the knowledge, participate in project manufacturing, participation in professional competition, participating in innovative research, not only enable the students to participate in scientific research, also can make the comprehensive quality of students to exercise, to cultivate applied talents qualified objective.a)software platform constructionFirst of all to ensure that each teaching courses of software equipped with. Second is to provide reasonable facilities for teaching in the new software tools, to avoid repeated use outdated teaching software, the use of the latest software, students and social practice, become a real application talents social needed. Finally, combined with the software, and business contacts, classified (e.g. choose Microsoft Corp series software, IBM software, CISCO series software, Red Hat software, SUN software etc.) simulation practice and application platform construction industry training software, ensure the school enterprise cooperation, achieve good results.b) teachers team constructionEnterprises need to team building, team building in Colleges and universities also need more. The overall quality of the team's improvement is reflected in the overall teaching level of a school. So we in the construction of the cross of practical teaching system, but also a prerequisite for the construction of teachers' team is cross system construction practice. We can through the following three ways to carry out teacher team construction work.The professional integration of teachers. Through the integration can reduce the professional with the same courses for teachers, which reduced the demand for teachers, and the unity of the course syllabus and training objectives.Interdisciplinary professional teacher training. Learning through two professional direction of running schools, more teachers to understand the different requirements of professional, not only can improve the personal qualities of teachers, two professional can share resources, more gratifying is promoted the sound development of subject education.School enterprise cooperation the introduction of expert teachers. Responsible for the people in the professional guidance, appropriate to hire experts to participate in the professional school construction work, especially the practice teaching system in cross disciplinary education platform construction, will meet the introduction of advanced teaching ideas and methods of social needs of the school, the application of teaching plan implementation.Through the integration of professional teachers, interdisciplinary professional teacher training, the cooperation of teachers, we build different professional team of teachers, by regular seminars, progressive mode, regular learning regular exchange, summarize, open, sharing, joint, improve the competitive multi orientation mechanism, promote the sharing of laboratory resources, initially built two specialty teaching platform with; in order to ensure the continuous improvement team construction, promote the interdisciplinary practice teaching system of continuous improvement, in order to achieve the purpose of complete professional school.(2) the practical teaching environmentComprehensive training of electronic technology.Relying on "the central government in 2011 to support the application of electronic technology occupation education training base" special funds, 537700 yuan investment in 2012 the expansion of electronic technology comprehensive training room: the purchase of integrated electronic technology training device, radio frequency millivoltmeter, function signal generator / counter, general LCR tester (LCR bridge), automatic distortion meter, four and a half million table, digital oscilloscope and other equipment, training room area up to 320m2, can accommodate 4 to 200 students in the class are analog, digital electronic technology experiment, training. Electronics Innovation LaboratoryThe laboratory has a large number of components available for student use, configuration of various tools and electronic equipment production: iron, multimeter, screwdriver, circuit board production equipment, punching machine, power supply, oscilloscope, voltmeter, frequency sweep meter, signal generator, etc. The laboratory consists of Students Management Institute of electronics, professional guidance teachers, regular open to students, students can easily in the laboratory is engaged in the electronic manufacturing activities.The computer roomIn the application of electronic technology, the provincial higher vocational education training base special construction funds, the central financial support of applied electronic technology occupation education training base of the special fund, in 2004 and 2012 two times successively built and updated computer rooms, to meet the need of digital electronic technology course network teaching.(3) the network teaching environmentGuangdong Jidian Polytechnic in 2001 is built and opened the campus network, the campus network Internet broadband access, through the fast access Chinese education and research network. At present, the campus network has provided Web service, FTP service, eMail service etc. Institute of network facilities, stable operation provides us with a good infrastructure support and guarantee for network teaching. A total of 12 college students in the room, the library has more than 200 seats of the electronic reading room. Students can use the cyber source through the computer. At the same time, in the students' hostel also offers internet access facilities, makes the network learning is very convenient.Digital electronic technology curriculum group developed electronic courseware and multimedia courseware, and operation, provides online learning materials for students, for students to self-study and review. We also actively building "network classroom", answer the questions and help through electronic mail, obtain good teaching effect. Multimedia courseware and network classroom expanded benefit coverage course, complementary and classroom teaching, can teach students in accordance with their aptitude, making the interaction between teachers and students, students and students environment. We are improving the network teaching system actively, make complementary and classroom teaching.2,System structure of the 2, the practice teaching platformIn order to achieve the application oriented university computer training goals, we should reconstruct the multi-layer system structure based on the new practice teaching system of the original. From the knowledge, ability, quality requirements, in accordance with the heavy foundation, strong practice, highlight the comprehensive application ability, innovation principle, forming the new practical teaching system with computer specialty. Its characteristic is to change the closed type, single type, knowledge validation experiment model for open, multi style, comprehensive design experiment mode, emphasize ability training as the basis, comprehensive application as the core, innovation as the main line, the overall optimization design, broaden their knowledge, training students to analyze problems, comprehensive ability, in order to comprehensively promote students of computer engineering quality and innovation ability, enhance students' teamwork and the ability of social adaptation.The new system of practice teaching in the first layer, base layer, a basic experiment, elective experiment and expand the experiment in three forms. On the basis of good students can according to their interests and social need to choose a practical software (such as Webpage design, image processing, 3D) based on experimental or expand the experiment to train the ability of operation, organization of teaching through the combination of classroom and experimental phase, students under the guidance of teachers master the practical application of the basic operation of software skills, improve interest in computer and a sense of achievement, teacher assessment of experimental results and credited to the experimental results. Students to self-study, assessment methods for the pass or fail.The new practice teaching system in second layer integrated layer, there are three forms of comprehensive practice, professional design, open experiment. Comprehensive design by the professional courses teachers put forward to


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