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    http:/www.chinatranslation.net 供 货 协 议Supply Agreement华译网翻译公司提供中英文翻译版本注:对应英文版请见本文件后半部分。详细价格和译者资质以及论文翻译控制流程请登陆其官方网站。请注意:本论文英文译文是10多年前翻译的,目前我们公司增加了外籍校对环节,而且译者资历要求也提高了,所以目前的英文译文水平要远高于这个水平。发布的文件仅作为语料素材供参考,不能作为英文译文模板等使用。华译网翻译公司提供专业学术资料、法律资料、商务资料和技术资料翻译服务,本文件我们为某采购公司翻译的供货合同文件摘录内容,供参考,欢迎惠顾。文献来源:华译网翻译公司官方网站http:/www.chinatranslation.net/协议甲方:XXXX协议乙方: XXXX有限公司Party A of Agreement: XXXXParty B of Agreement: XXXX第一条 协议原则Article One Principle of Agreement经甲乙双方友好协商,同意达成下列协议,作为双方合作原则。This agreement is entered to be the principle of cooperation for Party A and Party B through friendly negotiation.甲方作为上海XXXX有限公司(或其他客户)的配套供应商,向乙方购买货物。乙方作为甲方的货物供应商,甲乙双方将本着平等互利的原则,明确双方的责任、权力。双方有义务和责任,按照一般贸易惯例,对整个商务活动及合作事项所涉及的全部内容进行保密。双方将严格按照TS16949的有关规定,在平等互利的原则上签订本协议,以保证整个供应程序及时、准确、有效的进行。As the supporting supplier of XXXX (or other clients), Party A shall purchase goods from Party B. Party B shall be the goods supplier for Party A. The respective rights and responsibilities of each of Party A and Party B are hereby clarified by the parties hereto on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. Each of the parties hereto shall be obliged to keep the confidentiality of all content concerned in the whole commercial activity and the cooperation in accordance with general trade practices. The parties hereto shall execute this agreement under the principle of equality and mutual benefit strictly in accordance with relevant provisions of TS16949 with a view to ensure the timely, accurate and effective progression of the whole supply process. 第二条 资格确认Article Two Confirmation of Qualification1 乙方必须向甲方提供以下资料:11 企业法人资格证书;12 货物的通用认可报告;13 货物制造商的检测报告;14 甲方要求的其他资料、证明。1. Party B shall Provide Party A with the following materials: business corporation qualification certificate; commonly used approval report for goods; inspection report issued by goods manufacturer; and other materials or certificates as required by Party A.2 甲方派出有关人员对乙方进行分供方评定,对乙方的质量体系进行考察,并提供有关结果,对乙方不足之处提出改善建议,乙方对此必须全力配合并加以改善。2. Party A shall dispatch relevant personnel to carry out supplier assessment over Party B, to check the quality system of Party B and produce relevant conclusion and to present suggestions on amendment and improvement of the defects of Party B and Party B shall cooperate fully with Party A and make improvement accordingly.3 甲方在前两条的基础上确认乙方具备合格分供方资格。3. Party A shall confirm that Party B is qualified as a supplier on the basis of the aforesaid two provisions.第三条 货物价格清单Article Three Goods Price List1 甲乙双方就采购与供应的货物签署货物清单,作为今后采购的依据。货物价格清单内容包括:11 货物的通用型号;12 货物名称;13 货物的计量单位;14 货物的单价;15 货物的供货周期。1. The two parties, Party A and Party B shall execute the goods list concerning the goods to be purchased and supplied, which shall be used as the basis for the future procurement. The following items shall be covered in the goods price list:general model for goods;name of goods;measuring unit for goods;unit price for goods; andsupply cycle for goods.2 乙方将所有供应给甲方的零件按照甲方规定的格式进行报价,经甲方确认后作为本协议的结算依据。2. Party B shall make quotation on all parts supplied to Party A in the form as prescribed by Party A and the price confirmed by Party A shall be the basis for settlement of this agreement.3 甲方有权通过对乙方供货能力的评定,减少对乙方货物的采购。3. Party A is entitled to reduce the purchase of goods from Party B in accordance with the assessment of supply ability of Party B.4 甲方有权根据上海通用的降价要求,要求乙方对所供应的货物进行价格调整,乙方必须对此进行重新报价,并经甲乙双方确认后作为新的结算依据。4. Party A is entitled to demand Party B to adjust the price of supplied goods in accordance with Shanghai General Motors requirements of reduction in price and Party B must give renewed quotation. The renewed quotation after being confirmed by each of Party A and Party B shall be the new basis for settlement. 5 甲乙双方协议采用浮动铜价+固定加工费用方式确定乙方供货价,即乙方每季度根据上一季度的LME现货结算平均价进行重新报价,乙方必须提供新价格的核算方法,经甲乙双方确认后作为新的结算依据。5. The two parties hereby agree to fix the supply price of Party B in the method of floating copper price plus fixed processing charge, that is to say, Party B shall, in every quarter, give renewed quotation in accordance with the LME average settlement price in spot of the passing quarter and must submit the assessment methods for the new quotation. The renewed quotation after being confirmed by Party A and Party B shall be the new basis for settlement.6 每季度新价格的实施日期以发订货单的日期为准,如:3月31日所发出的订单以老价格结算,4月1日所发出的订单以新价格结算,不以实际交货日为结算价格依据。6. The quarterly new price shall be the enforced in accordance with the issuance date of the order. For example, the order issued on March 31 shall be settled in accordance with the original price and the order issued on April 1 shall be settled in accordance with the new price. The price on the actual delivery date shall not be used as the basis for settlement.7 在运输方式、每月采购额相似的情况下,乙方供给甲方的货物价格不得高于乙方其他同类供应商的最低价格,否则,甲方有权要求乙方补偿差异金额。7. Under the similar mode of transport and monthly procurement amount, the price for the goods supplied to Party A shall not be higher than the lowest price between Party B and the supplier of the same kind, otherwise, Party A shall be entitled to ask Party B to indemnify it for the price difference.8 对于固定加工费用,乙方每年必须提供降本计划,并经甲乙双方确认后实施。8. With respect to the fixed processing charge, Party B shall provide the plan for reducing cost every year, which shall be carried out after being confirmed by Party A and Party B.第四条 采购与供应Article Four Procurement and Supply1 甲方根据采购需要开出采购单,具体内容包括:该批次采购货物的型号、货物名称、数量、交货日期。甲方在采购单上签字后传给乙方。1. Party A shall issue procurement order in accordance with the need of procurement, with the detailed content of the following items: the model, goods name, quantity and delivery date of procured goods of the respective patch. The procurement order shall be submitted to Party B with signature of Party A.2 乙方收到甲方的采购单经确认后,于一个工作日内签名盖章,并传回甲方,本次采购活动正式成立。2. After receiving the procurement order from Party A, Party B shall make confirmation and sign and seal within one working day and send it back to Party A, when the procurement activity is formally established.3 乙方在交货期期内,开出送货单(送货单格式由乙方定,甲方提供样本供乙方参考),送货单上必须同时注明甲方的采购单号和申购单号。物料型号必须与甲方的采购单保持一致,并在送货前一天传真至甲方,以便甲方安排仓储人员。3. Party B shall, within the delivery term, issue delivery note (the form of delivery note shall be fixed by Party B and Party A shall provide samples to Party B for its references) giving clear indication of procurement order number and subscription list number of Party A. The materials model shall be consistent with that as shown in the procurement order of Party A and shall be faxed to Party A one day before delivery for Party As convenience of arranging the storage personnel. 4 乙方根据约定的包装方式对物料进行包装,每一包装上必须注明货物的物料型号、数量、生产日期、生产批号。所标物料型号必须与送货单保持一致。同时,必须附上该批货物的出厂检验报告。否则,甲方有权拒收货物。4. Party B shall package the materials in accordance with the agreed packing methods, giving clear indication of materials model, quantity, production date, and production batch number of the goods on each package. The marked materials model shall be consistent with that of the delivery note. In addition, the factory inspection report shall be attached hereto. Otherwise, Party A shall have the right to refuse to accept the goods.5 乙方将货物送到甲方指定的仓库后,将送货单交甲方收货人员签收,双方各持一份,作为甲方收到乙方货物的依据,但不作为结算依据,结算依据以甲方的检验单据为准。5. Party B shall deliver the goods to appointed warehouses of Party A and send the delivery note to receiving staff of Party A for signing. Each party shall hold one copy, which shall be used to acknowledge Party As receipt of goods from Party B, but not as the settlement basis. The inspection documents of Party A shall be the basis for settlement.6 交货应按照甲方订单中规定的数量和时间进行,对于发给甲方的超过甲方订单中指定数量的货物,甲方可不承担付款义务,甲方有权改变预定的发货周期或暂停预定的发货。但必须在订单要求发货前5天书面通知乙方。且在此任何一种或两种情况下,乙方均无权改变供货合同项下货物原定价格。对于数量和交货日期不明的订货,乙方的交货行为应依据甲方在此后发出的有关数量和时间的指示而定。但对于有保质期的货物,若甲方需要改变发货周期或暂停发货,应在订单要求发货前一周书面告知乙方,若由于甲方改变发货周期或暂停发货而引起货物超期失效,甲方应补偿乙方的损失。6. The goods shall be delivered in accordance with the quantity and time as stipulated in the procurement order of Party A. With respect to the goods delivered to Party A that is not covered in the procurement order of Party A, Party A may not undertake the liability to make any payment. Party A has the right to change the scheduled delivery cycle or suspend the scheduled delivery of goods, provided that it has given written notice to Party B 5 days before the delivery date as prescribed in the procurement order. And under the above one or two circumstances, Party B has no right to change the predetermined price of goods under the supply agreement. With respect to the procurement order with unclear quantity and delivery date, Party B shall make delivery in accordance with the instruction on quantity and time later issued by Party A. However, with respect to the goods with best-before date, if Party A wills to change the delivery date or suspend the delivery of goods, it shall give written notice to Party B one week before the delivery date as prescribed in the procurement order. If the goods loss its strength due to Party As acts of changing the delivery cycle or suspending the delivery of goods, Party A shall indemnify Party B against its losses.第五条 检验Article Five Inspection1 甲方收到乙方货物后的一周内,由甲方检验部门进行数量检验;甲方在收到货后10个工作内若无数量检验结果反映,则乙方认为甲方已做出合格判定。1. The inspection department of Party A shall inspect the quantity of goods within one week after receiving goods from Party B. If no quantity inspection result is given by Party A within 10 working days after receiving the goods, Party B shall have reason to believe that Party A has recognized the quantity.2 甲方如发现乙方货物出现短缺或其他质量问题,将在收到货物后十五天内向乙方作出品质异常通知,若在甲方生产现场或整车厂发现乙方货物的质量问题,可将反馈时间延长至2个月后或双方协议解决,乙方收到通知后,应及时做出答复并及时解决问题,否则,甲方有权拒收货物,拒绝支付该批货款或延迟付款。若由此造成甲方延迟交货而遭经济损失,甲方有权向乙方提出索赔。2. If Party A finds any shortage or other quality problem in goods of Party B, Party A shall give abnormal quality notice to Party B within fifteen days after receiving the goods, while if the quality problem is found in the production spot or vehicle plant of Party A, the time for feedback may be prolonged to 2 months or may be settled through negotiation between the two parties. After receiving the notice, Party B shall promptly give responses and timely solve the problem, otherwise, Party A shall have right to refuse to accept the goods, to refuse to make payment for goods of that patch or to delay payment on deferred terms. If Party A was caused to suffer any economic losses due to delay in delivery, Party A shall have the right to claim compensation against Party B.3 由于乙方因素引起的非正常损耗,由乙方承担,反之则由甲方承担。若在生产线上发生的非正常损耗,(如乙方提供的物料不符 合甲方的工艺要求)且确由乙方材料造成的,由乙方承担。3. The abnormal losses caused by the elements on the part of Party B shall be born by Party B, on the contrary, it shall be born by Party A. Should any abnormal loss arises on the production line, (for example, the materials provided by Party B dont meet the technological specification of Party A), and if it is caused by the materials of Party B, it shall be undertaken by Party B.4 检验标准由甲乙双方质量部门共同制定,不得低于上海通用(或甲方其他客户)认可标准。4. The inspection standard shall be jointly made by the quality departments of both Party A and Party B, which shall not be lower than the recognized standard Shanghai General Motor (or other clients of Party A).第六条 付款Article Six Payment1 乙方发票及甲方检验单作为甲方支付的凭证。1. The invoice of Party B and the inspection document of Party A shall be used as the certificate of payment for Party A.2 乙方应开具增值税发票并附货物清单,以便甲方核对。甲方在收到乙方货物并检验合格后,在收到乙方发票2个月内支付货款,月底结算。2. Party B shall issue value-added tax invoice with the goods list attached for Party As conveniences of check. After goods of Party B is received and inspected to be qualified by Party A, Party A shall make payment within 2 months after receiving the invoice from Party B and the account shall be settled at the end of the month.3 甲方对乙方不合格货物已进行支付的行为,并不意味接受此类不合格货物,不妨碍甲方行使本协议下所持权力和补偿请求权,也不解除乙方对潜在不合格货物应负的责任,处于甲方场所的不合格货物由乙方承担相应风险。甲方将根据乙方的指示进行处理,对此,甲方并不对乙方承担法律责任。在甲方通知乙方不合格货物发生的十天内,如乙方不能给以书面的指示,则甲方有权执行处理货物,或向乙方收取、仓储费和搬运费。3. Party As payment for unqualified goods of Party B shall not mean that Party A has accepted unqualified goods of that kind and shall not refrain Party A from exercising rights granted hereto under this agreement and claims for compensation, nor shall it relieve Party B from undertaking the due liabilities to the potential unqualified goods and the relevant risks of unqualified goods at the place of Party A shall be born by Party B. Party A shall make arrangement following Party Bs instruction and Party A shall not undertake any legal liability hereof to Party B. If Party B fails to give written instruction within ten days after being notified by Party A of the unqualified goods, Party A shall have the right to dispose of the goods or collect storage charge and portage from Party B. 第七条 违约Article Seven Breach of Contract1 甲方因乙方货物质量、数量、交货或其他问题所遭受的损失,乙方应按照上海通用(或甲方其他客户)对甲方的索赔要求以及中华人民共和国经济合同法有关规定进行全额赔偿。赔偿应不低于甲方客户的索赔金额和甲方的经济损失。1. Party B shall fully indemnify Party A against any losses suffered by Party A arising due to quality, quantity, delivery or other problems of goods of Party B in accordance with claims requirement of Shanghai General Motor (or other clients of Party A) for Party A and relevant provisions of Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Economic Contracts. The amount of indemnity shall be no less than the sum of claims of Party A clients and the economic losses of Party A. 2 经甲乙双方签字确认过的订货单中,如乙方未能按期交货而造成甲方停产,甲方有权要求乙方赔偿损失,赔偿金额为:到期未交货款的15%,甲方可直接在货款中予以扣除,或视情节轻重,甲乙双方协议解决。2. With respect to the procurement order confirmed by the signatures of both Party A and Party B, if Party A was caused to halt production due to Party Bs failure in timely delivering the goods, Party A shall have the right to claim indemnification from Party B. The amount of indemnity shall be 15% of the overdue payment for goods. Party A may directly withhold the aforesaid amount from the payment for goods or it shall be settled through negotiation between the two parties in accordance with relevant circumstances.3 在下述情况下,甲方有权全部或部分取消本协议且不对乙方承担法律责任:21 乙方拒绝接受或违反本协议的条款致使本协议无法继续履行的;22 乙方未能交运甲方指定的货物;(指定的货物:根据甲乙方签字确认过的订货单);23 乙方提供的质量不良产品,产生后果,使甲方造成较大的经济损失的;24 经查实,乙方有其他违反一般商贸准则和对甲方的承诺,已经或将要损害甲方企业形象和信誉的言行。3. Under the following circumstances, Party A shall have the right to totally or partially cancel this agreement without undertaking any liability to Party B:This agreement is held to be unenforceable because Party B refuses to accept or breaches provisions of this agreement;Party B fails to deliver goods appointed by Party A; (The appointed goods shall be fixed in accordance with the procurement order confirmed by the signatures of both Party A and Party B);Party A is caused to suffer relatively serious economic losses due to the results caused by


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