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    商贸英语专生本毕业论文-The Internet and English Teaching in Quality Education.doc

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    商贸英语专生本毕业论文-The Internet and English Teaching in Quality Education.doc

    湖南大学网络教育本科毕业论文设计论文题目:The Internet and English Teaching in Quality Education学生姓名: 学生学号:Y73133001309年级,专业:2000级商贸英语专生本校外学习中心点:浏阳电讯指导老师: The Internet and the English Teaching inquality educationContent 1.What is the quality education? 2. the request to the English teaching according to the quality education2.1.Improve the teaching methods2.2.Improve the teaching strategies. 3. The development of the internet 4.The internet must  meet the English teaching 4.1.Courseware supports the shift of  the students'role.                4.2. Using  E- Mail  to communicate with students                 4.3. Teachers can select the materials from the internet 4.4. Get the cultural context to enrich  the knowledge    4.5. The teacher's Home Page4.6. Possible internet-based activities that could be done with our students5. ConclusionAbstractThe wide application of Information and Communication Technologies offers great opportunities for education. There are varieties of resources on the internet, which the teachers can use in their English curriculum .The paper points out that the internet should become a necessary supplementary for English teaching and learning in middle schools as the input resources and the output tools。 This paper will discuss how  internet Technology offers an ample range of opportunities  for teachers to enrich their teaching .And the teachers how to meet the requirement of quality education in English teaching.Key words: quality education  English teaching    Internet development摘要:信息技术及应用的发展给教育提供了巨大的机会。在教学中,我们英语教师能从英特网获取许多资源来丰富我们的教学。通过优化课堂教学来进行我们的英语学科的素质教学。我认为英特网已成为我们教学的必要的补充。素质教育的发展也需要我们教师能自我完善。中学教师的我们,由于图书的缺乏,地域的限制,能获取更多的专业和教学知识就摆在我们面前。于是,网络的发展为这些提供了可能。本篇文章阐述了电脑的应用及发展使英语教学从网络中受益以及英语教师如何适应时代的发展满足英语素质教育的要求的观点。关键词:素质教育   英语教学   网络发展Introduction: Last year, many middle schools in Changsha put abundant fund into the multimedia computers and joined into "Hundreds of Strong and Competitive Multimedia Computer-Assisted Schools". Computers in these schools were connected and form school-net, The great change renders surprising practical benefit to whole education system. School leaders send message to each school-department through school-net. Teachers make teaching program and loan down teaching-ware through Internet before classes in each office and use those supplements to assist their instruction. It is obviously that the benefit of using computer-assisted instruction is vast, the prospect is resplendent, and the potentiality is profound. It can promote the curriculum reform of school education, to readjust and reform the curriculum system, construction and contents of the school education, to construct a new curriculum system which will meet the requirements of the quality education.What is the quality education ? What is the requst to the teachers?How do the teachers meet the need of the quality education through the internet? There will be some ideas in this paper.      1.What is the quality education?In June, 1999, the Party Central Committee and the State Council have issued the document "Decision on Deepening the Educational Reform and Promoting the Quality Education" in the third national education working session, which not only symbolizes the beginning of the basic change of our country's school education, but also symbolizes that the school education of our country has come into the era of thorough promotion of quality education. In June, 2001, the State Council held the national working session for school education and issued the document "Decision on Reform and Development of School Education" . The curriculum reform was apparently mentioned as an important issue in promoting the quality education. The new curriculum system which shall meet the requirement of the modern society, will be one of the main target of "the tenth five-year plan" with regard to quality education and education reform for schools. The Ministry of Education has formally issued the "Symposium on Curriculum Reform of School Education(trial edition)" and decided to greatly promote the curriculum reform of school education, to readjust and reform the curriculum system, construction and contents of the school education, to construct a new curriculum system which will meet the requirements of the quality education.And with Chinas entry into WTO and the deepening of Chinas educational reform and development, Chinas education faces with unprecedented opportunities and challenges and Chinas educational reform and development have entered into a new stage of overall innovation. After Chinas entry into WTO, Chinas education will be pluralistic in the running body and more close to the societys especially the learners needs in teaching content, subject setup and running mode. This shows that in the course of Chinas 21st-century-oriented educational reform and development, the educational competition with the improvement of educational quality and benefit as the core will be increasingly fiercer. This indicates the true coming of an efficacy age, that is, a quality education characterized by educational innovation.2.What is the request to the English teaching according to the quality education?    During the process of launching quality education, the school feels that more and more negative effects which are from some out-dated educational opinions, are restraining the launching of quality education. From the practice, they realize that education is a systematic project,and the most important thing is the development of the teachers , the teaching methods and the teaching trategies ect .To make the curriculum more perfect and efficiency , we teachers should meet the demands of quality-oriented education during the English teaching and try to cultivate the students' capability of communication in Engllish .And there are two main ideas to do with it.           2.1. Improve  Teaching MethodsThe teaching of foreign languages has evolved for many centuries. Different teaching approaches and methods have been developed by linguists and language teachers, especially in the twentieth century. Chinese foreign language teachers and linguists also developed and introduced some teaching approaches to the teaching of English in China. We should adapt new teaching approaches creatively to fit into our own teaching practices. And the quality education requires teachers to improve tradictional teaching method because students should keep up with the quick developing world . Teachers of languages often complain that they are isolately and remote from the action in the discipline ?.The use of a computer nerwork to contact colleagues and peers around the world is a cheap and efficient way to at least partially deal with this problem .In the longer term ,whole multi-media teaching packages will be able to be pulled from the network,and used directly within a classroom. How do the teachers meet the need of the English teaching?surf on the web is the most popular expressions. We can get what we want through the internet .With the development of the world . The internet has emerged as a prominent new technology.Internet makes our lives convenient and easy .And also it is an efficient way for teachers to help students learn English. It can meet the requirement of quality education, can enhance the sustainable development of students and teachers, can promote the teaching methods and can make the curriculum more perfect. Traditionally, when teaching English words, teachers write some words on blackboard, lead students to read, and tell them the Chinese meaning. After that, teachers make some sentences in Chinese and let students translate into English. This single, dull and dry teaching method bores the students so much. Naturally, they find it's difficult and uninteresting to study English words. Sometimes teachers use real objects to teach nouns. Those things from real life will attract children, but the method is not effective all the time. We can use a real desk to teach the word "desk", but how about "furniture"? We can use real object to teach nouns, but how about verbs, adjectives, even adverbs? It seems the real-object-method is useless for aggregative nouns, abstract nouns, verbs and so on. Then how can we settle this matter? The CAI mode can help us. There are three benefits of using the CAI mode to teach English words.1) Audiovisual method with pure English commentary can help the students understand some aggregative nouns fast and clearly, and leave them deep impression. For example, when teach "fruit", teachers needn't take things like apples, oranges, to classroom. Computer can show all kinds of fruit on screen, thus help students to understand. 2) The CAI mode shows us a complete scene; let students to understand a word naturally in a concrete language circumstance, and help them to think in English.2.2 improve the teaching strategies.In the field of language teaching, strategy can be categorized into learning strategies and teaching strategies. By teaching strategy, it means the arrangements of teaching activities and the true communication between teacher and student. Teaching strategies are only principles for the attainment of effective instruction. Among the principles that Pratt proposes are:1.motivating teaching must be able to stimulate both the learners internal motivation and external motivation.2.planned lesson;3. computer-assisted instruction;4.train personal reading and learning skills;5. instructional variety;(Teaching strategies as principles 原则观) voted from Brief Introduction to Teaching Strategies We also should optimize our teaching strategies according to the above.3.The development of the internet  The Internet is a computer network which connects other computer networks across the world. It can be used by rather small UNIX computers and even personal computers which ordinary people are using, and it can be used by many academic institutions, research institutions, governmental and international organizations, companies, and other organizations. It is said that more than 15,000,000 computer terminals throughout the world are connected to the Internet, and some 100,000,000 people are using it every day. Each year, about 20 percent more computers connect to the Internet. With the Internet, computers have become a powerful tool for communication. The Internet is becoming important in education. In addition to universities, some secondary schools and elementary schools are connected to the Internet. In the future, more and more schools will be connected. Thus many teachers, researchers, and students use the Internet for research, teaching, administration, and learning, and more and more will do so in the future. Before many more years have passed, almost everyone will use the Internet for these purposes in schools 。the Internet is a network of computer networks. All computers on the Internet are connected and share information. We can share our information and use other people's information. We can work together using the same information on the Internet. It is very fast to transmit information on it. There is vast amount of information. Information is stored by individual people, organizations, schools, etc., and not at the central place. New information is added and deleted all the time. We can use e-mail, the World Wide Web (WWW), FTP to obtain files from other computers, TELNET to use others computers as if our computers, the Internet phone like a telephone with a TV screen, a video conference, etc. The Internet is on the process of development, and it is changing now.Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been integrated into everyday teaching in schools. Because modern foreign language teaching is characterized by student- and learning-centered, language use-focused and all- rounder-oriented education including the development of intercultural communication competence and a flexible and perspective mind. This means that there is more contact by more people across greater distances,with more emerging collaboration,which is changing the general pattern of teaching. the nerwork is being used by more and more schools and teachers in one way or another . ICT is now used in innovative and exciting ways as a tool to enhance teaching and learning. The fulfillment of the network teaching is creative with reform in education . Then, There's a new kind of teaching system called computer Assisted Instruction. The system helps teachers to break the traditional dull teaching method- a choke, a blackboard and a mouth, that bore the students so much. With abundant vivid pictures, animated cartoons, detailed explanation, detailed explanation, the system makes class lively. It attracts students' attention, develops their thought, relaxes them from dull and great many exercises and urged them to greatest efforts. According to teachers, the system can free them from troublesome and boring jobs. They can spare more time on helping students if necessary. The mode has lots of functions, thus,we should do with the internet .people pay more and more attention on it. Students in remote and underdeveloped areas are the largest beneficiaries of education through the Internet.   4。How to meet the English teaching People set up the new conception that English teaching is of communication, by communication and for communication. Modern foreign language teaching is characterized by student- and learning-centered, language use-focused and all- rounder-oriented education including the development of intercultural communication competence and a flexible and perspective mind. Then, what kind of educational mode can develop students' communicative ability, and what kind of teaching method can give expression to the teaching character? So the internet can make it possibility. Among the ideas that I propose are:4.1. courseware supports the shift of the students'  role    Modern society attaches importance to practical ability day by day and it demands full-scale developed people. A lot of learning is passive students have to spend a lot of time listening to the teacher and/or reading a text. Exercise material is particularly passive . What can be done ?So the internet can make it possibility. There's a new kind of teaching system called CAI, computer Assisted Instruction. It helps teachers to break the traditional dull teaching method- a choke, a blackboard and a mouth, that bore the students so much. With abundant vivid pictures, animated cartoons, detailed explanation, detailed explanation, It makes class lively. It attracts students' attention, develops their thought, relaxes them from dull and great many exercises and urged them to greatest efforts. According to teachers, the CAI system can free them from troublesome and boring jobs. They can spare more time on helping students if n


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