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    比较研究中国和英语的身体语言 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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    比较研究中国和英语的身体语言 英语专业毕业论文.doc

    中南大学CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY高等教育自学考试英语专业毕业论文题 目 比较研究中国和英语的身体语言题目类别 语言学学生姓名 考 籍 号 010712101619单位或学校 长沙航空职业技术学院联系电话 15581004644完成时间 2013年3月目 录Abstract4摘要5Introduction6Chapter1 Importance of learning body language7Chapter2 The pragmatic functions of body language102.1 Added102.2 Alternative112.3 Emotional Expression112.4 Enhancements112.5 Symbolic12Chaper3 A brief introduction of gestures123.1 the impact of culture gestures123.1.1 Chinese culture to the influence of gestures133.1.1.1 Gesture of religious influence153.1.1.2 Due to the influence of Confucianism163.1.2 The cultural influence of gestures17Chaper4 A comparative study of body language between Chinese and English-speaking countries184.1 comparative studies of gestures194.1.1 The same gesture has different meanings in different cultures204.1.2 Different gestures with the same meaning204.1.3 Attitude and meaning in one culture no equivalent in the other culture204.2 Contrast research position224.3 Comparative studies of facial expressions244.4 comparison of eye contact25Conclusion26Bibliography28AbstractIn human communication, people use body language to communicate. Body language plays an important role in the supplement, Re-reading, symbol or instead of utterance meaning. Body language, like verbal language, is also a part of culture. But in different cultures body language means the different things. Different people have different ways to nonverbal communication. Understand the different cultural connotations between English and Chinese body language can promote peoples cross-cultural communication ability, strengthen the understanding and eventually talk to will be good for people communication between English and Chinese .This paper expounds the features and functions, this paper introduces the meanings of body language, the study of cultural differences in body language in English and Chinese, especially those in gestures, posture, facial expressions, eye contact and body distance, and discuss the importance of know cultural meanings. Study of English and Chinese body language in nonverbal communication can help people to reduce or avoid misunderstandings caused by the cultural differences of body language.Key Words: body language, English-speaking countries, China, contrast摘要在人类的沟通,人们用身体语言交流。肢体语言起着重要的作用在补充、重读、符号或相反的话语意义。肢体语言,像口头语言,也是一种文化的一部分.但在不同文化的肢体语言意味着不同的东西。不同的人有不同的方式来非语言沟通。了解不同的文化内涵和英语在中国的身体语言可以促进人们的跨文化交际能力,加强理解和最终将有利于人们之间的交流英语和中文。阐述了特征和功能,介绍了身体语言的含义,研究文化差异在身体语言在英语和中文,特别是在那些手势、姿势、面部表情、目光接触、身体距离,并讨论文化含义的重要性的认识。学习英语和中国的身体语言在非语言交流可以帮助人们减少或避免误解所致的肢体语言的文化差异。 关键词 身势语, 英语国家,中国,对比IntroductionHuman communication includes verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication plays a very important role in the whole communication. Some experts say, more than 60% of the communication from non-verbal behavior, such as facial expressions, posture, and so on. This non-verbal behavior is always having many meanings. One expert estimates that about 30 percent of oral communication occupies the whole communication behavior. "American linguist confirmed the teapot in a face to face communication, only about 35 percent of the message is sent by verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior, was sent to the others." 1 Verbal and nonverbal behaviors, which are both the important parts of human communication, can express the feeling, interacting ideas and send messages. They are indispensable tools, can meet the human communication.Body language is also called kinesics, including eye contact, gestures, posture, facial expressions and body distance. As an important non-verbal communication way, gestures is silent, the real language, can express people's feelings. They are a part of national culture.Since ancient times, the western countries, a opened his palm to display honesty, sincerity, loyalty and obedience, so people often use this gesture when they swear. Since 3000 years ago in China, the Chinese have been using "hold the fist salute" as their meeting etiquette to show modesty and respect for others.Chapter1 Importance of learning body languageWhat is body language? It is defined in both broad and narrow senses. Narrow sense, body language, including body movements and facial expressions, it can send messages. As to the broad one, it includes gesture, posture, facial expressions, timbre of the speaker, distance between speaker and listener, and clothes of the speaker. 2In the social interaction, when we converse with others, we communicate by much more than words. Our expressions, gestures and other body movements to convey information to the rest of us. Body language exists in every culture, but not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. Different people have different ways to nonverbal communication. Th the answer is "no" at the beginning in this paper. Global village people will become more and more small, more important is for people in the cultural and language barriers to communication, especially those who have spoken language barrier. In fact, body language, more importantly, people from other cultures than the machine. For local people, speaking is the most important communication tool.Body language is very important, because we use the behaviour of others to understand their emotions emotional state. Studies have shown that sometimes nonverbal signals play a more decisive role than language information in determining the effect of communication. Nonverbal communication is also important to study cross-cultural communication, because a lot of nonverbal behavior speaks a universal language. But it is also important to know different meanings of the same body language in different cultures. Only when we get a comprehensive understanding of body language in different cultures, we can do an effective international communication. Body language is an extension of thought. It has been used for centuries than common langrage between cultures. This is an important part of the in let you communicate effectively convey information and determine the messages of others. Body is how do we know when langrage someone dishonest or feel an emotion, it is how we know someone is reflected in what to say. Knowledge is power, the eye has spend time and energy to familiar with other exhibition of body language, especially in the global context, and familiar with your own.3Body language has three major functions: assisting, substituting, and expression or hiding emotional feelings.2 Emotion is the most complicated thing of human being . Express inner feelings is more difficult. As communicated by experts, rarely to express his complex human mood words, in some cases, it is not accurate words can express. Though they express the oral vocabulary, they usually perform gestures with it. This is because the body language than words more adept at communication of emotional expression. For example, Chinese people, said, "yes," and reduce eye may mean, "no", because sometimes they feel reluctant to destroy the harmonious relationship by directly say so (for example, when the father asked you to do something you don't like it, you may say "yes" in order to keep a harmonious relationship, dad). In mainstream American culture arms, face the deal with the pain, or anger, hand twisted anxiety, is a powerful emotional communication. When people are sad, crying may be more appropriate words to express it. Believe you more than think, for example, a group of children were excited when they jump up and down more than if they simply state, "we are very excited."Chapter2 The pragmatic functions of body languageBody language has its unique pragmatic functions in interpersonal interaction. It is divided into five types of functions: add, replace, emotional expression, stress, and symbolic role.2.1 AddedCAM is used to complete, description, or body language clues to speech. Body language is added some information to the verbal message. When talk about buy a big house, for example, he/she shows great is his/her hand.2.2 AlternativeUse body language to replace the verbal message is referred to as a replacement. Body language can instead of the speech act to convey a specific meaning. People often nodding the head to express didn't say the word "yes".2.3 Emotional ExpressionThe most obvious function of body language is an expression of emotion. When people communicate, they can express their feelings through a variety of signs or behaviors. When speaking to them, they will make different facial expressions and gestures have no self-awareness, often spill their impact, or idea.2.4 EnhancementsAlong with the body language often can increase the power of language information. A strong action, exaggerated facial expressions to "accent" news of the plan. Body language can also be used alone to convey a specific meaning.2.5 SymbolicSymbol of the gesture is usually common formalities. They are traditional. Because they are limited by certain traditional culture and belong to some countries, they can only be used in some specific culture.Chaper3 A brief introduction of gesturesGesture is a form of body language, visible body for specific information exchanges, whether in the place of speech or together, and oral vocabulary. Gesture is a particular culture and can convey very different meanings in different society or cultural background. Although some gestures, such as the ubiquitous, pointing to different behavior from one place to another, most gestures don't have invariable or universal meanings but show specific meaning, especially cultural. A single emblematic gesture can have very different significance in different cultural contexts,ranging from complimentary to highly offensive.43.1 the impact of culture gesturesIn cross-cultural communication, we must clearly understand the relationship between nonverbal communication and culture. Culture and the vast majority of non-verbal communication are handed down from generation to generation and acquired acquisition, long history and cultural heritage of society form a common habit. The relationship between the two, Samovar thought, is that culture and non-verbal communication are inseparable, much nonverbal behavior is the result of culture acquisition, peoples non-verbal behavior and the effects are usually formed by a culture environment.3 Therefore, understanding the relationship between nonverbal communication and culture is of vital importance. If we don't understand nonverbal communication of different cultures, it is possible, we can make a mistake to understand each other. A normal action in this culture will be abnormal in another. A positive behavior in one culture will be negative in another. Chinese people advocate modesty, tolerance, mutual support, and is responsible for the group. But the American people admire independence, self-respect, free development, need to personal space, and so on.3.1.1 Chinese culture to the influence of gesturesChina is an ancient and big socialist country, it has a long history about 5000 years. Extensive and profound Chinese traditional culture. Make great contributions to Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and Chinese culture in the long course. In absorbing the essence, the Chinese culture has formed a core concept, it is the thought of "harmony" gradually. "And" is the Chinese characters. Such a Chinese characters including the essence of Chinese traditional culture. I can't find any words to accurately translate it in English, because it contains too much meaning. If we put the "and" translated into English, it means harmony, peace, friendship, kindness, merge. Have one thing in common. This is to seek harmony between people, between people and social harmony, the harmony of man and nature.Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism plays an important role in Chinese culture. Their common ground is human nature, peace and harmony. The "harmony" thinking has influenced the Chinese people for thousands of years. Chinese culture has strong absorption and integration. The essence of Chinese traditional culture to absorb and fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Western culture was introduced into China during the qing dynasty. Chinese cultural integration in some aspects of western culture.Chinese culture does n't nature of invasion. But if any type of culture and Chinese culture, it will melt and absorbed by it. This is the charm of Chinese culture. Gesture of religious influenceBuddhism is one of the three major religions in the world, originated from the 6th century BC in India. It began to spread in the third century BC. According to records, Buddhism was introduced at the end of the eastern han dynasty in China. Buddhism has played a huge role in shaping the thinking of China. With the introduction of Buddhism, "salute to the palms together" to China."Salute to the palms together", this is seen as an important etiquette in Buddhism, has its own meaning.Hand to join means peace, friendship, unity and cooperation. Fist or two-handed weapons mean fighting. A raised his hands means he is not willing to fight with others. One can use one hand to hurt others, but when he joined the two hands together, that means he is not willing to bring harm to anyone. Ten fingers together means that power from ten directions are coherent and united together. Ten finger joints in one's bosom, means honest and sincere."Salute to the palms together" is still used buddhist and admirers in China these days. Join hands, a symbol of the most devout of blessing and harmony of the depth of the soul. Due to the influence of ConfucianismThe Chinese Confucian thought can be traced back to ancient times. No other philosophers in the world have a more lasting impact than Confucius. For more than two thousand years his ideas about personal behavior and morality, penetrated into Chinese life and culture.Chinese characters of "ceremony", or "ceremony", used to have religious meaning of "sacrifice". The Confucian sense range from understanding manners and etiquette everyone's correct status in society. Outside, ceremony is used to distinguish between people; Their use can let people know who is the younger brother and his brother in any time, who is the guest and who is the master, and so on. Ceremony can be seen as a means against a balance between quality, may lead to conflict. It divides people into categories, and builds hierarchical relationships through protocols and ceremonies, assigning everyone a place in society and a proper formsof behavior.5In China, so people will use both hands (when one is enough) in providing some visitors or


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