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    摘 要 摘摘 要要 在如今的智能手机市场中,Android 异军突起,以其强大的背景,灵活开源的操 作性,丰富多元的用户体验和时尚的系统界面快速的赢得了众多手机使用者的青睐。 Android 是 Google 开发的基于 Linux 平台的开源手机操作系统,其主要包含了五大 基本架构层次。随着 Android 手机的普及,Android 应用的需求势必会越来越大,这将 是一个潜力巨大的市场。 与传统的塞班系统,始终长期处于高端商务路线的苹果 iPhone 和新兴的但基础雄 厚的 Windows mobile 相比,Android 凭借自己的独特个性,逐渐呈现出诸侯虽争霸, 最终我问鼎的态势。 本文皆以基于 Android 操作系统的手机软件为研究对象,通过分析 Android 及其手 机软件商店 Google Play,来总结出如何实现手机软件的电子商务化,然而,在实现手机 软件的电子商店化这一过程中,又需要对几个进程作出深入而细致的研究,首先,要 对手机软件进行前景预测;其次,要分析实现软件的商务化过程中遇到的问题;最后, 就是要分析如何将软件与电子商务进行结合。 我将进行探索和研究,最后依靠当今形式下的众多观点为参考,以自己的见解和 认识为主导,做出一份结论。 关键字:关键字:Android 操作系统,Android 及其手机软,Google Play,Play Store 手机软件的 电子商务化 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In current smart phone market, Android wins a more and more important role. With the flexible and open-source operation, rich and diverse user experience and fashionable UI, Android wins more and more favor from users. Android is a open- source mobile operating system on Linux platform developed by Google, which has 5 layers of basic framework. With the prevailing of Android mobile phone, Android is due to be used more and more widely,and this is a market with great potentials. Compared with traditional Symbian, IPhone (following high-end business) and Windows mobile (surging up but with powerful foundation), Android can use its special features to gradually reveal its advantages. This paper conducts searches on the basis of mobile software on Android operating system. By analyzing Android and its mobile software market Google Play, this paper concludes the way to realize the E-commerce of mobile software. However, in the process of realizing E-commerce of mobile software, deep and detailed research should be carried out on several threads. Firstly, the prospect of the mobile software should be predicted; secondly, the problems met to realize the E-commerce of mobile software need to be analyzed and realized; lastly, the way to combine software and E- commerce need to be analyzed. We should get corresponding conclusion by probing 更重要的一方面是 Google 选择的 Market 模式与苹 果的 App Store 之间的差异会逐渐显现出来。 Market 拥有自身丰富的软件资源,以 Free 和 Pay 两种方式,供用户只有 选择和下载。在这些软件资源中,涵盖了非常多的中,有对移动设备内存管理 工具,有文档管理编辑工具,有系统美化工具,当然,更多的,是吸引力更为 强大的游戏。 Market 与 APP store 的最大的区别,在于只有。APP store 通常会在用户满 意度不高或者迅速降低的时候,将某个 APP 给剔除到。诚然,按照苹果 CEO 的说法,这是他们对用户负责的态度,但是,我们不应该忘记,用户少不代表 没有用户喜欢,喜爱度降低不代表它不会反弹,Android Market 并没有采取这 样的方式,而是我们所谓的“放羊式”,它不会因为某款软件用户满意度不高或 者迅速降低的时候,将之剔除。也许,这会略微影响用户体验,但是它却更多 的反映了,用户在这些过程中是不受监控的,是自由和自主的。在这个强调个 人性格和隐私的年代,这一点,完全可以作为一把强有力的利刃,划伤“敌人”, 占据优势。 XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 18 第 4 章 结论 通过这次毕业论文的编写,让我对 Android 这个新兴的移动平台有了更深 的了解,在对 Market 这个手机软件下载平台进行了解和思索的过程中,也让我 对国外手机软件行业有了比较深入的了解,同时也让我回头来观察和反思国内 的手机软件运作现状。在这次编写过程中,我了解到 Android Market 的运营模 式和操作手段,同时也了解到 Android Market 在这个智能操作系统的中作用以 及它将来可能会拥有的更为重要的作用,在这个手机软件商务化的过程中,对 整个 Android 高端智能设备,产生了及其深远的影响。 Market 依靠自身丰富的软件资源,以 Free 和 Pay 两种方式,供用户只有选 择和下载。在这些软件资源中,涵盖了非常多的中,有对移动设备内存管理工 具,有文档管理编辑工具,有系统美化工具,当然,更多的,是吸引力更为强 大的游戏。在用户下载的过程中,不仅仅是当前可见的巨大的商业利润,同时 更重要的,极大程度的抓住了用户的心。 反观国内,在这方面做的,还远远不够。首先就是国内暂时还没有出现比 较成功的自主研发的手机智能操作系统,自然也就没有类似于 Market 的东西产 生,其次,国人在无线网络上的消费观念和水平还有待提高,而且网络现在也 是一个比较大的问题,首先 3G 网络下载,所产生的流量费,对大部分人来说, 都是很昂贵的,而国内 WIFI 的站点,也实在是少的可怜,所以,要实现国内 手机软件的电子商务话,还需要耐心等待。 在未来几年,智能手机全面进军中国市场的时候,我们国内的软件公司, 依靠什么去跟这些国际公司竞争呢?这是一个严峻而值得思考的问题。 参考文献 19 参考文献参考文献 1 伯内特,北京人民邮电出版社,200985-112 2 E2ECloud 工作室编著,深入浅出 Google Android,北京人民邮电出版社,200998-115 3 唐礼勇、陈钟著,电子商务技术及其安全问题,计算机工程与应用专业,2000 年第 07 期 4 Allan Afush,互联网商务模式与战略,清华大学出版社,2002.1 5 方美琪主编,电子商务概论.清华大学出版社,2002.2 6 张林鹏、魏一鸣,电子商务中的安全问题及法律保护,中国管理科学专业,2000 年第 S1 期 7 周虹,电子商务支付与结算,人民邮电出版社,2009.3.1 8 eoeAndroid 特刊第三期,Android Market 及应用发布,Ver 1.0.0,2009.06.06 XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 20 致谢 本次论文能够顺利完成,首先要感谢我的母校XXXXXXX,是你给了 我学习知识的土壤,让我在这一抹富饶的土地上茁壮成长。在这次论文的设计 中,也离不开各位指导老师耐心又热心的帮助,衷心地感谢你们给予我的指导 和帮助。此外,还要感谢曾经为我授过课的各位老师,谢谢你们教会了我专业 方面的知识。也要感谢论文指导老师,以及公司里的论文导师,正是在你们的 帮助下,我才逐渐完成了本次论文。谢谢你们大家! 外文资料原文 21 外文资料原文 Introduction to Android development -The open source appliance platform Frank Ableson, Software designer INTRODUCTION The BlackBerry and iPhone, which have appealing and high-volume mobile platforms, are addressing opposite ends of a spectrum. The BlackBerry is rock-solid for the enterprise business user. For a consumer device, it's hard to compete with the iPhone for ease of use and the “cool factor.“ Android, a young and yet-unproven platform, has the potential to play at both ends of the mobile-phone spectrum and perhaps even bridge the gulf between work and play. Today, many network-based or network-capable appliances run a flavor of the Linux kernel. It's a solid platform: cost-effective to deploy and support and readily accepted as a good design approach for deployment. The UI for such devices is often HTML-based and viewable with a PC or Mac browser. But not every appliance needs to be controlled by a general computing device. Consider a conventional appliance, such as a stove, microwave or bread maker. What if your household appliances were controlled by Android and boasted a color touch screen? With an Android UI on the stove-top, the author might even be able to cook something. In this article, learn about the Android platform and how it can be used for mobile and nonmobile applications. Install the Android SDK and build a simple application. Download the source code for the example application in this article. A brief history of Android The Android platform is the product of the Open Handset Alliance, a group of organizations collaborating to build a better mobile phone. The group, led by Google, includes mobile operators, device handset manufacturers, component manufacturers, software solution and platform providers, and marketing companies. From a software development standpoint, Android sits smack in the middle of the open source world. XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 22 The first Android-capable handset on the market was the G1 device manufactured by HTC and provisioned on T-Mobile. The device became available after almost a year of speculation, where the only software development tools available were some incrementally improving SDK releases. As the G1 release date neared, the Android team released SDK V1.0 and applications began surfacing for the new platform. To spur innovation, Google sponsored two rounds of “Android Developer Challenges,“ where millions of dollars were given to top contest submissions. A few months after the G1, the Android Market was released, allowing users to browse and download applications directly to their phones. Over about 18 months, a new mobile platform entered the public arena. The Android platform With Android's breadth of capabilities, it would be easy to confuse it with a desktop operating system. Android is a layered environment built upon a foundation of the Linux kernel, and it includes rich functions. The UI subsystem includes: Windows Views Widgets for displaying common elements such as edit boxes, lists, and drop-down lists Android includes an embeddable browser built upon WebKit, the same open source browser engine powering the iPhone's Mobile Safari browser. Android boasts a healthy array of connectivity options, including WiFi, Bluetooth, and wireless data over a cellular connection (for example, GPRS, EDGE, and 3G). A popular technique in Android applications is to link to Google Maps to display an address directly within an application. Support for location-based services (such as GPS) and accelerometers is also available in the Android software stack, though not all Android devices are equipped with the required hardware. There is also camera support. Historically, two areas where mobile applications have struggled to keep pace with their desktop counterparts are graphics/media, and data storage methods. Android addresses the graphics challenge with built-in support for 2-D and 3-D graphics, including the OpenGL library. The data-storage burden is eased because the Android platform includes the popular open source SQLite database. Figure 1 shows a simplified view of the Android software layers. 外文资料原文 23 Figure 1. Android software layers Application architecture As mentioned, Android runs atop a Linux kernel. Android applications are written in the Java programming language, and they run within a virtual machine (VM). It's important to note that the VM is not a JVM as you might expect, but is the Dalvik Virtual Machine, an open source technology. Each Android application runs within an instance of the Dalvik VM, which in turn resides within a Linux-kernel managed process, as shown below. XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 24 Figure 2. Dalvik VM An Android application consists of one or more of the following classifications: Activities An application that has a visible UI is implemented with an activity. When a user selects an application from the home screen or application launcher, an activity is started. Services A service should be used for any application that needs to persist for a long time, such as a network monitor or update-checking application. Content providers You can think of content providers as a database server. A content provider's job is to manage access to persisted data, such as a SQLite database. If your application is very simple, you might not necessarily create a content provider. If you're building a larger application, or one that makes data available to multiple activities or applications, a content provider is the means of accessing your data. Broadcast receivers An Android application may be launched to process a element of data or respond to an event, such as the receipt of a text message. An Android application, along with a file called AndroidManifest.xml, is deployed to a device. AndroidManifest.xml contains the necessary configuration information to properly install it to the device. It includes the required class names and types of events the application is able to process, and the required permissions the application 外文资料原文 25 needs to run. For example, if an application requires access to the network to download a file, for example this permission must be explicitly stated in the manifest file. Many applications may have this specific permission enabled. Such declarative security helps reduce the likelihood that a rogue application can cause damage on your device. The next section discusses the development environment required to build an Android application. Required tools The easiest way to start developing Android applications is to download the Android SDK and the Eclipse IDE. Android development can take place on Microsoft® Windows®, Mac OS X, or Linux. This article assumes you are using the Eclipse IDE and the Android Developer Tools plug-in for Eclipse. Android applications are written in the Java language, but compiled and executed in the Dalvik VM (a non-Java virtual machine). Coding in the Java language within Eclipse is very intuitive; Eclipse provides a rich Java environment, including context-sensitive help and code suggestion hints. Once your Java code is compiled cleanly, the Android Developer Tools make sure the application is packaged properly, including the AndroidManifest.xml file. It's possible to develop Android applications without Eclipse and the Android Developer Tools plug-in, but you would need to know your way around the Android SDK. The Android SDK is distributed as a ZIP file that unpacks to a directory on your hard drive. Since there have been several SDK updates, it is recommended that you keep your development environment well organized so you can easily switch between SDK installations. The SDK includes: android.jar Java archive file containing all of the Android SDK classes necessary to build your application. documention.html and docs directory The SDK documentation is provided locally and on the Web. It's largely in the form of JavaDocs, making it easy to navigate the many packages in the SDK. The documentation also includes a high-level Development Guide and links to the broader Android community. Samples directory XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 26 The samples subdirectory contains full source code for a variety of applications, including ApiDemo, which exercises many APIs. The sample application is a great place to explore when starting Android application development. Tools directory Contains all of the command-line tools to build Android applications. The most commonly employed and useful tool is the adb utility (Android Debug Bridge). USB driver Directory containing the necessary drivers to connect the development environment to an Android-enabled device, such as the G1 or the Android Dev 1 unlocked development phone. These files are only required for developers using the Windows platform. Android applications may be run on a real device or on the Android Emulator, which ships with the Android SDK. Summary: Android is a complete operating environment based upon the Linux® V2.6 kernel. Initially, the deployment target for Android was the mobile-phone arena, including smart phones and lower-cost flip-phone devices. However, Android's full range of computing services and rich functional support have the potential to extend beyond the mobile-phone market. Android can be useful for other platforms and applications. In this article, get an introduction to the Android platform and learn how to code a basic Android application. About the author: After his college basketball career came to an end without a multiyear contract to play for the L.A. Lakers, Frank Ableson shifted his focus to computer software design. He enjoys solving complex problems, particularly in the areas of communications and hardware interfacing. When not working, he can be found spending time with his wife Nikki and their children 译 文 27 译文 AndroidAndroid 开发介绍开发介绍 -开源应用平台介绍开源应用平台介绍 Frank Ableson 介绍 黑莓和 iPhone,都是具有巨大吸引力和高容量的移动平台,然而它们的销 售理念始终都处在两个相反的对立面。黑莓一直坚定不移的为企业商务用户服 务,作为一个面向企业商务用户的手机,它很难和 iPhone 的易用性和“酷”元 素相抗衡。Android个年轻的未被认可的平台,它很有可能会同时占据移动 手机的这两个面,甚至是成为工作和娱乐的桥梁。 今天,许多网络或者基于网络功能的设备都是依赖于 Linux 内核运行的。 这是一个坚实的平台:在成本效益的部署和支持下,这是一个能随时为已经部 署好的设计方法所接受的平台。这种设备的用户界面往往是通过 HTML 和 PC 或 Mac 的浏览器来浏览的。但不是每一个设备都需要通过一个通用的计算设备来 控制的。可以将它想象为一个传统的家用设备,如炉灶,微波炉或面包的制造 商。是否你的家用设备是 Android 系统,而且具有一个彩色的触摸屏?或许说 不定哪一天读者就能够在一个打着 Android 商标的炉灶上煮饭了。 在这篇文章中,将会学习并了解 Android 平台,以及它如何能够被移动和 非移动平台所应用,如何去安装 Android SDK 并建立一个简单的应用程序,以 及如何下载用于本文中的示例应用程序的源代码。 Android 简史 Android 平台是开放手机联盟的产品,这个组织是一个旨在合作建立一个 更好的移动电话的组织集团。该小组由 Google 领导,包括移动运营商,设备手 机制造商,元件制造商,软件解决方案和平台提供商和销售公司。从软件开发 角度来看,Android 始终处在开源世界的最中心。 第一款发布于市场的 Android 功能的手机 G1 是由 HTC 制造的设备,它置备 于 TMobile 中,随着软件开发工具提供和发布的一些已经逐步改善的 SDK 版 本,在接近一年的众多猜测中,Android 手机终于实现面向市场,走入实用化。 XXXXXXX 本科毕业设计论文 28 由于 G1 的发布日期临近,Android 开发团队发布了 SDK V1.0,同时应用程序也 开始面向新的平台。 为了鼓励创新,Google 赞助了两轮的“Android 开发者挑战“,斥资数百 万给那些最好的比赛意见书,在 G1 发布的几个月后,Android Market 也随之 发布,它允许用户浏览和直接下载应用程序到自己的手机。18 个月之后,一个 新的移动平台进入了公有领域。 Android 平台 随着 Android 平台能力的拓展,很容易让人们将它和一些桌面操作系统混 淆起来。Android 的系统环境是一个基于 Linux 内核的分层环境,它含有丰富 的功能。 该用户界面子系统包括: 1. 窗口 2. 视图 3.用以显示如编辑框,列表和下拉菜单等常见元素的 Widget Android 包括了一个基于 webkit 的嵌入式浏览器,这个开源的浏览器引擎 同样也在为 iPhone 的移动浏览器 Safari 提供支持。 Android 包含了一个健全的阵列式的网络连接选项:包含 WiFi,蓝牙和一个 网状覆盖的无线数


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