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    毕业设计说明书题 目 基于plc的饮料灌装机控制系统设计 专 业 机械制造与自动化 班 级 1001 班 学生姓名 指导老师 2016年1月3日目 录摘要 1第一章 绪论31.1 设计内容31.2 控制要求31.3 设计要求3第二章 控制系统方案设计42.1 饮料灌装流水线的基本结构42.2灌装流水线的工作原理 5第三章 硬件控制设计63.1 PLC的选择 6 3.2 传感器的选择 73.3 硬件电路的设计 7第四章 软件控制设计84.1 系统流程图 8 4.2 I/O分配表 104.3 I/O接线图 114.4梯形图 124.5指令表 14第五章 调试说明15 第六章 总结15致谢 16 参考文献 17 摘要随着计算机和网络通讯技术的发展,企业对生产过程的自动控制和信息通讯提出了更高的要求。饮料生产线比较复杂,生产环节也很多。其中饮料的灌装就是饮料生产线上重要的生产环节。控制系统主要由一台PLC、交流异步电机、液罐、多个灌装状态检测传感器、故障报警蜂鸣器、产量统计显示器等组成。其中电机用来控制运送饮料瓶的传送带部分。本控制系统有两个特点:一是输入、输出设备比较多;二是所需实现的控制是顺序逻辑控制、模块控制以及计算统计功能。采用PLC控制饮料灌装生产线,实现了饮料生产线的自动化、智能化。对劳动生产率的提高,饮料质量和产量的提高具有深远的意义。关键词 可编程序控制器(PLC)/自动化/智能化 AbstractWith the computer and network communication technology, business-to-production process automation and information and communication put forward higher requirements. Beverage production line more complex production processes are also numerous. One drink is a beverage filling production line's most important production areas.Control system mainly by a single PLC, AC asynchronous motor, tank, multiple filling state detection sensor, fault alarm buzzer, the output statistics displays so on. One motor is used to control the delivery of beverage bottles conveyor belt parts.The control system has two characteristics: First, input and output devices are more; second is required in order to achieve control is logic control, module control, and computing statistical functions.Use of PLC control beverage filling production line, to achieve the soft drink production line automation and intelligence. On labor productivity gains, improve beverage quality and yield far-reaching significance.Key words: PLC ,Automation ,Intelligence第一章 绪 论 1.1设计内容饮料灌装机控制系统设计1.2控制要求(1)系统通过开关设定为自动操作模式,一旦启动,则传送带的驱动电机启动并一直保持到停止开关动作或灌装设备下的传感器检测到一个瓶子时停止;瓶子装满饮料后,传送带驱动电机必须自动启动,并保持到又检测到一个瓶子或停止开关动作。(2) 当瓶子定位在罐装设备下时,停顿1秒,罐装设备开始工作,罐装过程为5秒钟,罐装过程应有报警显示,5秒后停止并不再显示报警(报警方式为红灯以0.3秒时间间隔闪烁)。(3) 灌装完一瓶须进行称重比较:若大于或等于700克为正品,并计数1次,计数满24瓶为一箱,并令蜂鸣器报警一次(鸣响1s);若小于700克则为次品,同时也计数1次,计满24瓶为一箱,并令蜂鸣器报警一次(鸣响2s)瓶装饮料的重量以模拟量的形式自模拟量通道A/D输入(重量Kg与模拟量电压输入及数字量的对应值可以自己设定)。(4)可以手动对计数值清零(复位)。1.3设计要求(1)I/O编址(2)I/O端子接线图(3)编程与调试第二章 控制系统方案设计2.1饮料灌装流水线的基本结构饮料灌装流水线的基本结构图1-1所示:图1-1饮料灌装流水线的基本结构2.2灌装流水线的工作原理灌装流水线的运作是通过电机和灌装设备来控制的。通过电动机的运转,带动流水线的工作。而灌装设备的开通则直接控制饮料流通。通过输入PLC软件程序,直接控制电机及流水线的运作.。流水线由传感器实时监控,由PLC控制,控制准确。当PLC运行时,CPU根据用户按控制要求编写好并存于用户存储器中的程序,按序号作周期性的程序循环扫描,程序从第一条指令开始,逐条顺序执行用户的程序直到程序结束。然后重新返回第一条指令,再开始下一次扫描;如此周而复始。实际上,PLC扫描工作除了执行用户程序外,还要完成其他工作,整个工作过程分为自诊断、通讯服务、输入处理、输出处理、程序执行五个阶段。如图2-1所示:图2-1 PLC循环扫描工作图第三章 硬件控制设计3.1 PLC的选择(1)PLC的结构与特点:PLC的构成从结构上分,PLC分为固定式和组合式(模块式)两种。固定式PLC包括CPU板、I/O板、显示面板、内存块、电源等,这些元素组合成一个不可拆卸的整体。模块式PLC包括CPU模块、I/O模块、内存、电源模块、底板或机架,这些模块可以按照一定规则组合配置。PLC编程简介体积小,重量轻,耗电少,接线编程简单,可靠性高,反应快,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。PLC一经出现,由于它的自动化程度高、可靠性好,设计周期短、使用和维护简便等独特优点,备受国内外工程技术人员和工商业界厂商的极大关注,生产PLC的厂商孕起。随着大规模集成电路和微处理器在PLC中应用,是PLC的功能不断得到增强,产品得到飞速发展。目前,PLC在国内外已广泛应用于钢铁、石油、化工、电力、建材、机械制造、汽车、轻纺、交通运输、环保及文化娱乐等各个行业。PLC常用程序设计语言简介方源 可编程控制器程序设计语言。在可编程控制器中有多种程序设计语言,它们是梯形图语言、布尔助记符语言、功能表图语言、功能模块图语言及结构化语句描述语言等。其中梯形图程序设计语言是用梯形图的图形符号来描述程序的一种程序设计语言。是最广泛,最受欢迎的一种编程语言。它采用梯形图程序设计语言,程序采用梯形图的形式描述。这种程序设计语言采用因果关系来描述事件发生的条件和结果。每个梯级是一个因果关系。在梯级中,描述事件发生的条件表示在左面,事件发生的结果表示在后面。梯形图程序设计语言是最常用的一种程序设计语言。它来源于继电器逻辑控制系统的描述。在工业过程控制领域,电气技术人员对继电器逻辑控制技术较为熟悉,因此,由这种逻辑控制技术发展而来的梯形图受到了欢迎,并得到了广泛的应用。(2)选择PLC:三菱公司是日本生产PLC的主要厂家之一。该公司生产的FX2N系列机型属于高性能叠装式机型,是三菱公司上网典型产品,FX2N系列PLC具有数十种编程元件。FX2N系列PLC编程元件的编号分为两部分:第一部分是代表功能的字母。如输入继电器勇“X”表示、输出继电器用“Y”表示。第二部分为数字。数字为该器件的序号。根据所需的用户输入输出设备及I/O点数,选择FX2N系列型的PLC就可以满足控制系统的要求。3.2传感器的选择传感器是一种能把物理量或化学量转变成便于利用的电信号器件,它获得的信息正确与否,直接关系到整个系统的精度。通过对各个传感器的工作环境和用途的分析确定各个传感器的型号分别是(1)灌装监测传感器选型为:光电传感器(热型红外线传感器)(2)称重监测传感器的选型为:压力传感器(压阻式)采用红外线传感器来监测空瓶子的到来后动作,起到接通开关的作用。它是利用被测物体热辐射引起敏感元件温度的变化进行测量。常温下工作且价格更便宜,不受可见光的影响。压电电阻型半导体压力传感器,灵敏度高,输出信号大,响应速度快,性能稳定且电阻值可在较宽的范围内调整以适应不同需要。3.3硬件电路的设计电气控制原理图如图3-1所示:图3-1 电气控制原理图图3.1中断路器QF1、 QF2、 QF3、 QF4、 QF5将三相电源引入,同时QF1、 QF2、 QF3、 QF4、 QF5为电路提供短路保护。电动机的过载保护分别由三个继电器提供。第四章 软件控制设计4.1系统流程图设计的灌装过程是:自动操作模式,开关启动,传送带运送瓶子经过传感器检测,若检测到瓶子,当瓶子定位在罐装设备下时,停顿1秒,罐装设备开始工作,罐装过程为5秒钟,罐装过程应有报警显示,5秒后停止并不再显示报警。上述工作完成后压力传感器开始检测次品和正品。依次有相应的传送带传送进行加工,这样就完成了整个灌装工作的一个工作循环过程。系统设计流程图如图4-1所示。图4-1饮料罐装流水线系统设计流程图4.2 I/O分配表根据对生产流水线控制系统的控制要求分析,其输入信号有系统的开启、 停止按钮信号和手动清零按钮信号;输出信号有传送带驱动信号、警示灯信号,在进行I/O地址分配时,要特别注意不要产生地址冲突的错误。设计本控制系统共使用了6个输入点,6个输出点,I/O分配如表4-2所示。类别元件PLC元件作用输入(I)SB0XO启动按钮SB1X1停止按钮SB2X2光电传感器SB3X3压力传感器1SB4X4压力传感器2SB5X5手动清零输出(O)KM1Y1启动传送带驱动电机KM2Y2驱动灌装设备KM3Y3启动正品传送带KM4Y4启动次品传送带HRY5报警显示HAY6蜂鸣器响表4-2 I/O分配表4.3 I/O接线图根据I/O分配表得到I/O接线图图4-3 I/O接线图4.4 梯形图当按下启动开关时,系统开始工作其实现过程如下:图4-4 梯形图4.5指令表相应指令表如下:LD X0 LD T2 OUT T4OR M0 ANI T1 K10OUT M0 OUT Y5 OUT M3LD M0 LD M2 LD C1OR Y1 AND X3 RST C1ANI X1 OR Y3 LD C2OUT M2 ANI X4 OR M4ANI M1 OUT Y3 ANI T5OUT Y1 LD X3 OUT T5LD X2 OUT C1 K20OR M1 K24 OUT M4ANI T1 LD M2 LD C2OUT M1 AND X4 RST C2LD M1 OR Y4 LD X5OUT T0 ANI X3 ZRST T0 K10 OUT Y4 T5LD T0 LD X4 ZRST C1OUT Y2 OUT C2 C2OUT T1 K24 ENDK50 LD M3LD T0 ANI T4ANI T3 LD M4OUT T2 ANI T5 K3 OUT Y6LD T2 LD C1OUT T3 OR M3 K3 ANI T4第五章 调试说明(1)在电脑上安装GX-Developer软件,程序编号后,将程序输入GX-Developer软件中,在电脑上进行初步仿真调试。(2)先将PLC程序传入程序控制器中。(3)对各个输入I/O口给信号处理,看各个输出口是否有相应的输出,如果没有按照设计要求输出,对程序进行更改,直到各输出口有相应的输出。(4)如果条件允许的话,用编程软件将程序输入PLC中,在确认PLC的电源、外部接线和程序输入无误的情况下,接通电源,按照流程图的顺序进行调试,最终使整个系统能准确、可靠的工作。第六章 总结通过饮料罐装机控制系统的课程设计,我从中掌握了什么是设计程序,设计程序工作的基本过程及各阶段的基本任务,熟悉了设计程序总流程图,加深了对PLC的理解,课本上的知识是机械的表面。通过努力把课本上的知识变得更为简单,对实验原理也有了更深的理解。通过这次课程设计,使我更为全面系统的了解PLC的构造原理和基本实现方法。把课本的知识变得生动有趣,激发了我们的学习积极性,把学过的原理加以强化,把课堂学过的知识通过自己的设计程序表示出来,加深了对理论知识的理解。现在通过自己的动对手做实验,理论联系实际,对PLC的原理认识更加深刻。在调试时应该很仔细,一步一步调试下来,做到准确无误。这次课程使我意识到只有理论知识是远远不够的,只有把所学的理论知识与实践相结合起来,才是正确的,才能提高自己动手能力和独立思索的能力。同时对于PLC发展历史、强大功能、应用领域以及系列知识得到了大概的系统认识,也初步了解了一个完整的系统开发的过程,本次课设,对于创造思维的培养和开发能力的锻炼有很大的帮助。在编程过程中,领略到了熟能生巧的含义。编程不仅要求有良好的基础,而且要求对各种程序有深刻的了解,同时深切感受到团队合作的重要性,尤其是在查资料的过程中,人多力量大,大家一起努力,查找资料的效率就提高了许多,大家在一起探讨,相互学习,分工细化,互相提高,解决问题的速度就快多了。老师知识的帮助,经验的传授,也是本次课设的一道美丽的风景线,真正起到了抛砖引玉的目的。这次课设让我的动手能力得到了大大的锻炼,解决实际问题的能力得到了大大的提高,为以后学习和工作奠定了一定的基础。致 谢通过这一阶段的努力,我的毕业论文饮料灌装机控制系统设计终于完成了,这意味着大学生活即将结束。在大学阶段,我在学习上和思想上都受益非浅,这除了自身的努力外,与各位老师、同学和朋友的关心、支持和鼓励是分不开的。在本论文的写作过程中,指导老师,从选题到开题报告,从写作提纲,到一遍又一遍地指出每稿中的具体问题,严格把关,循循善诱,在此我表示衷心感谢。同时我还要感谢在我这次毕业设计过程中给我极大关怀和支持的各位老师以及关心我的同学和朋友。参考文献1廖常初.FX系列PLC编程及应用M.北京:机械工业出版社,2005.2谢克明.可编程控制器原理与程序设计M.北京:电子工业出版社,2002.3戴一平.可编程控制器技术及应用M.北京:机械工业出版社,2004.4阮友德.电气控制与PLC实训教程M.北京:人民邮电出版社,20015李道霖.电气控制与PLC原理及应用M北京:电子工业出版社,20046张万忠.可编程控制器应用技术M北京: 化学工业出版社,20017王延才.电子技术M.北京:高等教育出版社,20018台方.可编程序控制器应用教程. 北京:中国水利水电出版社,2001.9李颖.谭立新 基于pc和plc精确定量灌装控制系统【期刊论文】-制造业自动化200910范永胜.电气控制与PLC应用.北京:中国电力出版社,2007.请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢! The term "autism" refers to a cluster of conditions appearing early in childhood. All involve severe impairments in social interaction, communication, imaginative abilities, and rigid, repetitive behaviors. To be considered an autistic disorder, some of these impairments must be manifest before the age of three. The reference book used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , also known as the DSM. The 2000 edition of this reference book (the Fourth Edition Text Revision known as DSM-IV-TR ) places autism in a category called pervasive developmental disorders . All of these disorders are characterized by ongoing problems with mutual social interaction and communication, or the presence of strange, repetitive behaviors,interests, and activities. People diagnosed with these disorders are affected in many ways for their entire lives. Description Each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder differs from every other, and so general descriptions of autistic behavior and characteristics do not apply equally to every child. Still, the common impairments in social interaction, communication and imagination, and rigid, repetitive behaviors make it possible to recognize children with these disorders, as they differ markedly from healthy children in many ways. Many parents of autistic children sense that something is not quite right even when their children are infants. The infants may have feeding problems, dislike being changed or bathed, or fuss over any change in routine. They may hold their bodies rigid, making it difficult for parents to cuddle them. Or, they may fail to anticipate being lifted, lying passively while the parent reaches for them, rather than holding their arms up in return. Most parents of autistic children become aware of the strangeness of these and other behaviors only gradually. Impairments in social interaction are usually among the earliest symptoms to develop. The most common social impairment is a kind of indifference to other people, or aloofness, even towards parents and close care-givers. The baby may fail to respond to his or her name being called and may show very little facial expression unless extremely angry, upset, or happy. Babies with autism may resist being touched, and appear to be lost in their own world, far from human interaction. Between seven and 10 months of age, most infants often resist being separated from a parent or well-known caregiver, but these infants may show no disturbance when picked up by a stranger. Other children with autism may be very passive, although less resistant to efforts by others to interact. However, they do not initiate social interaction themselves. Still others may attempt to engage with adults and peers, but in ways that strike others as inappropriate, or odd. In adolescence and adulthood, some of the higher-functioning individuals with autistic disorders may appear overly formal and polite. They may react with little spontaneity, as if social interaction doesn't come naturally or easily to them, and so they are trying to follow a pre-determined set of rules. Some individuals with autism have normal intelligence, and many have special talents in areas such as music or memory. However, individuals with autism may have other mental or emotional problems that co-exist with their autism. Some of these other disorders may include impulse control disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder , mood and anxiety disorders, and mental retardation . PSYCHOLOGICAL AND FAMILY FACTORS. Although Henry Maudsley, in the late 1800s, was the first psychiatrist to focus on very young children with mental disorders, it was the psychiatrist Leo Kanner who coined the phrase "early infantile autism" in 1943. Kanner believed that the parents of children with autistic behaviors were emotionally cold and intellectually distant. He coined the term "refrigerator parents" to describe them. His belief that parental personality and behavior played a powerful role in the development of autistic behaviors left a devastating legacy of guilt and self-blame among parents of autistic children that continues to this day. Recent studies are unequivocal, however, in demonstrating that parents of autistic children are no different from parents of healthy children in their personalities or parenting behaviors. In fact, many families with an autistic child also have one or more perfectly healthy children. Because autistic children can be extremely sensitive to change, any change within the family situation can be potentially traumatic to the autistic child. A move, divorce, birth of a sibling or other stressors that occur in the lives of most families may evoke a more extreme reaction from an autistic child. While there is no single neurological abnormality found in children with autistic disorders, some research using non-invasive brain imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suggests that certain areas of the brain may be involved. Several of the brain areas being researched are known to control emotion and the expression of emotion. These areas include the temporal lobe (large lobe of each side of the brain that contains a sensory area associated with hearing), the limbic system, the cerebellum, the frontal lobe, the amygdala, and the brain stem, which regulates homeostasis (body temperature and heart rate). Recent research has focused particularly on the temporal lobe because of the finding that previously healthy people who sustain temporal lobe damage may develop autistic-like symptoms. In animal research, when the temporal lobe is damaged, social behavior declines, and restless, repetitive motor behaviors are common. When measured by MRI, total brain volume appears to be greater for those with autistic disorders. Other neurological factors include lesions to the brain, congenital rubella, undiagnosed and untreated phenylketonuria (PKU), tuberous sclerosis, and Rett's disorder (a related condition in which the baby develops in an apparently normal manner through age five months, and then begins to lose communicative and social interaction skills). There is also evidence of a higher proportion of perinatal complications (complications arising around the time of giving birth) among children with autistic symptoms. These complications include maternal bleeding after the first trimester and meconium in the amniotic fluid. (Meconium is a substance that accumulates in the bowel of the developing fetus and is discharged shortly after birth.) Some evidence suggests that the use of medications during pregnancy may be related to the development of autistic symptoms. As


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