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    武夷学院毕业论文(设计)The Influences of Foreign Tour Guides on Tourism ¾ A Case Analysis of the Mount Wuyi涉外导游对旅游业的影响¾武夷山个案分析摘 要中国社会经济的迅速发展引来了世人的瞩目,中国旅游业也迎来了灿烂的春天。涉外导游这一职业便应运而生。为了找到涉外导游对旅游业的影响,作者以中国武夷山景区为例进行了调查研究。本文主要由六部分组成。第一部分作者将主要介绍了随着中国经济的迅速发展,武夷山的旅游也日益发达。第二部分主要讲了高铁的修建为武夷山旅游业发展带来的契机及对涉外导游的要求。第三部分作者将武夷山与桂林山水进行了位置及知名度对比,并指出其对涉外导游需求的影响。第四部分作者介绍了外国游者对武夷山涉外导游的评价和当地旅行社导游的整体英文水平。第五部分作者将进行社会调研,并以饼状图的形式向读者剖析涉外导游所面临的现状及存在的问题。最后一部分作者将给出自己关于解决涉外导游存在问题的几点建议。本文作者将采用采访及问卷调查的研究方法,以中国武夷山景区为对象,调查涉外导游现状及存在的问题,并对所得数据展开分析和讨论。本文以影响旅游也发展的六大因素为依据,试图通过分析提出一些具体的改进措施,帮助中国旅游业摆脱不能迎接大量国外游客的束缚,同时也帮助国外游客更好地了解中国源远流长的文化底蕴,从而对中国旅游业如何引导涉外导游发展有所启发。关键词:涉外导游;旅游业发展;英文知识储备;改进措施AbstractWith the fast development of the society and economy in China, more and more foreigners begin to pay much attention on it. As for this, the tourism industry of China has also ushered in a splendid spring. Foreign tour guides come into being. In order to understand how the foreign tour guides affects the development tourism, the author takes an example Mount Wuyi scenic area of China to investigate. This paper consists of six parts. In the first part, the author has shown that with China's rapid economic development, Mount Wuyi tourism is developed increasingly. The second part is about what the opportunities that are brought by construction of high-speed rail for the development of tourism in Mount Wuyi and foreign tour guides. In the third part, the author will make a contrast between Mount Wuyi and Guilin landscape in the position and visibility contrast. Then the author points out that the demand for foreign guides. The fourth part of is about the evaluation of foreign travelers of Mount Wuyi and the English level of foreign tour guides in the local travel agencies. In the fifth part, the author will make the social research and analysis of current situation of the foreign tour guides. With the analysis of the chart, the author will find out the problems that the foreign tour guides faced. The last part of the author will give some suggestions to solve the problem of foreign tour guides.The author employs the methods of observation and questionnaire to Mount Wuyi tourism, aiming at investigating the situation of foreign tour guides. Then the author analyzes and discusses the collected data. Under the guidance of the six elements which influent the development of tourism, this thesis attempts to propose some specific improvement ways to help the Chinese travel agencies to train their guides for English learning method, and then help the foreigners to get a large acknowledge on the Chinese culture. It may illuminate National Tourism Administration of the P.R.C to perfect training the foreign tour guides.Key words: foreign tour guides; development of tourism; reserve of English knowledge; improvement measuresAcknowledgementsI would like to express my great gratitude to all those who helped me with their knowledge and time during the writing of this thesis. First and foremost, I should express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Ms. Guo, for her patience, professional instructions, and useful suggestion on my thesis. In the process of my essay writing, it is Ms. Guo who has helped me when I met many difficulties, from selecting a topic to finish this thesis. She has spent much time reading each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her pushing me ahead, the completion of the present thesis would not have been possible. I would also want to thank the teachers and students in Jianyang Foreign Language School, who have kindly given me a hand when I was making the observation list and questionnaire. I am also great indebted to all authors from whose books and articles some of my ideas have been taken.Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my classmates who gave me their constant encouragement and time in listening to me and helped me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. ContentsAbstractiiAcknowledgementsiiiContentsiv1 The development of tourism in Mount Wuyi11.1 The introduction of Mount Wuyi11.2 The analysis of the data on the flow of people in Mount Wuyi22 The opportunities that the High-speed Rails brought to Mount Wuyi42.1 The influence of the High-speed railway42.2 The opportunities that the high-speed railway brought to Mount Wuyi53 The contract between Mount Wuyi and Guilin landscape63.1 The contract between Mount Wuyi and Guilin landscape63.2 The reasons for the differences between them74 The Interview to the foreigners and the tourism agencies74.1 The interview to the foreigners84.2 The interview to the tourism agencies85 Questionnaire of the foreign tour guides85.1 The main contents of the questionnaire95.2 The results of the questionnaire95.3 The analysis of the questionnaire106 The advice of the development of training the tour guides116.1 The outside conditions of training the tour guides116.2 The inside conditions of training the tour guides12Conclusion13References14iv1 The development of tourism in Mount WuyiWith fast development of the economy in China, more and more people all over the world have paid much attention to the Chinese tourism. As one of the ancient civilizations country in the world, the China is very mysterious for the foreigners. So many people from other countries begin to come China to travel and they want to know much things about this beautiful place with the long history. In this part, the author will show the development of the tourism in Mount Wuyi.1.1 The introduction of Mount WuyiMount Wuyi National Tourist Holiday Resort is located in the east of the main scenic spots of Mount Wuyi National Scenic Area, which is on the opposite of the Mountain peak of Dawang and Yunv across the stream. Its total area of is about 12 square kilometers. Mount Wuyi is one of first batch of 11 National Resorts approved by the State Council in October 1992. With the beautiful natural resources, Mount Wuyi scenic area is known as "most beautiful scenic in southeast". It is said that the Mount Wuyi consists of the odd of Huangshan, the sprawl of beauty of West Lake and the male Taishan. With the goal to the development of international tourism, Mount Wuyi is planning to develop into a to pick paternity overseas tourists, sightseeing, vacation, leisure and entertainment as one of the integrated international tourist resort in accordance with the requirements of the international holiday travel. The Mount Wuyi resort set up tourism reception area, five major functional areas of leisure resort, golf resort, entertainment area and features resort and folk customs, outdoor recreation and Water Sports fifteen district to provide high-quality foreign tourists ecological environment and high-performance infrastructure and multifunctional cultural enjoyment, a high level of service and management.With the high speed of the economy developing, the tourism of Mount Wuyi has made the development rapid development and great achievements in recent years. Just taking 2012 as an example, the number of tourists is 642 thousand which increases of 22.4% from 2011. And the income of the tourism is 2.827 billion yuan, which is up by 23.9%. The tourism development in Mount Wuyi is not only reflected in the increasing in the amount but also in its quality which has been greatly improved. Looking back at 2008, the development of tourism in Mount Wuyi could be described as fruitful. "5.13" Tourism Festival, the second session of the Strait Tea Expo and other major festivals held in Mount Wuyi, the impression of China Tea named Dahongpao Expo Garden, information technology and other major construction of the project, CCTV "Across China" to Mount Wuyi chips, all these activities made the big influences of the visibility, reputation, credibility, satisfaction and loyalty of Mount Wuyi. Wuyi Mount has four consecutive top the popular list of the "Chinese characteristics and charm of the city 200”in Seoul, South Korea. Mount Wuyi is also selected for the scenic that are famous during the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up.1.2 The analysis of the data on the flow of people in Mount WuyiIn this part, the author will quote some data to support her views that there are more and more people to choose Mount Wuyi as the destination of their trips. That is the data about the the development of tourism economy in Mount Wuyi from January to September of 2012. There are more than 670 thousand passengers which increases of 19.78% over the same period of last year. The total tourism income is 11.368 billion yuan which increases of 21.21%. The number of tourism directly earned is $ 49 million which increases of 10.06%. There are four main characters of the tourism development in Mount Wuyi. First of all, the domestic tourism has developed well. There are 6.5 million domestic tourists which increases of 20.03%. And domestic tourism income is 11.021 billion yuan which increases of 21.59%. Among these travelers, there are 4.1 million people choosing the multiday tour while 237 thousand passengers choose for one day trip. They are accounting for 63.77% and 36.23% of the number of domestic tourists. With the adjustment of the holiday system, the popularization of the motorization and the increasing number of tourism, the number of day trips increases significantly. The total number of one day trip increases to 36.23% from 35.57% in the same period last year, an increase of 0.66 percentage points, an increase of 22.32% over the previous year, an increase of 2.23 percentage points. Secondly, the number of the tourists from the aboard rises. In the nine months, Mount Wuyi has received 147,300 inbound tourists trips which increases of 9.49%. Inbound tourism market showed the following characteristics: First, the three source markets rise and fall. Reception of Hong Kong and Macao tourists 29,800 passengers, down 4.47%; Taiwan tourists 61,500 passengers, an increase of 7.62%; 53,500 people receive foreigners, an increase of 17.97%. Second, in a foreign market: Asia, an increase of 19.37%, the Americas increased by 16.65%, the European flat, Oceania, Africa decreased by 10.68%, 86.36%, respectively. Diversified tourist market. Survey from the travel team: Fujian accounted for 15.7%; Zhejiang accounted for 12%; 10.9%; 8.2% in Shanghai; Jiangsu accounted for 6.3%; Henan accounted for 6%; Shandong accounted for 4.8%; Guangdong accounted for 4.1%; Liaoning 2.9 %; Shaanxi (2.4%); Jiangxi accounted for 2.3%. Foreign tour tourist source for the three regions of the neighboring provinces provinces, the Yangtze River Delta, the Bohai Sea region, its share of the proportion of the number of domestic tourists were 18.4%, 26.4%, 22.4%. Fourth, self-driving tour dramatic increase in the number. January to September, from high-speed access to Wuyishan self-driving reached 396,100, an increase of 28.1%. Use their own transport or together aboard the transport, or the relevant units scheduled board see attractions on the FIT Tours is becoming a fashion choice.2 The opportunities that the High-speed Rails brought to Mount WuyiThere are three main high-speed rails that pass from Mount Wuyi. They are Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway, Hefei-Fuzhou High-speed Railway and Beijing-Fuzhou High-speed Railway. All these will make a big difference on the tourism in Mount Wuyi. With the convenient traffic, there are more and more travelers from home and aboard to trip to Mount Wuyi.2.1 The influence of the High-speed railwayWith the Mount Wuyi as the dot, the high-speed railway life in future will make the big difference of peoples life. It can also bring the changes of the Mount Wuyi. Because the high-speed railway can bring more and more people to trip on the Mount Wuyi. As for the speed of 350 km / h, we can not feel it only standing on the bleachers to watch the match-car to pass. However, the high-speed railway which can be used in Mount Wuyi in 2013 can make the 350 kilometers per hour into the reality. All these changes are only the way for people to travel. This speed tool is equipped with modern high-speed railway. There are much more that high-speed railway brought acute consumption and unplanned consumption for us. Someone said that with the double track railway passenger dedicated line, the train design speed of 250 km to set aside a further acceleration conditions. As for it, one-way transmission capacity of is up to 80 million passengers / year. 2.2 The opportunities that the high-speed railway brought to Mount WuyiThe author believes that transportation is one of the six elements which influents the development of tourism. High-speed railway makes closer to the straight-line distance between the city and created the preconditions for domestic and aboard tourists to Mount Wuyi. The development of high-speed railway will be more conducive to Mount Wuyi as a central city tourism as radiation function; bring new opportunities for high-speed railway will Mount Wuyi Tourism. As we all know that Mount Wuyi has a large number of high-quality tourism resources, but unfortunately some are "kept in purdah that can not be known". Then the problems are all solved with the developed high-speed rail to the regional tourism. The completion of the high-speed rail, you can quickly promote the economic circle of the development and construction of high-quality resources. Taking the high-speed railway express, Mount Wuyi tourism will develop much better than before.As there are so many people want to have a look around the Mount Wuyi, the foreign tour guides become the hottest jobs in the scenic. The language is the most important basic skills of the new era of foreign tour guides. Without perfect language skills, it is very difficult to develop the tourist well. As we all know that the foreigners only want to have a good understanding of the history of China, then if we can not express our own history well to them. All these will let them down. This can be the weakness of the development of the tourism. At present, China has formed a considerable scale, to master the world's major foreign language tour guides, but in this one, a lot of problems are also common. Here the author will give an example to make the readers know that the importance of learning English well. There is a guided tour to visit the Great Wall from the UK, then a tourist want to go to the toilet on the Great Wall. So he asked the tour guide: "May I go somewhere?" Our guides mistook tourists ask: "I can walk around it? " So he answered enthusiastically:" You can go anywhere." In fact, the tour guide meant that the tourist can go anywhere to have a look around the Great Wall. But the tourist understood that the Chinese people are so ou


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