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    浙江理工大学科技与艺术学院本科毕业论文浙江理工大学科技与艺术学院论文的组成部分:共10个基本部分:1)封面、2)英文摘要(Abstract)与关键词(Key words)、3)中文摘要与关键词、4)目录、5)引言、6)正文、7)结语、8)文献目录、9)致谢、10)附录本科毕业论文论文题目: 浅析中国学生英语学习过程中汉语对英语的正迁移 (中文题目下划线,居中,3号宋体,加粗)English Title: On Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer in Chinese Students English Learning Process(英文题目下划线,居中,3号Times New Roman加粗)班页码设置:(封面、英文摘要和中文摘要不用设置页码,只需单独页即可)(班级,学号,作者姓名,指导教师,完稿时间下划线,居中,3号宋体加粗) 级: _ _ 学 号: _ _作者姓名: _ _指导教师: _ _完稿时间:_年 月 日A4纸打印,两端对齐,行间距1.5倍“摘要”两个字居中,宋体, 三号,加粗, 单独行。页:2,左边距3厘米,右边距2.5厘米,上下边距2.5厘米Abstract(Abstract居中, Times New Roman 3号加粗,单独页)Language空两格,Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距。 transfer, which is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and mother tongue, has been a hot issue in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition. During more than one hundred years, scholars from home and abroad have carried out plenty of researches, which indicate that the similarities between mother language and the target language will produce positive transfer while the differences will result in negative transfer. With regard to Chinese students English learning, it is commonly accepted that English language exerts positive influence on Chinese language while Chinese language exerts negative influence on English language. Previous studies concentrated more on the negative Chinese-to-English transfer, but rare is the study on positive Chinese-to-English transfer. This thesis, based on the analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese language and English language, attempts to explore positive Chinese-to-English transfer in Chinese students English learning process, from the perspective of pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse. It first compares the two languages, and introduces the concept of language transfer. Then, it moves to analyze the positive influences from Chinese language on English language learning, and further discuss the factors that contribute to such transfer. Finally, it makes suggestions on how to promote the positive Chinese-to-English transfer, proposing that students should take into account the consolidation of the basic knowledge of Chinese to promote their English learning.Key“key words”两个词,左顶格,Times New Roman, 三号,加粗。 具体的关键词,Times New Roman,小四号,关键词中间以分号隔开. Words: positive transfer; linguistic factor; non-linguistic factorA4纸打印,两端对齐,行间距1.5倍“摘要”两个字居中,宋体, 三号,加粗, 单独行。页:3,左边距3厘米,右边距2.5厘米,上下边距2.5厘米。摘 要语言迁移摘要内容:宋体,小四号,1.5倍行距.首行空两格.,即由母语与目的语间的共性和差别引起的影响,作为应用语言学及第二语言习得领域普遍存在的现象一直备受关注。多年来,国内外学者对其展开大量研究,并归结出了诸多观点。本文首先通过对英汉两种语言的对比,从语音、词汇和语篇三方面分析英汉语言的异同点,简述语言迁移的定义,介绍语言迁移问题的研究。就英汉两种语言而言,研究多集中于汉语对英语的负迁移,对于汉语对英语的正迁移的研究还不多。本文举例分析中国学生学习英语过程中发生的汉语对英语的正迁移现象,并讨论了汉语对英语产生正迁移的因素以及如何促进汉语对英语的正迁移提出建议。最后得出结论:在中国学生的英语学习过程中汉语能对英语产生正迁移,并提出要充分利用产生正迁移的语言因素和非语言因素促进中国学生的英语学习。关键词“关键词”三个字:左顶格,宋体,三号,加粗。 具体的关键词:宋体小四号,关键词中间以分号隔开.:正迁移;语言因素;非语言因素Contents目录的自动生成步骤:1、首先在正文中对各级标题根据级别设置:先选定一个标题,然后在“样式”中选定相应级别的“标题”。2、在目录页选定位置上生成论文目录:在“插入”中选”引用”, 点击“索引和目录”,再在其中选“目录”,然后在左下角处”格式”处选择”来自模板” ,在”显示级别处”选择”3”后确定即可。3、如果自动生成目录中的字体、字号等跟规定不符,只要将所有目录项目选中后作相应调整即可。 Introduction11. Comparison between English and Chinese Language11.1 Pronunciation21.2 Vocabulary21.3 Discourse32. Language Transfer32.1 The Definition of Language Transfer32.2 Previous Researches on Language Transfer42.2.1 General Findings42.2.2 Chinese Language vs. English Language53. Positive Transfer from Chinese to English Language83.1 Pronunciation83.2 Vocabulary93.3 Discourse114. Factors Influencing Positive Transfer from Chinese to English134.1 Linguistic Factors134.1.1 Learners Level of the Basic Knowledge of Chinese Language134.1.2 Learners Manipulation and Application of the Similarities and Differences between the Two Languages144.2 Non-linguistic Factors144.2.1 Learners Age144.2.2 Learners Motivation of Learning154.2.3 Learners Attitude154.2.4 The Learning Environment and the Role of Teachers154.2.5 The Fashion155. How to Promote the Positive Chinese-to-English Transfer16Conclusion17Acknowledgements2019Introduction章节标题单独占一行,左顶格,Times New Roman,三号,加粗. 正文首行空两格,两端对 齐,Times New Roman小四号。1.5倍行距。页眉的设置:先在“视图”中选“页眉”,然后输入“浙江理工大学本科毕业论文”,完了之后点击“关闭”。注:字体宋体5号,居中排列。 Language transfer is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired. The similarities between mother language and the target language will produce positive transfer while the differences results in negative transfer (Odlin, 1989). In the fields of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, language transfer has been a hot issue for long. Scholars from home and abroad have delivered a great amount of topics and arguments during more than one hundred years. All those researches and arguments have made great achievements of and monumental contributions to language transfer. Take Chinese students study of English language as an example, what is discussed most is the positive transfer from English language to Chinese one and the negative transfer from Chinese language to English one. A majority of the scholars (Odlin, 1989; Yu Liming, 2004) consider that the negative effects from Chinese language to English one are quite obvious in Chinese students English learning process, while English language can make positive effects on the study of Chinese language. However, the study on the positive transfer from Chinese language to English one is still scarce.This thesis aims to discuss the positive effects and influences from Chinese to English language in Chinese students English learning process through comparison between English and Chinese language and example analysis on the basis of theories of language transfer and to analyze the causes according to the status quo. The thesis is to find out whether there is positive transfer from Chinese to English language in Chinese students English learning process.1一级标题单独占一行,左顶格,Times New Roman三号,加粗。. Comparison between English and Chinese LanguageEnglish language and Chinese language as two branches of language are out of question having some similarities. However, because they belong to two different language systems, their users different cultural conventions and political beliefs make them differ from each other. All those similarities and differences to some extent make impacts on the language transfer between English and Chinese. This thesis is going to compare English and Chinese language from the perspective of pronunciation, vocabulary and discourse.1.1二级标题单独一行,左顶格,小三号Times New Roman字体加粗。 PronunciationEnglish and Chinese are two different languages: English belongs to Indo-European Language while Chinese belongs to Sino-Tibetan Languages. Chinese language has nineteen monophthongs and diphthongs, twenty-one consonants while English has twenty monophthongs and diphthongs, twenty-eight consonants. Therefore in spite of those same monophthongs, diphthongs and consonants, there are still some English pronunciations which can not be found in Chinese language, such as and t.1.2二级标题单独一行,左顶格,小三号Times New Roman字体加粗。 VocabularyIn terms of vocabulary (Mao Guoan, 2005), there are both similarities and differences between Chinese and English language. Firstly, both of English and Chinese word-binding have many great similarities, such as compounding, affixation and shortening and so on. However, Chinese language has some overlapping words which English does not have. For example, Chinese people often say “给我瞧瞧”, “高高兴兴”,but it can not be translated into English as “Let me see see” and “cheerful cheerful”, since such usage is not allowed in English. Secondly, both in English and Chinese, the division of words is more or less the same, but English has singular and plural changes and in English one can use the plural form of a countable noun to describe a number of uncertainty, while in Chinese one should add adjectives or use numeral phrases to achieve the same effect. For example, Chinese expression “繁星密布” can be translated into English only by adding an “s” at the end of the word “star”. Lastly is the Rhetoric. In English the modifiers (except single adjective) must be put after the noun, but in Chinese they should be placed in front of the noun unless there is a special emphasis. For example, in the English sentence “He is a boy crazy about football.”, “crazy about football” is the modifier of “boy”. While in Chinese, that must be “他是个痴迷足球的男孩。”, and here “痴迷足球” as the modifier is put in front of the noun “男孩”.1.3二级标题单独一行,左顶格,小三号Times New Roman字体加粗。 DiscourseAs to the discourse (Bian Xu, 2006), there are great similarities between Chinese and English language. In the structure of a composition, English text is often unfolded by General-Particular Pattern, that is, “raise the topic-give out supporting arguments-draw the conclusion”, which is quite similar with the Chinese composing pattern (起-承-转-合). In addition, English articles usually start their points of views straightly, which can be also found in Chinese ones (that is called “开门见山”).2. Language一级标题单独占一行,左顶格,Times New Roman三号,加粗。 TransferSince the phenomena of language transfer exist widely in the fields of Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, the researches on language transfer are in the spotlight for quite a long time.2.1二级标题单独一行,左顶格,小三号Times New Roman字体加粗。 The Definition of Language TransferDifferent scholars who consider from different perspectives may hold different opinions about what language transfer is, and among all those different definitions the most influential and widely accepted one is described. Odlin (1989) thought, language transfer is the influence resulting from similarities and differences between the target language and any other language that has been previously acquired. In Odlins definition, the language that has been previously acquired mainly refers to the mother language. The similarities between mother language and the target language will reduce the time of reading. Similarities of syntax will make it easy for learners to acquire sentences. That is called Positive Transfer. Thus for the same token, the differences between mother language and the target language will make it difficult to acquire sentences. That is called Negative Transfer. The following are simple explanations about positive and negative transfer (Odlin,1989):Positive Transfer: Using former knowledge and is without mistakes in the learning;Negative Transfer: Using former knowledge but is with mistakes and errors.2.2 Previous二级标题单独一行,左顶格,小三号Times New Roman字体加粗。 Researches on Language TransferIt has been more than one hundred years since the earliest research on language transfer, and during a period of more than one century, linguists persisting in their own opinions were divided into dozens of groups and had made great achievements of and monumental contributions to language transfer in their own fields.2.2.1 General三级标题单独一行,左顶格,四号Times New Roman字体加粗。 FindingsAmerican linguist Lado brought forward a basic theory which is named Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH) in his book Linguistics Across Cultures: Applied Linguistics for Language Teacher in 1957. He advanced that language learners often attempt to transfer the features of their mother language to the second language. When the structures of the two languages are similar, learners can get positive transfer or facilitation. When the two languages are different in structures, negative transfer or interference occurs and results in errors. He also advanced that either the input or output skill of second language learners would be influenced by the forms and meanings of the first language (mother language) at linguistic level. He considered language as a habit, for which he thought the learners habit formed in the first language acquisition could very easily be transferred into the second language acquisition, that is, the knowledge of the first language or mother tongue influenced that of second language. The core of Lados theory was to compare the similarities and differences of the first and the second language, according to which he thought: how difficult learners might feel during the language acquisition depends on how similar or different the two languages are the similarities between mother language and target language would definitely improve the acquisition of the target language while differences might make it even harder.Odlin (1989) pointed out that only by doing researches on and comparing learners of different mother tongue, can researchers observe the effects or functions of the first language.For the positive influences exerted on the second language by mother language, Sandra (1997) advanced that mother language could effectively promote the study of the second language. The bigger the vocabulary of the mother language was, the better the learners could achieve in binding the new words of second language with the existing words of the mother language, so as to be easier for them to contextualize and grasp the new words.Lay (1988) carried out series of disquisition and analysis, and he discovered that the English compositions of those students who used the thinking pattern of their mother language more frequently were better than that of those who used less. Lay (1988) thought that, the writing ability of the mother-tongue can come about positive transfer to the writing of second language in seven aspects: a. to help find topics and points; b. to improve the ability of expressing complex ideas; c. to contribute to memorize the past experiences; d. to help grasp the layout of writing; e. to promote self-expression; f. to increase vocabulary richness; g. to enhance cultural understanding.2.2.2 Chinese三级标题单独一行,左顶格,四号Times New Roman字体加粗。 Language vs. English LanguageAlthough the researches on the language transfer are without number, they are mostly based on two different foreign languages (such as English and French). But, Chinese experts at home have been branching out a great amount of experiments and studies, among which most of the experts held the ideas that there must exist negative transfer from mother language (hear refers to Chinese language) to the second language (here refers to English language). However, researches on the positive transfer from Chinese language to English language are scarce.It is widely accepted that during the study of English, Chinese language will certainly exert negative influences on English learning. Ji Shaofeng, et al (2006) whose researches focused on the pronunciation pointed out that the differences between Chinese and English language would produce difficulty or inhibi


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