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    攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 试论言语行为理论在广告语中 的运用学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206094 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科3班 指导教师: 二七年五月On the Application of Speech Act Theoryin the Advertising LanguageWan ShuangrongUnder the Supervision ofLiu ShengmingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 ContentsContentsAbstract.IKey Words.I摘要.II关键词.IIIntroduction.1I. Speech Act Theory.3A. Speech Act.31. Definition of Speech Act32. Feature and Expression Method of Speech Act.4B. Austins Speech Act Theory.41. Performatives and Constatives.42. Three Senses of Speech Act Theory.53. Austins Contribution to Speech Act Theory.5C. Searles Speech Act Theory.51. Indirect Speech Act .62. Conventional and Non-conventional Indirect Speech Act 63. Searles Contribution to Speech Act Theory.7IIAdvertisement and Advertising Language.8A. Advertisement.81. Necessity of Advertisement82. Purpose and Function of Advertisement9B. Advertising Language.91. Definition of Advertising Language.102. Stylistic Features of Advertising Language .103. Functions of Advertising Language 11IIIApplication of Speech Act Theory in the Advertising Language.12A. Mutual Influence between Development of Speech Act Theory and Needof Advertising Language.12B. Embodiment of Speech Act Theory in the Advertising Language .131. Direct Speech Act of Advertising Language.132. Conventional Indirect Speech Act of Advertising Language.153. Non-conventional Indirect Speech Act of Advertising Language17Conclusion20Acknowledgements.21Bibliography22攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Abstract AbstractSpeech act theory was put forward by Austin and Searle in about 1960s.Basically speaking,the embodiment of speech act in the advertising language is that advertising manufacturers want to achieve some actual effects (i.e. carrying out direct acts or indirect acts) within or beyond the advertising language. In this paper the author analyzes some examples of advertising language and discovers that some advertising language not only transmits the advertised information but also implies some speech act in them (including direct speech act, conventional indirect speech act and non-conventional indirect speech act). Key WordsSpeech act; indirect speech act; speech act theory; advertising language; publicityI攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 摘要摘要言语行为理论是奥斯汀和塞尔于大约20世纪60年代推出的语言学理论。基本上,广告语中的言语行为是指广告发布者意图通过广告语在发布当时或之后取得某些实际效果,即直接行为或间接行为。本文作者通过分析一些广告语实例发现广告语不仅传递了广告信息,而且暗含了一些言语行为在里面,包括直接言语行为、常规性间接言语行为和非常规性间接言语行为。关键词言语行为; 间接言语行为; 言语行为理论; 广告语; 宣传II攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 IntroductionIntroductionIn recent years, with the continuous development of the speech act theory, it has gradually become an important topic and been thought as a basis theory in the pragmatics. Its applied research in practice has made considerable achievements, such as language acquisition, foreign language teaching and learning, and gradually be applied to other fields. Therefore, many scholars and people at home and abroad have plunged into the applied research of speech act theory, and it has a very great development and application.The speech act theory, from the perspective of act, opens a new way to explore the language use. It is a new idea and breakthrough in the advertising circle to combine speech act theory with advertising language. There have been some people writing an article in this respect. For example, Xiao Li in the Journal of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts writes an article, "The Application of Speech Act Theory in the Advertising Language” (2003). The paper analyzes the characteristics of the expression and sentence structures of advertising language from the angle of speech act theory based on many real examples of advertisement both in Chinese and English. Zhou Xuanfeng in the Journal of Wuyi University (Social Science Edition) reports an article, “An Analysis of Speech Act Theory of Advertising Language” (2005). The paper is to explore the pragmatic principles and the characteristic of advertising language, the reflection of advertising language of the three categories of speech act in John Austins speech act theory and the relationship with advertising language. The theory has great significance to improve the advertising language, promote a product or service and enhance its competitiveness. Liu Xiao and Gao Jianbo in the Journal of Jiangxi Normal University of Science and Technology write an article entitled with, “On the Application of Speech Act Theory in Advertisements" (2006). Based on the speech act theory of Austin and Searle, the paper discusses the expressive methods and technique of speech act in the advertisement through the analysis of examples in order to reveal how the speech creates positive effects on advertisements.Combined Austins and Searles research achievements in the speech act theory, this paper is to discuss and analyze the application of speech act theory in the advertising language. As we all know, the excellent advertising language can efficiently realize the advertising effect and convey the advertised information. Excellent advertising language is vivid, humorous, interesting, meaningful and endless after-taste, which wraps the commodity in ardent emotion so as to make people feel a concern and a tender feeling. However, common and disgusting advertising language in the choice of words is mechanical, monotonous, repetitious and wordy, more utilitarian and untrue, which exaggerates excessively the fact and misleads the consumer. It can be concluded that it is easy to create the language, but it is not easy to create the excellent advertising language.22攀枝花学院本科毕业论文 Speech Act Theory .Speech Act TheorySpeech act theory is one of important contents of current pragmatics, and is an important research topic in pragmatics. Pragmatics may be defined as the study of language in use, which is a new field in linguistics. Speech act theory is the first major theory in the study of language in use. It is mainly put forward by John Langshew Austin in 1962, who is a philosopher in England, and John J. Searle in 1969, who is a linguist and a philosopher in America. Speech act theory gradually changes into the key contents of modern pragmatics through Searles elaboration and development. Meanwhile, Searle put forward the indirect speech act. Austin and Searle and some other researchers of speech act theory change direction of linguistic research from the sentence structure itself to meaning, intention and social function of sentence expression, thereby highlighting the social function with language doing something or saying something. Speech act theory makes the scholars change direction from grammatical or linguistic form to speech function, and make many researches change direction from linguistic knowledge to social function. A. Speech ActThe concept of speech act makes the people realize that if the hearer wants to comprehend really the utterance, it is beyond enough to determine the true and false meaning of sentence only to depend on the analysis of sentence structure and logical semantic meaning because the utterance itself is an action.1. Definition of Speech ActTo analyze the language from the aspect of syntax and logical- semantic meaning, speech act only solves the “of saying something”. However, from the aspect of the use of language speech act may solve the “in saying something”. Speech act not only refers to the “of saying something” and the “in say something”, but also the “by saying something” which means the influence and consequence of what the “of saying something” and “in saying something” bring to the language. 2. Feature and Expression Method of Speech ActThe feature of speech act is that the speaker does an action or a few mentioned actions through saying a word or a few words. The realization of these actions may bring some consequences to the hearer. The expression method of speech act is to express speech act through logicalsemantic meaning, syntactic structure, contextual information and emotional meaning and so on.B. Austins Speech Act Theory In the book of How to Do Things with Words, Austin (1962) by himself divides performatives, and distinguishes performatives from constatives so as to overthrow the traditional opinion which the true or false condition of logical semantic meaning is the core of language comprehension. This is an extremely important achievement. However, with the further research, he perceives that some sentences are neither performatives nor constatives, but emphasize that they may bring some influences or consequences to the hearer. Therefore, Austin continues to develop speech act theory. In his opinion, there are three senses in which saying something may be understood as doing something. The act of “of saying something” is the performance of a locutionary act. The act of “in saying something” is the performance of an illocutionary act. The act of “by saying something” is the performance of a perlocutionary act. Austin deems that the purpose of using language is not only to say something and express a thought, but also do something through say something in order to fulfill certain intention“in saying something”.1. Performatives and ConstativesAustins first shot at the theory is the claim that there are two types of sentences: performatives and constatives. Some sentences do not describe things and cant be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is a part of, the doing of an action. So they are called performatives. Some sentences are a description of what the speaker is doing at the time of speaking. The speaker must accompany his words with the actual action. Sentences of these types are known as constatives. The purpose of performatives is the act of “in saying something”. The purpose of constatives is the act of “of saying something”. Austin thinks that performatives refers to the scope of language use and on the basis of the context, and constatives refers to the scope of syntax and logical semantic meaning.2. Three Senses of Speech Act TheoryThe first sense is the locutionary act, which is the act that the speaker says some meaningful utterances through using appropriate grammar. The second sense is the illocutionary act, which is the act that the speaker speaks out some utterance with the extra meaning. The third sense is the perlocutionary act, which is the act that some utterances may influence the hearers reflection after some utterances being done. In the three of speech act, the illocutionary act is main concern in speech act theory. This research may make us understand the speaker how to express the extra meaning through the literal meaning, or the hearer how to infer the extra meaning from the literal meaning of the speaker. 3. Austins Contribution to Speech Act TheoryAustin is the pioneer of speech act theory. Austins contribution is determined by developing the field from the aspect of act searched into the language, which is the essence of How to Do Things with Words. His speech act theory which is developed and elaborated by Searle changes into one of the core of modern pragmatics in the field of modern linguistics. C. Searles Speech Act TheoryIn the book of Expression and Meaning, Searle (1979) develops Austins speech act theory and expands it into elaborating other discourse and probing into general and interesting issue. Meanwhile, Searle puts forward the concept of indirect speech act, which may solves the issue the speaker how to express the indirect extra meaning through literal meaning, and the speaker how to infer the indirect extra meaning through literal meaning of the speaker. To understand the concept of indirect speech act, it is firstly crucial to understand the literal meaning, namely, the extra meaning of the sentence itself expression, then, infer the indirect intention from the literal meaning, namely, the extra meaning of sentence indirect expression. 1. Indirect Speech ActAccording to Searles speech act theory, indirect speech act means when the speaker isnt willing to directly use the performative utterance owing to some intention, he may adopt the indirect speech method to realize certain speech act. Simply speaking, it is indirectly realized another extra act through an extra act. In the indirect speech act, the speaker transmits his extra meaning to the hearer being dependent on the common background knowledge including language and non-language, and the inference ability of the hearer. 2. Conventional and Non-conventional Indirect Speech Act In his opinion, indirect speech act is divided into two types: conventional indirect speech act and non- conventional indirect speech act. The former means that the hearer deduces the indirect extra meaning according to the users language using habit. As for conventional indirect speech act, the relation between the literal meaning of sentence and extra meaning of the speaker is more fix. Only making general inference about the literal meaning of sentence, we can determine the extra meaning of the speaker with indirect expression. The latter means that the hearer deduces the indirect extra meaning on the basis of bilateral known language information and specified context. As for non- conventional indirect speech act, the relation between the intention of the speaker and literal meaning of sentence is more complicated and unfixed. Therefore, its extra meaning is different with the different context. Non-conventional indirect speech act is more indirect than conventional indirect speech act. When discerning conventional indirect speech act, the hearer can comprehend the intention of the speaker onl


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