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    论文--公示语翻译研究—以承德避暑山庄为例 (2).doc

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    论文--公示语翻译研究—以承德避暑山庄为例 (2).doc

    唐山师范学院学士学位论文 题 目: 公示语翻译研究以承德避暑山庄为例学 生: 于丹指导老师: 刘彦奎年 级: 2009级 专接本专 业: 英语系 别: 外语系唐山师范学院外语系2011年5月The Translation of Public SignsA Case Study of the Summer Mountain ResortsYu DanA Graduation Thesis Submitted toForeign Language Department of Tangshan Teachers CollegeIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree of B.A.Tutor: Liu YankuiSpecialty: English Direction: English TranslationTangshan, Hebei ProvinceMay 2011郑重声明 本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师刘彦奎的指导下独立撰写完成的。如有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权的行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任,并愿意通过网络接受公众的监督。特此郑重声明。毕业论文(设计)作者(签名): 2011年 5 月 23 日AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to my tutor, Mr.Liu, from whom I benefit a lot. From the earlier draft to the final conclusion of my thesis, he gave me constructive comments. Without his immense patience, inspiring suggestions and constant encouragement, I could not have completed this thesis in time.I would like to show my gratitude to Mr.Li, Miss.Zhou, Mr.Mu and Miss Meng for their wonderful lecture in my English learning process.I also thank all my classmates who have given me so much help in these two years. Without their help I may not be able to accomplish my thesis so smoothly.摘 要 随着社会和经济的发展,中国在世界舞台上扮演着重要的角色,尤其在2008年,北京举办奥运会,全世界都在关注中国。许多人来中国旅游。旅游业的发展促进了景点公示语的翻译。景点公示语的主要功能是告知游客游览的注意事项或是介绍景点的相关历史文化知识,然而许多景点的公示语都存在诸多问题。公示语汉英翻译对旅游业的发展有着重要的作用,因此,有必要对这一问题进行系统的研究。本文简明的介绍的公示语的基本知识,包括公示语的定义,作用,分类和语言风格。公示语的作用可以分为指示作用,提示作用,限制作用和强制作用。公示语的语言风格是简明直接。本文以承德避暑山庄公示语为例,分析山庄内公示语存在的错误,包括词汇错误,拼写错误,语法错误,文化差异,中式英语等。在目的论的指导下,提出翻译公示语的策略和方法。本文通过对公示语英译实例的分析得出结论:旅游景点公示语的英译应遵循译文读者的“可接受性”和译文文本的“忠实性”。关键词:公示语;目的论; 翻译方法AbstractWith the development of society and economy, China has played more and more important role on the world stage, especially in 2008, when China held the Olympic in Beijing. All the people in the world focus on China. So many people come to China to have a visit. Tourism is a booming industry which has given rise to the needs of well-translated public signs in scenic spots. The main functions of public signs in scenic spots are: to notify tourists of some visiting regulations or to inform them of some cultural knowledge about China. However, some of those signs fail to serve the functions due to mistranslation. C-E translation in scenic spots is very important for international tourism. The subject really needs a systematic study. The paper introduces the basic information of the public sings briefly, including the definition, the function, the classification and the language style of the public signs. The functions of the public signs are directing, prompting, restricting and compelling. The language styles of the public signs are directness and conciseness. This paper makes a case study of the Summer Mountain Resorts by analyzing the errors, including lexical errors, spelling errors, grammar errors, cultural confusion and Chinglsih. This paper offers the translation strategies and methods of public signs under the guide of the skopos theory. Based on an analysis of many examples, the paper comes to a conclusion: in C-E translation of public signs, a translator is required to observe two translation principles to achieve the expected effect. They are “acceptability” of the translated text by intended readers and “loyalty” of the translated text.Key Words:Public signs; skopos theory; translating methods ContentsIntroduction . 1Chapter One A Brief Introduction of Public Signs . 21.1 The definition of public signs .21.2 The function of public signs .21.3 The classification of public signs .31.3.1 Informative and evocative .31.3.2 Slogans and advertisements . 41.3.3 Public signs in scenic spots and other places .41.4 The language style of public signs .41.4.1 Conciseness.51.4.2 Directness 5Chapter Two Problems of C-E Public Signs Translation in Summer Mountain Resorts .62.1 Lexical errors .62.2 Spelling errors.62.3 Grammar errors . 72.4 Unclear description.72.5 Cultural confusion. 82.6 Chinglsih 8Chapter Three Functional Skopos Theory . 103.1 Skopos rule103.2 Coherence rule . 103.3 Fidelity rule11Chapter Four Translation Methods on Public Signs .134.1 Borrowing .134.2 Restructing .134.3 Imitating .144.4 Cultural transformation . 144.5 Notation.15Conclusion .16Bibliography . 17


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