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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破讲义:Module 3 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案.pdf

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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破讲义:Module 3 英美文化欣赏 Word版含答案.pdf

    【导读】 这是童话爱丽丝梦游仙境中的主要角色爱丽丝在很早以前一 个夏日里的梦。疯了的制帽人和三月兔总是在喝茶,睡鼠总是那么喜欢睡这 故事很奇怪,可是,在梦境里什么都会发生。 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland(excerpt) There was a table under a tree outside the house,and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea.A Dormouse was sitting between them,asleep.The three of them were all sitting together at one corner of the table,but the table was large and there were many other seats.Alice sat down in a big chair at one end. “Have some coffee, ”the March Hare said in a friendly voice. Alice looked all round the table,but she could only see a teapot, “I don't see any coffee, ”she said. “There isn't any, ”said the March Hare. “Then why did you ask me to have some?”said Alice crossly.“It wasn't very polite of you.” “It wasn't very polite of you to sit down.We haven't invited you to tea, ”said the March Hare. “But there are lots of seats, ”said Alice. “Your hair's too long, ”said the Hatter,looking at Alice with interest. “It's not polite to say things like that, ”said Alice. The Hatter looked surprised,but he said, “Why is a bird like a desk?” Alice was pleased.She enjoyed playing wordgames,so she said, “That's an easy question.” “Do you mean you know the answer?”said the March Hare. “Yes, ”said Alice. “Then you must say what you mean, ”the March Hare said. “I do, ”Alice said quickly.“Well,I mean what I say.And that's the same thing, you know.” “No,it isn't!”said the Hatter.“Listen to this.I see what I eat means one thing, but I eat what I see means something very different.” Alice did not know what to say to this.So she took some tea and some bread­and­ butter while she thought about it.The Dormouse woke up for a minute and then went to sleep again.After a while the Hatter took out his watch,shook it,then looked at it sadly. “Two days slow!I told you that butter wasn't good for watches!”he said angrily to the March Hare. “It was the best butter, ”said the March Hare sadly. Alice was looking at the watch with interest.“It's a strange watch, ”she said.“It shows the day of the week,but not the time.” “But we know the time, ”said the Hatter.“It's always six o'clock here.” Alice suddenly understood.“Is that why there are all these cups and plates?”she said.“It's always tea­time here,and you go on moving round the table.Is that right? But what happens when you come to the beginning again?” “Don't ask questions, ”said the March Hare crossly.“You must tell us a story now.” “But I don't know any stories.”said Alice. Then the March Hare and the Hatter turned to the Dormouse.“ Wake up, Dormouse!”they shouted loudly in its ears.“Tell us a story.” “Yes,please do, ”said Alice. The Dormouse woke up and quickly began to tell a story,but a few minutes later it was asleep again.The March Hare poured a little hot tea on its nose,and the Hatter began to look for a clean plate.Alice decided to leave and walked away into the wood.She looked back once,and the March Hare and the Hatter were trying to put the Dormouse into the teapot. “Well,I won't go there again, ”said Alice.“What a stupid tea­party it was!” Just then she saw a door in one of the trees.“How curious! ”she thought.“But everything is strange today.I think I'll go in.” So she went in.And there she was,back in the long room with the little glass table.At once,she picked up the gold key from the table,unlocked the little door into the garden,and then began to eat a piece of mushroom.When she was down to about thirty centimetres high,she walked through the door,and then,at last,she was in the beautiful garden with its green trees and bright flowers. 爱丽丝梦游仙境节选 房子外的树下有一张桌子,三月兔和制帽人正在喝茶。有只睡鼠在他们中间, 睡着了。他们三个坐在桌子的一角,可桌子实际上很大,还有很多座位。爱丽丝 在一头的一把大椅子上坐下来。 “请喝点咖啡吧。”三月兔友好地说。 爱丽丝看看桌子周围,可只看到一个茶壶。“我没看见有咖啡。”她说。 “是没有咖啡。”三月兔说。 “那你为什么让我喝呢?”爱丽丝生气地说。“你没有礼貌。” “你自己坐下来就很不礼貌。我们没邀请你喝茶。”三月兔说。 “但这儿有很多座位。 ”爱丽丝说。 “你的头发太长了。 ”制帽人说,他很感兴趣地看着爱丽丝。 “说这样的事才没礼貌呢。 ”爱丽丝说。 制帽人看起来很吃惊,但他接着说, “为什么鸟像桌子?” 爱丽丝高兴起来。她喜欢玩拼字游戏。所以她说, “这个问题很简单。 ” “你是说你知道答案?”三月兔说。 “是的, ”爱丽丝说。 “那你得说你是怎么想的, ”三月兔说。 “当然, ”爱丽丝立刻说:“我说的就是我想的。你该知道,这是一样的。 ” “不,不是!”制帽人说。 “听着,我明白我吃什么是一件事,而我吃我看见 的是另一回事,这是很不同的。 ” 爱丽丝对这些不知该说什么好。她一边思考这事儿,一边喝了点茶,吃了点 黄油面包。睡鼠醒了一会儿又睡过去了。过了一会儿,制帽人掏出自己的手表, 摇晃了一下,很伤心地看了又看。 “慢了两天!我告诉过你,黄油对表没好处。 ”他气哼哼地对三月兔说。 “这是最好的黄油, ”三月兔说,很是失望。 爱丽丝好奇地看了看表。 “这表真奇怪, ”她说。 “它只报星期几,不报时间。 ” “可我们知道时间, ”制帽人说。“在这儿永远是六点钟。” 爱丽丝一下子明白了。“这就是为什么有杯子和盘子的原因吗?”她说。 “这儿永远是喝茶的时间,你们就绕着桌子转。对不对?但你们回到开始后又会 怎么样呢?” “别问来问去, ”三月兔生气了。 “你现在得给我们讲个故事。 ” “可是我什么故事也不知道, ”爱丽丝说。 然后三月兔和制帽人转向睡鼠。“醒醒, 睡鼠!” 他们冲着它的耳朵喊起来。“给 我们讲个故事。 ” “对,请讲个故事吧。 ”爱丽丝说。 睡鼠醒了,马上开始讲故事。可过了几分钟,它又睡着了。三月兔把热茶倒 在睡鼠的鼻子上,制帽人开始找一个干净的盘子。爱丽丝决定走,就进了小树林。 她回头一看,三月兔和制帽人正想法子把睡鼠塞到茶壶里去呢。 “我再也不到那儿去了。 ”爱丽丝说。 “这茶会真愚蠢!”这时,她看见一棵 树上有一扇门。 “真奇怪!”她想。 “今天什么事都很奇怪。我想我该进去。 ” 于是她走了进去。她又回到那个有张小玻璃桌的长的房间里。她马上从桌子 上拿起那个小金钥匙,打开通往花园的小门,再吃一片蘑菇。当自己缩小到差不 多 30 厘米高时,她就穿过门,终于又到了那个美丽的花园,里面尽是绿树和亮丽 的鲜花。 知识积累 1in a(n)voice以的声音 2crossly adv.生气地 3with interest饶有兴趣地 4enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 5pour v倒,斟 文化链接 爱丽丝梦游仙境之解读 爱丽丝梦游仙境中的爱丽丝心地善良纯洁,乐于助人;面对各种稀奇古 怪的人和物,她始终保持清醒,坚持自己的价值判断,绝不随波逐流;具有自己 宝贵的尊严, 良知和独立人格, 直至梦醒时分都真实地活着。 这部童话让我们明白 : 梦境虽然遥远,但是只要我们有梦想,一切皆有可能。


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