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    2019-2020英语选修六讲义:英美文化欣赏2 含答案.pdf

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    2019-2020英语选修六讲义:英美文化欣赏2 含答案.pdf

    【导读】 简·爱 (Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说, 是一部具有自传色彩的作品。阅读下面选取的有关亲情的节选,对比中外文化中 对亲情态度的异同。 Jane Eyre(excerpt) The red room We could not go for a walk that afternoon.There was such a freezing cold wind,and such heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors.I was glad of it.I never liked long walks, especially in winter.I used to hate coming home when it was almost dark, with ice­ cold fingers and toes,feeling miserable because Bessie,the nursemaid,was always scolding me.All the time I knew I was different from my cousins, Eliza, John and Georgiana Reed.They were taller and stronger than me,and they were loved. These three usually spent their time crying and quarrelling,but today they were sitting quietly around their mother in the sitting­ room.I wanted to join the family circle,but Mrs Reed,my aunt,refused,Bessie had complained about me. “No,I'm sorry,Jane.Until I hear from Bessie,or see for myself,that you are really trying to behave better,you cannot be treated as a good,happy child,like my children.” “What does Bessie say I have done?” I asked. “Jane,it is not polite to question me in that way.If you cannot speak pleasantly, be quiet.” I crept out of the sitting­room and into the small room next door,where I chose a book full of pictures from the bookcase.I climbed on to the windowseat and drew the curtains,so that I was completely hidden.I sat there for a while.Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon,and saw the rain pouring down on the leafless garden.But most of the time I studied the book and stared,fascinated,at the pictures.Lost in the world of imagination,I forgot my sad,lonely existence for a while, and was happy, I was only afraid that my secret hiding­ place might be discovered. Suddenly the door of the room opened.John Reed rushed in. “ Where are you, rat? ” he shouted.He did not see me behind the curtain.“Eliza! Georgiana! Jane isn't here! Tell Mamma she's run out into the rain what a bad animal she is!” “How lucky I drew the curtain, ” I thought.He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent.But Eliza guessed at once where I was. “She's in the window­seat,John, ” she called from the sitting­room.So I came out immediately,as I did not want him to pull me out. “What do you want?” I asked him. “Say, What do you want,Master Reed , ” he answered,sitting in an armchair.“I want you to come here.” John Reed was fourteen and I was only ten.He was large and rather fat.He usually ate too much at meals, which made him ill.He should have been at boarding school, but his mother,who loved him very much,had brought him home for a month or two, because she thought his health was delicate. John did not love his mother or his sister, and he hated me.He bullied and punished me, not two or three times a week, not once or twice a day, but all the time.My whole body trembled when he came near.Sometimes he hit me,sometimes he just threatened me,and I lived in terrible fear of him.I had no idea about how to stop him.The servants did not want to offend their young master,and Mrs Reed could see no fault in her dear boy. So I obeyed John's order and approached his armchair,thinking how very ugly his face was.Perhaps he understood what I was thinking,for he hit me hard on the face. “That is for your rudeness to Mamma just now, ” he said, “and for your wickedness in hiding,and for looking at me like that,you rat!” I was so used to his bullying that I never thought of hitting him back. “What were you doing behind that curtain?” he asked. “I was reading, ” I answered. “Show me the book.” I gave it to him. 简·爱(节选) 红房子 那天下午,我们不能出去散步。寒风刺骨,大雨瓢泼,大家都待在家里,我 倒是因此感到高兴。我从来不喜欢走长路,特别是在冬天。过去我最讨厌回到家 时天色已暗,手脚冰凉,女仆贝茜总是训斥我而使我痛苦不堪。无论何时我都懂 得我和我的表兄妹里德家的伊丽莎、约翰和乔治娜不一样。他们不仅比我高 大、强壮,而且还受宠。 这三个人常常吵闹不休,但今天却和妈妈一起静静地坐在起居室里。我也想 加入他们,可我的舅妈里德太太不允许。贝茜告了我的状。 “对不起,简。如果不听到贝茜说或是由我亲眼看到你的确努力要学好,你 就不能像我的孩子那样,被当成是快乐的好孩子。 ” “贝茜说我干什么了? ”我问。 “简,这样问我是不礼貌的。如果你不能好好讲话,就闭嘴。” 我悄悄退出起居室,走进隔壁的小房间,从书架上选了一本图画书。我爬上 窗台,拉好窗帘,把自己整个藏了起来。我坐了一会儿,时而望望窗外。11 月的 午后天气阴沉,大雨倾泻在秃枝枯叶的花园里。不过大部分时间,我认真读着书, 完全被书中的图画吸引住了。我沉浸在想象的世界中,暂时忘掉了伤心和孤单, 只感到快活。我唯一担心的就是我的秘密藏身处可能会被发现。 突然,门开了,约翰·里德冲了进来。 “老鼠, 你在哪儿? ” 他叫着, 没有看到窗帘后面的我。 “伊丽莎!乔治娜! 简不在这儿!告诉妈妈她跑出去淋雨了。真是个畜生!” “幸好我拉上了窗帘, ”我心想。他永远找不到我,因为他并不聪明。可是, 伊丽莎一下子就猜出了我在哪里。 “约翰,她在窗台上。”她在起居室喊道。于是,我赶紧走了出来,因为我 不希望他来拽我。 “你想怎样? ”我问道。 “说里德主人,您想要什么 , ”他坐在椅子上说。 “我要你过来。 ” 约翰·里德已经 14 岁了,而我只有 10 岁。他长得又高又胖,常常狼吞虎咽 吃得太多,以致闹病。他本该上寄宿学校的,可是他妈妈太宠他,把他接回家一 两个月,因为她觉得他身体弱。 约翰既不喜欢他的母亲,也不喜欢他的妹妹,对我更只有恨。他欺侮我,惩 罚我,不是一星期两三次,也不是一天里一两次,而是随时随地。他一靠近,我 就浑身打颤。他有时打我,有时吓唬我,我整天生活在对他的恐惧中,我根本不 知道如何阻止他。仆人们不愿得罪他们的小主人,而里德太太根本看不到她的心 肝宝贝会有什么错。 于是,我服从了约翰的命令,走向他坐的椅子,心想他那张脸真是丑极了。 可能他看出了我的心思,用手重重地打在我的脸上。 “这是罚你刚才对妈妈无礼, ” 他说,“罚你藏起来的鬼主意, 罚你那么瞪着我, 你这老鼠!”我已经习惯了被他欺负,从没想过要还手。 “你在帘子后面干什么? ”他问。 “我在读书, ”我答道。 “给我看看。”我将书递了过去。 “You have no right to take our books, ” he continued.“You have no money and your father left you none.You ought to beg in the streets,not live here in comfort with a gentleman's family.Anyway,all these books are mine,and so is the whole house,or will be in a few years' time.I'll teach you not to borrow my books again.” He lifted the heavy book and threw it hard at me. It hit me and I fell, cutting my head on the door.I was in great pain, and suddenly for the first time in my life,I forgot my fear of John Reed. “You wicked,cruel boy!” I cried.“You are a bully! You are as bad as a murderer!” “What! What!” he cried.“Did she say that to me? Did you hear,Eliza and Georgiana? I'll tell Mamma,but first.” He rushed to attack me,but now he was fighting with a desperate girl.I really saw him as a wicked murderer.I felt the blood running down my face,and the pain gave me strength.I fought back as hard as I could.My resistance surprised him,and he shouted for help.His sisters ran for Mrs Reed, who called her maid, Miss Abbott, and Bessie.They pulled us apart and I heard them say, “What a wicked girl! She attacked Master John!” Mrs Reed said calmly, “Take her away to the red room and lock her in there.” And so I was carried upstairs,arms waving and legs kicking. As soon as we arrived in the red room,I became quiet again,and the two servants both started scolding me. “Really,Miss Eyre, ” said Miss Abbott, “how could you hit him? He's your young master!” “How can he be my master? I am not a servant!” I cried. “No,Miss Eyre,you are less than a servant,because you do not work, ” replied Miss Abbott.They both looked at me as if they strongly disapproved of me. “You should remember,Miss, ” said Bessie, “that your aunt pays for your food and clothes,and you should be grateful.You have no other relations or friends.” All my short life I had been told this,and I had no answer to it.I stayed silent, listening to these painful reminders. “你没权拿我们的书。”他接着说。“你身无分文,你父亲也没给你留下一 分钱。你应该上街讨饭,而不是在一位绅士家里过舒服日子。不管怎样,这些书 都是我的,几年以后整幢房子也是我的了。我要教训你别再借我的书。”他举起 重重的书,狠狠地打在我身上。 我被打倒在地,头碰在门上磕破了。我感到疼痛不堪,平生第一次突然忘记 了我对约翰·里德的恐惧。 “你这个残忍的坏蛋!”我喊着, “你欺侮人!你像个刽子手!” “什么!什么!” 他叫嚷着,“她说我什么? 伊丽莎, 乔治娜, 你们听到了吗? 我要告诉妈妈去,可是我先得” 他冲过来打我,不过现在他的对手是一个绝望的女孩子。我真的觉得他是个 刽子手坏蛋。我感到血从脸上流下来,疼痛给了我力量,我使出全力还手了。我 的反抗吓了他一跳,他大声求救。他的妹妹们跑去叫里德太太,里德太太又叫上 了仆人阿伯特小姐和贝茜。她们把我们拉开,我听到她们说:“多坏的小丫头! 她竟打了约翰主人!” 里德太太平静地说:“把她带到红房子里锁起来。”于是手脚并用、极力挣 扎的我被抱到了楼上。 一进红房子,我又安静下来,两个仆人开始训斥我。 “说真的,爱小姐, ”阿伯特小姐说, “你怎么能打他呢? 他是你的小主人 啊!” “他怎么是我的主人? 我又不是仆人!”我喊道。 “不,爱小姐。你连仆人都不如,因为你不干活。”阿伯特小姐答道。她们 都瞪着我,好像很不赞同我。 “小姐,你应该记住, ”贝茜说, “你的舅妈负担你的衣食,你应该感恩才对。 你再没有其他亲戚朋友了。” 在我短短的一生中,总是听到这样的话,而我又无以对答。我沉默着,痛苦 地听着她们的提醒。 知识积累 1nursemaid n 保姆 2fascinated adj. 着迷 3delicate adj. 脆弱的 4bully v. 恐吓;威逼 5wickedness n. 邪恶;恶毒 文化链接 简·爱之角色解读 主人公简·爱是一个贫苦低微、其貌不扬、性格倔强、感情丰富、自尊独立、 勇敢执着、聪慧过人的女孩,她对自己的命运、价值、地位的思考和努力把握, 对自己的思想和人格有着理性的认识,对自己的幸福和情感有着坚定而又执着的 追求。


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