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    HP 进行EHS审核的工厂公司自检项目表.pdf

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    HP 进行EHS审核的工厂公司自检项目表.pdf

    Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm HP Supplier Self-Assessment Part 2 Part D: Health and Safety / Environmental Management System Part B: Health and Safety Part C: Environment Introduction: Completion of the HP Supplier Self-Assessment is required under the Supplier Social and Environmental Responsibility Agreement. The self-assessment enables the supplier and HP to assess the suppliers performance with respect to the HP Supplier Code of Conduct (also known as the “Electronic Industry Code of Conduct”). It also is a means for HP to provide recommendations for those areas identified as opportunities for improvement. HP encourages its suppliers to accurately identify any areas in which their operations do not conform to the requirements of HPs Supplier Code of Conduct. As indicated in HP's Supplier Code of Conduct, HP expects to work collaboratively with its suppliers to achieve these standards. The self-assessment is based on the sections of the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct and is divided into two questionnaires: 1) Part A: Labor and Part E: Code of Conduct and Ethics 2) Part B: Health and Safety and Part C: Environmental Note: Part D: Management System is included as a subset in each questionnaire Including preparation time, each questionnaire can take up to 1½ hours to complete. Preparation time includes gathering resources, locating and copying requested documents, and communicating with colleagues. Please note that each facility manufacturing products for HP is required to fill out a set of the self-assessment questionnaires. For more information about HPs Supply Chain Social and Environmental Responsibility Program can be found on HP's web site at: http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE Supplier Contact Information: Date: Company Name: Contact Name: Position / Title: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Email: Facility Address: HP Commodity Manager / Account Manager: Part D: Health (b) conformance with this Code; and (c) identification and mitigation of operational risks related to this Code. It should also facilitate continual improvement.” General: Page 1 of 26 4/12/2005 Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm Compliance with Laws HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “a business, in all of its activities, must operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates.” 1. Has the company been cited for violations resulting in monetary penalties and/or formal corrective actions mandated by a government authority or a court in the past 3 years? Environmental: Yes No Health job rotation, etc.) designed to reduce worker exposures to chemical, biological and physical agents. Other. Please describe: _ 2.4 Does the facility provide personal protective equipment to workers when workplace exposures to chemical, biological and physical agents cannot be eliminated or controlled by the means listed in 2.3? Yes No 2.4.1 If “Yes,” please describe the personal protective equipment program. Check all that apply. The facility provides workers with personal protective equipment when engineering or administrative controls are not adequate to maintain exposure levels below legally allowable limits. The facility provides training for all workers who use protective equipment regarding the proper fitting, use, maintenance and disposal/replacement of the equipment. The company/facility provides the following equipment to workers: hearing protection (ear plugs and ear muffs) respiratory protection chemical gloves Other. Please describe:_ Page 16 of 26 4/12/2005 B3. Safety HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “Worker exposure to workplace safety hazards (e.g., electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, slips, trips and fall hazards) are to be controlled through proper design, engineering and administrative controls, preventative maintenance and safe work procedures (including lockout/tagout). Where hazards cannot be adequately controlled by these means, workers are to be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment.” 3.1 Does the facility have a program to identify, evaluate and control safety hazards (e.g., electrical and other energy sources, fire, vehicles, slips, trips and fall hazards)? Yes No 3.1.1 If “Yes,” please describe your procedures to identify, evaluate and control safety hazards to workers. Check all that apply: Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm The facility has implemented a Job Safety Analysis program (task hazard analysis) to identify job-specific safety hazards. The facility has implemented an electrical safety program and corresponding procedures The facility has implemented a lockout-tagout program and corresponding procedures. The facility has implemented a forklift safety program and corresponding procedures. The facility has implemented a fall protection program (for elevated work areas). The facility has implemented a fire safety program (fire detection, alarm and suppression systems) The facility has implemented a confined space entry program and corresponding procedures The facility conducts preventive maintenance of machinery and equipment to prevent leaks, spills, electrical shock hazards and other safety hazards. The facility conducts periodic workplace inspections. The facility ensures that unsafe equipment is taken out of service until safety hazards are corrected. Other. Please describe:_ 3.2 Does the facility provide personal protective equipment to workers when safety hazards cannot be controlled by other means? Yes No 3.2.1 If “Yes,” please describe the safety protective equipment the facility provides to workers. Check all that apply: eye protection (safety glasses; safety goggles, and face shields) hard hats safety shoes (steel-toed shoes) protective gloves fall protection devices Other. Please describe:_ 3.2.2 Is training provided for all workers who use protective equipment on the proper fitting, use, maintenance and disposal/replacement of the equipment? Yes No Page 17 of 26 4/12/2005 B4. Emergency Preparedness and Response HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “Emergency situations and events are to be identified and assessed, and their impact minimized by implementing emergency plans and response procedures, including: emergency reporting, worker notification and evacuation procedures, worker training and drills, appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment, adequate exit facilities and recovery plans.” Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm 4.1 Has the facility identified and assessed potential emergency situations? Yes No 4.1.1 If “Yes,” please describe how emergency situations such as fire, flood, windstorm, and other potential events are identified and assessed. Check all that apply: The facility staff or a consultant has performed a formal assessment of potential emergency situations. The facility uses publicly available emergency situation data for the geographic area Other. Please describe: _ 4.2 Has the facility developed and implemented an emergency preparedness and response program to minimize the impact of any potential identified emergency events? Yes No 4.2.1 If “Yes,” please describe your emergency preparedness and response program. Check all that apply: The facility has implemented procedures for workers to report an emergency. The facility maintains alarms and/or a public address system to notify workers of an emergency. The facility has implemented evacuation and relocation procedures. The facility designs and maintains exit facilities and access to exits in accordance with local legal requirements The facility provides training for workers on emergency procedures. The facility conducts emergency evacuation drills on a regular basis. The facilitys business recovery plan has been approved by HP Global Risk Management. Other. Please describe:_ Page 18 of 26 4/12/2005 B5. Occupational Injury and Illness HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “Procedures and systems are to be in place to manage, track and report occupational injury and illness, including provisions to: a) encourage worker reporting; b) classify and record injury and illness cases; c) provide necessary medical treatment; d) investigate cases and implement corrective actions to eliminate their causes; and d) facilitate return of workers to work.” 5.1 Does the facility have a program to manage occupational injuries and illnesses (including but not limited to: encouraging worker reporting, case recording and investigation, medical treatment, and returning workers to work)? Yes No 5.1.1 If “Yes,” please describe your procedures. Check all that apply: The facilitys management encourages workers to report all work-related injuries and illnesses to the company The facility provides workers with information/training on how to report work-related injuries/illnesses The company/facility keeps a log of work-related injuries and illnesses. Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm The company/facility provides workers with medical evaluations and treatment for work-related injuries and illnesses. The facility conducts investigations into all work-related accidents and injuries. The facility assigns injured workers to their former (or equivalent) job when they are physically able to resume work Other. Please describe: _ B6. Physically Demanding Work HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “Worker exposure to physically demanding tasks, including manual material handling and heavy lifting, prolonged standing and highly repetitive or forceful assembly tasks is to be identified, evaluated and controlled.” 6.1 Does the company/facility have a program to identify and control worker exposure to physically demanding work, such as manual handling, heavy lifting, highly repetitive assembly, and other physically demanding jobs to prevent work-related injuries? Yes No 6.1.1 If “Yes,” please describe your program. Check all that apply: The facility conducts formal assessments to identify and evaluate physically demanding jobs and tasks. The facility has implemented procedural, physical, or administrative controls put in place to reduce the hazards of physically demanding work. Other. Please describe: _ Page 19 of 26 4/12/2005 B7. Dormitory and Canteen HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “Workers are to be provided with clean toilet facilities, access to potable water and sanitary food preparation and storage facilities. Worker dormitories provided by the Participant or a labor agent are to be clean, safe, and provide emergency egress, adequate heat and ventilation and reasonable personal space.” 7.1 Does the facility provide or contract for dormitory living services for workers? Yes No 7.1.1 If “Yes,” how does the facility ensure that the dormitories are kept clean, safe, and maintained in good condition? Check all that apply: The facility has written company/facility standards for dormitory services that require: Minimum living space per person Safe drinking water Clean toilet facilities Adequate space for workers to securely store personal belongings Fire detection, alarm and suppression systems and equipment that comply with local codes. Adequate exit facilities that are properly maintained (unblocked and unlocked) Adequate ventilation and heating The facility has no formal company/facility standards/requirements for dormitories. The facility conducts regular health and safety inspections at all dormitories to evaluate compliance with company standards and legal requirements. Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm The facility develops and implements corrective actions for issues identified in inspections of dormitories. Other. Please describe: _ 7.2 Does the facility provide or contract for canteen or food services for workers? Yes No 7.2.1 If “Yes,” how does the facility ensure that canteen food storage and preparation facilities are sanitary and that canteens are clean and safe? Check all that apply: The facility has written company/facility standards for canteen services that require: Safe drinking water Clean and sanitary food storage Clean and sanitary food preparation Health standards for food handlers The facility has no documented company/facility standards/requirements for canteens The facility conducts regular health and safety inspections of canteens to evaluate compliance with company standards and legal requirements. The facility develops and implements corrective actions for issues identified in inspections of canteens Other. Please describe: Part C: Environmental “Participants recognize environmental responsibility is integral to producing world class products. In manufacturing operations, adverse effects on the environment and natural resources are to be minimized while safeguarding the health and safety of the public.” Page 20 of 26 4/12/2005 C1. Product Content Restrictions HP's Supplier Code of Conduct states that “participants are to adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding prohibition or restriction of specific substances including name or labeling laws and regulations for recycling and disposal. Participants are also to adhere to processes to comply with each agreed-upon customer-specific restricted and hazardous materials list.” This includes product content restrictions defined in HP's General Specification for the Environment (“GSE“). http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE. Supply Chain Operations Social and Environmental Responsibility Program http:/www.hp.com/go/supplierE http:/perm.corp.hp.com/scser_audit.htm Page 21 of 26 4/12/2005 1.1 Who in your facility is responsible for managing conformance to the GSE? _ 1.1.1 What version of the GSE is the facility using? Revision D or e


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