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    必修五 3.8《Unit 3 Using language》 .ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修5-3.8,Using Language,Complete the phrases with prepositions from the passage First Impressions on P17:,1. _ our feet 2. _ the earth 3. _ the future 4. _ no time 5. _ the ground 6. _ bending and pressing down,below,in,in,above,by,on,7. _ all directions 8. _ a computer screen 9. _ _ the floor 10. _ health reasons 11. _ a space station,in,on,from,under,for,on,I have seen amazing things.,Warming up,Have you ever seen any amazing things, for example the alien creatures? Can you describe them?,The moddock is an alien from the Andromeda galaxy. It is shy until you get to know it. To make friends you need to cover yourself in oil as that is the thing the moddock likes best.,Sample,It should be able to help you with your English homework because it is such a marvelous language learner! It stays in one place most of the time as it finds moving so painful.,Sample,When it has to move, it rolls over and over like a ball. Moddocks live alone and never go to school. They dont need to, as they are good observers and quick learners from others. It really likes humans and as we are now friends, it wants to become a human being too.,Sample,Read the passage on Page 21 and try to fill in the chart.,tall & thin,small,black & white face, a pointed head, shell-covered leg,like a little cat,black & white face,blue or purple,very friendly,six,one long leg covered by shell,interesting & lively,too many to tell,too many to tell,whisper,mixture of carrot juice & cocoa,slowly and from side to side,skip around fast,shout,lemonade with herbs,I Have Seen Amazing Things,in space search (some place) for sth. light of any kind assist (sb.) in sth./ doing sth. go soft from side to side depend on,Retelling,n. (pron.) 疑问词to do doing sth. wh-clause,1. consider,Language points,Let me consider. 让我仔细想想。 I am considering the purchase of car. 我在考虑买一辆车。 We must consider giving it a try. 我们应当考虑试一试。 We should consider what to do next. 我们应当考虑一下怎么办。,2. Inside, it is divided into zones with extraordinarily different atmospheres and gravities. 这里面被分为有着特别不同的大气和引力的区域。 be divided into “被分为.”其主动语态为divideinto “把分为”。,如: Lets divide ourselves into two groups. 我们分成两个小组吧。 Divide the cake into quarters and share it equally. 把蛋糕分成4份, 大家平均享用。,辨析: divide与separate divide往往指把某个整体划分为若干部分; separate指把原来连在一起或靠近的事物分隔开来。如: He separated the big balls from the small ones. 他把大球和小球区分开来。,3. So you can imagine how exciting that is! 可以想像那是多么刺激! 开放思维,n./ pron what-clause that-clause doing sth. sb. doing sth.,imagine,I can imagine the scene quite clearly. 我想很清楚地想像出那一情景。 You can imagine how surprise I was. 你能想像出我当时是多么惊奇。 Try to imagine youre alone on a desert island. 试想一下你孤身一人在一个荒岛上的情形。,Try to imagine staying alone on a desert island. Try to image you staying alone on a desert island.,imagine后接的宾语是否定意思的从句时, 通常要发生否定转移。在imagine后可用代词so (not) 代替前面的名词, 动名词和从句, 而不用it.,注意,Dose she know what kind of tables she has taken today? 她知道她今天取的是什么种类的桌子吗? I imagine so. 我想应该知道吧。 Do you imagine they will help out? 你想他们会帮助我们吗? I imagine not. 我想不会。,4. They have assisted in the discovery of planets round the fourth star in the Pleiades system. 他们已发现了围绕昴宿系中的第四颗星旋转的行星。 assist v. to help or support assist + n./ pron 帮助 assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人干某事,assist in 在上给予帮助 assist with 帮助(照料,做); 在上给予帮助 I am willing to assist you whenever there is an opportunity. 有机会我愿随时帮你。 Iam afraid I cant assist you, you have to go and see the manager. 我恐怕帮不上忙, 你得去找经理。,A team of nurses assisted (the doctor) in performing the operation. She employed a woman to assist her with the housework. Good glasses will assist you to read.,辨析: assist, help与aid assist与help同义,但着重指“协助”,受协助的人自己做一部分工作; help可指具体或抽象意义上的“帮助”; aid一般指缓助一群人, 尤指用金钱, 接受帮助的人较广泛。如:,She assisted the hostess at the party. 她在舞会中帮助女主人。 They will help you (to) attain the goal. 他们有助于你完成目标。 He is always aiding the students with money. 他总是出钱帮助那些学生。,assistance UN. 帮助,援助 give assistance to sb 给予帮助 come to sbs asssstance 帮助某人 assistant CN. 助手,助理,5. They require the same atmosphere as humans and great engineers. 他们需要的空气跟人类的空气一样, 他们都是超乎寻常的工程技术人员。,require (1) vt. to need or make necessary 需要 开放思维,require,n./ pron doing sth. that-clause to do sth.,This suggestion will require careful thought. 这建议需要仔细考虑。 To carry out this plan would require increasing our staff by 50。 执行这一计划需要增加50%的人员。,(1) require, need, want用法一致,当物作主语时,其后可接动名词或不定式的被动语态。 (2) require接 that从句时,谓语动词用虚拟语气, 即 (should) + v. The flowers require/need/want watering /to be watered. 花需要浇水了。,Attention,辨析: require to do与require doing 都表示“需要做某事”, 接动词不定式时,句子的主语是动词不定式的逻辑主语,接动名词时,句子的主语则是动名词的逻辑宾语。如: He requires to see my passport. 他要看我的护照。 The house requires painting. 这房子需要油漆。,6. Suppose that假设 1) conj. used when imagining what the result would be if something happened. Its not worth the risk, suppose your mother found out? 不值得冒这个险, 万一你妈妈发现了怎么办? Suppose/supposing he is absent, what shall we do? 假如他不在,我们怎么办?,2) conj. to suggest something; supposing 让 (用于提出建议) Suppose we go for a walk. 3) be supposed to do/be sth. 应当, 应该 Customers are not supposed to smoke here. 顾客不可以在这里抽烟. He is supposed to be a good writer. 他被认为是个好作家。,7. Is it likely /unlikely that? 事可能/不可能吗? likely adj. something that is likely/will probably happen or is probably true 可能的,可能会发生的,可能是真的,如: Snow showers are likely in the next 24 hours. 未来的24小时内可能有阵雨。 The likely cost of the operation. 手术可能的费用。,2) adv. probably 很可能 如: Id very likely have done the same thing in your situation. 在你那种情况下, 我很可能做出同样的事。,辨析: likely, possible 与probable likely 与probable的可能性接近“很有可能” 。 句型为: sb. is likely to do 或It is likely that probable:句型为Its probable that possible:句型为Its possible (for sb.) to do sth. 或It is possible that 意为有某种可能,实际上也许不能实现,其副词常与could not连用, 表示不大可能。,


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