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    必修二 4.1《Unit4《Wildlife Protection全单元课件包》.ppt

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    必修二 4.1《Unit4《Wildlife Protection全单元课件包》.ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修2-4.1,English Song English Class Video Data Language Data Bank,课时分配,Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I,Period 1&2: 幻灯片9-38页,what are they?,Warming up I brainstorming(5m),Polar bear,Milu deer,rhino,panda,Tiger,C r o c o d I l e,Crocodile,Tropic fish,leopard,K o a l a,K o a l a,Giraffe,Elephant,E l e p h a n t,e l e p h a n t,Whats the problem of these animals commonly facing?,Warming up II free talking(3m),lack of food,bad enviroment,human beings endless killing ,discussion,1.what endangered species do you know? 2. Why are they in danger of disappearing? 3.Do you know any wildlife that has disappeared?,Pre-reading discussing(3m),Wildlife Protection,Reading,What does the passage mainly talk about ?(pay attention to the title),Fast reading,Daisy learned to help wildlife.,Reading-I-scanning (1m),Read it again ,then fill in the form.,Daisy,Tibet,Zimbabwe,Rain forest,_ used to make sweater,killed for _,Every year over_killed,fur,wool,29,000,_ used to hunt them,now farmers _ them,farmers,like,A _ insect affects mosquitoes,No _,no _and no _,rain forest,animals,drugs,millipede,Reading-II-skimming (3m),Read the passage again, and answer the following questions.,Detailed reading,Reading-II-detail reading (3m),1.Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope?,2.Why are humans part of this problem?,Read the passage again, and answer the following questions.,3. How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?,4.How did it improve for the animals?,5.In what way does looking afterthe rain forest help with wildlife protection?,6.Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?,7.What must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?,1.Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope?,People,2.Why are humans part of this Problem?,People who buy sweaters made with Tibetan wool are encouraging more people to go out and kill them.,3. How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?,The farmers got money when the government made sure that the tour companies had to pay them to visit and hunt the animals.,4.How did it improve for the animals?,They were no longer killed by The farmers for destroying the Crops.,5.In what way does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?,It helps wildlife protection because it contains many medicine and drugs that we do not know. These drugs may save lives.,6.Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?,They have no human to speak up for them. They can put their case more effectively. They can win more sympathy.,7.What must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?,People must not kill animals but try to live in harmony with them. People must stop destroying the habitat of animals. People must stop using animals to make luxury.,If you were Daisy ,what would you do to protect wildlife?,Oral task,Oral task-thinking&speaking (3m),Surf the Internet to find more information about the wildlife protection and you are expected to present it to your peer in the next class.,Homework,Language points for reading I,Take a break!,Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2: 幻灯片39-56页,Period 3 Learning about language,1.From the reading passage, find the words and expressions with the following meaning.,Word-consolidation-I (2m),1.powerful 2. apply 3.enemy 4.mosquito 5.affect 6. container 7.loss 8.suggest 9.pay attention 10. die out 11.drug 12.as a result,Word-consolidation-II (2m),Xiao Guoxia wanted to help protect wildlife very much. She _to all the information that she could find in her school. It _that animals should be protected or they would _if people continue to hurt them. Guoxia thought that the _of even one animal was too high a price to pay for land or money. She decided to _for some money to find out if any animals were disappearing in her town. _a special butterfly became protected. So what Guoxia did _the wildlife in her area and helped save one species. Well done, Guoxia!,2. Complete the passage with some of the words above.,paid attention,suggested,die out,loss,apply,As a result,affect,1.Choose the correct word for the space in each sentence. Cross the other out.,Word-consolidation-III (2m),Answer key : 1.After all 2. endanger 3.affect 4.powerful 5.because 6. because of,Grammar,The passive voice using the present continuous tense,Grammar (5m),现在进行时被动语态表示说话时或现阶段某个被动的动作正在进行,谓语动词的形式为“is / are / am + being+过去分词”。如果去掉being,就成为一般现在时被动语态或系表结构。试比较下列句子:,Look! The children are being taken care of by their aunt. 瞧!孩子们现在正由姑母照看着。(指现在的情况) Children are taken good care of at school. 孩子们在学校被照看得很好。(指通常的情况),The report is being written by one of the best students. 报告正在由一个最好的学生写着。 The report is well written. 报告写得很好。(系表结构),现在进行时被动语态的用法: 1、表示现阶段正在进行的动作 现在进行时被动语态也可表示目前这一阶段主语正在承受谓语动词的动作。例:,Rainforests are being cut and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. 热带雨林被砍、烧得这么快,他们将在不久的将来从地球上消失。 Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days. 最近正在进行许多有趣的实验。,2、表示计划或安排 现在进行时被动语态还可表示按计划、安排主语将要承受谓语动词的动作(仅限于少数及物动词)。例: A folk song is being sung next. 下面将唱一首民歌。 A party is being held tonight. 今晚将要举行一场晚会。 It is said that a plane is being flown by him to America at eight next Sunday morning. 据说下周日早上八点他将开飞机去美国。,3、没有进行时的被动语态 一些表示状态、心理活动、拥有、存在等的动词(和主动语态一样)一般不用进行时被动语态,常用一般现在时被动语态表示此时此刻或目前主语承受谓语动词的动作。如: 小王,过来,有你的电话。,【误】 Xiao Wang, come here. You are being wanted on the phone.,【正】 Xiao Wang, come here. You are wanted on the phone.,足球现在越来越流行了, 换句话说,它被越来越多的人喜爱。,【误】Football is becoming more and more popular. In other words, it is being loved by more and more people. 【正】Football is becoming more and more popular. In other words, it is loved by more and more people.,4、其他形式表示被动结构 “be +under/ in等介词+名词“结构可代替进行时被动语态。例: The city is under attack ( is being attacked ) at the moment. 目前这个城市正受到进攻。 The bridge is under repair / construction (=is being repaired/ constructed). 桥梁正在修理中/建筑中。 The problem is under discussion (=is being discussed) at the meeting. 问题正在会上讨论。 The telephone is in use (=is being used) now. 电话正在使用中,Function-practice (3m),Answer the following questions according to the example.,EXAMPLE:- Who is studying the rhino? -The rhino is being studied by_,1.Who is protecting the African elephant? The African elephant is _ 2.Who is hunting the Tibetan antelope? The Tibetan antelope is _,Function-practice (3m),Answer the following questions according to the example.,3.Who is taking photos of the panda? The panda is _,4.Who is killing the whales? The whales _,5.Who is attacking the mice? The mice _,1A new cinema _ here. They hope to finish it next month. A. will be built B. is built C. has been built D. is being built,高考链接,解析:由they hope to finish it next month,可以知道“建造”工作正在进行,而且主语cinema与动词build之间是被动关系,因此使用现在进行时的被动语态。,2Rainforests _ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future. A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut,高考链接,解析:从句子的语境they will disappear from the earth in the near future 可以知道,“热带雨林被砍伐”正在进行,因此使用现在进行时的被动语态。,Homework,Summarize the rules of the passive voice using the present continuous tense.,Take a break!,Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2: 幻灯片57-69页,Period 4 Reading II,what are they?,dinosaurs,milu,dodos,Guess: What the reasons might be for their disappearance?,Read the text, and answer the following questions. When did the dinosaurs live? Whats the rare new species of dinosaurs? What might be the possibilities of their disappearance?,1.When did the dinosaurs live? Tens of millions of years ago, long before Humans came into being.,2.Whats the rare new species of dinosaurs? A bird-like dinosaur which could not only run but also climb trees.,3.What might be the possibilities of their disappearance? Maybe thats because a large rock hit the earth or because the earth got too hot to live on.,Ex 1. P 30 Listen to the tape, then choose the correct answers. The story is told by dodo using the _ person.,first,Fill in the text. Once upon a time I lived on the earth too. I was called “dodo”. My home was an _ called Mauritius. I was _ and _ and quite _from most of the animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never _. I have no enemies. We were birds too, but we were large and only had small _. My favorite activity was to _ along the beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten.,island,curious,kind-hearted,different,quarreled,wings,wander,What do we call it?,We call it_.,Milu deer,Information for research into Milu deer,Homework,Surf the Internet to find the information of dinosaurs, dodos, Milu deer and you are expected to describe it to your peer in the next class.,Take a break!,Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2: 幻灯片70-81页,Period 5 Listening,Listen to the tape and while listening, choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.,Listening-(5m),Answer keys: 1. C 2. D 3.B 4.C,Listen to the tape and choose the sentence which is the best for describing what happened.,Listening-answering the following questions (5m),This story is about how foolish the dodo was. This story is about why the dodo appeared. This story is about how the dodo and man made friends. This story is about how the other birds and the monkeys tried to save the dodo.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,What was the farmers problem?,One of his fields was too dry to grow crops.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,what was his first idea for the dry field?,His first idea was to dig a ditch to bring water to the land.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,why was that idea unsuccessful?,Because the crops on the rest of his farm began to die.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,What was his second idea for the dry field?,His second idea was to dig a well to get water from the ground.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,Why was that unsuccessful?,He took away the water from the farms of his friends.,Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.,What was the successful idea?,He thought about crops that liked dry land and could get the water from the ground. So he grew coconut and lychee trees.,The story has a message about looking after the environment. What do you think the message is? Think about it.,I think the message of the story is,that you must pay great attention to the environment. You cant push your own ideas that may not fit with the environment. You need to discover what works best to keep the animals and people happy.,Surf the Internet to find more materials on looking after environment and share with your classmates.,Homework,Take a break!,Unit 3 life in the future,Period 1&2: 幻灯片82-96页,Period 6 Speaking and writing,Speaking&Writing,Speaking Task,Imagine you are with the dodo and you try to help it.,How could you help him?,Im going to I intend / mean / plan to I will I feel like Id like to I m ready to I would rather not tell you,help the dodo hide it in a cave. trap man as he kills a dodo. attacking man myself put man in a cage. teach man how to be friends. what I think of man.,Intension :help to explain your ideas to help the dodo,Purpose: suggestions to give you an idea of what they might put forward.,e.g. Im going to help the dodo, for it was so lovely. I mean to drive it away in order to hide it in a cave.,Writing,Write a letter to dodo and tell him, how you will help him.,Writing tips,1. Collect your ideas for the letter. Write an outline of your ways to help it.,How to protect the dodo from man. How to stop man from killing dodos. How to teach man to hunt another animal.,2. Decide the intention and the purpose of each of your ways.,E.g.: Ill work with my friends to persuade the government to pass a law about wildlife protection.,3. Begin your letter with your address and the solution. Then write the ways as the body of the letter.,Dear Dodo, I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas,4. Finish the letter with your best wishes and your signature.,Your sincerely, (your name),Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each word has been provided for you. There are a number of ways you can help s_ our wildlife: 1. Learn about what is happening to Chinas w_; take a_ and spread the word to your friends, family and neighbourhood. 2. Help more people to r_ the importance of wildlife p_ . There are many things you can do to draw more peoples a_ . For,ave,ildlife,ction,ecognize,rotection,ttention,example, you might o_ a group of animal-lovers among your friends or classmates. Then walk around the a_ you live in and see whether the animals are living in p_ . Discuss within your group what you can do for the animals. 3. You may DO what has been s_ above and s_ your experiences with your family, friends, teachers, classmates, etc. You may also write letters to the e_ of,rganize,rea,eace,uggested,hare,ditors,newspapers in order to let more people know what you have done and encourage them to j_ in your group.,ion,Write a short letter offering help on what people living in the city should do to protect the environment.,Homework,Take a break!,Language points for Reading I Video data,Language Data Bank,Language points: 幻灯片77-87页,1.as a result 结果 ,因此( 只做状语),我非常忙碌,因此无法照料她.,I was very busy. _I couldnt take care of her.,Language points for Reading I,As a result,2.die out (动,植物物种)灭绝,This kind of bird is _.,dying out,Many traditional customs _ because they are out of Date.,die away 慢慢消失,He hid behind the door until the footsteps_.,have died out,had died away,3.in danger of 处于危险中,The little boy were once _ losing his sight.,in danger of,4.What other endangered species do you know? (动词的过去分词做形容词),When shall we sent the _ papers back to them?,corrected,The _arrival of the letter made us jump with joy.,unexpected,动词的-ing形式和过去分词都可以做形容词,We were surprised to learn that he was French.,Its a very interesting film.,注意:动词的ing形式做形容词,表示某物令某人样,而过去分词做形容词,则表示某人对某物自己的感受。,5.I believed that you are concerned about animals and plants disappearing.,disappearing是用动词 ing形式作 宾语,它前面的animals和 plants是它意义上的主语,这种意义上的主语常使用名词所有格和代词宾格的形式。,我不愿意我妹妹去那样一个地方,I dont like my sister going to such a place.,他父亲是一个著名的科学家,为此他感到很骄傲。,Hes proud of his father being a famous scientist .,6. in +一段时间“多久之后”, 与将来时态连用,表示动作将在多久后发生。,If you will wait for a moment, the doctor will finish the operation in a minute.,in一段时间表示“内”,


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