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    2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 8: Have you read Treasure Island yet?The Fifth Period Section B, 3a Self CheckTeaching aims(教学目标)1. Writing practice2. Self Check and reviewLanguage points(语言点)1 要求掌握以下词汇: think of, put down, grow up, write about, bring sb. back2. 巩固练习一般过去时和现在完成时 Difficulties(难点):现在完成时和一般过去时的区别Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Review(复习)1. Review the key phrases in the passage. Have Ss translate the phrases into English.2. Have Ss to complete the short summary of the passage on page 62.(教师在做此之前可以让学生先复习短文,也可以让学生读读他们自己写的summary)教学设计说明:引导学生根据3a 中的问题来谈论自己喜欢的歌手或是作家,为后面的写作训练做铺垫。2. Work on 3aT: We all know that country music changed Sarahs life forever and her favorite singer is Garth Brooks. Now work in pairs to talk about your own favorite singer or writer.You may use the following questions as a guide.1. Who is the singer/writer?2. When did the singer/writer first become famous?3. How and why did he/she first become famous?4. What famous songs/books has he/she recorded/written? When?5. How many CDs/books has he/she sold?6. How did you find out about him/her?7. Is he/she still popular today?8. Have you introduced this singer/writer to others?9. How do you feel about his/her music/books?10. Have you ever played/sung his/her songs yourself? 教学设计说明:在讨论了3a中的问题的基础上,开始3b中的写作训练,写一篇关于自己喜欢的歌手或是作家的文章。3. Work on 3bT:Now its time for you to write about the singer or writer you like best. Here are some words and phrases you can use. You can also use the information you discussed with you partner. (当学生在写作时,可以在教室里走动,随时提供帮助给学生,写作完成后,可以让学生互评)Sample:My favorite singer is John Denver. A few years ago, I listened to his song Country Road Take Me Home by chance. It is a country song.When I first listened to this song, I was deeply impressed by its beautiful lyrics. It brought me back to my childhood and made me think of my parents and friends in my hometown. Ever since then, I have been a fan of John Denver.教学设计说明:复习和巩固本单元的中点知识。4. Work on Self Check Self Check 的练习可以在课堂上完成,亦可以提前布置学生完成,教师在课堂上对正答案,并讲解题中的难点。Exercise 1 教师可以指导学生注意介词与动词的搭配:think of, put down, write about, bring back toExercise 2 教师可以指导学生将每题中的关键词画出来。如: last month, already, 等。教学设计说明:为了让学生更好的掌握本单元的语法重点而补充的练习题。5. ExerciseHave Ss do the following exercise. Check the answers as a class.1 A: What a nice watch! How long _ you _ it? B: Just three weeks.(A) will, buy (B) did, buy (C) have, had2 A: _ you _ a member of Greener China for a long time? B: Yes, I joined it five years ago.(A) Have, been (B) Has, joined (C) Have, joined3 Mr. Li _ Japan. He_ Japan for two years.(A) has been to, has been to (B) has gone to, has been in(C) has gone to, has been to 4 The famous singer _ on tour for half an hour.(A) has left (B) has been away (C) has gone away5 I _ this book for two days, I have to return it now.(A) borrowed (B) have borrowed (C) have kept6A: When _ you _ your old friend? B: The day before yesterday.(A) will, visit (B) did, visit (C) have, visited7 Mrs. White _ in Bridge school since she moved to the city.(A) teaches (B) taught (C) has taught8 No one _ football in the street since a car hit a boy last Sunday.(A) has played (B) played (C) playing9 A: Im sorry to keep you waiting. B: Oh, not at all. I _ here only for a few minutes.(A) was (B) have been (C) will be10 His father _ since 1936.(A) died (B) has died (C) has been deadKeys: CABBC BCABC


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