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    高中英语 Unit4Exploring plants-Writing课件 新人教选修9.ppt

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    高中英语 Unit4Exploring plants-Writing课件 新人教选修9.ppt

    Experiment reports,Writing,Look at the pictures in Exercise 1 and guess the answers to the questions:,What materials are being used in this experiment? What do you think the purpose of the experiment is? What order do you think the pictures should go in?,Listening on P79,Number the pictures in the order you hear about them.,2,3,1,5,4,Listen to the first part again and answer the questions.,What is the purpose of the experiment? To find out three important conditions that seeds need in order to start growing.,2. Are students going to do the experiment in groups or individually? In groups. 3. Where are the materials that the students need to set up the experiment? On the bench.,4. What materials do the students need to set up the experiment? Four dishes and four pieces of cloth, a dish of seeds, some tap water, some boiled water and some cooking oil.,Third listening Listen to the first part again and complete the table of conditions that each dish of seeds was given.,tap water, warm temperature, oxygen,tap water, cold temperature, oxygen,no water, warm temperature, oxygen,boiled water, oil, warm temperature, no oxygen,Fourth listening Now listen to the second part of the tape in which the class discusses the results of the experiment. Complete the table of results.,Yes,Because they had water, warmth and oxygen.,No,Because it was too cold.,No,No,Because they were watered with boiled water which has no oxygen. Also, they were covered with oil which prevented oxygen getting to the seeds.,Because they didnt get any water.,Listen to the second part of the tape again and discuss the question:,What was the conclusion of the experiment? Seeds need warmth, water and oxygen to grow.,An experiment on plants Part1: Listen to a teacher(TH) helping her class set up an experiment. TH: OK, everybody, this morning were going to do an experiment to find out three important conditions that seeds need in order to start growing.,LISTENING TEXT,The materials are all on the bench. Choose someone from your group to go and get four dishes and four pieces of cloth, a dish of seeds, some tap water, some boiled water and some cooking oil. Look at the instructions on the board. Lets read through them.,One: Put the pieces of cloth on the dishes and spread the seeds on the cloth. Label the dishes A to D. Two: Take Dish A and wet the cloth with tap water and place it in a well-aired warm spot so by the window over there would be fine. Three: Take Dish B, wet it with tap water and put it in the fridge.,Four: Take Dish C and put it next to Dish A. Do not water it. Five: Take Dish D and water it with the boiled water. Then drop a small amount of oil onto the cloth and put it next to Dish C. Six: Leave them all for a few days. OK, now you can go ahead and set up the experiment.,Part 2: Listen to the class discussing the results of the experiment. Students include Andrew (A), Rosemary (R) and Sandy(S). TH: Right, lets talk about whats happened in our experiment. What are the results? Andrew? A: The seeds in Dish A have started growing but none of the others have.,TH: Good. Why do you think the seeds in Dish B didnt grow? Rosemary? R: Because it was too cold? TH: Thats right. And what about Dish C?,R: The seeds didnt get any water so they couldnt grow. TH: Yes. Now, Dish D is interesting. The seeds got both water and warmth so why didnt they grow? Any ideas? Andrew?,A: Well, the seeds got boiled water. TH: So, whys that important? Anyone? Well, boiled water has no oxygen in it and seeds need oxygen to grow. And What about the oil? Sandy? S: Wouldnt the oil make sure that no Oxygen could get to the seeds?,TH: Excellent. Well done. So, whats our conclusion about three important conditions that a seed needs in order to start growing? S: That seeds need warmth, water and oxygen to grow.,TH: Very good. Now I want you all to write up the experiment in your science notebook.,Writing task,When writing an experiment report, you can ask questions about: the position of the headings, what the headings are, their order: how the items in the “materials” section are presented (as a list);, what the “procedure” tells you (the steps you carry out to set up the experiment); the grammatical structures used for each section of the report.,Outline,Materials:,A,B,C,D,Aim: To find out three important conditions that seeds need in order to start growing.,1. four dishes,2. four pieces of cloth,4. some tap water,3. some boiled water,5. a dish of seeds,6. some cooking oil,Procedure:,Put the pieces of cloth on the dishes. Spread the seeds on the cloth. Label the dishes A to D.,2. Take Dish A and wet the cloth with tap water and place it in a well-aired warm spotso by the window over there would be fine.,3. Take Dish B, wet it with tap water and put it in the fridge.,4. Take Dish C and put it next to Dish A. Do not water it.,5. Take Dish D and water it with the boiled water. Then drop a small amount of oil onto the seeds and put it next to Dish C.,6. Leave them all for a few days.,Results,Dish A:,Dish B:,Dish C:,Dish D:,Conclusion,Seeds need warmth, water and oxygen to grow.,The seeds grew.,The seeds didnt grow.,The seeds didnt grow.,The seeds didnt grow.,Sample report:,I did the experiment to find out three important conditions that seeds need in order to start growing. First, I put the four pieces of cloth on each dish, spread the seeds on the cloth and label the dishes A to D.,Then I placed Dish A in a well-aired warm spot by the window, took Dish B and wet it with tap water and put it in the fridge, took Dish C and put it next to Dish A without watering it.,Finally I watered Dish D with the boiled water, dropped a small amount of cooking oil onto the seeds and put it next to Dish C. A few days later, I found that only Dish A grew. So I drew a conclusion that seeds need warmth, water and oxygen to grow.,Discussion:,Look at the pictures of a plant experiment. The pictures are in the correct order. Discuss with partners about the processes the plants go through. Report each picture one by one:,Plant three beans in a pot, water them and leave them in a warm, light spot.,Two small shoots appear.,Cut the ends off a plastic bottle.,Wrap the bottle in dark paper.,Lay the bottle on its side in the pot and put some wet paper towel inside. Put one of the seeds in the centre of the bottle.,The seed have two long shoots, one heading towards the soil and the other growing up toward the light.,Sample:,I planted three beans in a pot, watered them and left them in a warm light spot. In a week each seed had two small shoots. I cut the ends of a plastic bottle and wrapped it in dark paper. I laid the bottle on its side on the top of the pot of soil and place a wet piece of paper towel inside the bottle.,I put one of the seeds in the centre of the bottle. Two weeks later the seed had two shoots, one growing up and the other growing down. So I drew a conclusion that shoots grow up towards the light, roots grow downwards into the soil.,


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