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    2018-01-21: TurkeySome people become famous at a very young age. Is this a good or bad thing? Discuss both views and give your opinion.范文1Nowadays, everyone wants to be popular and the children are not exceptions. Owing to the media and technology, this has become comparatively easy for people these days. However, this trend has given rise to a question, whether getting popular specifically at young age brings more benefits or drawbacks. I am more inclined to the latter one, that it has numerous side-effects. In the following essay we would discuss both views before reaching to a conclusion.On the one hand, this phenomenon has few certain advantages. To begin with, kids start earning at a very small age, thus making them independent. Additionally, they get public acceptance, so everyone loves and respect them. Moreover, they become more confident, as a result, they perform well in every aspect of their life. Thus, it is evident that becoming famous at an early age brings personal as well as social benefits to a child.On the other hand, there are numerous disadvantages. Firstly, youngsters cannot handle this fame. They get out of the hands of their parents. They may not respect and obey their elders. As is said, it is not possible for everyone to handle the fame. Secondly, their academics would definitely be affected due to spending more time on activities, who made them famous. For instance, if a youngster is famous because he is doing well in cricket or dancing, then to be consistent performer, he would need to practice his skills on regular basis. Thereby, leaving less or no time for study. Finally, they may not get time to socialise and play due to limited leisure time that they have, which are also essential for all-round growth of a person. Consequently, the demerits of getting famous at an early age are huge.In conclusion, after looking at both sides it is apparent that the drawbacks of being renowned outnumber its advantages. Hence, I would suggest that parents should teach their tots to spend more time on their studies and sports, instead of becoming a celebrity.范文2In recent years, it has become far normal to see famous people who gained fame very soon. In my view, this trend could have positive and negative consequences in equal measure.Rising to fame at adolescence can be seen positive for both famous people and the society. On an individual level, achieving fame usually equals becoming prosperous, resulting in providing a high quality of life. It means that the famous young are more likely to be financially secure in the future in comparison to their peers. In addition, thanks to their immense popularity, they are able to make countless communication with powerful individuals, again resulting in a brilliant and guaranteed future. From the societal perspective, these accomplished youth can be a good role model for the youngsters as many of them are determined and motivated. As an obvious example, Messi is the most renowned soccer player becoming famous at age 17 for his astonishing talent and admittedly his effort. Having been his fun, a large number of teenagers are encouraged to pursue their passions and hope to achieve their goals.However, the personal and societal arguments given above can be considered from the opposite angle. Firstly, a majority of young well-known people have no privacy in their private life. They are usually followed by paparazzi or shown in tabloids. Consequently, they may find it difficult to make a lovely relationship and then start a family. Secondly, it may be that due to the attractive vision of the renowned youngs lives, a large number of youngsters leave their education and seek for fame and fortune. As a consequence the community face with the shortage of educated experts. This is a serious issue emerged in a number of European countries. In fact, having found that becoming famous is the easiest way to be prosperous, most of adolescents in these countries want to be a singer or actor rather than a doctor or engineer.In conclusion, winning fame at lower age will have both beneficial and detrimental effects on famous individuals and on the society.


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