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    - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - 云南师大附中 2020 届高考适应性月考卷(二) 英语参考答案 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30 分) 15 BACCB 610 ABBAA 1115 CABAC1620 ABCAB 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 2125 BCACA2630 AC CBA 3135 DBDCD 第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分) 3640 EDBFA 第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45 分) 第一节(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 4145 BDACB 4650 ADCBB 5155 CBDBA 5660 DCADB 第二节(共10 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分15 分) 61to call62were shown63which/that 64 gently65of 66what 67stopped 68loved/beloved 69sadness70bringing 第四部分写作 (共两节,满分35 分) 第一节短文改错(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分) Last week , I got the chance to participate a Chinese Character Dictation Competition in held in the auditorium on April 3 In the following day s, I buried myself prepare for the competition My classmate all preparingclassmates volunteered to help Some of them dictated to me various characters what they found in the that/which/ 删除 dictionary while others offered to checking my answers The day finally come Some characters check came were so much challenging that many of the competitors got stuck while I was able to write - 10 - down most of hem and won a first prize the When I was standing excited on the stage, pictures of my classmates helping and encouraging excitedly us flashed into my mind Thank you ,my dear friends ! me 第二节书面表达(满分25 分) 【参考范文】 As we know,when senior students graduate from school, most of their reference books( as well as textbooks)are thrown away ,which are still in good condition What a great waste it is! I suggest that we should recycle these booksOn the one hand , recycling them can save a lot of natural resources,which are used to make textbooksOn the other hand ,senior students may have made plenty of useful notes on the pages They are very helpful to the following users At present,the whole nation is called on to build an energy-saving societyI think it is certainly meaningful to our long - term interests In fact,in Australia and some other countries ,recycling textbooks is popular ,which gives us a good example 【解析】 第二部分阅读理解 第一节 A 【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文。全文介绍了李克强总理在全国人民代表大会上做出的关于2018 年的 工作回顾及2019 年的工作展望亮点。 21B 细节理解题。根据第二部分的内容可知,2018 政府工作回顾中提到,CPI预定目标是增长3%但实 际完成情况是2.1%。其他选项的内容均和原文表达不符。故选B。 22C 细节理解题。根据第三部分关于2019 年的展望可知,经济发展目标中所含的CPI增长与 2018 年 一致,都是3%。其他选项的数据均与原文不符。故选C。 - 11 - 23A 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,关于九年制义务教育的内容没有在本文中出现,而其他选项中 关于扶贫、环境保护及一国两制在文中都有提到。故选A。 B 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了作者在非洲广阔的原野上的疯狂之旅。吉普车在炎热的 沙漠上缓慢行驶着,他们在林中空地扎营,晚上睡在吉普车车顶上,远处的狮子在吼叫着。 24C 细节理解题。根据“I used to live in Southern Africa ” , “it is necessary to bring all your fuel ,food and water with you ” , “That night,sleeping on the roof of the jeep ”可知 A,B,D 不正确。根据文章第 一段和全文可知作者热爱领略大自然之美。故选C。 25A 推理判断题。根据全文可知他们的此次非洲广阔的原野上的疯狂之旅是令人惊叹和艰苦的。故选 A。 26A 词义猜测题。根据上下文“At the height of the dry season , leaves in the trees had all fallen down , shade was in scant supply,so we placed ourselves near a leafless tree ”在炎热的干旱季节,树叶都 已经凋落,所以没有足够遮阴的地方。inadequate 不足的; unending 无穷无尽的; abundant 丰富 的; ready 现成的,故选A。 27C 主旨大意题。本文主要记叙了作者在非洲广阔的原野上的疯狂之旅。其他选项都是以偏概全,故 选 C。 C 【语篇导读】本文是说明文。绿色可以让我们的生活更健康,环境更美好,地球更长寿,大家的快乐 也可以持续下去。 28C 细节理解题。由第一段可知A 和 B都正确;第四段第3 句可知 D 正确。 C是原因而不是结果,故 选 C。 29B 推理判断题。由第二段可知,骑自行车,步行或者跑着去上班能够带来很多好处,而且还可以欣 赏路途的风景,因此应该是怀着美好的心情,故选B。 30A 推理判断题。由第三段第2 句和最后一句中的“free”可知,太阳能是免费的,又从太阳能的多 用途可知它也是很有效的,否则不会这么广泛地被利用,故选A。 31D 细节理解题。由第四段最后3 句可知,种植和购买本地生产的产品能够支持本地经济和减少产品 运输而导致的矿物燃料的消耗,故选D。 D 【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。讲述在美国,有一个减肥训练营是狗主人和他的宠物狗狗一起锻炼 - 12 - 减肥。 32B 细节理解题。从第一段的“With obesity rates on the rise among Americans and their pets”再综合分 析文章可知,训练营目的是让学员和他们的宠物狗一起锻炼减肥。故选B。 33D 细节理解题。从第二段中的“.instructors are certified in both fitness and dog training”可知,教练 在健身和训练狗方面都是专家。故选D。 34C 细节理解题。从第四段中的“If they don t have enough activities to exhaust their energy, they take it out on your favorite sofa of your designer shoes ”可知,精力充沛又无所事事的狗会破 坏东西。故选C。 35D 推理判断题。从最后一段中的“My dog always gets me out of bed ”可知,主人和他的宠物狗能够 相互鼓励锻炼。故选D。 第二节 【语篇导读】本文为记叙文。文章讲述了世界干净饮用水的缺乏及世界水日的由来。 36E 根据本空上一句“For most Americans ”故选 E。 37D 根据本空下一句“In India,many people bathe and wash their clothes in rivers that are polluted by human waste ”故选 D。 38B 根据本空下一句“The links between water and human health are powerful”故选 B。 39F 根据本空下一句“The agency provided clean water ”故选 F。 40A 根据本空下一句“Since then,it is celebrated ”故选 A。 第三部分语言知识运用 第一节 【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。在“我”眼里Mr Miller 是一位充满活力、与众不同的音乐老师。 他为孩子们打开了一个不同的世界,更在“我”人生的池塘里投下了一颗意义非凡的石子。 41B 考查动词辨析。 “我”和其他同学们等待着问题的答案,老师今天会系哪条领带呢?穿衣、戴帽、 系领带、佩戴首饰均使用动词wear,故选 B。dress 表状态时应该用be dressed in。故选 B。 42D 考查动词辨析。老师选择的领带和杯子非常“搭配”。故选 D。 43A 考查名词辨析。 老师的选择让我们年轻的心里充满了“满足”。其他选项中表达的情感有“放松”、 “沮丧”、 “犹豫”,均与文章不符。故选A。 44C 考查副词辨析。 老师进到教室后和我们打招呼是“高高兴兴地” 而不是 “好奇地”、 “怜悯地”、 “懒 惰地” 。故选 C。 - 13 - 45B 考查动词辨析。这样一个独特而与众不同的老师“照亮”了我们的每一天。brighten “使闪 亮;使生辉” ,故选 B。 46A 考查动词辨析。他是我迄今“遇见,碰见”过的最充满活力的老师。故选A。 47D 考查形容词辨析。我很喜欢音乐,所以当老师告诉我们他将给我们上音乐课时,我的心情是“激 动的” ,而不是“失望的” 、 “疑惑的”、 “惊讶的”。其它选项意思与文章不符。故选D。 48C 考查名词辨析。我和同学们把头转向了其他同学唱歌的“声音”。故选 C。 49B 考查动词辨析。欢笑声“充满”了教室。surround 是“环绕,包围”的意思,不符合句意。故选 B。 50B 考查连词辨析。如果不是我们喜欢的说唱或嘻哈,我们根本不知道那些音乐,也不知道这些音乐 人唱的都是“什么”呢?其他连词均与原文意思不符。故选B。 51C 考查名词辨析。虽然同学们对老师介绍的音乐不感兴趣,但对于一个十二岁的女孩而言,我觉得 老师的教育就像是一种新的“发现”。故选 C。 52B 考查动词辨析。二十年“过去”了,故选B。 53D 考查形容词辨析。现在的我和当年的老师一样,当我“快乐的”和孩子们问候时,台下的孩子们 正盯着我的T恤衫。其他选项的意思“平淡的”、 “随意的”、 “谨慎的”和句意不符。故选D。 54B 考查名词辨析。我想知道我的“学生们”是否也在期待。故选B。 55A 考查动词短语辨析。glance at“扫视,浏览” 。其他选项的含义“怒视”“指向”“瞄准;以为 目标”均不符合句意。故选A。 56D 考查动词辨析。我对自己“微笑”。其他选项的意思均与句子不符。故选D。 57C 考查连词辨析。考查 as 这个连词, 在这里的意思是“正如一样” 、 “就像一样” 。故选 C。 58A 考查动词辨析。音乐老师如此不同,他不仅为孩子们“开启”了一个不同的世界,更在我生命的 池塘里投下了一颗意义非凡的“石子”。故选 A。 59D 考查名词辨析。参考上文解析。故选D。 60B 考查副词辨析。我祈祷石子溅起的涟漪“永不”停止。其他选项均不符合作者表达的意图。故选 B。 第二节 【语篇导读】 这是一篇记叙文。节选自海伦凯勒的自传小说假如给我三天光明 。作者讲述了我很清 楚地记得第一次见到奥利佛·温代尔·霍尔姆斯博士时的情景。 61 to call考查固定搭配。奥利佛·温代尔·霍尔姆斯博士邀请我和苏立文小姐去他家做客。“invite - 14 - somebody to do something ”不定式做宾语补足语。故填to call 62were shown考查被动语态。 此句意为那时我刚刚学会了开口讲话。我们立刻被人带到了他的图书馆, 应用被动语态。故填were shown。 63which/that 考查定语从句。此句意为房子里面有一股油墨和皮革的味道,这里显然到处都是书, 故填 which。 64gently考查副词。此句意为于是我轻轻地伸手摸索起来。副词gently 修饰动词“ stretched out ” ,故填 gently。 65of考查介词。此句意为我的指尖无意中落在了丁尼生的一套诗集上,固定搭配a series of,故填 of。 66what 考查连词。此句意为当苏立文小姐把诗集的名字告诉我以后,我就开始背诵所要背的东西,应 填宾语从句的引导连词。故填what。 67stopped考查谓语动词。 此句意为突然间, 我停止了背诵。 全文主要时态为一般过去式,故填 stopped。 68loved/beloved考查形容词。此句意为我感觉到我的手上浸满了泪水,我已经令我所钟爱的诗人落泪。 形容词修饰名词poet,故填 loved/beloved 。 69sadness考查名词。此句意为为此,我也感到了巨大的忧伤。故填sadness。 70bringing考查非谓语动词。此句意为他让我坐在他的扶手椅上,同时,他还拿出了很多有趣的东西让 我查验。非谓语动词做伴随状语。故填bringing。 听力原文 Text 1 W :Where did you get the money to start your restaurant? M :I have been saving my money for years W :Is there any other way to get money to start up a small business? M :Yes,you can borrow some from a bank Text 2 W :You went to the big second-hand book sale in town yesterday ,didn t you? Was there much of a selection to get excited over? M :Was there? I wish I had brought enough cash with me Text 3 M :Where to ,Miss? W :Please drop me off at the Peoples Park M :At the north gate or the west gate? - 15 - W :The north gate ,on Taihai Road Text 4 W :So,you ve lived in Shanghai for 30 yearsWere you born there? M :NoI was born and brought up in a small town And I moved to Shanghai in my twenties when I got a job there Text 5 W :Hi, AlexCan you give me a lift? I m late for workMy car s broken downIt won t start M :I m sorry I m not going into townBut I can drive you to the bus station Text 6 M :By the way, do you know what time it is? W :Well, it s a quarter to two M :Oh,I ve got to go W :To see Eliza in the library? M :NoActually I m going to meet with Professor Higgins at ten past twoYou may continue our project discussion with Peter W :All right Text 7 M :Can I help you? W :I d like to buy some dollars,please M :Do you bank with us? We only sell dollars to customers who have an account in this bank W :No,I m a touristWhat do you suggest I do then? M :There is a currency exchange office at the airport W :That s so far awayIs there nowhere nearer? M :Sorry,there used to be an exchange office in the department store near here,but it closed last year Text 8 M :Excuse meCan you tell me how to get to the Music Building from here? I have a lecture to attend there W :Oh,are you new here? M :Yes,I just got here last night W :Well,to go to the Music Building ,you have two choicesIf you want to go right now ,you can walk straight - 16 - down the street until you pass a post office , and then turn right The Music Building will be straight ahead M :How long will it take to get there? W :About twenty minutes M :What s the other choice? W : If you don t mind waiting around for a while , you can take the shuttle bus It only takes about five minutes to get there by bus M :But I have to wait for the bus? W :That s right M :Well, I will walk there Thank you Text 9 M :Hello,I m calling about the flat that you have to rent on Green Street W :Oh,yes 25A, Green Street? It s a lovely flat M :How much is it? W :Well, it was eight hundred and twenty-five pounds a month,but the price has gone down ,three hundred cheaper than the original price That s a real bargain M :Is it far from the station? W :There is a bus station just outside the main gate And it s only five minutes walk from the underground station M :Really? That s great! How many bedrooms does it have? W :There are five rooms in total two bedrooms ,a living room ,a bathroom and a kitchen M :That s a bit big for meDoes it have any furniture? W :There s a really nice table and two beds,but there are no chairs M :That s not a problem I can bring them myself Can I go and see the flat? W :There are people living there at the moment,but they re leaving on Friday M :OKI can meet you there on Saturday W :Monday s better for me M :PerfectSee you then Text 10 M :I travel to the Antarctica every year to gather information on a range of subjects Today I m here to tell you - 17 - about my first trip south and the survival course all the other scientists and I have to go through when we arrive in Antarctica Well ,the first day was spent getting accustomed to the low temperatures,which means sliding down the ice followed by a night sleeping out on the snowThis is what they call field training and anyone who has to spend significant periods of time working away from the main bases has to do it The first day s training ended with the construction of snow sheltersWe were lucky with the weatherIt was around minus ten and bright sun We split into three teams on this course with four persons ineach teamEach team chose a different type of shelterThe Canadians chose the snow shelter type;the New Zealanders dug through a pile of snow ; and we went for a hole in the ground We foolishly thought it would be the easiest So we set to work and after a couple of hours , it was beautiful , deep and long but unfortunately far too wide Everyone else had announced success with their efforts but we were failuresThe idea was that what we d dug should be able to take a roof ,but no matter how hard we tried,we couldn t get enough snow in blocks to bridge the gap So in the end all we had was a long hole and that s how we came to sleep outside at night in one of the coldest places in the world


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