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    Discussion on the Middle School English Teaching in Quality Education 英语专业毕业论文.doc

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    Discussion on the Middle School English Teaching in Quality Education 英语专业毕业论文.doc

    Discussion on the Middle School English Teaching in Quality EducationIntroductionQuality Education and the "examination-oriented education" reflect the two different education systems. "Examination-oriented education" teaching purpose is to further education; at its core is the elimination of the one-sided education. The quality education is different; it truly reflects the nature of basic education that education should be for all students to fully develop student's personality, so that students in the moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, labor, etc. developed fully. The purpose of quality education should not only teach students knowledge and, more importantly, to teach students how to seek knowledge, how a man, how fitness, how to live, how aesthetic, etc. for their future growth lay a solid foundation in all aspects. English as a stage of basic education, basic sciences, it is first to bear the "Advancement of the Chinese nation's ideological and moral qualities, scientific and cultural qualities and physical and psychological health," the historical mission. However, a long time, China's middle school English teaching with other disciplines, like being affected by "examination-oriented education" the impact of a single teaching objectives, teaching methods, more rigid, outdated teaching content, grammar knowledge-based exam. Teaching the existence of serious "attention to knowledge transfer, light capacity-building" tendency, causing some in the college entrance examination scores of students get the practical ability to use English rather poor. Most of the students learning English for many years later, still disappointed to find himself did not understand that bad, reading fast, can not write. From this, the traditional English teaching mode difficult to complete the task of quality education. Then, in English teaching, what we actually should be for students to engage in quality education? Students what the specific quality and capacity? This article attempts to explore the following five aspects of these issues. 1, cultivate the quality of language In general, the quality of language, including language basics, I heard that the basic skills of reading and writing and initial use of English communicative ability. The purpose of language teaching from the point of view, the initial use of students the ability to communicate in English should be the ultimate goal of teaching high school English. Previously, we have the objective of teaching high school English to understand not comprehensive enough, there are deviations in teaching practice, teaching students to just be satisfied with the form of language understanding and drills to ignore the meaning of language mastery and use. In fact, knowledge of language is the language constitutes a rule, the use of language, in addition to the composition of the rules to follow language, we must also follow the rules of language use. Thus, the composition of communicative competence is the language rules and the use of language rules in some specific application scenarios. Specifically, the communicative competence consists of two aspects, namely, language (linguistic competence) and pragmatic competence (pragmatic competence). Mainly refers to master the language skills of voice, vocabulary, grammar rules system, and be able to identify and Zaochu grammatical sentences, which emphasizes the use of language accuracy. Pragmatic competence, including social language skills, impromptu expression and speech capabilities, it emphasizes the use of language fluency and appropriateness. Social language ability is the language students have learned the national culture, and thereby to understand when, where, and what kind of occasion, to whom, with what manner and attitude of what to say so, more concerned about the impact of cultural differences on communication, emphasizing Appropriateness of the use of language. Impromptu expression refers to the real (not simulated) scenarios in ad hoc use of language to communicate the information to fill the ditch to reach the purpose of exchange of ideas, tend to emphasize the authenticity of communication scenarios. Because only in a real scenario, communication be of practical significance and effectiveness. Of discourse refers to the ability of the community in a real scenario, the tact to use the context of a coherent meaning of the words, not just isolated sentences, emphasizing the use of language fluency and coherence. In order to cultivate the interpersonal skills, in teaching the following aspects should be handling the relationship. (A) the relationship between knowledge and ability Knowledge of language services for communicative competence is the whole basis of communicative competence. Learn language and learn how to swim is the same reason. If the swimming instructor to teach students to swim only the knowledge and essentials, rather than letting the students into the water exercises, the students never learn to swim. However, if a very beginning beginner kids thrown into the sea to swim go to his own devices, I am afraid not many people can learn to swim skills. Therefore, to reflect the communicative teaching of grammar, that is, we often say "in use secondary schools" not only to "living learning" and to "utilize." The so-called "utilize" is the language structure, language use to a certain scenario to go. Therefore, the language form is no longer based on mechanical, boring, and meaningless form of teaching, but through the rich and varied, intuitive, real, communicative form of teaching. (B) the relationship between the English and mother tongue Develop communicative competence is an important aspect is to develop the habit of thinking of students in English and ability. The past, the use of classroom teachers in the English language Chinese language too much, coupled with the lack of English language learning environment for the next class, some students had to use Chinese speech to mark the pronunciation of English words. In the sentences, students are often expressed in accordance with Chinese custom to build English sentences, the results of that sentence out of neither fish nor fowl. Students in a practical expression, as a result can not help but to seek Chinese help, first to express thoughts in the brain through the Chinese translated into English and then some out, so that a serious impact on language accuracy and fluency. In order to cultivate the habit of thinking of students in English and ability teaching should note the following points: First, the use of visual teaching methods, the English and to express things that is directly linked to enable students to understand the direct, direct memory; second, with English to teach English to enable students to understand the direct use of English in English, under the direct command to do things in English; and third, to make use of English, but when necessary the use of Chinese language. Proper use of Chinese language is necessary, proper English is also necessary to compare, but not too much. (C) listening and reading, and the relationship between spoken and written Listening, speaking, reading and writing is a means of teaching, but also the objective of teaching. Four were complementary, in communication are indispensable. Four of those features vary, listening, reading is the input, say, writing is the output. To achieve the efficient output, must be done to ensure a large number of inputs. So let the students listen more to Reading is the fundamental way to develop communicative competence. High School Outline stipulates: "listening, speaking, reading, writing and comprehensive training, focusing on reading proficiency", this approach has proven to be in line with our English language teaching practical. Teaching methods of reading the past, mutilated texts, focusing on linguistic analysis, it ignores the overall understanding, is not conducive to students communicative competence, therefore, read the urgent reform of teaching methods. First, we should re-understand the purpose of teaching English reading. Modern foreign language teaching theory, reading instruction has three objectives: First, access to information; second language learning, knowledge; third is access to reading skills. To achieve these objectives, the new theory of reading instruction recommended the following steps to read the whole teaching: Step 1: Pre-reading 1. Introduction and reading the contents of the relevant background; 2. Teaching hinder part of the text to understand Shengci (left part of the Shengci students to guess when reading); 3. According to the article title, illustrations and guide the students to discuss relevant issues and predict the contents of the article; 4. Suggest one or two full text can be summed up the central idea of the guiding questions. Step 2: Reading 1. Fast reading text (rather than the mouth with the eyes read read read sentence by sentence, rather than a verbatim reading); 2. Good question, fair and poor students to answer guiding questions; 3. Raise questions of detail to enable students to obtain information about what, where, when, why, who, how and other basic facts; 4. A careful reading; 5. Panel discussion question answer, and then check the answers to the whole class. Step 3: Read post 1. In the students understand the text, based on the language elements and new language to explain the phenomenon. At the same time, check the students guess Words in the situation, to encourage students to ask questions; 2. To do to master knowledge of the language required by the outline of the practice; 3. To help students to analyze the structure and stylistic features of discourse; 4. Language. Conduct various forms of text around the mouth, in written form communicative activities, such as repeated text, discussion, role play, interviews, investigation, Fang Xie and other related topics with the text. Read the whole teaching is the teaching of reading will be three different unified in one purpose of the teaching process, will be the use of language learning and linguistic unity. Second, culture and cultural qualities of Language is the carrier of culture. Stored in a language of a nation's social life experiences, reflecting the basic characteristics of national culture. Therefore, language, language learning and language use can not exist independently from the culture. If a person just learning language does not study culture, it is difficult for him to learn the language. Someone capitalized on the cultural content of the culture (Culture), and lowercase culture (culture) to represent. Cultural capital refers to a nation's political, economic, military, history, geography, etc.; lower case refers to the cultural life of a nation's customs, religious beliefs, values, taboos humor, folklore and customs Learning a nation's cultural knowledge is not only contribute to improving the quality of their own culture, but also conducive to learning the national language. Appropriateness of language is inseparable from culture, to make students in communication, in accordance with topic, context, cultural background, speak the words out properly, we must pay attention to cultivating the quality of their culture to minimize communication errors. Communication errors can be divided into two kinds: First, language errors, the second is cultural mistake. Modern foreign language teaching and cultural view is that the error is often more serious than the language errors. Therefore, we not only in teaching to teach language knowledge, but also to teach cultural knowledge. 3, cultivate the ideological qualities High school English syllabus states: "to follow the teaching of English law that ideological education in language teaching among the infiltration of patriotism and socialism, and ideological and moral education so that students correct ideas and to develop good moral character." This requirement, the actual on the construction of spiritual civilization is to implement them into daily teaching of English. Mainly refers to ideological education in patriotism, socialism and internationalism education; outlook on life and values education; ideological and moral education as well as ideological and emotional education. Let students understand that learning a foreign language is designed not only to learn and understand the foreign countries, but also promote their shoulders, let the world know China's task, it is necessary to guide students to understand the dialectical point of view the outside world. On the one hand to prevent important than anyone else's "ethnocentric" thinking, the other is to resist the erosion of Western decadent culture, must not be blindly respected. Social morality, professional ethics and family virtues such as ideological and moral education is the basic task of spiritual civilization. Ideology and morality, including a sense of duty, responsibility, honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, self-esteem and other psychological qualities. In teaching English through a wide range of teaching content, with the help of outstanding Chinese and foreign cultural traditions of the deeds and the spirit of elite students to cultivate the sentiment, so that they consciously abide by the social ethics, guidelines, fulfilling a moral duty. At the same time, we should by students of social sciences, natural sciences, population, environment, ecology, energy, law, disasters, hunger, poverty and other hot issues of today's learning and thinking, to improve the level of awareness of students and enhance their sense of social responsibility . Emotional Education is designed to help students on the proper self-understanding, shaping the self, to arouse their passion for life and maintain a good fit with the social mood, attitude and behavior. Therefore, to teach students to deal with their own self-esteem, self-esteem, rather than from the cheap, low self-esteem; for life to be self-confident, self-improvement, do not give up on themselves, the game of life; for others to be sincere, warm, without hypocrisy, indifference; their job seriously, hard work, rather than reckless, careless. The emotional education, teachers play an exemplary role is essential. Teacher's mission not only to teach, but also to educating people. Emotional education can not rely on flowery, empty rhetoric, rely on themselves personally, to really be for the truth. Suhomlinski said: "Without the moral sentiment becomes dry, pale statement, this statement can only cultivate a hypocrite." Fourth, develop self-learning ability Today's society, the rapid development of science and technology, knowledge surge. In the secondary level, only select the most basic and fundam


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