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    必修三 3.4《 unit3 the million pound bank-note2》(共36页).ppt

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    必修三 3.4《 unit3 the million pound bank-note2》(共36页).ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 必修3-3.4,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-note,Warming up,Mark Twains House,What do you know about the American writer Mark Twain ? Do you know any of his works? Can you name any of them?,Mark Twain Samuel Langhorne Clemenss(塞谬尔. 朗赫恩 .克来门司) 11/30/1835 | 04/21/1910,America's best known literary figure,America's short story writer novelist Humorist public speaker,literary giant,The evaluation given to him,His famous works,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚历险记,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 哈克贝利·弗恩历 险记,Life on the Mississippi,The Million Pound Bank-Note,Discussion :,Warming up-III (3m),Discussion :,Suppose a rich person gives you a million pound bank-note, what will you do with it ? Give the reasons.,Homework,1) Find the information (story) of scene 1 and scene 2. 2) Preview act 1, find out the useful expressions. 3) Prepare for a performance for the text.,The Million Pound Bank-note,Act 1,ACT,1,SCENE,1&2,A brief introduction to the story,Task 1: pre-reading,Two rich gentlemen made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound note.,Henry, sailed too far, drifted out to the ocean, wandering in Landon,Jobless, penniless, dressed in rags,Describe the two pictures,ACT,1,SCENE,3,The story began,Task 2: Reading,1.How did Henry Adams come to England? 2.Where did Henry work? How much money did he have? 3.What did the two gentlemen give Henty? 4.When can Henry open the letter?,Scan the passage and find out :,1.How did Henry Adams cone to England? It was the ship that brought him to England. 2.Where did Henry work? How much money did he have? He worked for a mining company and had no money at all.,3.What did the two gentlemen give Henry? They give him a letter. 4.When can Henry open the letter? He cant open it until 2 oclock.,Listen to the tape and then put the following events in correct order. Henry wandered in London streets. About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay. The next morning he was spotted by a ship. Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind. On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.,5,1,3,2,4,Find out the useful expressions,Post-reading: Role-play,Narrator Roderick Oliver Servant,1.bet n. (1)agreement to risk money, etc on an event of which the result is doubtful赌博 Make a bet打赌 咱们赌下次大选好吗?,Lets make a bet on the next election,have a bet打赌 win/lose a bet 打赌赢/输了 accept/take up a bet,Language points,(2) The money, etc risked in this way (金钱等)赌注,v. 1)risk (money) on a race or some other event of which the result is doubtful打赌,赌博 布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。,Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses.,2)I bet=(informal) Im certain我肯定 我敢肯定他去游泳了,他喜爱这项运动。 I bet hes gone to swimming-he loves it.,Henry was an_. One day he had an accident in a_. Luckily he was survived by a ship for_. He arrived in London by earning his passage without pay. He was _in the street in_. To his surprise an _ thing happened. Two rich brothers gave him a million pound bank-note because they had made a_.,incredible,American,London,bay,rags,lost,bet,Retell the story by filling the following passage.,What kind of persons you think the characters are?,(Henry Adams, Oliver Roderick),After reading,proud (he earns his passage by working on a ship to England), careless( he arrived in England by accident after not sailing his boat well), honest (he asks for work not charity).,Henry :,Oliver and Roderick :,rich (servants and not worrying about giving a stranger a million pound bank-note), mischievous (prepared to bet one million pounds just for a bit of fun), good judges of character( they see Henry is honest and proud),What do you think will happen to Henry? Will the bank-note help him or get him into trouble? Give a possible development to the story.,Prediction,Learning about language,servant,stare at,by accident,passage,nightfall,incredible,account for,to be honest,appearance,silly,patience,a bank-note,tale,permit,


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