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    小学五年级英语新标准一起十册水平测试题 Listening Part Written Part Total 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误 ! 未 找 到 引 用 源 。 错 误 ! 未 找 到 引 用 源 。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误 ! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 错 误! 未 找 到 引 用 源。 Listening Part ( 40 points ) 错误!未找到引用源。 . Listen and choose 选出你所听到的单词(10 分) 1. ( ) A. drive B. driver C. drove 2. ( ) A. sausage B. sandwich C. season 3. ( ) A. send B. second C. third 4. ( ) A. got B. lot C. but 5. ( ) A. grandma B. grandpa C. grandparents 错误!未找到引用源。 . Listen and number根据录音内容连线。 ( 10 分 ) Sam Amy Daming Xiaoyong Lily have breakfast have lunch have dinner go to school do homework 错误!未找到引用源。 . Listen and choose 听问句选答语。 (5 分) 1. ( ) A. My mother was a teacher before. B. My father was a worker before. C. My sister was a doctor before. 2. ( ) A. Lily worked in a factory . B. Lily working in a hospital . C. Lily works in a school . 3. ( ) A. She had eggs and sausages for breakfast . B. She had eggs for lunch . C. She had sausages for dinner . 4. ( ) A. In England , people have dinner at seven o'clock . B. In China , people have dinner at six o'clock . C. In America , people have dinner at five o'clock . 5. ( ) A. I can see flowers on the trees . B. I can wear shorts and sandals . C. I can play with my friends . 错误!未找到引用源。 . Listen and choose 听短文判断正误,正确的打“ ” 错误的打“” 。 ( 5 分) 1. ( ) Tom wants the English story book . 2. ( ) The library has got the English story book . 3. ( ) The books are on the Shelf D. 4. ( ) Tom hasn't got the library card . 5. ( ) Tom should return the books in three weeks . 错误!未找到引用源。 . Listen and write the words in the boxes . 听录音, 填空完成表格。 (5 分) was is Policeman writer doctor factory worker nurse Motherteacher Father boss Grandpa Grandma stay at home Written Part ( 60 points ) 错误!未找到引用源。 . Read and judge . 判断下列单词画线部分读音是否相 同,相同的打“” 不相同的打“”。 ( 5 分) 1. ( ) player worker 2. ( ) season sea 3. ( ) office drove 4. ( ) get let 5. ( ) borrow row 错误!未找到引用源。. Write 完成下列单词并填空完成句子(10 分) d lici us s dwiches mail ffice speci l 1. Sundays are in England . 2. Amy's mother works in an . 3. I have got an from China . 4. He eats lots of and he says it's very . 错误!未找到引用源。 Choose 选择 ( 10 分) 1. ( ) Where did your mother work ? She worked in office . A. a B. an C. × 2. ( ) What do you have dinner ? Rice . A. on B. About C. for 3. ( ) Sundays , many people eat fish in England . A. on B. in C. at 4. ( ) Amy goes to school seven o'clock . A. on B. in C. at 5. ( ) The books are the shelf . A. on B. in C. at 6. ( ) I will return the books two weeks . A. on B. in C. with 7. ( ) My grandpa will come China this weekend . A. in B. on C. to 8. ( ) Sam's grandma lives America . A. on B. in C. × 9. ( ) In winter we can play the snow . A. with B. and C. in 10. ( ) In library you can't talk your friends . A. with B. and C. To 错误!未找到引用源。 .Write用单词的正确形式填空( 10 分) A. 1. Sam's father usually breakfast at 7:00 . 2. My friends usually dinner at school . 3. In library we can many books . B. 1. Yesterday my family dinner together . 2. What did your father ? He a big bus . 3. What music did the music man play ? He Chinese music . 4. Where he go yesterday ? Supermarket . C. 1. Does your mother the computer ? 2. Lily's sister her a new book. have have have do borrow drive play use send 错误!未找到引用源。 . Read and draw . 根据提示画时间。(5 分) 1. Sam gets up at eight o'clock . 2. Sam has breakfast at half past eight . 3. Sam reads books at ten to nine . 4. Sam plays computers at ten past eleven . 5. Sam has lunch at twelve o'clock . 错误!未找到引用源。 . Read 阅读理解( 15 分) A . 读短文并判断正误。正确的打“” 错误的打“” 。 (5 分) Ben is talking with the ailen(外国人)Dim . Dim : I don t like winter here . Ben : Why not ? Because it is too cold ? Dim : No , because I can't eat fruit everyday . I can't eat bananas . Bananas are my favourite fruit . Ben : But , that's easy . We can go to Africa . The bananas there are bigger than here in Asia . Dim : Really ?But it is also winter in Africa now . Ben : No. Seasons are different places at the same time . When is winter here in Asia , it is summer in Africa . Dim : I'll live in Africa when it is winter in Africa . I can eat bananas. Ben : Then you are just like a migratoy bird . (候鸟) ( ) 1. Dim is a robot . ( ) 2. Dim doesn't like the winter in Asia because he thinks too cold . ( ) 3. The bananas in Africa are smaller than Asia . ( ) 4. Dim likes eating bananas the best . ( ) 5. Dim wants to live in Africa in autumn . B. Read and Choose 阅读理解并选择正确答案(10 分) There are about 3,000 kinds of snakes in the world (世界 ). They live in many places in the world . But there aren't any snakes in the Antarctic , New Zealand ,Ireland and Iceland . Snakes have no legs , but they can “ walk “very fast . They can swim and climb trees . Some of them even (甚至)can “ fly “ . Then longest snakes can be 10 metres , but the smallest ones are only about 23 cm . Long .Snakes are meat -eaters . They can eat big animals , such as (比如)pigs or sheep . Some snakes are very dangerous . They can kill people and animals . But we shouldn't eat snakes , because they can make us ill . ( ) 1. How many kinds (种类)of snakes are there in the world ? A. There are about three hundred . B. There are about three thousand . C. There are about three million . ( ) 2. Can we find snakes in all the places in the world ? A. Yes , we can . B. I don't know . C. No , we can't . ( ) 3. Do snakes have legs ? A. Yes , they do . B. No , they don't . C. Some do and some don't . ( ) 4. How long can the longest snake be ? A. About 10 metres . B. About 10 kilometres . C. About 23 cm . ( ) 5. What's the Chinese for “meat -eater “? A. 素食者B. 肉食者C. 比较能吃的 错误!未找到引用源。 . Write 英语写作(5 分) In English libraries you do lots of things . What about Chinese libraries ? Please write down . 要求:不少于 40 词


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