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    北京化工大学 2006 至 2007 学年第一学期材料导论I 期末考试试卷 北京化工大学2006 2007 学年第一学期 材料导论I期末考试试卷标准答案 制订:赵静、邓建平,审校:熊金平 材料科学与工程学院 I. What do the following abbreviations of materials and unit cells stand for? Translate all abbreviations into Chinese. At least 10-point questions should be completed. (12 points) 1. Names of materials: (4points) TP, thermoplastic, 热塑性塑料; PMC, polymer matrix composite, 聚合物基复合材料; MMC, metal matrix composite, 金属基复合材料; CMC, ceramic matrix composite , 陶瓷基复合材料 2. Names of equipment: (4points) SEM, 扫描电子显微镜; TEM, 透射电子显微镜; SPM, 扫描探针显微镜; DSC, 示差扫描量热分析 3. Names of unit cells: (4points) bcc, body-centered cubic, 体心立方; fcc, face-centered cubic, 面心立方; cph, close-packed hexagonal, 紧密堆积六方; sc, simple cubic 简单立方 II. Choose the BEST TERM to match the definition (15pts, 1pt/Q). 1. R) Polymer 2. A) Allotropic material 3. N) Interstitialcy 4. M) Interstitial solid solution 5. V) Smart materials 6. E) Cation 7. H) Crystalline 8. J) Electronegativity 9. Y) Van de waals forces 10. O) Long-range-order materials 11. D) Atomic packing factor (APF) 12. L) Factor of safety 13. G) Creep 14. F) Coordination number 15. Q) Neutrons III. Choose the correct answer(s) to the following questions (35points, 1pt/Q) 1. A) 2. B) 3. C) 4. D) 5. B) 6. A) 7. B) 8. D) 9. D) 10. C) 11. D) 12. D) 13. B) 14. B) 15. C) 16. C) 17. B) 18. A) 19. A) 20. A) 21. B) 22. C) 23. C) 24. C) 25. B) 26. B) 27. C) 28. C) 29. D) 30. D) 31. C) 32. D) 33. B) 34. B) 35. D) IV Fill in the following blanks according to the basic concepts. (10points, 1pt/blank) 1. protons 2. unit cell 3. A) group, B) period, C) group, D) valence 4. A)impurity atoms, B)disorder of crystal structures 5. alloy 6. ductile V. True or false questions. If you think the statement is true, write the letter “T”; otherwise, write the letter “F”. At least 10 questions should be completed. (15 points, 1 point/Q) 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F 11. F 12. F 13. T 14. F 15. F VI. Give a simple answer to the following questions. At least 10-point questions should be completed. (20 points) 1. (3points) step1: record the intercepts in order of the x-, y-, z-axes: 1, -1, step 2: take reciprocals: 1, -1, 0, step 3: clear any fractions: no fractions step 4: record the number in parentheses with no commas separating in the numbers, - (110) 2. (2points) Six parameters are needed to describe a unit cell adequately. There are three angles (, ,) and three lattice parameters (a, b, c). 3. (3points) Phase diagrams are graphic representations of a material system under varying conditions of temperature and composition, with the pressure is held constant under normal atmospheric conditions (not limited to this one); Temperature, composition, pressure. 4. (3points) The family of materials is composed of metallics, ceramics, polymerics, composites, and other groups of materials. 5. (2points) Mechanical properties rank highest in importance when selecting materials for many applications. Tensile test, impact test, and hardness test can provide the most useful information on such properties for material selection? 6. (4points) Anode: 2H2O 4H+ + O2 + 4e- Cathode: 2H+ + 2e- H2 7. (3points) P + F = C +2; P: the number of phases; F: the variance or number of degrees of freedom; C: the number of components; 2: temperature and pressure. VII. Complex questions. At least 10-point questions should be completed. (20 points) 1. (10 points) Compared to a brittle material, a ductile material has a greater difference between the yield strength and the tensile strength, a greater amount of plastic deformation prior to fracture, and a larger area under the whole stress-strain curve up to the point of fracture (or higher values of the modulus of toughness). 2. (10 points) (1) At point 1, liquid solution phase; point 2, solid solution begins to appear, and then two phase region (point 3); point 4, the last liquid solidifies; after that, only one solid phase. (2) See the figure. (3) To calculate the contents of liquid and solid phase, draw a tie line passing point 3, L3-3-S3; solid% = (length of line L3-3)/(length of line L3-S3)X100%; liquid% = (length of line 3-S3)/(length of L3-S3)X100%. (4) Draw vertical lines to the X axis, passing L3 and S3 and crossing X axis at M and N, respectively; so the Ni content in liquid phase is M%, and Cu content is (100-M)%. The Ni content in solid phase is N%, and Cu content is (100-N)%.


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