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    1.Shops have shown little enthusiasm about Father s Day, the active promotion campaigns on Mother s Day. A.compare with B.compared withC.to compare with D.having compared with 2.To their disappointment,Dr Wang gave a speech about the economy without even a passing to the problem of unemployment. A.connection B.appointment C.reference D.exploration 3.It is obvious that people hold different opinions about voluntary services should be financially rewarded. A.that B.what C.if D.whether 4.I just don t understand it is that leads to so many teenagers addicted to playing computer games. A.what;to become B.why;becoming C.what;becomingD.why;to become 5.Li Hua told me what difficulty she had had English before she came to Canada. A.learningB.learn C.learnt D.to learn 6. Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job,but you will learn a lot from it. A.Comparing B.Compared C.Having compared D.Compare 7.If you a high fever and a bad headache,you are advised to consult a doctor. A.developB.perform C.present D.gather 8.Check your paper carefully to see you have made any mistakes. A.what B.which C.whetherD.that 9.Accustomed to the steep mountains,he had no difficulty the top. A.climbing;reaching B.climb;to reach C.climb;reach D.having climbed;reach 10.It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future. A.as B.which C.whether D.that 11.In this day and age,women can have children and jobs as well. I can t agree more.It s great to have the two . A.linked B.related C.connected D.combined 12.Running a company is not a matter of hiring people they also need to be trained. A.simplyB.partly C.seriously D.equally 13.All people, they are old or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. A.even if B.whether C.no matter D.however 14.Leaves are found on all kinds of trees,but tsize and shape. A.on B.from C.byD.in 15.Mum my suggestion while Dad spoke my idea. A.turned off;in favour of B.turned down;in favour ofC.turned down;in need of D.turned on;in hope of 16. his homework made his father very angry. A.The boy s not having finishedB.The boy s having not finished C.The boy not having finished D.The boy having not finished 17.They had to become the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks and in the end,they made it. A.managed B.attemptedC.succeeded D.predicted 18.Very often,even an ordinary ancient item can an image of our ancestors life. A.tell B.describe C.presentD.discover 19.Kitty,how was your weekend? I had a great time.I went skiing with my friends. Wow! A.Sounds really cool! B.Cheers! C.How interesting you are! D.I ll go there,too. 20. you have made such good preparations,there can t be any problem about passing the coming exam. A.SinceB.Because C.For D.Though 21.If you are not satisfied with the price ,we can still discuss it. A.being offered B.to offer C.offering D.offered 22.When electric cars become ,we ll need to build more charging stations. A.availableB.accessible C.attractive D.alternative 23.When a job,you should higight your experience and skills. A.applying to B.applied to C.applying for D.applied for 24. in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account. A.What is required B.What requires C.It is requiredD.It requires 25.,are finding themselves out of work. A.in case B.all in all C.in particular D.in total 26.If you want to see Mr.Johnson on Friday morning,make sure he is ahead of time. A.approachable B.accessible C.available D.convenient 27.The Ministry of Education is primary and middle school students to perform one hour of physical exercise a day, which will be a major criterion for evaluating schools. A.requiringB.requesting C.demanding D.commanding 28.Though he doesn t achieve his goals,he is not a failure. ,he is remembered as a true hero. A.In particular B.On the contraryC.Generally speaking D.To be honest 29.This method must be very effective,for I ve seen it jobs by many different people. A.applying to B.being applied to C.applied to D.applied for 30.In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a for everyone to stand up. A.signal B.chance C.mark D.measure 31.We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all . A.given away B.kept away C.taken up D.used up 32.If you like,I can do some shopping for you. That s a very kind . A.suggestion B.service C.point D.offer 33.Not with the present public traffic situation,the government is trying to find a more convenient and traffic system. A.satisfied;satisfyingB.satisfying;satisfied C.satisfactory;satisfied D.satisfied;satisfied 34.More and more college graduates to work in the poor areas in order to make a to the life there. A.provide;point B.announce;sense C.remark;variety D.volunteer;difference 35.After graduation,Tom was a job in a travel agency,but he didn t take it,for he doesn t likes get around. A.provided B.supplied C.offeredD.accepted 36.With his help,we had little difficulty whatever we in the study of English. A.to overcome;attempted B.overcoming;encountered C.overcoming;received D.to overcome;experienced 37.I was getting around in my car a little boy came up to me and asked for a lift. A.whenB.while C.as D.then 38.If you hear the fire alarm at ten o clock this morning,don t take any of it;the engineers are merely testing it. A.message B.knowledge C.information D.notice 39.It s said John will be in a job paying over $60 000 year. Right,he will also get paid by week. A.the;the B.a;the C.the;a D.a;a 40.To stay awake,he finished a cup of coffee and ordered . A.the other B.other C.the othersD.another 41.Jack can t concentrate on his lessons recently. Yes,that might his low score in the last test. A.stand for B.apply for C.account forD.call for 42.Panasonic plans to lay off 35 000 employees globally within 2 years. The cuts 9% of the company s staff. A.make upB.take over C.hold back D.come out 43.It has been blamed that fireworks during the Spring Festival often lead to danger and pollution. A.got off B.turned off C.set off D.put off 44.She opened the door quietly so as not to the sleeping child. A.interrupt B.bother C.disturb D.annoy 45.Don t any excuse for your failing in the exam this time.We won t believe you. A.put up B.show up C.make upD.keep up 46.The host family treated me as though I a member of the family while I studied in France. A.am B.wereC.would D.should be 47.The thief glanced about now and then he knew he was being followed. A.even if B.as thoughC.in case D.so that 48.He to us that those eggs which are on the table had been by snakes. A.lied;laying;lied B.lied;lying;lain C.laid;laid;laid D.lied;lying;laid 49.From his look,we could see the boy was of the stranger. A.terrified;terrified B.terrifying;terrifying C.terrifying;terrified D.terrified;terrifying 50.At the age of twenty Steve left his hometown, A.determining not B.not determined C.determined notD.not determining 51.It may be fairly cheap to buy,but you ve got to the money you ll spend on repairs. A.take charge of B.take into account C.take advantage of D.take the place of 52.Have you Betty yet? Not really.She won t forgive me for having told her lies. A.put up with B.come up with C.made up withD.kept up with 53.The continuous rain the harvesting of the wheat crop by two months. A.set backB.set off C.set aside D.set out 54.Do you remem Yes, we did it yesterday. A.as ifB.even if C.only if D.if only 55.Even the best writers sometimes find themselves for words. A.lose B.lostC.to lose D.having lost 56.People have always been about exactly how life on earth began. A.curiousB.excited C.anxious D.careful 57.My father warned me A.by B.on C.for D.against 58.Some parents are just too protective.They want to their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined. A.spot B.dismiss C.shelter D.distinguish 59.I m not surprised that he became a writer.Even as a child he had a imagination. A.clear B.cautious C.funny D.vivid 60.To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English as much as we can. A.speak B.speaking C.spoken D.to speak 61.It s wise choice to use a four wheel drive car on snowy day. A.a;aB.the;/ C./;a D.the;the 62.What s the matter with Tim? Oh,Timagain. A.to find B.to be foundC.finding D.being found 63.Listen,Lily is playing the piano! Wow,how sweet the music ! A.is heard B.hears C.is sounding D.sounds 64.He spends every lunchtime his emotional problems to me and expects me to find a solution. A.working out B.finding out C.pouring out D.falling out 65.Honey,stay outside and a few minutes;then we ll go to church together. A.hang around B.hang up C.hang on D.hang out 66. Saturday,rather than at home,I preferred . A.It being;stay;to travel B.Being;to stay;to travel C.Having been;stay;travel D.It was;to stay;traveling 67.They are going to set up a monument the men who laid down their lives in defense of their country. A.in favour of B.in memory of C.in praise of D.in search of 68.Hamburgers are through a window in the restaurant and then they are handed out through the window to the waiting customer. A.booked B.ordered C.demanded D.told 69.Fans from miles around crowded into the stadium for the concert of Jay Chou, are popular with teenagers. A.many of his songs B.many of whose songs C.many of which songs D.and many of whose songs 70.The actress was reported missing 3 days ago,and her body was later found in the bushes. A.hiddenB.hiding C.to be hiding D.was hidden 71. in Korean clothes,she looked as if she came from Korea. A.Dressing B.Dressed C.To dress D.Dress 72.Mr Dark working in our company is from the United States.He is a Canadian ,though. A.by origin B.by nature C.by source D.by history 73.Our English teacher has agreed to the time limit for our paper. A.spread B.stretch C.expand D.extend 74.The opening province which thirteen counties and three coastal cities will quicken its paces of economic development. A.consists ofB.makes up of C.is included D.is contained 75.Worried about the safety of my child in such a heavy rainstorm,my attention began to off my work. A.wonder B.separate C.wanderD.divide 76.Canada Post issued two stamps on Jan.8,2011, the Chinese Lunar Year of the Rabbit. A.in favor of B.in terms of C.in celebration of D.in need of 77.When you are shopping in the supermarket,you can find that prices on the goods. A.marked B.will mark C.are marked D.will have been marked 78.Which do you prefer ,English or Japanese? English,I think. A.more B.better C.best D./ 79.The party last night was success.We sang and danced until it came to end at 12:00. A.a;anB.a;the C.the;an D./;an 80.Help others whenever you can you will make the world a nicer place to live in. A.and B.or C.unless D.but 81.The room was in after the birthday party and I had to clear it up before going to bed. A.variation B.confusion C.order D.fright 82.You hardly imagine it is to learn English pronunciation by practicing saying twisters. A.how fun B.what funC.what pleasure D.what a fun 83.The population of Africa is so rapidly as to cause great concern of the whole world. A.expandingB.stretching C.extending D.spreading 84.We shouldn t have spent our moare healthy. A.that B.which C.what D.whom 85.The policeman s attention was suddenly caught by a small box which placed under the Minister s car. A.has been B.was being C.had beenD.would be 86. under the bed,Tom wasn t found by the robbers and t o get away. A.Hiding;tried B.Hidden;managed C.To be hidden;attempted D.Being hidden;managed 87.Volunteers will be on the frontline in welcoming the world to China, in beautiful uniforms and using English to help visitors. A.dressedB.dressing C.to dress D.being dressed 88.I felt tired and in no to listen to the lesson,and my attention began to off. A.mind;wonderB.mood;wander C.interest;switch D.feeling;set 89.The film Avatar is so successful that it has run for weeks . A.in practice B.on average C.on end D.in particular 90.Firing and watching fireworks is the high when we re having the Spring Festival. A.fantasy B.leisure C.scene D.spot 91.Nowadays an advanced diploma doesn t that one can get a better job. A.compromise B.confirm C.deserve D.guarantee 92.( the house is empty,memories flood my mind of a time when it was filled with life. A.Since B.Unless C.As if D.Even though 93.She s got the job because she has the advantage others of knowing many languages. A.overB.above C.against D.beyond 94.Communi industry an important part in modern times. A.play B.plays C.have played D.are playing 95. Don t blame John for breaking the vase;he is a child . A.after allB.above all C.all in all D.all the time 96.Working hard is not only a A.sign B.signal C.markD.guarantee 97.Authorities face a task to persuade typhoon survivors to abandon their flood-stricken villages and relocate to lower and safer lands. A.sacred B.tough C.contemporary D.conventional 98.Being able to speak another language fluently is a great when you re looking for a job. A.advantage B.chance C.assistance D.importance 99.I don t think higy of this kind of flower ,I don t care for it. A.in other wordsB.all in all C.after all D.meanwhile 100. Bob feels really sorry,Jean. I wouldn t accept his excuse unless he takes back what he said. A.What for? B.So what? C.No doubt. D.No wonder. 101.What do you want to do next? We have half an hour before the basketball game. .Whatever you want to do is fine with me. A.It just depends B.It s up to you C.All right D.Glad to hear that 102.It s Saturday afternoon and Tom together with two of his classmates new tricks on the skating ramp. A.has tried B.have tried C.is tryingD.are trying 103.The person who advantage of the girl a disadvantage didn t gain an advantage her. A.made;in;over B.took;at;on C.took;at;overD.made;at;over 104.There are these books and pencils on the desk. A.a dozen;scores of B.scores;a dozen of C.scores of;a dozen D.two dozens;a score 105.With our incomes increasing fast,more and more cars are entering families.About one ten families has a car or more. A.from B.out ofC.away from D.up to 106.If you live in the country or have ever visited there, are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day. A.situations B.facts C.chancesD.possibilities 107.A forest is usually found heavy rainfall is frequent. A.there B.which C.because D.where 108.Early in morning word came that Mr.Black had been elected president of the company. A.a;/ B.the;/ C.a;the D./;the 109.An idea suddenly came to J.K.Rolling she could write a book about people living in the magic world. A.if B.when C.that D.which 110. it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich,many other people who are A.WhileB.Since C.Unless D.If 111.Thank you for your timely help. My pleasure.It is hardly talking about. A.worthy B.worthwhile C.worthD.useful 112.” In no condition you are a Chinese.” Dad told me before I went abroad. A.you should forget B.forget you C.shouldn t you forget D.should


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