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    Unit 5 Classroom Management,Goals,Knowing the basic principles in seating arrangements Knowing the classroom instructions Knowing the activities to manage classroom interaction,Seating Arrangement,5.1,Questions for Discussion,1. How can you make an English class enjoyable? 2. Do you know different ways of seating arrangements?,Arrange Seats in a Classroom,Circle-seating U shape-seating Row & line-seating (six groups),Classroom Organization Instructions,Arrange the classroom desks in small groups Put one large rug in the room for whole group and smaller rugs for small group Create a mini classroom library with various books,Manage a Kindergarten Classroom,Have emotional intelligence, an ability to control the situation at all times Enough space between tables Keep in touch with parents and give advice to them Being loved by children,Classroom Activities,Match the different ways of classroom arrangement with its advantages, design some ways to reach the respective purpose of teaching:,1. To cultivate childrens sense of trust 2. To teach children to be independent 3. To teach children to be attentive 4. To teach children skills and techniques,A. Put childrens drawing at a height that is proper for them to look at. B. The classroom is clearly divided into different function zones. C. The quiet zone is set far away from the zone of sports and fun D. The classroom has a reading corner, a toy corner and drawing desks, etc.,Homework,Discuss in groups: Besides the ways to make a kindergarten classroom attractive mentioned in the text, what other ways do you suggest?,Homework,Class Disciplines,5.2,1. How do you handle discipline problems in class?,2. What are the causes of discipline problem?,Questions for Discussion,Class Disciplines,Discipline is a problem the teacher usually comes across. Classroom discipline problems are often initiated by one or two children, and their disrupting the class has the potential to affect all of the childrens education, so it is important to handle it promptly.,1. Teachers improper expectation and requirement 2. Teachers error in teaching 3. The emergence of an unexpected event 4. The negative effects of the environment 5. Unmet need,How to Handle the Class?,1. Cultivate childrens attention through games. 2. Do things with clear objectives to develop their conscious attention. 3. Create a good environment to prevent their distraction. 4. Use intuitive teaching aids to arouse their attention.,Attract Childrens Attention,Reading Aloud Conversation Role-Play Question-and-Answer,Classroom Interaction,Classroom Activities,Ann is going to teach “Little Earth Worm”. The teaching aids she prepares include: earthworms, sand, earth, picnic mats, PowerPoint and music. This is her teaching steps:,Can you fit the teaching aids in each of the parts?,Part I: Lead-in and discussion Part II: Touch and watch Part III: Game,Homework,1. What are the points a teacher should pay attention to when having a conversation to an unconfident child? 2. How should a teacher assess a role play activity?,Homework,Classroom Instructions,5.3,1. Do you know different kinds of classroom instructions? 2. What kinds of activities can help a teacher to settle a class?,Questions for Discussion,Plan the instructions carefully Get childrens attention Make sure they know what to do Demonstrate with children,Classroom Instructions,Classroom Activities,Read and discuss how you would demonstrate your meaning with body language.,Homework,1. How could a teacher keep discipline in kindergarten? 2. How can a teacher keep discipline by using different activities?,Homework,


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