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    选修八 3.6《Unit 3 Warming up &amp Reading》.ppt

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    选修八 3.6《Unit 3 Warming up &amp Reading》.ppt

    新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)8-3.6,Unit 3,Inventors and inventions,What are the important inventions of the 20th century? Which do you think is the most important one?,Warming up,Discussion: Who was Edison? Do you know how many inventions he made? Can you mention some of them? Everybody knows he invented the electric bulb. A lamp cant give light without electricity.,Thomas Edison invented the electric bulb.,Did Edison invent electricity? Can electricity be invented? Is electricity an invention or discovery? Why?,2. Which of this pictures show inventions? Does any of them show discoverers?,Stephensons “Rocket”,An amphibious car,DNA,伽利略的望远镜,牛顿制造的反射望远镜,X射线广泛用于医学领域,谷腾堡发明的印刷机,英国钟表匠阿克莱特发明的水力纺纱机,3. Work out rules that will help you decide what is discovery and what is an invention?,(1) A discovery is A discovery merely makes known something that already exist in nature, such as the discovery on the New Continent by Columbia.,(2) An invention is something that created by human being, such as the lighting rod.,1. Electricity,1. Systems of delivering electrical light and heating to homes and offices 2. Household machines for washing, ironing, keeping food cold, etc 3. Computers, telephones, television, etc,2. The movement of air,1. Airplane jet engines 2. Air balloons, etc,Machines to help people with serious disease (like kidney failure),3. The circulation of the blood,4. X-rays,Body scanners to see whether you are ill 2. Machines to treat illnesses (like cancer),4. Now in pairs discuss any modern inventions you know. Describe them to your partner and how useful they are in life today.,Do you know the stages every inventor must go through before they can have their invention approved? Here give you some similar stages used in research, please out them in the suitable order.,Pre-reading,Applying for a patent 2. Finding a problem 3. Doing research 4. Testing the solution 5. Thinking of a creative solution 6. Deciding on the invention,As you read the following passage, check the order you wrote above to see whether it follows the correct stages in producing an invention.,Reading,The text narrates the problem of the snakes and presents the procedures of catching them and applying for a patent, from which we have got a better understanding of how to do scientific researches and how to apply for a,Fast reading,1. Whats the main idea of the text?,patent. After learning, we know that it usually costs some time and continuous efforts in order to solve some practical problems in a scientific way.,The writer wants to inform us of the scientific methods to solve present problem so that we students can not only broaden the horizons but become more skilled in discovering and considering carefully the problems in daily life.,2. Whats the writing purpose of the writer?,We are also encouraged by the writer to be creative and hardworking as well as thinking independently.,Find a problem,The snakes must be removed but not harmed,Do research,Look for methods of removal; the habits of snakes,3. The stages in making an invention.,Test the solution several times,Try three times to make it work efficiently,Apply for a patent,This means the solution is recognized,Think of a creative solution,Identify three possible approaches: choose one,4. Divide the passage into several parts and find out the main idea for each paragraph.,Part 1(para.1),the discovery of the problem of the snakes,Part 2(para.2-3),the research on the approaches to solve the problem,Part 3(para.4-6),the attempts to catch the snakes,Part 4(para.7-8),the requirements of getting a patent,5. What are the three creative steps that the writer takes to catch the snakes without hurting them?,1) to put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the morning. 2) to put the frozen bowl over the snakes habitat in the evening.,3) to put the frozen bowl over the snakes habit in the evening and carry a net to collect the snakes without harming them the next morning.,6. Why did cooling the snakes make them less active ? The cooling made the snakes less active because they are reptiles and their body temperature depends on the heat around them.,7. Discuss with your partner what the advantages might be of getting a patent. You are able to prove that you were the first person to make the invention. You are recognized as a real inventor. You can make money if you sell your invention to others.,


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