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    1 Unit10 1、 at a time 每次,一次at one time 曾经at the time 在那时at no time=by no means 决不 2、 (1)There is nothing we can do about it so we ll just have to bear it. (2)His leg still bears the scars. (show) (3)This letter bears no signature.(签名 ) (have) (4)The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year. (5)I doubt if that chair will bear your weight 3、A pound doesn t go far these days Your suggestion will go far towards solving the problem. He is talented so he will go far 4、worth doing/n worthy of doing/to do it is worth one s while 5、Her letter reads as follows. A sign reads “ sold” . The name should read “ Benson” . I can read your thought/mind. The thermometer reads 33 degrees. I can read your thoughts from the look on your face. 6、attend a meeting/classes/school attend to (look after deal with) attend to one s work 做好自己的工作bring one s attention to sth 叫某人注意某事 be worth attention 值得某人注意draw/attract/call one s attention 引起某人注意 pay special/no/close/enough attention to sth attend on/upon 伺候,伴随She had many servants to attend on her. 7、powder rag 粉饼 8、take pride of be proud of/to do/that 9、do up 装扮( fix up 修理)do sth up do up the buttons do oneself up 打扮 10、worn out 磨破worn out shoes worn out=tired out 筋疲力尽You look worn out 11、fix sth(eye/mind/attention )on /upon sb fix one s thoughts/ attention on what one is dong 全神贯注的工作 12、to its full length/ at full length详尽的,全身放松的,最终 at length=eventually/in detail He talked at length about his story 13、do/comb one s hair 14、according to belong to attend to refer to turn to adapt to get accustomed to contribute to 贡献;导致;投稿 15、best noted for=be well known for 16、double chin/room/bed/decker (双层车)Sales doubled in five years double blanket and put it over the baby (fold in half ) 17、it is just as well I brought my coat-it is freezing in here (lucky ) Since there is no more work to do we might/may just as well go home还是做的好 just the same 2 18、They joined in the strike out of desperation. I have done that out of regard for my sister( 出于 ) 19、The noise awoke me They awoke to the danger of the situation too late to do anything about it. 20、make a mistake in 犯错mistake sb/sth for sb/sth by mistake make a mistake about sb 误会某人 21、break out in tears=burst into tears 22、stepped in 走进 23、live through 度过 24、so as to = in order to such/ so to sothat 25、let down 使某人失望 ,不帮助 26、in search of 寻找search sb/place for sth 搜查某人某地找某物 search for sth search through one s pockets in one s/a/the search for 27、stare at盯着某人 (惊讶的 ) glare at 盯着某人 (愤怒的 ) tear at shoot at glance at shout at throw at laugh at aim at 28、stick with sb/sth 继续支持某人某事,保持与某人某事的联系 stick to 坚持stick out 伸出,突然 29、by accident 偶然 30、be about to do =be on the point of 31、when it comes to 当涉及到 32、in rags 衣衫褴褛 33、at one s own expense自费at the expense of 由付费 cut down the expense 减少开支 34、lost color 脸色苍白On hearing this news her face lost color 35、pull down Since his illness he is very much pulled down 36、hesitate at 犹豫 37、a practiced hand 38、turn inside out turn away 走开,打发走turn in 上交 turn over 翻身移交turn out 生产,证明是 40、be anxious about/to do/that/for 忧虑的,渴望的 fell anxiety about/ for 担心 41、a furnished flat 代家具出租的房子furnish sb with furnish sth to sb 42、get accustomed to 43、be burdened with 使负担 44、react to 反应,反响 45、fall/get into the habit of染上的习惯get out of a habit 戒除的习惯 3 break sb of a habit 使某人戒除的习惯 46、pay off 回报 47、it flashed upon sb that 想到好主意in a flash 瞬间flash back 追述,回想 a flash in the pan 昙花一现at the first flash 第一眼看见 48、see to 留心,负责 49、tear at 撕扯


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