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    初一下 册英语期中 试题 一. 单词辨音:从每组单词中找出一个其划线部分读音与其 余三个不同的词: 1. a. juice b. yellow c. page d. orange 2. a. warm b. park c. garden d. dance 3. a. now b. blow c. coat d. open 4. a. today b. wait c. say d. holiday 5. a. knock b. watch c. water d. wrong 6. a. five b. of c. enough d. telephone 7. a. family b. many c. bank d. Japan 8. a. near b. here c. year d. early 9. a. cheer b. beach c. much d. school 10.a. think b. sing c. stand d. English 二. 根据要求写出下列单词: 1. listen(现在分词 ) 2. closing(动词原形 ) 3. there (同音词 ) 4. fast( 反义词 ) 5. shelves(单数 ) 6. China(形容词 ) 7. one( 序数词 ) 8. party(复数 ) 9. photo(复数 ) 10.we( 宾格 ) 11.him(主格 ) 12.I( 物主代词 ) 三. 中英互译: 1. 看今天的报纸2. No hurry! 3. 四十只西红柿4. Here you are 5. 请坐;就座6. a telephone call 7. 讲法语8. sing and dance at the party 9. 他们中的一些人10.have a nice holiday 四. 选择: 1. Be ! We re late. a. hurry b. fast c. quick d. slow 2. How boxes of ice cream there on the table? a. many.are b. many.is c. much.is d. much.are 3. They need . a. more two watchs b. two more breads c. more two chairs d. two more chairs 4. Whose parents Miss Green talking ? a. are tob. is / c. is to d. are/ 5. This is a picture our classroom. a. in b. of c. at d. on 6. There some water in the glass. a. is b. are c. has d. have 7. Can you see a cat in tree? a. / b. a c. an d. the 8. Happy birthday to you, Beibei! a. That s all right. b. You re welcome. c. Thank you. d. Not at all. 9. Hello, may I speak to April? a. Yes, I am. b. Just a minute, please. c. Who are you? d. Certainly. 10.Isn t it nice weather? a. a b. an c. / d. any 11.There orange juice in the bottle. a. are some b. is many c. is much d. isn t much 12.There are six students in her school. a. hundreds and sixty-two b. hundred and sixty-two c. hundred and sixty and two d. hundred sixty and two 五. 写出下列动词的适当形式: 1. Jack many friends here. (have) 2. There three bags of sugar on the table. (be) 3. What are Tom and Bob doing now? They TV. (watch) 4. Let s the classroom now.(clean) 5. Look, Sandy her name on a piece of paper.(write) 6. Where s Mike? He in the playground. (run) 7. Can they to the dance party tomorrow? (come) 8. We often go in the sea. (boat) 六. 句型转换: (68 根据划线部分提问) 1. There are some American boys in our class.(改为单 数) 2. Give him some sweets, please.(改为否定 ) 3. There s some bread in the fridge .(改为一般疑问句并 否定回答 ) 4. It s time to go to school.(改为同义句 ) 5. It s a lovely day.(改为感叹句 ) 6. It s five fifteen by my watch. 7. Dad is watering the flowers in the garden. 8. I m speaking to Jack. 答案 一、 1-10: b a a d c b b d d c 二、 1. listening 2. close 3. their 4. slow 5. shelf 6. chinese 7. first 8. pervties 9. photos 10.ws 11.he 12.me 三、 1. read tooling paper 2. 不要紧 3. found tomtoes 4 给你 5.sit down please 6 . 一个电话 7. spead French 8. 聚会上又唱又跳 9. some of them 10. 过得快乐 四、 1-12: c a d c b a d c b c d b 五、 1. has 2. are 3. are watching 4. doan 5. is writing 6. is running 7. come 8. boating


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