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    2020学年人教版英语精品资料www.ks5u.comUnit 5 综合技能训练时间:90分钟,满分:100分.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The _ look on his face told us that the boy was _ of what he had seen.Aterrified; terrifiedBterrified; terrifyingCterrifying; terrifiedDterrifying; terrifying答案:A句意:男孩脸上恐惧的表情告诉我们他害怕所看到的一切。因激动、吃惊、害怕等呈现的面部表情,发出的声音,应用过去分词修饰,terrified此处强调小男孩很害怕。be terrified of.“害怕”,为固定搭配。2On his way home last night, he _ a beggar sleeping on the roadside.Alost sight ofBcaught sight ofCin sightDout of sight答案:B句意:昨晚在回家的路上,他看见一个乞丐睡在路边。catch sight of“看见;瞥见”;lose sight of“看不见;失去联系”;in sight“看得见”;out of sight“看不见;在视野之外”。3(2014·北京高一检测)The question has been raised at the meeting _ each member country should share the expenses of the committee.AwhichBifCwhatDwhether答案:D句意:是否每一个成员国都应该分摊委员会费用这个问题在会议上已经被提出来了。whether引导名词性从句不作句子成分,只保留词义“是否”。该句是由whether引导的同位语从句,谓语部分将其和名词the question分隔开。if不能引导同位语从句。4Take your timeit's just_short distance from here to_restaurant.A不填;theBa; theCthe; aD不填;a答案:B本题考查冠词的用法。句意:别着急,从这儿到饭店距离很短。由第二空可知,此处指两人都知道的饭店,故用定冠词。所以排除C、D两项。distance为可数名词,且在just之后,因此要用不定冠词。5_ wander with you without any aim, I will stay at home to have a good rest during the holiday.ARather thanBOther thanCMore thanDOr rather答案:A句意:假期期间我会呆在家里好好休息,而不是和你一起无目的地闲逛。rather than意为“而不是”。other than“除了;除之外”,常用于否定结构中;more than“超过;多于”;or rather“更确切地说”。6The beautiful _ in Guilin attracts tourists all around the world.AsceneBsceneryCsightDview答案:B句意:桂林美景吸引了来自世界各地的游客。scenery“景色;风景”,指某地总的自然风景或景色;scene“场面;场景”,指展现在眼前的情景;sight“景观;眼界”;view“视野,从某一地俯瞰到的景色”。7(2014·上海高一检测)He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It would _ him completely, but he managed to escape just in time.AmeasureBfloatCsurroundDcrash答案:C句意:他看到有一股岩浆朝他袭来,要把他团团围住,但他还是及时躲开了。surround“包围;围绕”,符合题意。measure“测量;估量”;float“浮动;(使)漂浮”;crash“碰撞;坠落”。8After working abroad for several years, he wants to _ in the place where he is working now.Aput downBcut downCbreak downDsettle down答案:D句意:在国外工作了几年后,他决定在现在工作的地方定居下来。settle down“定居;平静下来”;put down“放下;镇压”;cut down“砍倒;削减;删节”;break down“毁掉;垮掉”。9Did you find your book last night?Yes. I finally _ to find the book I was looking for.AmanagedBtriedCsucceededDfailed答案:A句意:你昨晚找到书了吗?是的。我终于找到我一直在找的书。manage to do sth“能够做,成功做某事”,符合句意。try to do“尽力做但不一定成功”;succeed in doing“成功做某事”;fail to do“未能够做某事”。10(2014·景德镇高一检测)In prayer, a person feels inner happiness, peace, and comfort, and that God is _ with him or her.ApleasantBpleasedCpleasingDpleasure答案:B句意:在祈祷的过程中,一个人可以感觉到内心的快乐、平静和安适,并且感受到真主因为与他(她)同在而欣喜。pleased“高兴的,欣喜的”,符合题意。pleasant“令人愉快的;亲切的;可爱的”;pleasing“令人愉快的;讨人喜欢的”;pleasure“愉快;乐事;乐趣”,为名词。11Almost all the farmers here _ mending the tools.Ahave a gift atBhave the ability atChave the ability toDhave a gift for答案:D句意:在这里几乎所有的农夫都有修理工具的天赋。have a gift for“对有天赋”,为固定搭配。have the ability to do sth/of doing sth“有做某事的能力”。12(2014·荆州市高一期末)The whole family breathed a sigh of relief when they were informed that the father was only _ injured in the accident.AslightlyBgraduallyCeventuallyDtotally答案:A句意:当他们被告知爸爸只是在事故中轻微受伤的时候整个家庭都松了一口气。这里使用副词,四个选项的含义分别是:A. slightly轻微地,B. gradually逐渐地,C. eventually最终地,D. totally完全地,所以选A。13It is said that on the top of the mountain one can enjoy beautiful scenery _ on a sunny day.Ain the distanceBat a distanceCkeep a distanceDwithin a distance答案:A句意:据说在晴朗的天气里,人们可以欣赏到远处美丽的风景。in the distance在远处;at a distance在稍远一点的地方;keep a distance保持距离。结合句意可知选A。14In many western countries young people still keep up the _ that they hold their weddings in the church.AtraditionBtraditionalCtraditionallyDtrade答案:A句意:在许多西方国家,年轻人仍保持着在教堂举行婚礼的传统。tradition“传统;惯例”;traditional“传统的;惯例的”;traditionally“传统上;传说上”;trade“贸易;商业;交易”。15Li Yugang _ the foreign audiences _ his excellent performance.Aimpressed; withBimpressed; atCimpressed; inDimpressed; of答案:A句意:李玉刚的精彩表演给外国观众留下了深刻的印象。impress“使印象深刻;使铭记”;impress sb with sth“使某人对某物印象深刻”,是固定搭配。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Canada is a country in North America, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the west by Alaska and the Pacific Ocean and on the south by the United States. In _16_, Canada is the largest country in Western Hemisphere (西半球) and the _17_ largest in the world. It _18_ up most of the northern part of the North American continent and _19_ about 6.6 percent of the total land of the earth.Although _20_ in area, Canada has a small population. It has fewer people than any major European _21_. On average, there are only about six persons per _22_ mile. However, about 50 percent of the people live in the industrial and farming areas of southern Quebec and southern Ontario. About 75 percent of all Canadians _23_ cities.More than 44 percent of all the population are _24_ in origin (血统), and 28 percent are French in origin. _25_ and political differences between these two major _26_ have played an important part in the country's _27_. Other European groups in Canada _28_ Germans, Ukrainians, Italians, Dutch, Scandinavians, Hungarians, Russians, and Poles. The non­white population, which is made up of Eskimos, Indians, Asians, and blacks, _29_ up about 4 percent of the population.Canada has two _30_ languages, English and French. The words on Canadian money and stamps _31_ in both English and French. Canadian English is like the English _32_ in the United States. Generally speaking, Canadians use the British system of _33_ in writing, but Canadian newspapers and magazines tend to use the American system. The _34_ spoken in Canada is different in many _35_ from that spoken in France. However, standard French is generally used in writing.16A.areaBallCa worldDtime答案:A由下文看应选A。就面积来说。17A.firstBsecondCthirdDfourth答案:B在西半球是面积最大的,在全世界数第二。18A.putsBshowsCgrowsDtakes答案:Dtake up固定搭配,占据多少面积。19A.spreadsBleadsCcoversDgoes答案:Ccover有“包含,占据”的意思。20A.wideBlargeCrichDmore答案:B由上文知道主要叙述的是面积大,跟后面人口的small形成对比。21A.fieldBlandCcountryDunion答案:C人口比任何主要的欧洲国家的人口都要少。22A.twoBsquareCdoubleDsingle答案:B表示每平方英里的人口数。23A.live inBcome toCstay inDleave for答案:A由上文知选live in居住,住在城市的人口非常多。24A.CanadianBBritishCFrenchDSpanish答案:B因为加拿大也是以说英语为主的国家,所以他们的血统当然是British。25A.PhysicalBEducationalCCulturalDHistorical答案:C因为是不同的民族,所以有不同的文化和政治。26A.groupsBclassesCstatesDparties答案:Agroups表示两大不同的团体。27A.projectsBprogrammesClawsDhistory答案:D因为团体较大,他们在这个国家的历史上也起着重大的作用。28A.includeBbelong toClook likeDjoin to答案:A除了英、法两大团体外,加拿大还包括欧洲的其他团体。29A.makeBtakeCputDpick答案:Amake up(组成,构成)总人口的4%。30A.foreignBofficialCsecondDwestern答案:B从下文看应该是指官方语言,所以用official(官方的)。31A.appearBseemCwriteDshow答案:A此处表示“出现”的意思,表示money和stamps都有两种文字出现。32A.changedBintroducedCspokenDwritten答案:Cspoken in the United States作English的后置定语。33A.ordersBpronunciationCspellingDgrammar答案:C加拿大人在书写的时候沿用英国人的书写体系,报刊上沿用美国英语。34A.CanadianBGermanCEnglishDFrench答案:D从下文的France可知应选French法语。35A.soundsBwaysCkindsDpoints答案:B表明加拿大说的法语跟法国本土的法语在方法上有很大不同。.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AAre you going into skiing? Is winter your favorite time of year? If you like snow and ice, maybe you should stay at Ice Hotel in Quebec, Canada. But, you can only check in at this hotel during the winter. Why? Because this hotel is built every December. It has 32 rooms and 80 people can stay there each night. The hotel even has a movie theatre, art gallery, and church. Of course, all of these parts of the hotel are made of ice. In fact, all the furniture, art, lights, and even plates and drinking glasses are made out of ice.Because this hotel is so unusual, it is becoming very popular. People from all over the world come to the Ice Hotel to look at the fantastic ice art, drink and eat from designed ice dishes and experience the unique atmosphere. Some couples have even gotten married in the hotel's ice church. But all these guests keep their winter coats on! Because of all the ice, the temperature inside the hotel is always between 2 and 5. Surprisingly, sleeping is not a problem in the freezing cold hotel rooms. Every guest gets a special cold­weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets. These keep the room cozy until morning.36What is the best title of this passage?AHow the Ice Hotel is built BWhat makes the Ice Hotel specialCWhy the Ice Hotel is made of ice DThe services of the Ice Hotel答案:B主旨大意题。本文介绍了加拿大魁北克省的独特的冰雪旅馆。所以B项正确;其他选项只是其中一部分。37What can't you do in the hotel according to the passage?AWatch a movie.BGet married.CEat an interesting meal.DGo swimming.答案:D细节理解题。由第一段“The hotel even has a movie theatre”可知,A项可以;由第二段第二、三两句话可知,在冰雪旅馆也可以吃饭和结婚,即B项和C项也可以;所以选D项。38Why is sleeping NOT a problem in the hotel?AThe rooms are warm.BThe temperature is 2.CThe sleeping bags are warm.DThe furniture is warm.答案:C细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句话“Every guest gets a special cold­weather sleeping bag and some fur blankets.”可知,在冰雪旅馆睡觉不是问题是因为睡袋和毯子都是特制的。39In which part of the hotel would you probably find “plates”?AThe church.BThe restaurant. CThe rooms.DThe art gallery.答案:B推理判断题。由常识知,plates出现在餐馆。40What does the word “cozy” mean in the last paragraph?Acold.Bcomfortable and warm. Cdry.Dwet.答案:B猜测词义题。所在句前说,在冰雪旅馆睡觉不成问题,因为有特制的睡袋和毯子,这些东西能让房间_。不难推知是温暖。B(2014·陕西)Our warming planet is expected to face serious water crises(危机)in the coming decadeswhich means each nation's natural resources will be more important than ever.Percent of total land area covered by forests(2011)WORLD AVERAGE30.88TOP 5 AVERAGE90.15Freshwater resource, cubic kilometers per year(2011)WORLD AVERAGE241TOP 5 AVERAGE3.642Freshwater resource, cubic kilometers per person(2011)WORLD AVERAGE6,122TOP 5 AVERAGE244, 9731.SURINAME 94.58REST OF TOP 52Micronesia91.663Seychelles 88.484Samoa 88.405Palau 87.61123CHINA22.471.BRAZIL5,418REST OF TOP 5 2Russian Federation4,3133Canada 2,8504United States 2,8185CHINA2,8131.ICELAND 532,891REST OF TOP 52Guyana 304,7233Suriname 166,1124Papua New Guinea 114,2165Bhutan 106,923102CHINA2,092文章大意:本文为说明文。讲述地球将会在未来几十年面对严重的水短缺的危机,并分析了水的分布及使用情况。41According to the statistics, what is the world average of freshwater resources per person?A244,973 cubic metersB241 cubic kilometersC3,642 cubic kilometersD6,122 cubic meters答案:D 细节理解题。由water per person可知答案在第三栏中的world average。42Which country or region has the most freshwater resource per year?AGuyana.BBrazil.CIceland. DChina.答案:B 细节理解题。由关键词freshwater per year 可知答案在第二栏。43Which country or region appears twice on the Top 5 lists?ABhutan.BSeychelles.CCanada.DSuriname.答案:D细节理解题。由关键词top 5 lists 可找到Suriname出现了两次。故D项正确。CWelcome to Banff, Canada's first, most famous and arguably most fascinating national park. If you've come to ski or snowboard, we'll see you on the slopes. Skiing is a local favourite too.While you're here, try other recreational activities available in our mountains. Popular choices include a Banff Gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain, bathe in the natural mineral waters at the Upper Hot Spring, horse­drawn sleigh ride, drive­your­own­team dog sled excursion, and snowmobile tour to the highland(but not in the national park)We also recommend you make time to enjoy simple pleasures. After looking around Banff Ave shops, walk a couple of blocks west or south to the scenic Bow River.True ice skating on frozen Lake Louise where Ice Magic International Ice Sculpture Competition Works are displayed after Jan 25. You can rent skates in Banff or at the sport shop in the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise hotel.Banff's backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beautycross country skis and snowshoes provide the means. Banff sport shops rent equipment and clothes, or join an organized tour. Although we've been many times, we still find the cliffs and icefalls of our frozen canyons worth visiting.Wildlife watching also creates satisfying memories. We have seen hundreds of the elk and bighorn sheep that attract visitors, yet they still arouse a sense of wonder. And the rare spotting of a cougar, wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.See if simple pleasures work for you. Fight in the snow with your kids, walk beside a stream or climb to a high place and admire the view.Banff Resort Guide Editors44According to the passage, Banff's backcountry is accessible by_.Across country skiing Bhorse­drawn sleigh ridingCsnowmobiling Ddog sledding答案:A细节判断题。由第五段第一句“Banff's backcountry paths access a wilderness world of silence and matchless beautycross country skis and snowshoes provide the means”可以得出答案。45Which of the following is true according to the passage?ADog sledding is the most popular sport among local people.BWatching wildlife is a memorable experience.CTravelers should bring their own sports equipment.DShopping is too simple a pleasure to enjoy.答案:B细节理解判断题。由“Wildlife watching also creates satisfying memories.”可知答案。46The purpose of the writing is to_.Apromote scenic spots in CanadaBadvertise for the sports in BanffCintroduce tourist activities in BanffDdescribe breathtaking views in Banff答案:C写作意图题。作者主要是向我们介绍了在加拿大的旅游胜地Banff国家公园能够做的各种各样的活动。A的范围太广。B错在advertise这个用词上。D(2014·浙江温州中学高一下期中)People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines (宗教圣地). Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous places. But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. People of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean (地中海) has always attracted them. Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resort and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason: sun!The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy's 30,000 hotels are booked every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French beach


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