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    2020学年九年级上英语(RJ)导学案Unit 7 导学案.doc

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    2020学年九年级上英语(RJ)导学案Unit 7 导学案.doc

    2020学年人教版英语精品资料Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.导学案课题Unit 7  Period 1  1a-2c课型听说课学习目标1. 知识目标:1)单词:license, safety, smoke, part-time, pierce, earring,2)词组:no way, drivers license take photos, wear earrings, be allowed to do sth., have part-time jobs, get ones ears pierced  3)句型:Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs._Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced._I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.2. 技能目标:能听懂本课时所放的听力材料,并能说出重要句型。学习重点1.听懂关于家规与校规的有关信息。2.含有情态动词的被动语态。 学习难点含有情态动词的被动语态。学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5)一)翻译下列词组。1.被允许做某事          2. 使他们的耳朵打耳洞       3.16岁的青少年         4.兼职工作             5. no way                 6 drivers license 7. take photos,            8 wear earrings                 二)回答问题。1.Do your parents allow you to watch TV?                                                                2. Do your parents allow you to exercise?                                                                二、合作互助学习(10-15)任务一:小组交流,谈论校规和家规;讨论:教师设疑;讲解:小老师组内讲解,求同存异,去伪存真;任务二:1a. Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.任务三:1b  Listen and circle T for true or F for false.任务四:Look at the statements in la and make conversations.任务五:听录音,完成2a, 2b,并进行对话。 三、展示引导学习(10-15).allow的用法 1)The teacher allows him to play basketball.老师允许他去打篮球。2)Teenagers are not allowed to smoke. 青少年不许吸烟。3)We dont allow smoking in public. 我们不允许在公共场合吸烟。4)I allow that he is a friendly man. 我承认他是个友好的人。归纳:allow的几种结构:1)allow sb. to do sth._; 2)be allowed to do sth.是_ 语态,意思是_; 3)allow+ doing sth._  _; 4)  allow还可以连接宾语从句,表示“承认”.need的用法1.Young people need to have enough sleep.年轻人需要有足够的睡眠。2.I need some time to finish the work.我需要时间去做这项工作。归纳:need是_动词意思是_,其用法有:need+ _/+_.get sth. + 过去分词  “_”的用法 1. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their ears pierced.  16岁的青少年不允许穿耳洞。2. She had to get her shoes _ that day. A. mend  B. to mend   C. mended.sixteen-year-olds与sixteen-year-old的意义和区别1. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.我认为不允许16岁的青少年穿耳洞。2. a sixteen-year-old kid. 一个16岁的孩子。归纳:sixteen-year-olds是_词;“_”; sixteen-year-old是_词;四、评价提升练习.根据句意和提示完成句子。1. Tom is not a_ to go out on school nights.2. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to get their ears p_.3. You need _ (finish) the work before you leave.4. She was very excited about _ (win) the first prize. 5.I _ (not think)he is a clever boy, is he?6. More trees should _(plant)to make our hometown beautiful.单项选择1. I find this computer game _ to play.A. enough easy       B. enough easily     C. easy enough2. When she won the first prize, she was just a _ girl.A. twelve years old      B. twelve-years-old      C. twelve-year-old3. Tomorrow I will get my hair _. Its too long.A. cut     B. cutting     C. to cut4. Workers in our company have _personal computers.A. their own     B. they own    C. own their5. I think teenagers should be allowed to have part-time jobs. _ .Studying is more important for them.A. I think so.     B. I disagree with you     C. Me, too.五、课堂小结:1.我的收获: 2.我的困惑:     课题Unit 7 Period 2  2d & grammar课型语法课学习目标知识目标:学习新单词和重点词组 学习重点Be allowed to do sth学习难点Make similar conversations学习过程自主空间一、【独立自主学习】  基础知识学习   A.记忆单词:证件_   安全;安全性_   吸烟_ 兼职的_ 穿透_  耳环,耳饰_闪光灯;闪耀_B.词组理解1、be excited about_ 2、takes photos_ 3、wear earrings_ 4、be allowed to do sth._ 5、使远离_6、给某人机会做_7、某人自己做决定_ 8、继续做_C、语法聚焦:含有情态动词的被动语态1. 含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为:情态动词+_+及物动词的_。2. 含有情态动词的主动语态变为被动语态时,要把主动语态的_变成被动语态的主语。3. 变为否定句时只需要在情态动词后加_。4. 变为一般疑问句时只需把_提到句首。 二、【合作互助学习】任务一:Talk about the school rules and the family rules _任务二:读2d,回答问题。1) Where do they go for school trip?2) Does Mr. Smith allow students to take photos?3) How to take photos? 任务三:学完grammar focus, 做练习4a-4c。三、【展示引导学习】挑战一:读完2d, 大家总结一下:Talk about what should we be allowed to do or should not be allowed to do in museum_挑战二:学习完4a-4c, 大家总结一下:Talk about what should sixteen-year-olds be allowed to do or should not be allowed to do in school or your family._四、【评价提升学习】一)单项选择题(    )1. Mrs. Green is a doctor of_ and her daughter Ann is _university student.A. 50 years old; an 18-year-old        B.50 -year-old ; 18 years old       C. 50 -years-old;  a 18 year old     D. 50 years old ; a 18 year old(    )2. These young trees should _. A. look after well     B. be look after      C. be looked after well二)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Teenagers should be _ (allow) to choose their clothes.2. Sixteen-year-olds _ (be) not allowed to drive.3. He should stop _ (wear) those silly earrings.4. Young people need _ (sleep) about 8 hours at least. 5. We should pass the test instead of _ (fail)  the test.6. We have a lot of _ (rule) at school.7. I think your father _ (be) strict with you!8. You have to _ (be) 18 before you are allowed to drive.三)完成下列句子。1. 我认为不应该允许十六岁的孩子开车。      I dont think sixteen-year-olds _ _ _ to drive.2. 我同意。他们还不够严谨。   I agree. They _ _ _.3. 你认为应该鼓励青少年去自己做决定吗?    Do you think teenagers _ _ _ to make their own decisions?4. 不,我不认同这个。青少年还太小不能自己做决定。   No, I dont agree with this. Teenagers are _ _ _ make their own decisions. 5. 不应该允许青少年去做兼职。   Teenagers _ _ _ _ to have part-time jobs.  五、【课堂小结】1.我的收获: 2.我的困惑: 课题Unit 7 Period 3 Section A 3a-3b课型阅读课学习目标学习新单词和重点词组:学习重点通过阅读,使学生明白在家里被允许做什么,不允许做什么,增强自己遵规守纪的意识。学习难点学会用英语谈论在家里应遵守哪些规则学习过程自主空间【独立自主学习】一、基础知识学习:A.记忆新单词。极小的_   田野_  拥抱_很坏的,讨厌的_  感到遗憾_B.词组学习。1.呆在我身边 2.确信,确保                            3.远离                      4.拥抱我              5把我举起                 6回嘴,顶嘴                          7噩梦                    8.后悔做某事C. Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner.【合作互助学习】A. fast reading, Pay attention to the new words B. careful reading and answer the questions in3b.【展示引导学习】挑战一:Read 3a aloud.挑战二:学生展示不懂的问题,老师解答。1. When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side crying all night是现在分词短语,在名词baby后作定语,起修饰名词的作用。   e.g. Do you know the young man waiting outside the school gate?      你认识在校门外等待的年轻人吗?2. Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times.  times指“时光,岁月,时代”。有时也会用days表达类似含义。  e.g. People started to play football in ancient times.      古代人们就开始踢足球了。3. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.regret vt.  遗憾,后悔(1) regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事(2)regret + n. / pron.  (3)regret + that / wh-clause (4)regret to say / tell / inform . 遗憾地说(告诉等)I regret to say you failed in the exam.  我遗憾地说你考试不及格。She immediately regretted her decision.  她立即后悔了她的决定。 remember to do sth.记得要去做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某事forget to do sth. 忘记要去做forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事【评价提升学习】一、单项选择题(    )1. I remember _ her at the party last week. A. to meet     B. being met C. meeting    D. to have met(    )2. Dont you forget _ the lights when you leave.  A. turning off    B. closing C. to turn off    D. to close(    )3. I regret _ that we have no news for you.  A. to say     B. saying C. to have said   D. having said二、根据汉语提示写单词。1. When I was a  _(  小  )baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side.2. Now Im an _,( 成年人   ) thinking back to those times.3. I _(后悔   ) talking back, not listening to Mom.4. When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a _(  拥抱  ) and lifted me up.三、完成下列句子1.你认识在校门外等待的年轻人吗?Do you know the young man _?2.古代人们就开始踢足球了。People started to play football _ 3.那时候人们更习惯写信。_, people used to write a lot more letters.4.我后悔当初接受了他的建议。.  I regret _ at that time【课堂小结】1.我的收获: 2.我的困惑:     课题Unit 7 Period 4 Section B 1a-1e课型听说课学习目标1、学习词汇和重点句型2、练习听力,掌握听力技巧。学习重点关于学生应遵守的规则的表述学习难点练习运用所学句型,谈论学习中的困惑;学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习一)预习P.53, 翻译下列词组。1.上课迟到 _              2.和朋友一起学习 _   3.提前完成考试_ 4.担心考试 _           5.严厉的制度 _          6.对某人太严_7.考试迟到 _          8. 考试及格_                 9.数学考试不及格_二)完成1a与1b。二、合作互助学习任务一:交流1a,1b.(先对学,再组内讨论)任务二:小组展示1b。老师点评。任务三:先看图,对1c进行预测,然后听录音,完成1c。任务四:再听一遍,完成1d。任务五:分角色表演对话(1e)。任务六:综合1c,1d的内容,看谁能够复述。三、展示引导学习. 教师导学1.finish的用法;finish后接_词、_词或_,不能接_.类似的动词还有2. sometimes 的用法:是_词;用于_或_时态;some times 表示_, 此时time是_数名词;sometime 是_词,意为_,可用于_时态中;some time表示“_”强化;3.fail (in) a test 考试不及格 拓展:通过考试_; 参加考试_强化;因为他没有努力学习,所以他数学考试不及格。He _ _ _ _ because he didnt work hard.4.get to 意为:_,同义词为_和_ in/at. get to 后面跟副词时,_要去掉。如:get home_; get there/here_强化;今天早上我到校晚了。I _ _ school late this morning.5.be good for 意为_, 反义词组为_; be good at 意为_. 反义词组为: do weak in 在.弱。强化:1)Taking exercise is good _ you.2) Hes good _ playing chess.3) Reading in bed _ your eyes. .strict的用法:1. Parents should not be too strict with teenagers._.2. He is always being strict in his work.他总是对他的工作要求很严格。归纳:be strict with+ sb. _; be strict in + _. 表示对某事很严格。强化:我们的英语老师对我们要求很严格,她对自己的工作要求也很严格。Our English _ _ _ us, and she _ also _ _ her work.四、评价提升练习一).根据句意完成句子。1. We all think he will f_ a test because he never works hard.2. Im glad that I have p_the exam.3. We call the persons between 13 and 19 years old t_.4. As a student, we must be s_ in our study.5. Dont w_, there is a little time left.二)根据汉语完成句子。(词数不限)1.彼得应该被允许以后参加考试。Peter should be allowed to_.2.学生们需要严格的规则。Students need. _.3.父母不应该对孩子们要求太严格。Parents should not be_.4.如果他们甚至连机会都不给他是不公平的Its not fair if _5.但是他解释发生了什么,老师会理解的.But if he explains_, the teacher. _ 三)单项选择1Something is wrong with my MP4.I will get it _.Arepair      Brepairing          Cto repair         Drepaired2.Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive._.Because they're not serious enough.AI agree    BI disagree  CI think so       DI don't think3The students _ play basketball after school every day.Aallow    Ballow to Care allowed to  Dwere allowed to【课堂小结】1.我的收获:2.我的困惑: 课题Unit 7 Period 5 Section B 2a-2e课型阅读课学习目标1、知识目标:New words: get in the way of ,support, enter, choice.  2、技能目标:能读懂短文大意,并能完成相应的问题。学习重点阅读学习难点阅读学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习。一)学习拼读第54页的新单词。   二)Discuss the questions in your group.   Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home? What kinds of decisions?二合作互助和展示引导学习任务一:Think about it1. Whats your hobby? 2. Do you think hobby can get in the way of schoolwork?任务二:First, look at the title of the passage. Answer "yes" or "no". Find out how many in your group agree with you. Then read the passage. Does your answer change? 任务三:再细读课文,回答下列问题。1. What is Liu Yus hobby?2. What does Liu Yu want to be when he grows up?3. Why do Liu Yus parents not allow Liu Yu to practice his hobby at night?4. Do you think Liu Yu should be allowed to practice his hobby as much as he wants? Why or why not?任务四:Read the passage again and fill in the chart.Parents pointsLiu Yus pointsThey worry about his _.He wants to be a _They think he should spend more time on _.He just wants to do what he _.They think he needs to be_.He is serious about _.They think its a difficult dream to _He _ himself. 任务五:2d. Look in the passage for the words in bold. Then use them actively to complete sentences of your own.任务六:2e. Discuss the questions with a partner. Use the information in the passage to support your opinion.   What is your dream job? Do your parents support your dream?三、课堂练习1.单项选择。 . Vegetables are good _your health.A. to B. at C. in D. for You should concentrate _your work.A. in B. on C. with D. at .Keep yours eyes _and guess what I have in my hand. A. close B. closed C. closing D. to close .She couldnt reply _the questions. A. to B. of C. in D. at .A bus is coming, so I neednt _a taxi.  A. take B. to take C. taking D. takes2.完成句子。 .去年他有一个去香港的机会。 He to travel to  Hong Kong last year . .大量的外国公司把注意了集中在中国市场。 Lots of foreign companies _the Chinese markets. .电脑游戏玩的太多对你的学习有害。 Playing computer games too much _your study. .青少年每天晚上需要至少八个小时 的睡眠。Teenagers need at least _every night. .Tom 需要休息两天。 Tom needs to  _  3. 用适当的介词填空 。 Taking exercise is good _you. .He is good _playing chess. . Its kind _you to say so . . He was very good _me when I was ill.The writer is replying _the letter from his readers. .I disagree _some of your ideas. .Why not do something instead _talking?.Mon thinks its good to be strict _a child. . I am very tired, so I will take 3 days _. ._present, we need to concentrate _our study.四、课堂小结:1.我的收获: 2.我的困惑:      课题Unit 7 Period 6 Section B 2a-2e课型阅读课学习目标1、知识目标:get in the way of,  achieve ones dreams,  make this choice,  be serious about, enter university, care about.2、技能目标:学习文中的重点字词句,并能运用。学习重点精读课文,理解课文。学习难点运用目标中的词语。学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习。 翻译下列词组:1.妨碍、阻碍             2.尽可能多              3.发展某人的爱好4.在长跑队               5.专业运动员             6.实现某人的梦想7.想法、考虑               8.最后                    9.为某人自己做决定10.努力学习的重要性    11.认真做某事  12.关爱、关注                 1


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