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    2020学年人教版英语精品资料英语人教八年级上综合测评Unit 5(时间:90分钟分值:100分)第卷听力部分(15分).听句子,选择正确答语。(5分)1Can you come to my party?2What are you doing tomorrow?3Happy birthday to you!4When does it start?5Can you go to the mall with me?1A.Thanks,I'd love to.BNo,you can't.CSure,you can.2A.I'm playing soccer.BI'm busy.CI study for a test.3A.Thanks a lot.BThe same to you.CHappy birthday to you!4A.It's eight o'clock.BAt Sally's house.CAt eight o'clock.5A.Sorry,I have too much homework.BI'm free the whole day.CThat's too bad.听对话,选择正确的图片(5分)W:Can you come to my party on Friday,Wilson?M:Sorry,I can't.I have a piano lesson.6Why can't Wilson come to the party?AM:Can you come to the baseball game tomorrow afternoon?W:Sure,I'd love to.7What is the girl doing tomorrow afternoon?AM:Can you go to the mall with me this weekend,Kate?W:Ah,hmm.I.I have to clean my room.8How is the woman spending this weekend?CM:Can you go to Susan's party this evening,Elisa?W:No,I can't.I have to babysit my sister.9Where is Elisa this evening?CM:Can you play table tennis with me this weekend?W:Saturday morning,I have to study for a test.Saturday afternoon,I'm visiting my grandparents.But Sunday is OK.10What is the girl doing on Sunday? .听两段对话,回答问题(5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。M:Jenny,can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?W:Sure,I'd love to.When,Mike?M:About 3:00 o'clock.W:OK.11Who will have a party?AJenny.BMike.CJenny and Mike.B12When will the party start?AAt 1 pm.BAt 2 pm.CAt 3 pm.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。W:Hello,Bruce.What a beautiful day!M:Yes,it is,Kate.W:I hope you can come to my party next Sunday.M:Party?What party?W:It's my birthday,and I'm going to have a party.Didn't you know?M:No,I didn't.W:Oh,I'm sorry.I forgot to tell you.Would you like to come?M:Sure.I would love to come.Thanks.13Who are they?AKate and John.BBruce and Jenney.CKate and Bruce.14When's Kate's birthday?AThis Saturday.BThis Sunday.CNext Sunday.15Would Bruce like to go to her party?AYes,he'd love to.BYes,but he has too much homework.CNo,he doesn't like parties.第卷笔试部分(85分).单项选择(10分)16Can you go to the mall with me this morning?_.I'll have to go to the doctor with my grandmother.ASureBOK CSorry DIt doesn't matter17Tina's father often goes fishing _ day.Awhole the Ball ofCthe all Dthe whole18Why not go out and take a walk?Sorry,I have _ homework to do.Amuch too Btoo muchCmany too Dtoo many19How many _ do you have in the afternoon?Threemath,Chinese and music.Alessons BmatchesCtrains Dmeetings20What's the date today?_.AIt's Sunday BIt's 5 o'clockCIt's about 5 hours DIt's April,5th21Can you play tennis with us?Sorry.I can't.I _ my house.Acleaning Bam cleaningCclean Dcleaned22Do you want to go to the cinema with me?Sorry,I am busy _ midnight.Ato BtillCfrom Dup23“Have _ try!You are so close to the answer,”the teacher said to Jim.Athe other Bone anotherCother Danother24If you're free this evening,please _ and have dinner with us.Acome over Bcome toCget up Dcome from25Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday,Xiao Ming?_.AI'd love to,but I have lots of things to do BOh,no.That'll be too tiredCI'll stay at home DYes,please.完形填空(10分)Some people in Britain or America like to invite friends to dinner at home.But this is more common in America _26_ in Britain.Don't worry _27_ your English friends don't invite you home.It doesn't mean that they _28_ you.When you _29_ to an evening meal,ask your friends what time you should _30_.It is a good idea _31_ a small present when you arrive,and it is _32_ to say how much you like the house,_33_ the room,or the pictures in the room.But don't ask how much these things _34_.In this way _35_ you and your friends will have a pleasant get­together.26A.that BthenCthan Dmore than27A.what BwhereCwho Dif28A.don't like BunlikeClike Ddoesn't like29A.asked Bare askedCare asking Dwere asked30A.arrive at Bget toCarrive Darrive in31A.takes Bto takeCtaking Dto lend32A.polite BworriedCsad Dafraid33A.or BandCbut Dso34A.spend BcostCtake Dpay35A.both BneitherCall Dnone.阅读理解(20分)ALast weekend was a busy one,and a lot of fun!On Friday night we had a party for my friend Emily.It was her 20th birthday,and we went to Covent Garden.All the cool restaurants are there.It's such a nice place to go on a Friday or Saturday night.There is a band (乐队) that plays lots of cool music.xkThe next day my friends and I went to the Tate Britain Museum.There were lots of paintings of British countryside.I saw a few of the paintings we discussed in class,and it was so cool to see them close.We spent Sunday in Putney,where we saw the Oxford­Cambridge boat race (竞赛)It has a history of more than 150 years.The students of Oxford and Cambridge are trained all year for this race.It is only 17 minutes long.There were 12,000 people by the river,and it was like a huge party!It was great.36According to the passage,Emily was _ years old last Friday.Atwelve BtwentyCtwenty­one Dtwenty­two37Where did the author and his friends go on Friday night?ATo Covent Garden. BTo the Tate Britain Museum.CTo Putney. DTo the River Thames.38What did the author and his friends do on Saturday?AThey had a birthday party. BThey listened to cool music.CThey had a painting lesson. DThey saw a lot of British paintings.39When did the Oxford­Cambridge boat competition start?AMore than 150 years ago. BMore than 1200 years ago.CMore than 20 years ago. DNobody knows.40What did the author think of his weekend?AIt was very busy and tiring. BIt was very relaxing.CIt was awful. DIt was very busy and fun.BTom's CalendarMondayMorning:schoolAfternoon:soccer practiceEvening:do homeworkThursdayMorning:schoolAfternoon:babysittingEvening:help my parentsTuesdayMorning:schoolAfternoon:visit Uncle LiEvening:study for the testFridayMorning:schoolEvening:Susan's partyWednesdayMorning:schoolEvening:do homeworkSaturdaySunday看汤姆一周的学习和工作安排时间表,选择最佳答案。41How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week?ASeven. BFive.CSix. DEight.42When will Tom go to Susan's party?ATuesday. BSunday.CFriday. DSaturday.43What is Tom doing on Thursday afternoon?AVisiting Uncle Li. BBabysitting.CHelping his parents. DDoing homework.44Is Tom studying for the test on Friday?AYes,he is. BNo,he isn't.CWe don't know. DYes,he isn't.45What will Tom do over the weekend?AGo to school. BSoccer practice.CHe can do anything he wants to do. DHe does nothing.任务型阅读(10分)Dear Vince,Thanks for your letter.You asked about if I could visit you this week.I'm sorry I'm very busy.I have an English test on Monday.I'm going to the dentist on Tuesday,and I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday.I have a piano lesson on Thursday.Friday is my friend's birthday party,and on Saturday we are visiting my grandparents.Are you free next week?I'm not so busy next week.Can we talk on the phone?Call me.Sonia根据邮件内容,在表格内填入Sonia每天的活动。DayActivityMondayhave an English testTuesday_46_Wednesday_47_Thursday_48_Friday_49_ Saturday_50_.词汇运用(10分)A根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。51Lang Lang gave a piano _(音乐会) in our city last month.52You'd better write everything you have to do next week on the _(日程表)53I find _(化学) very interesting.54John got basketball t_ at the age of five and now he can play basketball very well.55I like watching soccer m_ on TV.B用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。invitethankrealdiscusshave to56Would you like to come to my house _ our report?57I'm _ busy now.Can you give me a hand?58I got an _ to the party.59Jim _ look after his sister at home.60_ for telling me the good news.补全对话(有两个多余选项)(10分)Mary:Hi,Alice!Next Saturday is my birthday._61_Alice:Oh,I'd love to._62_Mary:At 3:30 pm.Alice:OK.I'll remember it.Mary:Don't forget to tell Peter.I hope he can come,too.Alice:Peter?Look!There he is.Let's go and tell him.Mary:Hello,Peter._63_Peter:Nice to see you,too.Mary:I hope you can come to my party next Saturday.Peter:Party?What kind of party?Mary:_64_Would you like to come?Peter:_65_Mary:Thank you very much.See you then.Peter:See you.A.Nice to see you!B.I'm afraid I can't come.C.Can you come to my partyFF1FD.Sure,I'd love to.E.What time does the party start?F.Thanks a lot for the invitation.G.It's my birthday party.书面表达(15分)安迪邀请文斯下周六到他家去,但文斯那一天很忙,不能赴约。假如你是文斯,请根据所给图片提示,写一封信回复安迪,说明你不能赴约的原因。信的开头和结尾部分已给出,词数不少于60。Hi Andy,_Write soon.Vince参考答案. 1-5 AAACA.6- 10 AACCC. 11-15 BCCCA. 16-25 CDBAD BBDAA. 26-35 CDABC BAABA. 36-45 BADAD BCBBC. 46.go to the dentist47.have a doctor's appointment48.have a piano lesson49.go to a friend's birthday party50.visit my grandparents.51 concert 52 calendar 53 chemistry 54 training 55 matches56 to discuss 57 really 58 invitation 59 has to 60 Thanks . 61.C62.E63.A64.G65.D.参考范文:Hi_Andy,Thank you for your invitation.I'm sorry I can't visit you next Saturday.I'll be busy that day.In the morning,I have to do my homework.I have too much homework.In the afternoon,I have soccer training with the school team.In the evening,I am going to the movies with my friends.There is a new movie.I think it's interesting and exciting.I can't miss it.Can you come to the movies with us next Saturday evening? Write_soon.Vince


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