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    Unit 16 Stories 学生用书P120 单句语法填空1Because of his _(admire) success in playing basketball,he is very popular with us.答案:admirable2It is important to join the club,though a few havent realized the _(significant) of it.答案:significance3It kept snowing and they had no choice but _(abandon) their attempt to climb the mountain.答案:to abandon4It never occurred to me _ my friend had been lying to me for years.答案:that5At the meeting,the headmaster insisted that the problems _(refer) to be paid attention to.答案:referred6He searched for a way to increase rice harvest without _(expand) the area of the fields.答案:expanding7We tried to discourage him _ climbing the mountain without a guide.答案:from8When we got there,we were told that the injured _(send) to the hospital.答案:had been sent9In my opinion,_ we have enough evidence,we cant win the case.答案:unless10According to the law, the sale of alcohol _(restrict) to people under the age of 18.答案:is restricted 单句改错1The old man abandoning by his son didnt want to say anything when interviewed._答案:abandoningabandoned2I dont know what it was in the novel that made him burst out tears._答案:outinto或tearscrying3It suddenly occurred to me whether I hadnt locked my car._答案:whetherthat4She often makes a schedule to get herself reminding of what she is to do._答案:remindingreminded5I like pop songs,the songs sung by Liu Huan in particularly._答案:particularlyparticular 单元语法过去完成时和to have/get sth.done结构单句语法填空/单句改错1(2017·全国卷) What I saw was completely unlike anything I _(experience) in the past. 答案:had experienced2(2017·全国卷) Before getting into the car, I thought I _(learn) the instructors orders, but once I started the car, my mind went blank.答案:had learned3(2017·全国卷)By last year, the Yellowstone wolf population _(grow) to more than 170 wolves.答案:had grown4Ill have my hair _(cut) this afternoon.答案:cut5My father told to get all the rooms _(clean) today.答案:cleaned6They got to the station,only to be told that the star left._答案:star后加had7By the time of last month,he had finishing writing about ten novels. _答案:finishingfinished8The girl said that she has been to Hong Kong twice before._答案:hashad9I will try my best to get my work complete as soon as possible. _答案:completecompleted10There is something wrong with the computer.Youd better have it repairs._答案:repairsrepaired 教材与语法填空根据课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A Roman writer called Pliny wrote about a volcanic eruption 1._(happen) on August 24th,79 AD.A volcano named Vesuvius,2._ was near Pompeii,erupted and a cloud came down the mountain,3._(bury) everything in its path,including the whole city.Pliny was 4._(deep) impressed by the sad event.Whats worse,the whole city which 5._ (bury)under the ashes had been forgotten entirely by the world.6._,more than 1,600 years later,some scientists started to dig out the ancient city of Pompeii and 7._(find) out the whole truth.Before the eruption occurred,it had been a booming city.It is the forms of the people who were caught 8._ the disaster 9._ have made the city a monument to human history.Today many people visit Pompeii every year 10._(learn) more about the ancient world.答案:1.happening2.which3.burying4.deeply5was buried6.However7.found8.in9.that10to learn 话题知识与写作()根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文。1一个寒冷的冬天,我在去火车站的路上偶然遇见一位老人在乞讨。(on ones way to;come across;beg)2我不理解他是怎样来到这儿的。(figure out)3难道他是被自己的儿女抛弃了吗?(abandon)4保护老人是我们的职责。(preserve)5除了把所有的零钱凑起来送给他以外,我什么也做不了。(do nothing but do.;gather)_()下面是李华的一篇作文,文中有五处错误,改正错误并背诵该文。One cold winter day, I was in my way to the train station while I came across an old man who was begging. I didnt figure out how he arrived in here.Was he abandoned by his own sons and daughters? Its our duty preserve such an old man. I could do nothing and gather all my change for him.答案:One cold winter day, I was my way to the train station I came across an old man who was begging. I didnt figure out how he arrived here. Was he abandoned by his own sons and daughters? Its our duty preserve such an old man. I could do nothing gather all my change for him.


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