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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破课时分层作业:8 Using Language Word版含解析.pdf

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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修八新突破课时分层作业:8 Using Language Word版含解析.pdf

    课时分层作业课时分层作业(八八) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空 1As is known to us, students do fewer and fewer sports now, which makes them weak and easily(easy) tired. 2Mother asked me to make a wish before I blew out all the candles. 3He complained(complain) that his boss was extremely mean to him. 4While shopping, can you resist being persuaded(persuade) to buy anything that you don't need? 5Having won the approval(approve) of most people, he was elected chairman of the nation. 6I'm fully convinced(convince) that doing voluntary work can help enrich our life and broaden our horizons. 7The discovery of the new drug is of great significance(significant) to people suffering from heart disease. 8Out of curiosity(curious),we opened the box,only to find there was an old photo in it. 9Having finished supper,Professor Wang got down to his experiment in the lab. 10In conclusion,doing regular exercise can help us keep fit. .完成句子 1并非所有的人都能欣赏这幅画。 Not all the people can appreciate the painting. 2据估计,这些盗贼从那家商店偷了价值 100 万美元的珠宝。 It was estimated that the thieves had stolen one million dollars' worth of jewelry from the shop. 3这个问题很难处理。 The problem is hard to deal with 4他反对建新礼堂的建议。 He is opposed to the proposal to build a new hall. 5我很相信她在这方面的经验。 I am quite convinced of her experience in it. 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 阅读理解 A Australian English began separating from British English shortly after the foundation of the Australian penal colony (罪 犯 流 放 地 ) of New South Wales in 1788.British convicts sent there,including cockneys (伦敦东区的人) from London, came mostly from large English cities.They were joined by free settlers, military personnel and officials,often with their families.However,many of the convicts were Irish,with at least 25% directly from Ireland,and others indirectly via Britain.There were other populations of convicts from non­English speaking areas of Britain,such as the Welsh and Scots.The transportation of convicts to Australia ended in 1868,but immigration of free settlers from Britain,Ireland and elsewhere continued. The earliest form of Australian English was first spoken by the children of the colonists born into the colony of New South Wales.This very first generation of children created a new dialect that was to become the language of the nation.The Australian­born children in the new colony were exposed to a wide range of different dialects from all over the British Isles,in particular from Ireland and the southeastern part of England. The native­born children of the colony created the new dialect from factors present in the speech they heard around them,and provided a way for the expression of peer solidarity (一致)Even when new settlers arrived,this new dialect was strong enough to turn away from the influence of other patterns of speech. Records from the early 19th century indicated the distinctive dialect had appeared in the colony since the first settlement.In 1827 Peter Cunningham,in his book Two Years in New South Wales, described that the native­ born colonists spoke with a distinctive accent and vocabulary,with a strong London influence.Anthony Burgess wrote that“Australian English may be thought of as a kind of fossilised(僵 化的 ) cockney (伦敦腔) of the Dickensian era” 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。介绍澳大利亚英语的形成过程。 1Who didn't go to Australia with the convicts? AMiners. BSoldiers. COfficials. DFree settlers. A 细节理解题。从文章第一段可知,随着囚犯到澳大利亚去的人中没有矿 工。 2Who created the earliest form of Australian English? AConvicts sent to Australia. BFree settlers into Australia. CThe native­born children of the colony. DPeople from Ireland and the southeastern part of England. C 细节理解题。从文章第二段可知,在澳大利亚出生的孩子说话不同于自 己的父母,是他们创造了最初的澳大利亚英语。 3We can learn from the last paragraph that Australian English Ahad no identity of its own Bwas formed before the Dickensian era Cwas quite different from British English Dwas greatly influenced by London accent D 推理判断题。分析文章最后一段可知,两位作者认为澳大利亚英语具有 明显的伦敦口音特征。 4What does the text mainly tell us? AWho came to Australia first? BHow Australia was colonized? CHow Australian English was formed? DWhat the earliest language in Australia was? C 主旨大意题。综合全文可知,文章主要说明澳大利亚英语的形成。 B You make decisions,year after year,never lasting for more than a few days ending up lost and in the same place you started.Allow me to suggest some tips that may help you stick to your decisions creating long­lasting positive change in your life. Telling other people about your plan can help in many ways.First,it is always easier to stick to a decision when you have other people supporting you.Your friends are less likely to tempt you with whatever it is you are trying to control if they know that you made a decision about it.Telling other people about your decision is also helpful in that it keeps up the pressure on you to try and stick to your plan of action. Choose a measurable and specific decision.Instead of deciding to“look better”or “have a better relationship with so and so” , choose a more definable decision.Deciding to“eat a vegetable every day”or“go out for coffee once a week with John”is much easier to track and assess than a general decision to“be a better person” Build a reward system.Connected to the last tip of choosing a measurable and specific decision is that when you do accomplish this specific behavior you decided to do,give yourself small rewards along the process.For example,for every week of healthy eating treat yourself with something special. Create visual aids.A colleague of mine decided one year for his New Year's decision to be more frugalHe decided to try and save money by lowering his monthly bills.So he posted a copy of his highest electric bill by his heater so that every time he wanted to raise the temperature he would see the high electric bill reminding him to be more cautious about his energy consumption. 【语篇解读】 下决心容易,坚持不易。本文主要介绍了如何才能坚持自己 的决定。 5Many people's decisions can't become reality because Athey don't take them seriously at the beginning Bthey make them but can't stick to them to the end Cthey meet much difficulty in the process Dthey lack support from their families B 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“never lasting for more than a few days ending up lost”可知,很多人之所以不能实现最初的决定,是因为缺乏持之以 恒的精神。 6Why does the writer advise telling your plan to other people? ABecause they will offer you support and pressure. BBecause they may reward you along the process. CBecause they will tempt you when you want something. DBecause you will need someone to offer some visual aids. A 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句和该段最后一句可知,在你执行决定的 时候别人可以提供支持,在你想要放弃时他们可以施加适当的压力,使你能够坚 持下去。 7Which of the following is a specific decision? ATo look better. BTo behave better. CTo be an honest person. DTo go out for dinner with a friend once a week. D 细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句可知,每周和朋友吃一次饭是比较 具体的目标。 8The underlined word“frugal”probably means Acareful with money Bcareless with energy Ccautious about safety Dgenerous with money A A 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的一句可知,他决定减少每月的开销来省钱,这说明 他的目标是在花钱方面更加谨慎。


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