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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破讲义:Module 2 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含答案.pdf

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    2019-2020同步外研英语选修六新突破讲义:Module 2 Section Ⅱ Learning about Language Word版含答案.pdf

    Section Learning about Language .单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词 1There were balloons of all shapes(形状) and sizes in the sky. 2The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare(光秃秃的) rocks. 3Bitten(咬,咬伤) by a dog, the little boy did not dare to play with dogs again. 4When I walked in, I found that he was bending(弯腰,屈身) over his desk to have a rest. 5I have some doubt whether he is the best man for the job. 6To watch over the sick baby, the mother remained awake all the night. 7A fire broke out in their school, and it caused much alarm 8Many people throughout history have dreamed of a world without war. . 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词 1behave v表现,举动behaviour n举止,行为 2hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑hesitation n犹豫,迟疑 3direct v指导,指引direction n方向 4long v渴望longing n渴望 5rough adj.粗略的;粗糙的roughly adv.大概地,粗略地 寻规律、巧记忆 v.­ionn.v.­ingn. hesitation 犹豫,迟疑 exhaustion 疲惫,精疲力竭 attraction 吸引 longing 渴望 warning 警告 beginning 开始 .补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1play an important part in在中起重要作用 2put down 放下 3hold out 伸出 4come up to 朝走过来 5turn away 走开 6sweep over 向扩展 7keep one's eyes on 注视,盯着看 8fix on 注视,凝视 9cast about 寻找,搜索,想办法 10look around for 四处寻找 .选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1John, put down your cellphone and help your mother with the housework. 2She came up to me and asked whether I would like to go shopping with her. 3The young worker stood there, with attention fixed on the notice on the wall. 4We should hold out the hand of friendship and cooperation to them. 5Why do we need to keep calm and not turn away when we see a snake? 寻规律、巧记忆 sweepprep./adv.动词短语onn.介词短语 sweep over 向扩展 sweep away 消灭,扫除 sweep up 打扫 on end 竖起;连续不断地 on duty 值日,值班 on fire 着火 背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实 1.Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, , tail held out stiffly. 独立主格结构。 由于眼镜摔坏了,她看不见 黑板上的字。 Her glasses broken, she 然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛 发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。 couldn't see the words on the blackboard. 2.It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, , about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across. 看上去就像有人在距离路边大 约两米的地方将空间切开了一 块, 它大体呈方形, 不到一米宽。 as if 引导表语 从句。 她看起来仿佛刚从外太空回 来似的。 It looked as if she had just come back from outer space. 3.He found himself standing under a row of trees. 他发现自己站在一排树下。 findoneself 宾补, 意为 “发 现自己” 。 醒来时,他发现自己躺在沙 发上。 When he woke up, he found himself lying on a sofa. behave v表现,举动 (教材 P16)The cat behaves in a strange way. 这只猫的举止异常。 (1)behave well/badly 举止得体/不当 behave oneself 注意举止,守规矩 (2)behavio(u)r n. 举止,行为 Parents should educate their children to behave well. 父母应当教育子女举止得体。 You'd better behave yourself(you), otherwise you will be made fun of. 你最好规矩一点,否则你会被取笑的。 It's bad behaviour(behave) for a man to smoke in public places where smoking isn't allowed. 一个人在禁烟的公共场合吸烟是不当的行为。 (教材 P16)Will put_down his shopping bag and held_out his hand, and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckles, just as Moxie did. 威尔放下他的购物袋,伸出手,那只猫跑过来用头在他的指关节上磨蹭,正 如莫克西所做的那样。 (1)put down 放下;写下,记下;镇压;降落;让某人下车 写出下列句子中 put down 的意思 Put down that knife before you hurt somebody!放下 A series of uprisings was put down by the army.镇压 Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can put down almost every word her teacher says.写下,记下 put away 收拾;储存 put aside 把放在一边;忽视 put forward 提出(意见,建议) put out 扑灭;伸出;出版 put off 推迟,拖延 put up 举起;张贴;搭建;留宿 put up with 容忍 To make space in the bedroom, she put away her winter clothes in the upstairs bedroom. 为了在卧室里腾出地方来,她把她的冬装全收起来放在楼上那间卧室里了。 (2)hold out 伸出;坚持;维持 hold back 阻止;抑制;隐瞒 hold on 继续;抓住不放;(打电话)不挂断 hold on to 抓住;坚持;不放弃 hold up 举起;支撑;使停顿;耽误 If everyone holds out their friendly hands to the needy people,our world will be better and better. 如果每个人都向处于困境之人伸出友谊之手,我们的世界就会越来越好。 We were short of water but could hold out for another day. 我们虽然缺水,但还可以再坚持一天。 Don't hold anything back; tell me all that you know.不要隐瞒任何事情;把你 所知道的都告诉我。 I was held up on the way here in the traffic jam, thus causing the delay. 我遭遇到了交通堵塞,结果迟到了。 longing n渴望 (教材 P16)Of course,every cat behaved like that,but all the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scalded his eyes. 当然,所有猫都是那样的。尽管如此,威尔还是渴望回家,以至于热泪充满 了他的双眼。 long for sb./sth. 渴望 long (for sb.) to do sth. 渴望(某人)做某事 The lonely child is longing for the love of his mother. 这个孤独的孩子渴望母亲的爱。 Lucy had always longed for a brother. 露西一直渴望有个弟弟。 Mike longs to do(do) something for the people across the sea. 迈克期望能为海外的人们做一些事情。 turn away 走开;转过脸去;不准进入 (教材 P16)Eventually this cat turned away. 最终,这只猫转身走开了。 写出下列句子中 turn away 的意思 Because the hall was full, many people were turned away.拒绝进入 She turned away, , pretending to look at somewhere else.转过脸去 With a hopeless sigh, he turned away at last.走开 turn to 翻到;求助于 turn in 上交 turn on/off 打开/关掉 turn up 出现,露面;开大,调大 turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn over 翻动;移交 turn out 结果是;生产 You can always turn to him for help if you meet with difficulty. 如果遇到困难,你总是可以找他帮忙。 keep one' 's eyes on 注视,盯着看 (教材 P16)When it had gone past he crossed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. 卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。 fix one's eyes on 注视,凝视 keep an eye on 注意,留意;看护 look sb.in the eye 直视,正视某人 catch one's eye 引起的注意 have an eye for 对有鉴赏力/判断力 Jack fixed/kept his eyes on Mr.Brown's face and waited for his answer. 杰克注视着布朗先生的脸,等候着他的回复。 She was cooking while she was keeping an eye on her baby sleeping in the cradle. 她一边看护着睡在摇篮中的婴儿一边做饭。 Linda is a fashionable young girl; she has an eye for fashion. 琳达是一个年轻时尚的女孩子;她对时装有鉴赏力。 shape n there is no doubt that he will pass the exam. 他学习很努力;毫无疑问他会通过这次考试。 hesitate v犹豫,迟疑 (教材 P17)What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder, but he didn't hesitate . 他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但是他却丝毫没有迟疑 (1)hesitate about/over (doing) sth.对犹豫不决 hesitate to do sth. 对做有顾虑 (2)hesitation n. 犹豫,踌躇 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 He's still hesitating about taking part in the sports meeting. 他对是否参加运动会仍拿不定主意。 Please do not hesitate to contact(contact) me if you have any question. 如果有疑问请尽管和我联系。 No matter when our motherland needs us, we will go without hesitation. 无论什么时候,只要祖国需要我们,我们就会毫不犹豫地出发。 (教材 P16)Then she leapt backwards, , back arched and fur on end, , tail held out stiffly 然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。 【要点提炼】 句中的 back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly 为名词后 接介词短语和过去分词构成的独立主格结构,在句中作伴随状语。 (1)独立主格结构的构成: 名词/代词 名词 形容词/副词/介词短语 现在分词/过去分词/不定式) (2)独立主格结构的功能:独立主格结构在句中可以作时间、原因、条件或伴 随状语等,相当于一个状语从句或并列句。 The new teacher came in, a smile on her face. 新老师面带微笑走了进来。 The girl staring(stare) at him, he didn't know what to say. 姑娘两眼望着他,他不知道说什么好。 He lied on the grass listening to music, his eyes closed(close) 他躺在草地上,听着音乐,闭着眼睛。 1(教材 P16)It wasn't easy, because there was nothing to fix on, but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it. 【分析】 句中 but 连接两个并列分句,第一个分句中包含 because 引导的原 因状语从句,不定式短语 to fix on 作后置定语修饰前面的 nothing;第二个分句中 包含 when 引导的时间状语从句,不定式短语 to look closely 作目的状语。 【翻译】 这并不容易,因为他无法将目光集中在某件东西上。但是当他靠 近那个地方,设法仔细观察时,他看出了端倪。 2 (教材P17)You could only see it from the side nearest the road, and you couldn't see it easily even from there, because all you could see through it was exactly the same kind of thing that lay in front of it on this side: a patch of grass lit by a street light. 【分析】 and 连接两个并列分句;第二个分句中包含 because 引导的原因状 语从句,其中 you could see through it 为定语从句修饰 all;that lay in front of it on this side 也是定语从句修饰 thing;冒号后面的部分是对 the same kind of thing 的解 释说明。 【翻译】 只有从最靠近马路的一边才能看到它,但即使从那儿也很难看到, 因为透过它,你所看到的一切与这边的完全相同:被一盏街灯照亮的一片草地。 . 单句语法填空 1My brother has a good sense of direction(direct) and never gets lost wherever he goes. 2Please don't turn away while I am speaking to you. 3Every year in the country more than 500,000 children are bitten(bite) by dogs. 4Roughly(rough) speaking, we receive about fifty letters a week on the subject. 5When the medical team arrived there, the locals held out their friendly hands. 6When a kid is playing outside, keep your eyes(eye) on him at all times. 7We are at your service. Don't hesitate to turn(turn) to us if you have any problem. 8Never have I seen such a strange house shaped(shape) like a bird. 9Since I was not good at English, Miss Zhang asked me to listen attentively and put down some important notes. 10A young woman passing by saw the little boy and could read the longing(long) in his pale blue eyes. .单句改错 1Parents should teach their children how to behave good at table.goodwell 2On hearing the gunshot, all people fled to all directions.toin 3Sam had an accident a few days ago, so many people doubted he could join the match.doubted 后加 whether/if 4There were no buses, they had to take a taxi to go home.werebeing 或 they 前加 so 5 He stood there, his eyes fixing on the picture on the wall, lost in thought.fixing fixed . 完成句子 1天气允许的话,明天我们出去野餐。 Weather permitting, we'll go for a picnic tomorrow.(permit) 2我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。 I found myself surrounded by a group of children full of curiosity.(find) 3看!因为撞车,这辆车的前部现在已经完全变形了。 Look! The front part of the car is now totally out of shape due to the crash.(shape) 4毫无疑问,吸烟会严重损害我们的健康。 There is no doubt that smoking can seriously damage our health.(doubt) 5我们错过了公共汽车,看来我们好像必须要乘坐出租车了。 We have missed the bus. It looks as if we'll have to take a taxi.(look)


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