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    Unit2 1 必修 Part 1. Warming up 你知道有不 止一种英语吗? 1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? 的用法 more than ” 不止一个 “ 意为 more than one ,” 多;超过 比“ 用在数字前,意为more than )1 (含义为复数,但谓语动词用单数)。不止一个问题在会 上被提出。 More than one question was raised at the meeting. not only.相当于, ” 不只是不仅仅, “ 意为表示程度或加强语气, 用在名词前, more than )2( 他不仅仅是我的朋友,他还是我 He is more than a friend to me . He is my English teacher. 的英语 老师。 “ 分开用在比较状语从句中时,意为more than ) 3 ( (肯 ” 倒不如 ;与其 更比定定前面的内容,否 定后面的内容)他有勇无谋。 He is more brave than wise. 这 本书与其说是故事书倒不The book seems to be more a picture book than a storybook. 如说是图画书。我非常乐意帮助你。 I'm more than glad to help you. 非常很 more than +adj.)4 ( 知识拓展的用法: more .than )1(” 比。 。 。 “ 为一个表示比较级的结构,意为more+adj./n.+than 这个 问题比我们预料中要复杂得多。The problem is more complicated than we expected. 你其实没有必要给我那么多帮助。You've actually given me more help than I need. 至多,不超过 “ 意为 not more than)2(most.)the(at ,它相当于 “ 岁的孩子。 10 他仅仅是个不到He's only a child of not more than 10. )3(的 用法 no more than . ”仅仅,只有 “ 意为 only, 后面常接 数词,表示数量少,相当于no more than To my surprise, no more than 5 members shared my idea. 个成员同意我的观 点。 5 令我吃惊的是,只有,表示对前后两方面都否定。.” 一样都不 .和“ 意为 no more than . 别问他这件事 了。 Don't ask him about it. He knows no more than you. 他和你一 样对此一无所知China Daily is _a newspaper. It helps improve our English. 例A.no more than B.no less tan C.more than D.not more than Which country do you think has the most English learners? 、 2 Part 2. Pre-reading, reading and comprehending At the end of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English.、1 世纪末, 16 在大约有五 百万到七百万人说英语。 at the end of , by the end of, in the end 辨析 at the end of. 的尽头(表示场所)的末 端,到 .)在1(在这条路的尽头你会很容易地找到那At the end of the road, you'll find the factory easily. 家工厂。 ) 在 2(末(表示时间)结束时,在上月底我偶然遇到I came across an old friend I hadn't seen for ages at the end of last month. 了一位多年不见的老朋友。 by the end of 将来某一时间,作时间状语,句子用将来 完成时 + eg. I will have finished reading the book by the end of next month. 过去某一时间,作时间状语,句子用过去完成 时+ 3 By the end of last year, another new gymnasium _in Beijing.例A.would be completed B.was being completed C.has been completed D.had been completed 最后, 终于,独立作状语,句子用一般过去时。in the end 2. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world and because of that,English began to be spoken in many other countries. 的意思,都是介词 ” 由于,因为 “ 都有 because of, owing to, due to, on account of, thanks to幸“ 可 以表达正面意思, thanks to 一般不置于句首。 due to 其中因此 后面不可接从句。短语,) 。” 感谢“ ,也可用于讽刺口吻中 (近于讽刺口吻的 ” 亏填空 because of,because用He was late _the heavy rain.He was late _it rained heavily.)2(3. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of 以英语为母语的 人,即使他们所讲的语言不尽相同,也可以互相理解。English. 即使,尽管,用来引导让步状语从句。even if/though 尽管在聚 会上我谁也不认识,Even if I didn't know anybody at the party,I had a good time. 但仍然玩得很开心。即使他没事做,也不he won't come to the concert. ,Even though he has nothing else to do 会去听音乐会。从句可用一般现在时代替even if )若主 句和从句皆表示将来的情况,则1【注意】(将来时。 ve decided to visit the museum even if/even though it rains tomorrow. We 从句的内容则是事实。even though 从句的内容 不肯定;而 even if )2(即使他知道这个秘密,他也不会说出 来。 He will not let out the secret even if he knows it. (他是否 知道秘密不确定)出他虽然知道这个秘密,却不肯说He will not let out the secret even though he knows it. 来。 (他知道这 个秘密),The engineers are so busy that they have no time for outdoor sports activities 例_they have the interest.A. wherever B. whenever C. even if D. as if 4. Id like to come up to your apartment. 意为:走近;上来;提出;露 出地面,发芽;发生come up The sun has come up. 太阳升 起来了。那些农民要去北京。The farmers will come up to Beijing. 种子尚未发芽。 The seeds havent come up yet. 问 题尚未被提出。 ion hasnt come up yet. The quest 归纳总结 赶快,快点;加油come on 顺便来访come over 发生 come about 偶遇,碰到 come across 下来,传承 come down 出来, 出版 come out 来自 come from 扑来,攻击 .向 ome at c 想 出,提出come up with成为现实come true 。 )促销 They_a new proposal for pushing sales ( 例 A.come up to B.come up with C.come over D.come around 构成的词组填空come 用 例 1(The hunter walked through the forest when suddenly a bear_him.)The magazine _once a month.)2(I wish you can _to England on your holiday.)3(He has_new ways of saving energy.)4( They _an old friend in the street this morning. )5( 当时的英语更多的是以德It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.、5 语为基础, 而不是我们现在所讲的英语。为基础。 以,根据 be based on 上; 建立在 .把 baseon 后通 常有宾语, base 主动语态中,用作及物动词,base 短语中, base.on在注意:应以被动的形式出现。base 否则故 事是以事实为基础的。The story is based on/upon the fact. 赠 送 vt.在场的,目前的; adj.礼物; present n. 这辆山地自行车 是父母送给我的The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents. 生日礼物。恐怕现在我没办法帮助你。I am afraid I can't help you at present. 宣布那项决定时你在场?Were you present when the decision was announced? 按照目前的情况看, 我建议你等等。 In the present case,I advise you to wait. 请允许我 向你介绍我的新助手好吗?May I present my new assistant to you? 短语拓展意为:目前,现在at present眼前,暂时 at the present time (=for the present) 出席会议 be present at the meeting 放在心里;记忆犹新be present to mind 把某物 赠给某人现在的, 当前的;(作后置定语)出席的,到场的)作前置定语 present (: 注意前置定语,现在的,当前的)the present situation.(He doesnt know how to deal with (后置定语,出席的,到场的) The people present at he meeting are advanced workers. 6.So by the 1600's Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 世纪时,莎士比亚所用发的词汇量比以往任 何时候都大。 17 所以到。 the 1600s也可以写成 The 1600's 世纪 时。 17 到 by the 1600's 之前可以加上形容词,表示不同程度 use,在名词 ” 利用“ 为固定短语,意为make use of 的利用。 人类, especially the Chinese, should make full use of their natural resources.,Human beings 尤其是中国人,应该充分利用自然 资源。有时可用于被动语态中make use of 注意:短语拓展 好好利用 make good use of 充分利用 make full use of 正在 用 in use 开始被使用come into use 用完,耗尽 use up 利用,使用 put to use 例If better use is _your spare time, you'll make good progress in doing your business. D.taken C.used for B.made of A.spent 印度拥有许多例如,For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speaker. 、7 讲英语很流利的人许多,大量a large number of 许多学生考试不及格。A large number of students have failed the exam. a number of ,the number of 辨析 许多, “ 意为谓语动词 用复数,当该短语作主语时,后加可数名词复数,a number of ” 大量后加可数名词复数,当该短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数 第三人称形式, the number of ” 的数量 “. 意为许多学 A large number of students have failed the exam and the number of them is30.例如,30.生考试不及格,数量是 The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _rising steadily 例since 1997.A.is B.are C.has been D.have been 这只能由时间来回答了。Only time will tell. 、8分辨;区分。 vt.说出; )确定地 tell vi.( 现在进行判断还为时过早。It's too early to tell now. 我实在分辨不出哪个是哪个。I really can't tell which is which. 知识拓展告诉某人某事tell sb sth/tell sth to sb 告诉。 tell vt. )1(他逢人便讲这个消息。He told the news to everybody he saw. 吩咐某人做某事。 /命令 tell sb to do sth 命令;吩咐。 tell vt. )2(有人吩咐他坐下等着。He was told to sit down and wait. 讲故事 tell a story 说谎 tell a lie 之 间的区别 B 与 A 说出 tell the difference between A and B 对 (某人)说实话tell (sb.) the truth If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,_him or her leave a message. 例A.have B.get C.ask D.tell Part 3. Learning about Language 对中国 1.It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as well as a native English speaker. 人来说,想把英语说得像英国人一样好,并不 是件容易的事。“It is/was+adj.(+for sb.)+to 该句是句式。 to do 真正的主语是不定式是形式主语,it 本句中的动作是由谁 发出的。 to do.表示不定式for sb.的具体应用, do. ”即形容词 用来描述不定式行为发出者当作表语的形容词是表示不定式逻 辑主语的特征,句型。此类形容词常见的有:“It is/was+adj.+of sb.+to do.”的性格、品行等时,要用sb.在这种句型中,等。 kind,nice,clever,wrong,right,foolish,wise,stupid,rude,careless,brave, polite 可以作句子的主语。 ,连接主语时谓语动词采用就” 也, 和“ ;还可表示 ” 一样好 和“ 同级比较, as well as 远原则。 Your elder brother as well as you is kind to me. 一般放在句末。 too,是 副词,相当于as well Mr Liu can speak English. He can speak French as well. 倒 不 如 做 。 。 。 吧 , 还 是 做 。 。 。 的 好 might/may(just) as well do sth. 我们倒不如立刻离开的好。We might as well leave at once.正如我们 2. As we know, British English is a little different from/ than American English. )P11所 知道的那样,英式英语与美式英语有点儿不同。(在定语as 在 句中作关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,代替后面整句话的 内容, (1) as 态度或给出某种解释或评论。引导从句表示说话人的看法、 as的宾语。 know 从句中充当动词我们都知道,他是一位伟大 的作家。 As is known to all, he is a great writer. The earth is round, as we all know. 众所周知,地球是圆的。”;稍 微 有点儿 “ 意为” 形容词或副词的原级(2) “a little+ 工作后, 他有点儿累了。 After working, he was a little tired. 知识拓 展 少量的 “ 意为 ” 不可数名词“a little+ 。”;一点儿 瓶子里有点儿水。 Eg. There is a little water in the bottle. “意为” 形容词或副词的比较级“a little+ ” 一点儿 ;稍微 较 他比我高一点儿。 Eg. He is a little taller than I. 当 not a little 却与 not a bit 但 a bit,修饰形容词、副词原级或比较级时,相当 于 a little not a little 而 not at all,,相当于 ” 一点儿也不 “ 意为 . not a bit 含义不同 very much.相当于我们休息一会儿吧。我有点儿 累。 Let s have a rest. Im a little / bit tired. 他给我们带来了很 多麻烦。 He has given us not a little trouble. “a bit of + 。”;一点儿 一小块 “ 意为 ” 单数名词或不可数名词 ? Reading3.Can you find the following command and request from ” 命令,指令,掌握command “n. /vt. 指挥 由(1)in command of 指挥之下 在 under /in/at the command of sb. 掌握;精 通(尤指语言) have (a) good command of 命令某人做某事 command sb.to do sth.)2( 命令 command that.(should) do. He commanded the soldiers to attack. 他命令士兵们进攻。 我从未答应 服从她的命令。指令时可数)作为命令,(I never promised to obey her commands. (作为运用能力,掌握时不可数,但good command of spoken English.)a (Mr. Smith has 史密斯先生对 英语口语掌握得很好。a) 有时前可加 v.& n. request 请求,要求 要求某人做某事request sb.to do sth. 要求某人做某事request that sb (should) do 应某人的要求s request at the request of ab.=at one 向某人索要某物request sth. from sb. 用所给词的 适当形式填空 _ (write) a letter of recommendation. He requested me _(write) a letter of recommendation. He requested that I The passengers _(request) to show their passports. Part 4. Using Language 1. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。在 句中通常作插入语,表明说话者的语气或态度。Believe it or not ) 1(Eg. Believe it or not, the eight-year-old boy can speak 3 foreign languages. 岁的男孩子会说三门外语。8 信不信由你, 这个。” 信任某人的本质 “ 表示 believe in sb; ” 相信某人所说 的话 “ 表示 believe sb【注意】巧学妙用 我相信你的话,但我不信任你这个人。I believe you but I dont believe in you. 【知识拓展】常用作插入语的还有: generally speaking 判断; 从 judging from/ by 一般说来; 确切的说; to be sure 说实话; to tell the truth to be frank 相信; /我认为 I think/ believe/ suppose 坦率的说;你知道; You know/ see 说实话 To be honest 连用时,应位于它们的 后面, all, no, some, any, few, little, many, much, several 与(2) such 的前面。 a/ an 但放在没这种孩子 no such kid 几首这样的歌 several such songs 许多这样的书many such books so. 等修饰时, 用 many, much, few, little 当名词用表示多少的那么多的人 so many people 2. This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported the news were expected to 这是因为在早期 的 电 台 节 目 里 , 人 们 期 望 那些 新 闻 播 音 员 所 说 的 英speak excellent English. 语是完美的英语。讲,后面可接名词、代词、 不” 以为;料想 “ 期望;指望;预期,在口语中作expect vt. 等。 具体用法如下: ” 从句 “that定式、带不定式的复合宾语及)接 名词或代词1(她在等着儿子的电话。She was expecting a phone call from her son. )接不定式 2(不要指望一个月就 能学会一门外语。 You cant expect to learn a foreign language in a month. 接带不定式的复合宾语(3) 我期望你早点儿回家。I expect you to go home early. 。” 从句“that 接(4) 我们原以为 他会来参加会议的。We expected that he would come to the meeting. not.或 so 接代词 (5) 这个周末会下雨吗?-Is it going to rain this weekend? 我想会的。 -I expect so. - 我想 不会的。 ct so. / I expect not. I don t expe 然而,在电 3. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak. 视和收音机里,你也会听出人们说话时的差异。可是, 然而,在句中作插入语,常放在句首或句中,也可放在句末, however adv. )1(一般用逗号将其与句子隔开。他答应来。 可是,他并没有来。Eg. He promised to come. However, he didnt come. ” 谓语动词 +主语+副词/形容词 “ 一般后接也可引导让步状 语从句, however【知识拓展】。无论天多热,他也不会脱 掉外套。 Eg. However hot it is, he will not take off his coat. 无论 你跑多快,也赶不上汽车。You cannot catch up with a car, however fast you run. 是 in the way )2( 在定语从句中,后面 省略了定语从句的引导词。的意思,” 方式 以“ 引导;如果在 定语从that 时,如果在定语从句中作主语和宾语时,常用the way 当先行词是引导或省略引导词。that/ in which/ 句中作方 式状语时,则用这就是对我帮助很大的方法。This is the way that helps me a lot.我不喜欢他想出的方法。I don t like the way he thought of. 我喜欢她组织会议的方法。I like the way (that/ in which) she organized the meeting. 【短语拓展】 by the way 顺便说说,顺便提起有几分,稍微,在某种程度上,有 保留地 in a way 的途中 在某人去 n ones way to o 方式 阻碍,阻挡, 以 in the way you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 例A However a serious problem B What a serious problem C However serious a problem D What serious a problem 地理位置对方言的产生也有影响。4. Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 。” 中扮演角 色 中起作用,在 在“ 意为 play a part/role in 小麦在我们 的生活中起着重要的作用。Eg. The wheat plays an important part in our life. 他在这部电视剧中扮演一个角色。He has played a part in the TV play. 5. So people from the mountains in the southeastern USA speak with almost the same dialect 因此,美国 东南部山区的人同美国西北部的人所说的方言as people in the northwestern USA.就几乎相同。应看作关系代词引导的定语 从句。 as.后面的 dialect 此时 dialect,修饰 the same)本句中的 1(时定语从句中的动词不that 时,它引导的定语从句中的动词 可以省略,但使用as)使用 2(可省略。女人得到的薪水和 男人的一样。 Women received the same pay that men received. , 表示某人或某物的情况也适用于另一个人或物。” 也一样 “. 意为 it s the same with.)3(又约翰学习好, John studies well and is always ready to help others. And it is the same with Mike. 乐于助 人。迈克也一样。” 引导的定语从句 “the same+ n. + as 【知识拓 展】“the same + n. +that表示同类事物;和when 中” 引导的定 语从句 “the same+ n.+ when / where 表示同一事物; ” 引导的定 语从句在从句中作状语。 where(同一事物)他戴着昨天戴 的那顶帽子。 Eg. He wears the same hat that he wore yesterday. I d like to buy the same hat as he wears today. 我想买一顶他今 天戴的那样的帽子。 (同一类食物)The witness led the police to the same place where the robbery had happened. 目击者 把警察领到了抢劫案发生的地方。(作状语) where 引导词的 确定一要看引导词在句中充当的成之后接定语从句时,“th e same+ n. ”【注意】分,二要看从句所表达的内容是同一事 物还是同一类事物。still recognize and understand each others 6. Although many American move a lot, they dialects. 虽然许多 美国人经常搬迁,但是他们仍然能够辨别并理解彼此的方言。 辨认出;承认;公认recognize vt. Eg. She came home so thin and weak that her own children hardly recognized her. 她回家时 又瘦又虚弱,连她自己的孩子都几乎认不出她来了。劳伦斯 的小说最后被公lly recognized as a work of genius. Lawrences novel was eventua认为天才之作。【短语拓展】 ecognize ones voice r 认出某人 recognize sb 听出某人的声音 为 承认 /认定 ecognizeas r 认为某人ecognize sb/ sth to be r 承认 ecognize that r 某物是 / recognize, realize, know 【辨析】指原来很熟悉,经过一段时间的间隔或别的 原因后又重新认出来。recognize 强调在经过一个过程后的了 解。 realize 是延续性动词,指相互间十分熟悉、十分了解。 know 例的适当形式填空know 和 realize,recognize用 the importance of health. Only after you lose your health will you )1(Tom for years. (2) Ive him as soon as he came in. (3) I 我的意思是坐卡车。I meant by truck. , 7. 的用法: mean 你这么说是什么意思?What do you mean by saying so? 意思是 mean vt. 不能接不定式。 ”,从句 “that的征兆,后接名词、动名词及 意味着;有mean v. 赶不上这列火车意味着再等一个小时。Missing the train means waiting for another hour. “ 后 面 接不定 式作宾 语时,意为 mean 。” 打算;意欲我打算帮助你。 I meant to help you. 知识拓展卑鄙的;下贱的;吝啬的;小气的。mean adj. 他的妻子总是对金钱很吝啬。His wife's always been mean with money. -You should have thanked her before you left.例- -I meant_,but when I was leaving, I couldn't find her anywhere. A.to do B.to C.doing D.doing so 于是她问路然后 告诉她的朋友们。 So she asks directions and then tells her friends.、 9讲时,常用复数形式。” 指示,用法,说明“ 方向;指导;指 示;用法;说明;作direction n. 首先你应学会如何在一个陌 First you should learn how to ask directions in a strange place. 生的地方问路。 I can speak more English under the direction of my teacher. 在老师的指导下我会说更多的英语了。喝前请 先看说明书。 Please read the directions before drinking. 短语拓 展问路和指路 ask and give directions 向四面八方,向各方 面 in all directions/in every direction 朝。 。 。方向 in/from


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