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    Unit2 The Environment Reading (1) Thoughts on the design: 本单元的“ Reading ”是关于环境问题的一个电视辩论的开头部分,一个环保人士和一 个经济学家表达了他们对环境和经济关系的不同态度。本课时是“Reading ”部分的第一课 时,通过以“ Reading Strategy”为线索,让学生学会如何阅读辩论题材的文章。承接上一 课时提到的全球环境问题,提出辩论的主题“The economy or the environmentmust we choose?” 以“ Reading Strategy”为线索,介绍辩论环节及要素的同时,让学生理解两位 专家的看法, 加强他们的阅读理解能力。最后通过观看杰克逊的公益广告歌曲“ Earth song” 鼓励学生通过讨论,表达他们对环境与经济关系的看法,提出日常生活中一些可行的环保措 施。小组合作写一片小短文, 并用展示板进行展示。从而达到选点预设,互动生成的效果。 课后作业布置的是由学生围绕课文“关于环境和经济的关系”举行一个辩论会, 从而使学生 更全面地理解课文,使他们活学活用。 Teaching aims: After learning this section, the students will be able to 1.gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate. 2.enhance their reading abilities. 3.talk about some practical measures to protect environment in our daily life. Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT4-10) 1.Show some pictures of my daughter, and let the students guess where she is. Talk about our school s environment and link it up with some environmental problems referred to in last part. 2.Show some pictures of environmental problems caused by human beings. (PPT 3-5) 3.Put forward the idea that with the improvement of economy, environmental problems have had impact on human beings seriously. 4.Today s topic: The economy or the environment must we choose? (PPT6) Explanation 课前对上一课时内容进行复习,同时可以为本课时讨论内容做铺垫。图片的展示再一次 在视觉上对学生产生冲击,进一步加深其对于环境日益恶化及其对人类生活产生危害的认 识,循序渐进,引出辩论的主题,激发学生的阅读兴趣。 Step 2 Reading (PPT 11-20) 1.Have you ever watched a debate or even taken part in a debate? Do you know something about debates? (encourage students to say something about it) (PPT 7) 2.Reading strategy: reading a debate 错误!未找到引用源。(PPT 8) What is the order of a debate? One side: present their points first The other side: follow and present their points Have a discussion Skimming: The order of the debate (PPT 10) Lin Shuiqing presents his point sQian Liwei presents his point sOpen discussion 3. Reading strategy: reading a debate 错误!未找到引用源。 What are the basic elements in a debate? clear views, persuasive language, convincing evidence, support your own idea only follow a certain order for the speakers Scanning: Put the subjects each speaker talks about in the correct order. (PPT 11) 4. Reading strategy: reading a debate 错误!未找到引用源。(PPT18) What else should we pay attention to when we read or listen to a debate? We should not make a final decision until we have read or listened to both sides completely and understood all the arguments made by each side. 5. Ask the students to read Lin Shuiq ing s part and state his opinions and suggestions in details. Go on to read Qian Liweis part and state his opinions and suggestions in details. (PPT 14-15) Lin Shuiqings speech large areas of the world Factories produce poisonous chemicals place atmospheremake us sick waterseakill sea creatures be wiped out by fishing boats catch fish without giving them time to lay eggs a lasting effect upon the number of fish more people more landmore food? billion be damaged by_ be destroyed have diedanimals chemical waste = factories clouds of dirty smoke a pipe pouring chemical waste into a river as an economistbe seen as being against the environment businessmen escape from the responsibilities to the environment money economic development is _for the environment factories & industries control the amount of pollution spend money repairing the damage very concerned about the environment lose the jobscut back on amount of things bad Explanation Speakers Lin ShuiqingQian Liwei Argu- ments _ _: kill plants and animals _ :wipe out fish _ :grow fast _ :concerned about the environment. _ :make people lose job _:make things from recycled materials _:pass more effective ones _:pay higher The economy and the environment should be possible at the same time. _ _ _ :be cut back _ : be good for the environment and the economy The environment is being damaged. Sugges- tions chemical Fishing Population Production Recycling Factories Production Recycling Laws Taxes Conclu- sions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 waste 文章的阅读以“Reading strategy”为线索,通过介绍辩论的主要步骤及要素,引导学生 通过快速阅读找出辩论双方的主要观点;细节阅读后鼓励学生复述观点及建议,有助于其 对于文章的进一步掌握。尤其值得注意的是,阅读完林水清的观点之后,提醒学生阅读辩 论题材,应注意完全阅读后发表自己的观点。 Step 3 group-work 1. After reading two opinions on two sides, what s your opinion? What can we do in our daily life in order to protect the environment? Use handkerchief instead of the paper napkin. Use paper bag instead of plastic bag. Do not use one-off chopsticks. Throw cans, bottles, paper and plastic into the dustbin. 3.see the MV “ Earth song” 1.What is the theme of the song ? 2.What problems does the song show to us? In your opinion, what measures should we take to solve these problems? Group work: (Work in groups of four) Explanation 鼓励学生在阅读完双方观点后,发表自己的观点,并就日常生活中如何为环境保护尽自 己的一份力进行讨论。然后观看杰克逊的地球之歌,给学生们形成视觉和听觉的冲击, 达到选点预设,互动生成的效果。 Step 4 Homework 1.Polish you essay. 2.Have a debate about economy or environment.


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