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    “记一记 ”短语过关 “背一背 ”课文佳句 1. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友在需要时给你帮助,使你感动。 2. A good friend is like a mirror. 好朋友就像一面镜子。 3. Friends are like books you don t need a lot of them as long as they re good. 朋友如书不在多而贵在好。 4. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 我最好的朋友总能帮我激发出我身上最优秀的品质。 5. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 6. I know she cares about me because she s always there to listen. 我知道她关心我,因为她随时都能听我倾诉。 重点词汇解读 1. both 考查热度 【重点解读】 both 意为“两者;两者都” ,只能用来修饰两个人或事物。 both 用作形容词,放在复数名词前做定语; 用作代词时,往往和of 构成短语 both of; 用作副词时,往往置于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 【例句展示】 1. Both sisters are outgoing and generous. 姐妹俩都外向又慷慨。 2. Both of the teachers are teachers and writers. 这两个老师既是老师又是作家。 3. Millie and Grace are both good at dancing . 米莉和格蕾丝两人都擅长跳舞。 【拓展延伸】 both 直接修饰名词时,不加of。若是添加了 of,则要在名词前加上适当的限定词。 Both children went to study abroad for further education. Both of the (my) children went to study abroad for further education. (我的)两个孩子都去国外继续深造了。 both 放 在人 称代词 前 时 , 一定 要用both of, 不 能 说 both we 或 both us, 但可以说 us both, them both等。 Both of us went to the movies last night . 昨晚我们两个去看电影了。 both 与 not 连用,是部分否定,表示“两者不都” ,其否定形式是neither。 Both the doors are not open . 两扇门并不都开着。 如果要将上述例句改成全部否定,则就应写成: Neither door is open. (= Neither of the doors is open.) 两扇门都没开。 bothand是“两者都;又又;不但而且”的意思,在句中起连接作用,可以用 来连接各种并列成分,甚至两个句子。 Both Lucy and Lily are secretaries of big companies.露西和莉莉都是大公司的秘书。 【实战演练】 句型转换,每格一词。 1. We are both English teachers .( 改为同义句 ) _ _ _ are English teachers. 2. They are both good at English .( 改为否定句 ) _ _ _ is good at English. 3. Millie is slim. Grace is slim, too. (将两句合并成一句 ) _Millie_ Grace_ slim. 答案: 1. Both of us 2. Neither of them 3. Both and are 2. loudly 考查热度 【拓展】 loud; aloud; loudly的用法辨析 loud形容词“响亮的”可作定语或表语;Dont make loud noise, please. 请不要大吵大闹。副词“高声地 ; 响亮地”,常与speak, talk, sing, laugh等动词连用Facts speak louder than eloquence. 事实胜于雄辩。 aloud副词常与动词 read 连用,强调从不出声 到出声,别人能听得见, 但声音不一 定很大, 没有比较级和最高级形式。 Dont read aloud in the library. 在图书馆里不要朗读。 loudly副词与 loud 同义,有时可与 loud 互换使 用,但 loudly 通常指令人讨厌的声 音,含有喧闹之意。 It s not polite to shout loudly at the old. 冲老人大喊大叫是不礼貌的。 【实战演练】 用 aloud,loud,loudly 填空。 1. In the school library, you shouldnt read_. 2. They were talking_ there and he was not happy. 3. Don t make_ noise here. Everyone is listening to the teacher. 答案: 1. aloud 2. loudly 3. loud 3. reach 考查热度 【重点解读】 reach vi.(不及物动词 ) 意为“伸手”; vt.( 及物动词 ), 意为“到达;抵达”,后接地点名词或副词。 【例句展示】 The 3-year-old boy wants to reach for the toy on the desk. 3 岁男孩想伸手去拿桌子上的玩具。 My uncle reached the train station a moment ago.我叔叔一会儿前到达火车站的。 【拓展延伸】 arrive 是不及物动词,后接名词时要加介词in(大地点)或 at(小地点)。 get 必须和 to 一起构成 get to来表达“到达”之意。 三者之间可以这样互换:reach地点名词 arrive in/ at地点名词 get to地点名词 。 How can I reach/ get to/ arrive at the nearest post office? 我怎样才能到达最近的邮局呢? 若是用副词来表达地点时,get to和 arrive in/ at 后面的介词都必须省去。 Please reach/ arrive/ get home as early as you can. 请尽可能早点到家。 【实战演练】 根据句意和汉语提示,填写适当的单词。 1. Please tell me as soon as Mr. Chen_(到达 ). arrives 2. Mrs. Chen always_(到达) school early every day. reaches 3. Who_(到达) to the teaching building this morning? got 4. win 考查热度 【重点解读】 winv. 意为“获胜;赢;赢得” ,其过去式和过去分词都是won,名词是 winner(获胜者; 赢家) 。win 用作及物动词时,其宾语往往是比赛、奖品、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动 等。 eg: Who won the first prize in the singing competition yesterday? 谁在昨天的唱歌比赛中获得一等奖? 【拓展延伸】 beat用作及物动词,意为 “ 打败;战胜 ” ,其过去式和过去分词分别为beat和 beaten 。beat 后 面必须接比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人来做宾语。 I m sure to beat you in the coming exam this time.这次在要举行的考试中,我一定能打败你。 【实战演练】 根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 你能告诉我谁赢了昨天的足球赛? Can you tell me who yesterday? 2. 上学期在足球赛中我们学校赢了他们学校。 Last term our school at football. 答案: 1. won the football match 2. beat their school 重点句型剖析 1. Thats Tara, isnt it? 那是塔拉,对吗?考查热度 【名师点睛】 这是一个反意疑问句,也称附加疑问句,是用来表示提问人对自己的想法没有把握,需要 对方来加以证实。 反意疑问句由两部分组成:陈述句+简短的疑问句。 简短的疑问句部分由谓语(和前面陈 述句的谓语保持一致) +主语(必须是人称代词的主格) ,两部分的人称、时态和数要保持一 致。 反意疑问句的结构有两种:前肯后否和前否后肯。 【温馨提示】 当陈述部分有 never,seldom,hardly,few,little ,nothing 等否定意义 的词时,后面的反 意疑问句则为 肯定形式 ; 当陈述部分含有un-前缀、 -less 后缀等含有 词缀而意思否定 的词,如 unhappy ,dislike, unfriendly 等时,当做肯定句处理,疑问部分要用否定形式 。 反意疑问句的回答用yes或 no,和一般疑问句的回答一样,只需按照实际情况回答即可。 但是遇到前否后肯的结构时,其回答用Yes表示“不” ,用 No 表示“是”。 He doesnt love her, does he?他不爱她,是吗? No, he doesn t.是的,他不爱她。 【友情提醒】 (1)当陈述句部分的主语是everything,anything,nothing,something时,反意疑问句中主 语须用 it。 (2)当陈述句部分的主语是this,that 或 those,these时,反意疑问句中主语用it 和 they。 (3)当陈述句部分的主语是everyone ,everybody,someone ,somebody等,反意疑问句中主 语一般用 he/they。 (4)当陈述部分是祈使句时,疑问句要根据语气来表达,分三种情况: 一般情况下用 will you 或 won t you 。 以 Lets开头的祈使句,疑问句用 shall we; 以 Let us或 Let me开头的祈使句,问句用 will you 。 当陈述句是否定的祈使句时,一般用will you 。 【例句展示】 Lin Tao has been to the Great Wall before, hasnt he? 林涛以前去过长城,对吗? There are few students in the classroom now, are there? 现在教室里没什么学生,对吗? 单元语法聚焦之 “形容词和副词的比较级” 1. 【定义】形容词和副词的比较级 形容词和副词有三级原级、比较级和最高级。 形容词和副词的比较级变化有两种:规则变化和不规则变化。 A.规则变化 类别构成例词 单音节词和少 数双音节词 一般在词尾加 -erstrong stronger 以不发音 e结尾的,在词后直接加 -rlarge larger 以辅音字母 y 结尾 的,变 y 为 i,再 加-er happy happier 重读闭音节且只有一个辅音字母结 尾的,先双写辅音字母,再加-er red redder hot hotter 多音节词和少 数双音节词 在词前加 morebeautiful more beautiful 形容词后加 ly 构成的副词carefully more carefully B.不规则变化 原 级比 较 级 good / wellbetter bad / illworse many / muchmore littleless far farther(表示距离,译为“更远”) further (表示程度, 译为“进一步的”) old older(新旧或年龄) elder(兄弟姐妹的长幼关系) 形容词和副词的比较级的常见用法: 在表示两者之间的一般比较时,常用than连接, than表示“比 .” eg:Mary is happier than Jane . 玛丽比珍妮幸福。 Tom is younger than Jim. 汤姆比吉姆小。 形容词的比较级可以单独使用: eg:Be more careful next time. 下次小心点。 Which book is better? 哪本书更好? 比较级之前加 much/ far/a lot (表示“得多”) ,a bit/ a little(表示“一点儿”) ,even (表示“更”), three times (三倍、),等词修饰,用以加强语气。 eg:Japan is a little larger than Germany . ( 日本比德国大一点儿。 ) This book is far more interesting than that one . (这本书比那一本有趣多了。) He looks much taller than before. 他看上去比以前高多了。 比较级常用 the的常见情况: 当表示两者比较并具有特指关系,且用of 连接时,比较级前要用the. eg:Tom is the younger of the two boys . (汤姆是那两个男孩中年纪较小的那个。 ) 当指两件不同的事情之间有一定的内在联系,常用句型“The比较级句子, the比较 级句子”表示“越,越” 。 eg:The harder you study, the better you will be at English.(你学习越努力,你的英语将越好。 ) The higher you stand, the farther you will see. 站得高看得远。 表示同一人或物“越来越 .”常用“ 比较级 +and +比较级 ”或“ more and more+原 级” eg:It gets colder and colder. (天气越来越冷。) The earth is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers in the garden are more and more beautiful. (花园里的花越来越漂亮。 ) 表示程度相同的比较常用“as+原级+as”, 译为“与 一样/ 相同” eg:He is as old as I . (他和我一样大。) Her skin is as white as snow . ( 她的皮肤和雪一样白。 ) Tom is as honest as Jack. ( 汤姆和杰克一样成熟。 ) 表示程度不相同的比较常用“not as/so +原级+as”译为“与 不一样 / 不同” eg:This book is not as(so)interesting as that one. (这本书不是和那本书一样有趣。 ) “比较级 than any other单数名词或比较级 than the other复数名词 ”表示“比其他的 任何都”。切记:主语需在介词短语所表示的范围之内。 eg:Eric is taller than any other boy in his class. = Eric is taller than the other boys in his class.艾瑞克在他班里比其他任何一个男孩都高。 如果主语不在介词短语所表示的范围内时,则不用other。 Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan. 上海比日本的任何一个城市都大。 原级和比较级的转换 English is not as hard as Chinese . 英语没有语文难。 = English is easier than Chinese . 英语比语文容易。 = Chinese is harder than English. 语文比英语难。 语法专题课堂操练 一、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级。 fast _ quick _ quickly _ difficult _ badly _ well _ hard-working _ wet _ hungry_ enjoyable_ serious_ clearly_ 答案: faster, quicker, more quickly, more difficult, worse, better, more hard-working, wetter, hungrier, more enjoyable, more serious, more clearly 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I tried to write _ (care) than Jim this time. more carefully 2. The street looks much _ (clean) these days. cleaner 3. The watch is _ (cheap) than that one. cheaper 4. This problem is difficult, but that one is_ (difficult) than this one. more difficult 5. There are_ (many) magazines in our school than in theirs. more 6. She thinks History is not so_ (interesting) as Geography. interesting 7. Andy is_ (strong) than any other student in his class. stronger 8. The more you eat, the _ (fat) you will be. fatter 9. Jack does_ (bad) in Chinese than Nancy does. worse 10. Which is _ (popular), English or French? more popular 三、单选选择。 ( )1. Mr. Li is _ of the two. A. tall B. taller C. the taller D. more tall ( )2. Which do you like _ Jim, coffee or milk? A. good B. well C. better D. best ( )3. Dick, is Nick your twin brother? Yes, and Im thirty minutes_ than him. A. fatter B. taller C. heavier D. older ( )4. China is larger than in Asia. A. any country B. the other country C. any other country D. another country ( )5. Jack doesn t runSimon A. as quick as B. so quick as C. as more quickly as D. so quickly as 单元主题写作广角 主题剖析: 本单元以“人物个性特征”为话题,向我们展示了如何谈论人物特征,如何运用比较级来对 人物进行比较,具体到书面表达中,要求同学们会根据所学内容来描写人物之间的相同点和 不同点。 经典示例: 1. 同步学习周报正在联袂阳光中学举行“我的闺蜜我来谈”活动。请你根据下表中提供 的信息 , 写一篇短文介绍你和你最好的朋友Nancy 的相同之处和不同之处。 要求: 1、包括信息中提及的所有内容,语句通顺,条理清楚。 2、字数 80 个词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数), 可适当加以发挥。 人物不同点相同点 Nancy 1、比我高得多 , 更外向 2、更擅长唱歌、跳舞 3、喜欢去听音乐会 1、喜欢运动 2、学习努力 , 各门功课都学得好 3、喜欢阅读 , 通常在周末一起去图书馆 I 1、喜欢上网 2、喜欢旅游 对朋友之间的异同点的看法:(至少两点) Nancy is my best friend. In some ways, we are the same. 范文示例 Nancy is my best friend. In some ways, we are the same. Both of us like sports. We are both hard-working and good at our subjects. We both like reading, and we usually go to the library together on weekends. But in some ways we are different. She is taller and more outgoing than me. She is better at singing and dancing. She likes going to the concert. For me, I like surfing the Internet. And I love traveling. In fact, I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different from me. I think my best friend helps me brings out the best in me. 写作实践: 假如你是王兵, 请根据表格中提供的信息, 写一篇短文假设介绍一下你和你好朋友的情况 要求:内容完整,语句通顺连贯,词数80左右。 相同点不同点 Tom Wang Bin 第3中15岁14岁 八(二)班擅长数学擅长英语 喜欢帮助别人篮球足球 努力学习绿色红色 范文摘抄: I m Wang Bin, a student of No.3 middle school. I have a new friend. Hes an American boy. We are both in the same class. He is 15 years old, one year older than me. We both study hard. Im good at English, but he is good at math. We often help each other with our lessons. Also, both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much. Tom enjoys playing basketball. But I am different. I like playing soccer. He likes green but I like red. Though we are different in many ways. We are the best friends. 基础知识过关训练 . 单项选择。 ( ) 1. I dont really care if my friends are the same_ me or different_ me. A. as; as B. from; from C. as; fromD. from; as ( )2. I think the Internet is really useful. We can get lots of_ from it. A. thingB. messageC. ideaD. information ( )3. Can you finish the work well with_ money and_ people? A. less; less B. less; more C. more; fewer D. less; fewer ( )4. _you dont give up, your dreams will come true. A. As long as B. As soon as C. As well as D. As often as ( )5. Are you relaxing yourself here? Yes. It is_ to walk slowly along the river. A. fantastic B. boring C. bad D. terrible ( )6. My friend likes singing and talking with others. But I often stay at home to watch TV . So my friend is_ than me. A. quieter B. more serious C. more outgoing D. more beautiful ( )7. It was very hot yesterday, but it is_ today. A. even hotter B. more hotter C. much more hot D. much hot ( )8. This book is_ that one, but_ than that one. A. as difficult as; expensive B. as more difficult as; more expensive C. as difficult as; more expensive D. more difficult as; as expensive ( )9. Mom, I would like an iPhone 6s. Why? You can buy a Xiaomi. It costs _an iPhone 6s, but work well, too. A. less than B. as much as C. more than D. less expensive than ( )10. Whats your father li ke? _. A. He likes watching TV B. He d like to go shopping with me C. He looks different D. He is kind and honest II. 在横线上填上适当的单词,使得上下两句意思相同或相近, 每空一词。 1. Li Lei is 60 kilograms. Li Hua is 65 kilograms. Li Hua is _ _ _ Li Lei. as| heavy |as 2. He likes mutton and she likes mutton, too. _ he_ she_ mutton. Both| and |like 3. Huang Lei isnt good at tennis as Larry. Larry_ tennis _ _ Huang Lei. plays | better | than 4. The boy is not as tall as his father. The boy is _ _ his father. shorter | than 5. My friends hobby is not the same as mine. My hobby _ _ _ mine. is | different | from III. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文。 The sun says he is stronger than the wind. The wind says he is stronger than the sun. A man is (1) down the street (2) a hat and coat on. The sun says, “Let s (3) who can (4) the man take off his hat and coat. If you can do that, you are (5) than me.” Now the wind begins to blow. But the (6) he blows, the tighter( 更紧地 ) the man (7)_ his hat and coat. Th e wind cant make the man take off his hat and coat. Now the sun (8) . He shines brightly. (9) the man takes off his hat. Then the sun shines (10) , and the man takes off his coat. So the wind says, “That s all. You are stronger than me.” (1)walking(2)with(3)see (4)make(5)stronger (6)harder(7)holds(8)tries(9)Soon(10)more brightly walk, hold, hard, strong , bright, make, with, try, soon , see


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