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    四年级英语下册Module 4 测试题 姓名班级分数 听力部分(共30 分) 一、Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的词。 (10 分) ()1. Amouse Bmouth Cmoth Dmop ()2. Aglass Bgrass Cgreen Dgrow ()3. AWhose BWhere CWhat DWho ()4. Astreet Bstand Cstop Dstones ()5. Alet Blive Cleaf Dleave ()6. AWhose BWho CWho s DWhere ()7. Aon Bunder Cin Dat ()8. Ahave Bhand Chas Dhead ()9. Asmall Bsmell Csmile Dscarf ()10. Abirds Bbirthday Cbus Dladybirds 二、Listen and number. 听录音,给句子排序。(10 分) ()It has got a big trunk. Its trunk is brown. ()There are many peaches on the tree. ()Look at the peach tree over there. ()The peaches are pink. They are sweet. ()It has got long roots. 三、Listen and choose. 听对话,选择正确答案。 (10 分) ()1. Kitty s friend is _. A. Alice B. Barbie C. Jenny ()2. Jenny is _. A. tall and fat B. short and fat C. short and thin ()3. Jenny is _ classmate. A. Peter s B. Peter s sister s C. Peter s brother s ()4. Jenny has _. A. small eyes and big ears B. big eyes and small ears C. small eyes and small ears ()5. Jenny doesn t like _. A. sweets or milk B. milk or Coke C. sweets or lemons 笔试部分(共 68 分) 一、Think and write. 按要求写出下列单词。 (6 分) 1.sheep (复数)2. leaf(复数) 3. hear (同音词)4. flour (同音词) 5. long (反义词)6. big (反义词) 二、Think and choose. 选词填空。(14 分) A. 请在题签括号内填上所选单词的序号 ()1. I am a student. I am ten. name is Lily. ()2. This is my brother. name is Peter. ()3. Look at the plant. flowers are red. ()4. Lily has a new bag. bag is pink. ()5. Kitty and Alice are classmates. English teacher is Miss Gao. B.看图,选择单词。(在横线上添上所选单词的序号) Where they? They are the . How many horses? There are . What they like? They hay. these pigs. Are they ? Yes, they are very fat. Do they like corm? Yes, they . 三、Think and choose. 选择填空。(15 分) ()1This is my kite. That s kite. A. do B. farm C. are D. four E. like F. fat G. Look at H. on I. like A. My B. Their C. His D. Her E. Its F. fat A. I B. you C. his ()2My father a driver. He a car. A. hasis B. ishas C. isis ()3 Whose skateboard is this? It s skateboard. A. our B. he C. we ()4Mr. McDonald has five pigs his farm. A. in B. at C. on ()5 Has it got green leaves? Yes, it . A. have B. has C. is ()6That s a tree. Its roots long. A. are B. am C. is ()7Look the bird. A. to B. of C. at ()8Ten green frogs stand on a little log. One into the pond. A. jump B. jumps C. jumping ()9I can sing but I dance. A. can B. am C. can t ()10. The frogs like . A. fly B. flys C. flies ()11. _ pick flowers! A. Not B. Can t C. Don t ()12. I m thirsty. Here some juice. A. is B. are C. has ()13. What do the hens like? They like . A. hay B. corn C. grass ()14. books are they? They are our books. A. Who B. Who s C. Whose ()15. What Ben like? He likes robots. A. does B. do C. is 四、Fill in the blanks. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 (8 分) 1. Look at the tree. _ (it) roots are long. 2. How many _(branch) has the plant got? It has got four. 3. _ (who) camera is that? It s _ (I) camera. 4. The leaves _ (be) brown and red. 5. My little sister _ (have) got a pair of sunglasses. 6. Tom _ (not like) flies. 7. Lucy can _ (swim) well. 8. Ben, _ (not pick) the flowers. I m sorry. 五、Think and write. 连词成句。(10 分) 1.are, ducks, There, five . 2.on, Don t, grass, the, walk . 3.Has, got, it, stalk, long, a ? 4.bicycle, Whose, it, is ? 5.hens, like, do, What ? 六、Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正误。(正确的写 T,错误的写 F) (10分) Today is Sunday. Let s go to the farm. Look at the animals. What are they? They are sheep. They are white. They like grass. How many sheep? There are four. There are some white hens, too. Two hens are eating. One hen is running. They are fat and pink. The go Oink-oink. What are they? They are pigs! Count the pigs. There are five pigs. I can see seven yellow ducks. They are swimming in the pond. They like to eat corn. Are there any horses? Yes, there are. What color are they? They are brown. Ten horses are running and two are eating hay. ()1.The pigs are white and fat. ()2. There are two hens. ()3. The ducks are in the pond. ()4. The sheep like grass. ()5. There are twelve brown horses. 七、Writing. 小作文。(5 分) 请用至少五句话描述一种植物。 八、Challenge. 挑战题。 (10 分) _ _ _ _ _ 1. Don t feed the ducks. 2. Don t walk on the grass. 3. Don t leave rubbish. 4. Don t pick the flowers. 5. Don t play in the pond.


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