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    CONTRACT FOR IRANIAN OIL EXPLORATION SERVICE 伊朗石油勘探开发服务合同 EXPLORATION SERVICE CONTRACT FOR BLOCK between NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY and CORPORATION 伊朗国家石油公司与石油公司区块勘探服务合同 Table of Contents目录 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 第 1 条 定义 ARTICLE 2 CONTRACTOR's REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE第 2 条 承包商办事处 ARTICLE 3 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 第 3 条 合同宗旨 ARTICLE 4 TERM OF THE CONTRACT第 4 条 合同期限 ARTICLE 5 EXPLORATION OPERATIONS 第 5条 勘探作业 ARTICLE 6 FINANCING, EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES, REIMBURSEMENT AND PAYMENTS 第 6 条 资金、勘探费用、回收和支付 ARTICLE 7 CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS 第 7 条 作业实施 ARTICLE 8 CONTRACTORS OBLIGATIONS 第 8 条 承包商的义务 ARTICLE 9 SUB-CONTRACTORS 第 9 条分包商 ARTICLE 10 PROGRAMMING AND BUDGETING第 10 条 计划和预算 ARTICLE 11 BOOKS, ACCOUNTS, VERIFICATION AND AUDITING 第 11 条 账簿、账户、审核和审计 ARTICLE 12 N.I.O.C's TITLE TO LAND AND PROPERTY 第 12 条 N.I.O.C. 对土地和财产的所有权 ARTICLE 13 COMMERCIAL FIELD 第 13 条 有商业价值的油(气)田 ARTICLE 14 LAND, WATER AND SERVITUDE 第 14 条 土地、水与地役权 ARTICLE 15 UTILIZATION OF IRANIAN CONTENT 第 15 条 伊朗资源的利用 ARTICLE 16 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS 第 16 条 进口和出口 ARTICLE 17 CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES第 17 条 汇率 ARTICLE 18 ASSIGNMENT 第 18 条 转让 ARTICLE 19 LIABILITY AND INSURANCE 第 19 条 责任和保险 ARTICLE 20 FORCE MAJEURE 第 20 条 不可抗力 ARTICLE 21 WAIVERS 第 21 条 弃权 ARTICLE 22 GOVERNING LAW 第 22 条 适用法律 ARTICLE 23 ARBITRATION第 23 条 仲裁 ARTICLE 24 CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS 第 24 条 作业的连续性 ARTICLE 25 TERMINATION 第 25 条 合同终止 ARTICLE 26 N.I.O.C'S POWER OF CONTROL 第 26 条 N.I.O.C. 的控制权 ARTICLE 27 SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT第 27 条 安全、健康和环境 ARTICLE 28 CONFIDENTIALITY第 28 条 保密 ARTICLE 29 HEADING AND AMENDMENTS第 29 条 标题与修订 ARTICLE 30 NOTICE第 30 条 通知 APPENDIX ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES附录会计程序 Service Contract服务合同 This Service Contract entered into in Tehran on the day of . BETWEEN NATIONAL IRANIAN OIL COMPANY a company existing under the laws of IR of Iran (hereinafter referred to as “N.I.O.C“) on the one hand and CORPORATION a company incorporated in (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor“), on the other hand, N.I.O.C and Contractor herein are referred to either individually as “Party“ or collectively as “Parties“. WHEREAS N.I.O.C desires to secure the cooperation and services of a qualified contractor to carry out, on its behalf and in its name, certain Exploration perations within the Contract Area specified in the Appendix A hereof. WHEREAS CONTRACTOR has expressed its willingness to perform such Exploration Operations in the manner specified in this Service Contract, and is prepared to provide the funding for and bear the sole risk of Exploration Operations on its own account. WHEREAS CONTRACTOR has the financial capability, and technical competence necessary for fulfilling the obligations set out hereinafter. NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed between N.I.O.C and Contractor as follows: 本服务合同由依照伊朗伊斯兰共和国法律成立的伊朗国家石油公司(以下简称N.I.O.C. ) 与公司 (以下简称承包商)于在伊朗德黑兰订立。 N.I.O.C. 和承包商在下文中单独被称为“ 一方当事人 ” ,合称为 “ 双方当事人 ” 。 鉴于 N.I.O.C. 愿意寻找一合格的承包商代表其利益并以其名义在本合同附件A 所指定的 合同区域内实施一定的勘探作业。 鉴于承包商愿意按本合同所规定的形式实施勘探作业,并准备提供资金和独立承担勘探 作业的风险。 鉴于承包商具备履行以下所述义务所必需的资金能力和技术能力。 基于此, N.I.O.C. 与承包商同意以下条款: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 第 1 条 定义 Unless the context otherwise requires the following definitions of certain terms hereinafter used shall apply for the purpose of this Service Contract. 除非本合同另有规定,本条所使用的术语具有以下定义。 (i) “Accepted Accounting Practices“ shall mean accounting principles, practices and methods that are generally accepted and recognized in the international petroleum industry. “ 通用会计惯例 ” 系指国际石油工业公认和认可的会计准则、会计实务和会计方法。 (ii) “Affiliate“ means any company or legal entity, which (i) controls either directly or indirectly Contractor, or (ii) which is controlled directly or ndirectly by Contractor, or (iii) is directly or indirectly controlled by a company or entity which directly or indirectly controls Contractor. “Control“ means the right to xercise more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights in the appointment of the directors of such company or entity. “ 关联公司 ” 系指任何一个具有下列条件之一的公司或法律实体:(i)直接或间接控制承包 商,或(ii )被承包商直接或间接控制,或( iii )被承包商的公司或实体直接或间接控制。“ 控 制” 系指对该公司或法律实体的董事的任命有50%以上的表决权。 (iii) “Bank Charges“ means the bank charges as defined in the Accounting Procedures “ 银行费用 ” 系指会计程序中所规定的银行费用。 (iv) “Barrel“ means a volume of forty two (42) U.S. Gallons at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit and at normal atmospheric pressure. “ 桶” 系指在 60 华氏度和正常大气压条件下42 美式加仑的容积。 (v) “Capital Costs“ means all costs of Exploration Operations incurred by on tractor for carrying out the project until conclusion of Exploration Operations in accordance with the generally accepted principles commonly practiced in the international petroleum industry which shall include any and all cost incurred by Contractor except Non-Capital Costs. “ 资本成本 ” 系指承包商依照国际石油工业界普遍采用和通行的规则实施勘探作业直至勘探 作业结束,由承包商承担的除非资本成本以外所有勘探作业成本。 (vi)“Commercial Field“ means commercial field as described in Article 13 of this Service Contract. “ 商业价值油田 ” 系指本合同第13 条所述的具有商业价值的油田。 (vii) “Condensate“ means all liquid hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, produced and recovered from the Contract Area as a liquid during all process necessary to reach the commercial specifications of Natural Gas. “ 凝析油 ” : 是指从合同区生产回收的,经过处理达到商业标准的所有液态烃,无论其密度 如何。 (viii) “Contract Area“ means the area covered by this Service Contract, and described in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof. “ 合同区域 ” 是指本合同和作为本合同不可分割部分的附件A 所描述的区域。 (ix) “Contractor“ means China Petrochemical Corporation, its legal successors, or any permitted assignee or assignees of any rights and obligations of Contractor. “ 承包商 “ 系指中国石油化工集团公司及其合法承继者,或任何许可的可履行合同权利和义务 的受让人。 (x) “Controllable Material“ means material which, in accordance with generally Accepted Accounting Practices, Contractor elects to record, control and inventory. A list of types of such material shall be furnished to N.I.O.C by Contractor within one month of the Effective Date. “ 可控制材料 ” 系指按照公认的会计准则,承包商所记录、 控制和库存的材料。这些材料的分 类清单应在合同生效后一个月内提交N.I.O.C. 。 (xi) “Crude Oil“ means all liquid hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, including crude petroleum, produced and recovered from the Contract Area, as a liquid at atmospheric pressure fourteen and seven tenths (14. 7) pounds per square inch absolute and ambient temperature. “ 原油 ” 是指所有液态烃,无论密度如何,包括合同区生产和回收的,在常温、常压(每平 方英寸十四点七磅)下的液态油。 (xii) “Cubic Meter“ means one (1) cubic meter at sixty (60) degrees Fahrenheit and at normal atmospheric pressure. “ 立方米 ” 指在正常大气压和60 华氏度条件下的一立方米。 (xiii) “Date of Commerciality“ means the first day of the month following the date on which N.I.O.C approves that a Commercial Field has been established according to Article 23. “ 商业日期 ” 系指 N.I.O.C. 依照第 23 条的规定批准有商业价值的油田建立的次月的第一天。 (xiv) “Development Service Contract“ means development service contract, model form which is attached hereto as Appendix E, that will be negotiated between Contractor and N.I.O.C in case of discovery of a Commercial Field. “ 开发服务合同 ” 系指本合同附件E 所列的文本, 该合同将在发现有商业价值的油田,由承包 商和 NIOC 协商。 (xv) “Effective Date“ means the date on which this Service Contract, being duly signed by the Parties is approved by the respective authorities. “ 生效日 ” 系指当事人双方正式签订本合同后,获得各自权利(力 )机构批准的日期。 (xvi) “Exploration Expenditure(s)“ means all expenditures made and paid by Contractor necessary to carry out the Exploration Operations covered by this Service Contract comprising Capital Costs and Non-Capital Costs, as determined in accordance with the Accounting Procedure. “ 勘探费用 ” 系指承包商为实施本合同所述勘探作业按照会计程序所发生和支付的必要费用, 包括资本成本和非资本成本。 (xvii) “Exploration Operations“ means all or any of the operations conducted by Contractor as authorized or envisaged under this Service Contract. “ 勘探作业 ” 系指承包商执行的本合同项下的所有作业。 (xviii) “Exploration Period“ means the period of time as defined in Article 4 of this Contract. “ 勘探期 ” 指本合同第4 条所规定的期间。 (xix) “Financial Year“ means a Gregorian calendar year of twelve (12) consecutive months commencing on January 1st of each year respectively. The first financial year shall commence on the Effective Date of this Service Contract and end on 31st December of the same year. “ 财政年度 ” 系指自公历1 月 1 日起的十二个连续公历月。本合同的第一个财政年度应始于合 同生效日止于当年的12 月 31 日。 (xx) “Land“ means any land whether submerged or not. “ 土地 ” 系指任何土地,包括被淹没或未淹没的土地。 (xxi) “Material and Equipment“ means Property, (with the exception of Land) including without limitation all facilities, supplies and equipment, acquired and held for use in Exploration Operations by the Contractor. “ 材料和设备 ” 包括(土地除外)但不限于承包商为实施勘探作业获得和使用的所有设施、材 料和设备。 (xxii) “Natural Gas“ means the gaseous affluent in its natural state including all of the liquefiable constituent thereof resulting from the production of Petroleum. “ 天然气 ” 系指在石油开采过程中生产的、自然状态为气态的物质及其可液化成份。 (xxiii) “NIOC“ means the National Iranian Oil Company and includes any successor thereto or any subsidiary thereof to which this Service Contract is assigned. )“N.I.O.C. ”系指本合同中的伊朗国家石油公司及其合法承继者或受让本合同的子公司。 (xxiv) “Non-Capital Costs“ means all costs incurred by Contractor in the conduct of Exploration Operations under this Service Contract only in relation to Iranian taxes, social security charges, levies, fees, custom duties specified in the Accounting Procedures and training costs of Iranian personnel as specified in Article 15 herein. “ 非资本成本 ” 系指承包商执行本合同项下勘探作业所发生和支付的、仅与会计程序规定的伊 朗税收、 社会保险费用、 关税、 杂费以及本合同第15 条规定的伊朗员工培训费相关的支出。 (xxv) “Petroleum“ means Crude Oil, Condensate and/or Natural Gas. “ 石油 ” 系指原油、凝析油和/或天然气。 (xxvi) “Project Account“ means the set of accounts prepared and maintained by Contractor to record all charges and credits as a result of conducting Exploration Operations under the provisions of this Service Contract. Such accounts will be kept at a level of detail that readily distinguishes the type, classification, source and identity of the charges and credits. “ 项目账户 ” 系指承包商设立并保持的用于记录执行本合同项下勘探作业的所有费用、账款的 系列账户;该系列账户应详尽地反映相应的支出和费用的类型、分类、来源及特征。 (xxvii) “Property“ means at any point in time, all wells, facilities, equipment, materials, information, funds and any other assets included in the Project Account. “ 财产 ” 系指任何时间点所有的井、设施、装置、材料、信息、资金以及其他包括在项目账户 内的资产。 (xxviii) “Service Contract“ means this instrument and the Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H attached hereto and made a part hereof. “ 服务合同 ” 系指本合同及作为合同不可分割一部分的附件A、B、C、D、E、F、 G 和 H。 ARTICLE 2 CONTRACTOR's REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE第 2 条 承包商办事处 Contractor shall register a branch office in IR of Iran for the purpose of following and complying with local laws, regulations, including inter alia: keeping any necessary accounting records, filing tax returns, payment of taxes, levies, charges, fees and any other relevant charges under this Service Contract. 承包商应在伊朗设立办事处,以遵守和执行伊朗当地法律法规的要求,并负责其他事项:保 存所有必需的会计记录、纳税申报单、完税凭证、行政收费及其他与本合同相关的其他费 用的支付凭证。 ARTICLE 3 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 第 3 条 合同宗旨 Services as hereunder defined shall be rendered by the Contractor to N.I.O.C in the manner prescribed in this Service Contract. 承包商应按照本合同规定的形式向N.I.O.C. 提供服务。 (i) Technical Services技术服务 The Contractor shall conduct and perform all the necessary activities relating to Exploration Operations in the Contract Area. 承包商应在合同区域开展和履行所有与勘探作业相关的必要工作。 (ii) Financial Services资金服务 The Contractor shall supply funds necessary to carry out and complete the Exploration Operations. The Exploration Operations shall be carried out, according to the provisions of this Service Contract, at the sole risk of the Contractor. Exp1oration Expenditures shall be reimbursed to Contractor only (a) if a Commercial Field as specified in Article 13 is established and such reimbursement shall be made in the manner laid down in Article 6.2 hereof, (b) in circumstances as specified in Article 20.5. 承包商应为勘探作业的实施和完成提供必需的资金。 根据本合同条款,承包商应独立承担风险进行各项勘探作业。 只有在以下两种情况下,勘探费用才能回收: a.本合同第13 条所述的有商业价值的油田成立,在这种情况下将本合同第6.2 条规定的 方式进行回收;b.具备第 20.5 条所规定的条件。 ARTICLE 4 TERM OF THE CONTRACT 第 4 条 合同期限 4.1 The Exploration Period under this Service Contract shall be three (3) years from the Effective Date of the Service Contract, or a shorter period when the Contractor has fulfilled all its contractual obligations. 本合同项下勘探期为自本合同生效日起的三年,如承包商在更短的期限内完成勘探义务,则 本合同视为到期。 4.2 If within the end of above-said Exploration Period a Commercial Field has been established, the provisions of Article 6-2 shall apply. 如在上述勘探期内建立了有商业价值的油田,则适用第6.2 款的规定。 4.3 The Exploration period may be extended, by mutual agreement of N.I.O.C and Contractor, for the implementation of the optional work obligations as provided in Appendix B for an additional period of one (1) year, provided that the Contractor has fulfilled all his obligations. 在承包商履行了其全部义务的前提下,经双方同意,勘探期可延期一年,以履行附件B 中 所规定的义务。4.4 如果在延长的勘探期结束时仍未建立商业油田的,本合同终止。 4.4 If at the end of Exploration Period as may be extended, no Commercial Field has been established, this Service Contract shall terminate. ARTICLE 5 EXPLORATION OPERATIONS 第 5条 勘探作业 5. 1 The operations authorized to be carried out by Contractor under this Service Contract include inter alia: The exploration and appraisal for Petroleum by topographical, geological, geophysical, geochemical and other methods, including seismic acquisition, drilling, reservoir evaluation for Petroleum and all other functions normally associated with exploration in the Contract Area. 根据本服务合同,承包商有权进行的作业包括: 在合同区域内通过地形、地质、地球物理、地球化学及其他方法进行石油勘探和评价, 包括地震数据采集、钻井、油藏评价以及所有正常的与勘探有关的作业。 5.2 The Contractor shall carry out activities necessary or reasonably incidental to the carrying out of the Exploration Operations hereunder: It is understood that the reclaiming of lands and creation of islands and the construction of roads, railway lines, ports, telephone, telegraph, wireless services and aviation facilities and the use thereof shall be subject to the prior consent in writing of the respective Iranian authorities, which consent shall be sought through N.I.O.C, and N.I.O.C shall endeavor to obtain or assist the Contractor to obtain such consent within a reasonable period of time. 为实施各项勘探作业,承包商应进行必要的或合理的相关活动: 但对于土地再生、新建岛屿以及修建公路、铁路、港口、电话、电报、无线服务及航空设 施及使用上述设施等事先获得伊朗有关机构的书面批准,与此有关的申请应通过N.I.O.C. , N.I.O.C. 应在合理时间内努力获得或帮助承包商获得相应的批准。 ARTICLE 6 FINANCING, EXPLORATION EXPENDITURES, REIMBURSEMENT AND PAYMENTS 第 6 条 资金、勘探费用、回收和支付 6.1 All funds required for Exploration Operations under this Service Contract shall be supplied by Contractor: It is understood that upon establishment of each Commercial Field as laid down under Article 13 of this Service Contract, all Exploration Expenditures incurred under the Service Contract, in accordance with the Accounting Procedure, shall be consolidated for the purpose of reimbursement to the Contractor as specified in this Article. In the event that no other Commercial Field is established, the remaining Exploration Expenditures incurred for the implementation of the Exploration Operations as per Appendix B shall be consolidated for the purpose of reimbursement to the Contractor as described above, provided that such expenditures do not alter the status of commerciality of the discovered Field. In the event that no other Commercial Field is established, the appraisal expenditures incurred by Contractor for the drilling of appraisal w


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