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    22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 DSA250 受电弓技术条件 DSA250-00-00-00JS 中国北车集团大同电力机车有限责任公司 22CBDP 真空断路器 22CBDP 真空断路器 维护使用说明书 维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM 中国北车集团大同电力机车有限责任公司 中国北车集团大同电力机车有限责任公司 北京赛德高科铁道电气科技有限责任公司北京赛德高科铁道电气科技有限责任公司 - 2 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 修修 改改 版本 日期 修改内容 修改人 批准 00 2008/09/03 创建 王俊峰 苏安社 - 3 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 SOMMAIRE 目录目录 1.INTRODUCTION 绪论绪论5 1.1 Correspondence between the manufacturers reference and the device type产品型产品型 号及制造商参考号号及制造商参考号5 1.2 This document is applicable to the equipment that follows : 此文件适用于以下设备:此文件适用于以下设备: .5 2. DESCRIPTION 产品描述产品描述8 2.1 Construction 说明说明.8 2.2 Main components 主要组成主要组成8 2.3 DATAS 参数参数.10 2.3.1 Complete Vacuum Circuit Breaker 真空断路器组成 10 2.3.2 Magnet valve type EVD654 EVD654型电磁阀. 11 2.3.3 Pressure switch 压力开关.12 2.3.4 Pressure regulator 调压阀.12 2.3.5 Auxiliary contact unit 辅助触头单元12 2.4 Operation 操作13 3. MAINTENANCE (on vehicle) 维护(在车上)维护(在车上).17 3.1 Maintenance procedure summary维护程序概要.18 3.2 Maintenance sheet No 1维护单No.1.18 3.2.1 Necessary means:必要的手段 18 3.2.2 Procedure程序 19 3.3 Maintenance sheet No 2维护单No.2.20 3.3.1 Necessary means:必要的手段 20 3.3.2 Procedure程序 21 3.4 Maintenance sheet No 3维护单No.3.22 3.4.1 Necessary means:必要的手段 22 3.4.2 Procedure程序 23 3.5 Maintenance sheet No 4 维护单No.4.23 3.5.1 Necessary means:必要的手段 23 3.5.2 Procedure程序 25 3.6 Examination检查. 25 3.6.1 General 概论. 25 3.7 Repair 维修.25 3.7.1 Pressure switch 压力开关 25 3.8 Servicing 维修.26 3.8.1 Insulator 绝缘子. 26 3.9 Checking/adjustment 检查/调整26 3.9.1 Vacuum circuit breaker真空断路器. 26 3.9.2 Relay valve转换阀. 27 3.9.3 Adjusting the pressure switch 调整压力开关 27 3.9.4 Adjusting the pressure regulator调整调压阀. 27 3.9.5 Magnet valve type EVD 654 电磁阀. 28 3.9.6 Setting the main-contact设置主触头. 29 3.9.7 Special tools 专用工具专用工具.31 3.10 Removal and installation 拆除和安装31 - 4 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 3.10.1 Removal 拆除. 31 3.10.2 Installation 安装31 4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 附加信息附加信息.33 4.1 Special features特别的特征.33 4.2 Storage存储. 33 4.3 Lifting point 起吊点.33 5. SPARE PARTS LIST 备件列表34 1. INTRODUCTION 绪论绪论 - 5 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 1.1 Correspondence between the manufacturers reference and the device type 产品型号与制造商参考号的关系产品型号与制造商参考号的关系 REFERENCE 参考号 TYPE 型号 22CBDP-00-00-000 22CBDP 1.2 This document is applicable to the equipment that follows : 本文件适用于以下设备:本文件适用于以下设备: Manufacturer Part number 制造商部件号 Auxiliary Contact 辅助触头 Air pipe 空气管路 Electro-valve 电磁阀 22CBDP 沙尔特宝(SCHALTBAU)S800型 尼龙管 EVD654型 NOTE : For standardisation reasons, the term VCB will be used to designate the vacuum circuit-breaker. 注:根据标准,术语VCB用于命名真空断路器。 This vacuum circuit-breaker (VCB) is designed to operate on traction systems with the following ratings : 本真空断路器适用于以下牵引系统: -25 kV 50/60 Hz The VCB is designed to work in association with an earthing switch which, once closed, grounds (for safety reasons when performing maintenance operations) both the upstream and downstream circuits of the single-phase circuit-breaker. 该真空断路器可以与一个接地开关配套使用,一旦闭合,单向断路器的输入及输出电路同时接 地(保证进行维护操作时的安全)。 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 - 6 - Note : Earthing switch shown in the running position. 注:接地开关处于机车运行位置 OUTLINE DRAWING OF THE VCB AND EARTHING SWITCH 35KSDP 真空断路器和真空断路器和 35KSDP 接地开关外形图接地开关外形图 Figure 1 图 1 - 7 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 2. DESCRIPTION 产品描述产品描述 2.1 Construction 说明说明 (See Figure 2 见图2) Two rubber weather-proof insulators (1 and 2) are mounted vertically, one above the other, on a base plate which is fitted in the vehicle. 两个绝缘子(1和2)上下垂直装在安装在机车的基座上。 A copper power connection joins the pantograph to the VCB's top connection. A power connection is linked between the centre of the insulator assembly (lower terminal) and the roof bushing of the main transformer or the high-voltage cable assembly. 真空断路器上连接端与受电弓相连,绝缘子装配的中心(下连接端)与主变压器的顶部套管或高压电缆 连接。 The vacuum interrupter (3), where the main commutation connectors are situated, is itself located in the top insulator (1) and is linked electrically between the power connections. 作为主电路连接器的真空包(3)安装在上绝缘子(1)中。 The copper/chrome cast parts, attached to the top insulator (1), carry the current between the interrupter and the bus-rods. Not only they are used as the VCB main terminals, but they also support the earthing clips of the switch (ALSTOM 35KS018). An actuator rod (4), located in the bottom hollow insulator (2), closes the VCB contacts when the magnet valve (5) is powered on. The opening mechanism, attached to the vacuum interrupter itself, keeps the VCB open when the magnet valve is not powered. The control and monitoring equipment is fixed to the base plate. 铜铬合金铸件,浇注在上绝缘子(10)上,连接母线与断路器之间的电流。它们不仅作为断路器的主要 接线端,而且支撑着接地开关(35KSDP)的接地夹。一根传动杆(4)位于下绝缘子的内腔,当电磁阀 得电,断路器闭合,当电磁阀失电时,与真空包安装在一起的分断机构使断路器断开。控制和监测设备 安装在基座中。 注: 干燥的压缩空气通过进气接头进入断路器后分为两路, 一路通过调压阀进入气缸控制断路器的开断, 一路经过节流阀进入下绝缘子内腔中,起到吹扫作用,保证下绝缘子内腔的干燥及清洁,确保断路器安 全工作。因此,当断路器接入压缩空气时,在断路器基座中,始终可以听到压缩空气排出的声音,属于 正常现象。 2.2 Main components 主要组成 主要组成 (See figure 2 见图) 1 Bottom insulator 下绝缘子 13 Connector block 连接块 2 Top insulator 上绝缘子 14 Shunt 软连线 3 Vacuum interrupter 真空断路器 15 Piston 活塞 4 Actuator rod 传动杆 16Throttle 节流阀 5 Magnet valve 电磁阀 17 Regulator 调压阀 6 Auxiliary contact 辅助触头 18 Reservoir 储气缸 7 Compression ring 压紧环 19 Relay valve 转换阀 8 Drive plate 传动盘 20 Pressure switch 压力开关 9 Piston stop ring 活塞限位环 21 Cylinder 气缸 10 Spring plate 弹簧座 22 Air connector 进气接头 11 Spring 弹簧 12 Spring 弹簧 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 - 8 - VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER真空断路器真空断路器 Figure 2 图图2 - 9 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 2.3 DATAS参数参数 2.3.1 Complete Vacuum Circuit Breaker 真空断路器组成真空断路器组成 Rated voltage - 30kV, Single Phase 额定电压 - 30kV, 单相 Rated continuous current - 1000 Amp (rms) 额定持续电流 - 1000 Amp (rms) Rated frequency - 50 Hz 16 Hz 2/3 额定频率 - 50 Hz 16 Hz 2/3 Rated short time current - 20 kArms / 1 second - 16 Hz 2/3 额定短时电流 - 20 kArms / 1 s - 16 Hz 2/3 Rated short circuit breaking current - 16kArms-(400 MVA) - 50 Hz 额定短路开断电流 - 16kArms(400 MVA)- 50 Hz Rated short circuit making current - 40 kApeak 额定短路闭合电流 - 40 kA峰值 Rated lightning impulse voltage withstand - 170 kVpeak 额定雷电冲击电压 - 170 kV峰值 Rated power frequency voltage (Dry so, the VCB opens automatically when the pressure falls under a value in the range between 345 kPa and 358 kPa (3.45 bar and 3.58 bar). For the VCB to close, the air pressure must exceed a value in the range between 390 kPa and 420 kPa (3.9bar and 4.2 bar). 断路器的压力开关与电磁阀连接, 所以, 当压力下降低于345kPa358kPa(3.45 bar and 3.58 bar)范围时, 断路器自动断开。 当压力上升必须超过390kPa 420kPa (3.9 bar and 4.2 bar)范围时, 断路器才能闭合。 To ensure the closing of the VCB main contacts, the magnet valve is powered on; this makes the valve-relay operate. An air supply, in parallel, is then supplied directly to the cylinder through the valve-relay. 为了确保断路器主触头闭合,电磁阀必须一直处于得电状态,这使得转换阀动作,与此同时,空气供应 通过转换阀进入气缸。 When the VCB piston travels, the supply cam of the auxiliary contacts also travel; this operates the auxiliary contacts which have four contacts normally closed and four contacts normally open; these are connected as shown in the wiring diagram. 当断路器活塞移动时,辅助触头装配的凸轮板也随之运动,使辅助触头的4个触头正常闭合,4个触头正 常断开。 1 . Closing 闭合 - The circuit-breaker receves the order, commands the magnet valve which, when shutting, commands the valve-relay to open. 断路器收到命令,电磁阀闭合,转换阀打开。 - The valve-relay feeds the cylinder chamber: the piston moves. 空气通过转换阀进入气缸,活塞开始动作。 - The piston first compresses the return springs until the main contacts connect: the electrical circuit is closed. 活塞首先压缩回复弹簧直到主触头连接:电路闭合。 - The piston continues its drive, compressing the return springs and the overdrive springs, before stopping when the overdrive clearance is null: the circuit breaker is closed (see figure bellow). 活塞继续驱动,压缩回复弹簧并超过弹簧力,当超过的力消失为零停止前,真空断路器闭合。 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 - 14 - VCB closed 真空断路器闭合真空断路器闭合 Figure 5 图图5 2 . Opening 分断 - The circuit-breaker opening order opens the magnet valve, which brings about the valve-relay closing. 断路器收到断开指令,电磁阀断开,带动转换阀闭合。 - The cylinder chamber is put on exhaust. 活塞中的气体排出。 - The compression force of the springs returns the piston back to the bottom position, thus separating the main contacts: the circuit breaker is open. 弹簧回复的压力使活塞回到底部位置,使主触头分开:断路器分断。 - Flexible shunts carry the current from the moving contact to the copper/chrome alloy moulded part of the bottom terminal. 电流从动触头通过柔性分流装置传到下接线端的铜铬合金铸件上。 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 - 15 - SCHEMA SIMPLIFIE DU CIRCUIT DAIR 气路原理图气路原理图 Figure 6 图图6 3. MAINTENANCE (on vehicle) 维护(在车上)维护(在车上) WARNINGS : Before carrying out maintenance, ensure that the pantograph is lowered (and/or the shoegear isolated), and that the VCB is earthed by closing the earthing switch. 注意:在进行维护时,请确保受电弓处于落弓状态(并且穿的绝缘鞋),并且断路器已由接 地开关接地。 注意:在进行维护时,请确保受电弓处于落弓状态(并且穿的绝缘鞋),并且断路器已由接 地开关接地。 If the vehicle is standing beneath an overhead conductor, ensure that the overhead is not energized and cannot be energized whilst maintenance work is being carried out. 如果机车处于接触网下面,请确保接触网处于无电状态,并且在实施维护的同时不会 有电。 如果机车处于接触网下面,请确保接触网处于无电状态,并且在实施维护的同时不会 有电。 Isolate and earth the overhead (and/or the conductor rail), then lock the isolator in the earthed position. 将接触网隔离接地(并且安置围栏),保护接地点不让人靠近。将接触网隔离接地(并且安置围栏),保护接地点不让人靠近。 - 16 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 Ensure all shore supplies are disconnected. 确保各安全措施都是独立的。确保各安全措施都是独立的。 It is imperative that local safety regulations be observed. 必须遵守当地的安全规则。必须遵守当地的安全规则。 3.1 Maintenance procedure summary 维护程序概要维护程序概要 Procedure 程序 Sheet No 单号 Frequencies 周期 Time (minutes) 时间(分钟) Control of the clips 接地夹调节 1 9 months 9个月 10 Cleaning, inspection and greasing of the insulators 清洁、检查绝缘子的油脂 1 9 months* 9个月 60 Inspection of the pneumatic circuit 检查气路 2 24 months 24个月 Inspection of the electrical circuit 检查电气回路 2 24 months 24个月 Checking of the pneumatic circuit 仔细检查气路 2 24 months 24个月 Inspection of principal contacts 检查主触头 2 24 months 24个月 45 Checking of the correct operation of the shock absorber 检查缓冲垫的作用是否正常 3 30 000 switching operations* 操作3万次* 20 Replacement of the top insulator 更换上绝缘子总成 4 200 000 switching operations* 操作20万次* 180 The frequency of the operations can be modified depending on the environmental conditions. 周期可依照当地的环境条件进行一定的修正。 *The frequency of this operation can be modified depending on the environmental conditions. *表示周期可依照当地的环境条件进行一定的修正。 *This value can be determined by either of the following methods: *表示该值由以下任意的一种方法确定: 1 . Monitor a vehicle for a specific period, say one month, then calculate or count the number of VCB operations during that period. The sum deduced may be extrapolated to ascertain when the number of switching operations will have been reached. 检测机车一段时间,比如一个月,计算或记录这个月真空断路器操作的次数。然后推断出达到相应次数 需要的时间。 2 . Fit a counter to one vehicle of the fleet and have it switched by a spare contact on the auxiliary-contacts unit. However, to have confidence in this option, it is imperative that the zeroing facility of the counter is inoperative. 安装一个计数器,与辅助触头多余的触点相连。但是,应当确保清零按钮不起作用。 3.2 Maintenance sheet No 1维护单维护单No. 1 3.2.1 Necessary means必要的手段必要的手段: 1 . Frequencies: 9 months - 17 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 周期 :9个月 2 . Special tools required : 特殊工具 No special tool required 无特殊工具 3 . Standard tools required : 通用工具 Description 名称 P/N 代号 Allen wrench 3 3毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 3 Allen wrench 4 4毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 4 4 . Spare required : 备件: 4.1 : Systematic replacements: 更换的系统 No 无 4.2 : Corrective replacements: 更换零件: Description 名称 Qty 数 量 Reference 图号 Earthing contact clip 接地夹 4 AN00000010447 Spring base 弹性板 4 AN00000010449 5 . Consumable required : 易耗品要求: Description 名称 Reference 图号 Grease (M S4 DOWCORNING)油脂 DTR0018313251 Grease 油脂 MISETRAL 7NR 6 . Operators required : 1 操作者:1人 7 . Time : 115 minutes 时间:115分钟 3.2.2 Procedure 程序程序 Control of the clamps 接地夹的调节接地夹的调节 1 . Check that the clamps have not received any shocks (knife 检查接地夹应无损坏。 2 . reception of the earthing switch. 能与接地开关配合良好。 - If a shock is verified, replace the clamps, then perform a test of the knife of the earthing switch. 如果确实有损坏,更换接地夹,然后与接地开关接触板进行调整。 3 . Check for the presence of protuberances (priming) : 检查接地夹是否有结瘤出现。 - If less than 1 mm, file the clamps and then grease them. 如果小于1毫米,用锉刀修平并润滑接地夹。 - If greater than 1mm, replace and grease the clamps. 如果超过1毫米,更换并润滑接地夹 4 . If the gap A, see figure, is greater than 9.2mm, replace the earthing clips. 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 - 18 - 如图,如果间隙 A 大于 9.2mm,更换接地夹。 NOTE : in case of clips replacement, allow for a 30 minutes intervention. 注:如果更换接地夹,需要 30 分钟。 Insulator 绝缘子绝缘子 1 . Clean the insulator with soapy water. 用肥皂水清洗绝缘子。 2 . Check for shocks, surface splinters or cracks. 检查松动,表面裂片或裂纹。 BE CAREFUL : When checking if a splinter is greater than 2 cm² or the presence of a crack or more than 5 shocks It is imperative to change the insulator. 注意:检查绝缘子表面如果出现注意:检查绝缘子表面如果出现2cm²以上碎片或出现裂纹,或超过以上碎片或出现裂纹,或超过5道划痕则必须更换。道划痕则必须更换。 3 . Grease the insulators with MS4 DOW CORNING grease. 在绝缘子表面涂MS4 DOWCORNING油脂。 NOTE : in case of insulator replacement, allow for a 180 minutes intervention 注:如果更换绝缘子,需要 180 分钟。 3.3 Maintenance sheet No 2 维护单维护单No.2 3.3.1 Necessary means必要的手段必要的手段: 1 . Frequencies : 24 months 周期:24个月 2 . Special tools required : 专用工具: None 无 3 . Standard tools required : 通用工具: Description 名称 P/N 代号 Allen wrench 3 3毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 3 Allen wrench 4 4毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 4 Allen wrench 5 5毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 5 Allen wrench 6 6毫米内六角扳手 FACOM ref 84TZ 6 Flat spanner 6/7 6/7毫米扳手 FACOM ref 44.6X7 Flat spanner 8 8毫米扳手 FACOM ref 39.8 Flat spanner 10 10毫米扳手 FACOM ref 39.10 Flat spanner 16 16毫米扳手 FACOM ref 39.16 Flat spanner 17 17毫米扳手 FACOM ref 39.17 Flat spanner 19 19毫米扳手 FACOM ref 39.19 Pipe wrench 5 5毫米套筒扳手 FACOM ref 75.5 - 19 - 22CBDP真空断路器维护使用说明书 22CBDP-00-00-000SYSM REV.00 Flat screwdriver 一字螺丝刀 FACOM ref ACZ.3X75 Cross screwdriver 十字螺丝刀 FACOM ref ACZP.2X125 Ratchet 1/4“ 1/4“棘轮扳手 FACOM ref R.151 Bush 1/4“ 10 1/4“ 10衬套 FACOM ref R.10 Tube cutter 切管钳 FACOM ref 335.25 4 . Spare required : 备件: 4.1 : Systematic replacements: 更换的系统 None 无 4.2 : Corrective replacements: 更换的零件 Description 名称 Qty 数量P/N 代号 Flexible Tube 软管 Qn DTR0017166094 Fittings 2 GPD7091362 Fittings 1 GPD7091506 Fittings 5 GPD7091364 Fittings 1 GPD7091366 Fittings 1 GPD7091521 Regulator 调压阀 1 DTR0024765010 Pressure switch 压力开关 1 SW60DL0000000 Reservoir 储气缸 1 DTR0000077852 Magnet valve 电磁阀 1 TRK7031644102 Top insulator 上绝缘子 1 51205X01620C 5 . Consumable required : Description 名称 P/N 代号 Loctite 243 乐泰243 DTR0018351244 MOLYCOTE 55M 润滑脂 DTR0018351244 6 . Operators required :1 操作工 : 1人 7 . Time : 115 minutes 时


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