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    八级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(Section B 2a-2e)导学案人教新目标版.doc

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    八级英语下册 Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world(Section B 2a-2e)导学案人教新目标版.doc

    Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world(Section B 2a-2e)学习目标:1.我能够准确、流利的朗读文章,并在阅读中抓住关键的细节信息。 2. 我要理解并掌握be awake/fall over/ walk into等词汇或短语的运用。3.我要树立通过阅读开阔眼界、了解世界的意识。4. 我要利用教材或工具书查看生词的读音和真正含义。重、难点:熟读课文并能正确熟练的掌握短语。独学准备:1.试读。试读文本,用红笔划出文章中的生词,完成随堂笔记一; 2.再读。利用教材或工具书查看生词的读音和真正含义,再读文本;3.大声朗读。读后完成补全2c; 激情激趣导入目标独立思考个体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法、时间独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略内容、形式、时间展示方案内容、方式、时间重点摘记成果记录规律总结Step 1. Pre-readingShow the photo of pandas. Ask the Ss to discuss.Qs: 1. Did you see the pandas?2. What do you think of them?3. What do theylook like?3. Do you think they need to be protected?Step 2:While-reading1. Read for pronunciation.1)检查独学落实情况.(教师指定朗读&学生自由朗读)2) Read the passage loudly and correctly.2. Read for understanding.1)Scanning读文章,抓主旨。快速浏览文章,明确各段大意。完成2c2)Skimming构画面,明意思。再次阅读文章,完成2d和随堂笔记二:Pandas do not have many , maybe only one . The babies often illnesses and do not live very long. Adults pandas more than 12 hours a day about 10 kilos bamboo. Many years ago, there are bamboo forests and pandas than there are now. But then humans started to the forests, and there was bamboo for the pandas. Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas in the remaining forests.3.Read for language. 经过今天的所学,相信你的脑海中已经形成了鲜明的画面,请结合对文章的理解,完成随堂笔记三。1.熊猫兴奋的跑过来甚至它们中有一些撞到他们的朋友摔倒了. They with excitement and some of them even their friends. 2.他们是如此的机灵可爱。 They are so your brother. 3.我照顾他们就像他们是我自己的孩子。 I them like theyre my own babies. 4.成年熊猫一天要花费12多个小时吃大约10千克竹子。 Adult pandas about 10 kilos of bamboo. 5.生活在剩余的森林里的熊阿毛不到2000只。 There are now 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests.Step 3:Post-reading编写提示提纲,并复述课文。对学对子检查独学完成情况.群学1.组内互听互查朗读课文,纠正发音,做好展示朗读的准备.2.组内交流、讨论完成任务:将随堂笔记二,以及讨论结果展示在小黑板上.3.Activity:编写复述课文提示提纲,复述课文(组内分工明确,积极参与,运用所学,大胆创新,流畅表达)预展:针对展示方案, 组内成员积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式,组内预展.方案一比一比赛一赛:各小组长提问其它小组成员课前准备的短语,看哪个小组完成得最棒!方案二内容:1.词汇组内学,A类生把关。 2.组内对学1a。建议:1、组内读记听写2、组长批阅把关3、组长监督反馈落实方案三Survey小组内分工讨论熊猫的外貌特点、习性、和优缺点,然后报告小组调查结果。随堂笔记一:新学会的生词或短语竹子 濒危的 研究 饲养员 醒着 激动 疾病 剩余的 插图 野生的 我的收获:_当堂测评 分层达标基础落实一、从方框里选词并用其正确形式填空。put, oil, save, government, wild1. The children sing songs or make artwork about pandas and other _ animals.2. The problem is that humans catch whales for meat, fat and _.3. What other ways do you think children can help _ the pandas?4. They should stop _ rubbish into the sea.5. The Chinese _ is also planting more bamboo trees.二、完成句子 6. 你练得越多,做起来就变得越容易。 _ _ you practice, _ _ it becomes. 7. 教室里不到30名学生。 There are _ _ 30 students in the classroom. 8. 大熊猫变得越来越少的原因是什么? Whats the reason for _ _ _ pandas? 9. 学校应该告诉学生挽救动物的重要性。 School must tell students _ _ _ _ the animals. 10. 我们应该保护树木不被砍到。 We should _ trees _ cutting down.三、选择题( )11. The zoo keepers are _ the milk _ the baby pandas lunch. A. prepare; to B. preparing; for C. preparing; with D. prepare; to( )12. I hope there will be more forests for animals_. A. to live B. to live on C. live in D. to live in( )13. We all hope that in the future there will be _ more pandas than now. A. a lot B. a little C. few D. little( )14. Dont worry. He is _ to look after little Betty. A. carefully enough B. enough careful C. enough carefully D. careful enough发展能力1. 你的房间是我的两倍大。 Your room is _ _ _ mine.2. 那头大象约有350厘米高。That elephant is about _ _ _.3. 一直大熊猫能活到20到30岁。A panda can _ _ _ 20 _ 30 years old.4. The elephant eats 150 kilos of food a day. (对画线部分提问)_ _ kilos of food does an elephant eat a day?5. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest in the world. (改为同义句)_ ocean in the world is _ _ _ the Pacific Ocean.新课 标第 一 网


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