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    八级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet(Section B 3a -selfcheck)导学案人教新目标版.doc

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    八级英语下册 Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet(Section B 3a -selfcheck)导学案人教新目标版.doc

    Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet(Section B 3a -selfcheck)学习目标:1.知识目标:回顾你熟悉的歌星或者作家的相关信息的表达用法;复习现在完成时的相关用法。2.能力目标:培养学生介绍自己熟悉的歌星或者作家的相关事实的表达。3. 情感目标:培养学生介绍自己熟悉的人或者事物的能力,鼓励学生勇于介绍,锻炼勇气和能力。重、难点:掌握文中的重点词汇及相关短语并灵活运用。学会介绍自己熟悉的歌星或者作家。独学准备:1.独学3a 完成3a活动make a list of facts about the singer or writer you know; 复习并掌握各种特殊疑问句句型。 2.完成3b活动 掌握重点短语the first line in the song/book, the book/song was written/recorded by, enjoyed success in, successful song/CD/book, I listen to this song/read this book when The song/book makes me feel3.完成self check 4.回顾重点句型和现在完成时的用法。激情激趣导入目标独立思考个体探究分享交流合作探究展示提升启发探究随堂笔记导学引航目的、方法、时间 独学指导内容、学法、时间互动策略内容、形式、时间展示方案内容、方式、时间重点摘记成果记录规律总结Step 1. Lead-in1. 师生问答T: Who is your favorite singer/writer?S: My favorite singer/ writer is(e.g. Wang Fei/ Guo Jingming) Step 2:Ask and answer(1) 询问与回答你熟悉的歌星或者作家信息的重点句型1. -Who is the singer/writer? - I knowvery well.2. -When did the singer/writer first become famous? - He/ she first became famous in3. -How and why did he /she first become famous? - He/ she first became famous because4. -What famous songs/books has he/she recorded/written? When? - He/she has recorded/written5. -How many CDs/books has he/she sold? -He/she has soldCDs/books6. -How did you find out about him/her? -I found out about him7. -Is he/she still popular today? -Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.8. -Have you introduced this singer/writer to others? -Yes, I have. No, I havent.9. -How do you feel about his/her music/books? -I feel.when I10. -Have you ever played /sung his/her songs yourself? - Yes, I have. No, I havent.Step 3. Write a conversation with words and phrases in the box, 完成3bStep 4 .Self check 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box.down of about back up(1) What do you think this dress? Do you think it looks good on me?(2) The little boy was so hungry that he didnt put his spoon at all. He just kept on eating.(3) She grew in a small town, although she lives in a big city now.(4) For homework, our teacher told us to write our summer vacation.(5) At the end of the day, the bus brought us to our school.2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets.(1) I (join) the book club last month and I (read) five books already.(2) I only (start) taking French classes last week and I (learn) 50 French words already.(3) Tony (buy) a pop music CD yesterday but he (listen) to it yet.(4) They (listen) to many songs by The Beatles, but they cannot (sing) any of them.(5) She (see) the newspaper on the table this morning, but she (have) any time to read it yet.3. Fill in the chart in the textbook.对学:对子检查独学完成情况。 群学:1. 组员互听,纠正发音,为展示做好准备。2. 组内交流,依次讨论以下任务:(1)教材(3a)(2)教材 (3b)(3)结合(self check)的内容组员之间能够交流自己本周已经做的事和未做的事。3.Activity: Make a survey about the books your friend have and havent read, then introduce it to the whole class. 预展:针对展示方案, 组内积极思考,全员参与展示设计展示方式。方案一:展示共欣赏展示自己熟悉的歌星或作家方案二:内容共理解1. 完成教材(3a)2. 完成教材(3b)3. 完成教材(self check)方案三:知识共解析对课文中的重点知识点进行解析。方案四:语法点总结结合书本重点句型复习现在完成时的用法:肯定:sb. have/has done否定:sb. have/has not done疑问:-Have/Has sb. done.?-Yes, sb. have/has.-No, sb. have/has not. 新学会的生词或短语1.歌/书的第一行_2.这首歌/这本书使我感到 3.享受成功 4.这本书/这首歌是由写的/录制的 5. 当时,我听这首歌/读这本书 6.成功的歌曲/CD/书 我的收获:_ 当堂测评 分层达标1. 写出下列单词: (1)珠宝、财富 _ (2) 经典作品、名著 _ (3)匆忙、赶快 _ (4)船、舰 _ ( 5)枪、炮 _ (6)永远 _ ( 7) 陆地、大地_ (8)岛_ ( 9)页、面、张 _ (10) 预期、预定 _ (11)工具_ ( 12)沙滩、沙_ (13)朝、向、对着 _ (14)科技、工艺 _ (15)流行音乐 _ (16)真实地、事实上 (17)南方的 (18)成功 (19)美丽 (20)唱片、记录 (21)介绍、引见 (22)法语 (23)乐队 (24)在国外 (25)迷 (26)现代 (27)属于 (28)一百万 (29)行、排 二用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. - you (write) a letter to your aunt yet? -Yes, I have. I (write) one last week.2.- he (finish) his homework? -Not yet.3. Your father just (wash) his car.4. Last term I (learn) many English words.5. He never (be) to the science museum. 三同义句转换1. The movie began 10 minutes ago. The movie for .2. He left Mianyang last year. He Mianyang since last year.3.My grandpa died in 1990. My grandpa since 1990.4.The meeting finished many hours ago. The meeting for many hours.5.I got to sleep two hours ago. I for two hours.四写作总结是有效学习的重要组成部分,每个同学都应该重视和培养这方面的能力。请总结一下自己在英语学习中取得的进步和存在的不足,并对今后的英语学习拟定一个计划。下面的提示句可以帮助你更好地完成写作。要求:(1)紧扣主题,观点正确,行文连贯、流畅; (2)提示句需要在文中出现 (3)70词左右提示句: I have just had a verytime in this English examination. I found I have made great progress inBut there is still to learn further. In the future, I will try my best in 课后反馈:新课 标第 一 网


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